OPEN YOUR EYES (Kiszivárgott: 2006. Szeptember 9.) Victoria Beckham kiadatlan albuma, amely 2003-2004 között jelent meg. Miután 2002 augusztusában 1,5 millió dolláros szerződést kötött a TelStar Records-szal, a lemezkiadó egy popalbumot akart készíteni Victoriával, és nem értett egyet aközött, amit az énekes akart (egy városi hip-hop R&B album – az első törlesztés után Az album szándékával a cég jogi csatát indított a Come Together producerével, amikor nem hajlandók fizetni neki a munkáért, mert azt hitték, hogy ez a listákon zuhanna. Ezután Beckham újraindította a felvételt egy popalbum készítésével. Annak ellenére, hogy megjelent a dupla „Let Your Head Go/This Groove” című kislemez nagy sikert aratott, az egykori Posh Spice még mindig nem tudta kiadni az albumát, amikor a kiadó 2004-ben csődbe ment. Victoria Beckhammel kötötték le a legkiemelkedőbb szerződésüket. A Telstar legtöbb előadójához hasonlóan azonban őt sem szerződtették közvetlenül a kiadóhoz, hanem allicencelték. Az albumról 11 szám 2006. szeptember 9-én szivárgott ki, és „Open Your Eyes” néven.” Néhány évvel később egy másik demó CD is kiszivárgott, miután eladták az Ebay-en.

COME TOGETHER (Kiszivárgott: 2017. Május 25.) Victoria Beckham kiadatlan albuma, amelyet 2003-ban kellett volna megjelentetni, még akkor, amikor Victoria Beckham rövid ideig együtt dolgozott a Roc-A-Fella társalapítójával, Damon Dash-sel. Együttműködtek egy divatvonalon, és később kiderül, hogy zenét is párosítanak. Egyes dalok 2005 óta kiszivárogtak az interneten, de ezekről a szekciókról egy teljesebb demó-CD, „Damon Dash Tracks” néven megjelent az interneten, 2017 áprilisában az Ebay.co.uk-on értékesítették, és május 25-én kiszivárgott az interneten. A kiselejtezett album, amely az M.O.P-vel és az Ol’ Dirty Bastarddal való együttműködést tartalmazza, alapvetően városi R&B és Hip Hop volt. Damon Dash korábban azt mondta az Evening Standardnak, hogy lemezcége (TelStar Records) nem hagyta jóvá a partnerséget, leselejtezte az albumot, és új producerekkel indította újra a produkciót (Lásd Open Your Eyes). A kiszivárgott CD 2003. szeptember 3-i keltezésű, és a „Yes” dalokra (1-12. szám) és a „No” dalokra (13-15. szám) van felosztva, amelyek hivatkozhatnak azokra a számokra, amelyeket elutasítottak végső album.


2002-ben Beckham 1,5 millió font értékű szerződést írt alá a Telstar Records-szal és a 19 Managementtel. 2002-ben elkezdett felvenni egy elektropop ihletésű albumot, amelynek kezdetleges címe Open Your Eyes. Mivel azonban városiasabb hangzásra vágyott, a következő évben Damon Dash producerrel kezdett dolgozni R&B és hip-hop hatású számokon a Come Together című albumon. A Dash által készített „It's That Simple” szám, melyben M.O.P. 2003 júliusában mutatták be a rádióállomásokon promóciós kislemezként, amely vegyes kritikákat generált. Beckham első kislemeze Telstarral, a dupla A-oldalas "Let Your Head Go" / "This Groove" 2003. december 29-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban, mindkét projekt egy dalát felhasználva: "Let Your Head Go" az Open Your Eyes-től. és "This Groove" a Come Together-ből. A kiadás nagy népszerűségnek örvendett, és számos tévés szereplést kapott a karácsonyi időszakban, és a harmadik helyre került az Egyesült Királyságban.
Simon Fuller az Egyesült Királyságon kívül azt tervezte, hogy piacra dobja Beckham zenéjét az Egyesült Államokban. 2004 áprilisában a Telstar csődöt jelentett, és mindkét albumot törölték, míg Beckham, aki csalódott a stúdióban elpazarolt idő miatt, felhagyott a zenével, hogy divatkarrierjére összpontosítson. Az albumok soha nem jelentek meg, de azóta teljes egészében kiszivárogtak az internetre.



  • 01: LET YOUR HEAD GO - 3:34
  • 02: OPEN YOUR EYES - 3:23
  • 03: BE WITH YOU - 3:22
  • 04: FULL STOP - 2:51
  • 05: FLOW - 3:05
  • 06: HUSTLER - 4:09
  • 07: 25 MINUTES - 3:53
  • 08: ME WITHOUT YOU - 3:59
  • 10: I'D GIVE IT ALL AWAY - 3:59
  • 11: GONE - 4:13


  • 02: BABY BOY (Hard Version)
  • 03: HE'S MY LOVER
  • 05: THAT DUDE
  • 09: FREEDOM
  • 12: SPELL ON ME
  • 14: BABY BOY (Soft Version)
  • 15: SO COLD




LET YOUR HEAD GO Victoria Beckham brit énekesnő dala, amelyet kiadatlan második stúdióalbumához vett fel. Írta és producere Klas Baggstrom, Liz Winstanley és Roger Olsson, producerként pedig Mike Gray és Jon Pearn is szolgált. A dal 2003. december 29-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban a Telstar Records gondozásában, dupla A-oldalként a "This Groove"-val. 2004-ben az előbbi felkerült a The 'Réal' Beckhams című videóalbumra, miután Beckham lemezcége csődbe ment, mielőtt felbukkant volna. A dal Beckham eddigi utolsó kislemeze. Ez egy dance-pop dal, amely Kylie Minogue munkásságával hasonlított össze.
A "Let Your Head Go" pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik szerint Beckham legjobb szólóművei közé tartozik. Az Egyesült Királyságban, Beckham számos televíziós fellépésével jelentős promóciót követően a kiadvány a harmadik helyre került a brit kislemezlistán, és harcba szállt Sophie Ellis-Bextor I Won't Change You című dalával, akivel korábban részt vett. 2000-ben a 88. legkelendőbb kislemez lett 2004-ben, Skóciában pedig a legjobb 3-ba, Írországban pedig a top 20-ba került. A hozzá tartozó videoklipet Scott Lyon rendezte, és Beckham sztárként szatírozza életét.

THIS GROOVE Victoria Beckham brit énekesnő dala, amelyet kiadatlan második stúdióalbumához vett fel. Írta Alisha Brooks, David Conley, David Frank, Everett "Jam" Benton és Mic Murphy, producerként Damon Dash, Conley és Frank szolgált. A Telstar Records 2003. december 29-én adta ki a dalt az Egyesült Királyságban, dupla A-oldalként a "Let Your Head Go"-val. 2004-ben felkerült a The 'Réal' Beckhams című videóalbumra, miután lemeztársasága csődbe ment, mielőtt felbukkant volna. A dal Beckham eddigi utolsó kislemeze. A "This Groove" egy R&B és hip hop dal, amely a The System "Don't Disturb This Groove" című dalát mintázza; lírailag a telefonos szexet tárgyalja.
A "This Groove" pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, egyikük pedig Beckham szólókarrierjének egyik legszebb pillanataként emlegette. Az egyesült királyságbeli televíziós fellépésekkel járó komoly promóciót követően a kiadvány a harmadik helyre került az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, miután Sophie Ellis Bextor "I Won't Change You" című dalával vívott harcot a listán, akivel Beckham korábban sokat foglalkozott. évekkel azelőtt nyilvánosságra hozta a diagramcsatát. 2004 88. legkelendőbb kislemeze lett a régióban, Skóciában pedig a legjobb három közé került, Írországban pedig a top 20-ba került. A hozzá tartozó videoklipet Andy Hylton rendezte, és Beckham egyedül forgolódik az ágyon.

IT'S THAT SIMPLE Victoria Beckham és a HipHop duó, az M.O.P. együttműködése volt. A szám két verziót kapott, az egyikben Victoria csak a refrént énekli, a másikban pedig Victoria énekelte el az egész számot M.P. rappel. ezen felül. A pletykák a szám megjelenése idején, 2003 júliusában azt jelezték, hogy ez lesz Victoria új kislemeze, azonban ismeretlen körülmények miatt a szám nem került kereskedelmi forgalomba. Promóciós bakelit küldtek a rádióállomásoknak reklámozás céljából. A bakelitnek két oldala van, az egyiken az M.O.P. egy másik pedig Victoria Beckham verzióival. Egy évvel később az It's That Simple felkerült a duó MashH Out Posse albumára, Victoria éneke nélkül, rockot és HipHopot keverő ritmussal.

MY LOVE IS FOR REAL Victoria megerősítette a Marie Claire UK Magazine 2004. júliusi számában, amely a „This Groove/Let Your Head Go” folytatása lesz még a nyáron. Később Beckham elvetette a zenét, és a kislemez soha nem jelent meg.

Háttér: A „My Love Is For Real” Cathy Dennis által készített táncszám, amelyet 2003 végén, és 2004 elején vettek fel, Victoria TelStar Records-szal kötött szerződése idején. A Marie Claire Magazine interjújában Victoria elmondta, hogy akkoriban hobbiból zenélt, mert úgy érezte, az iparág már nem nagyon támogatja szólókarrierjét.



From the river, to the waterfall, let the music flow
Feel your fingers, feel the energy, shake your very soul
And when it feels so good, I can almost lose my mind
And when it feels so good, oh it makes me crazy, every time

Let your head go, shake your body free
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you
Let your head go, baby care for me
One more time, I will make it better (Better, I will make it better)

From the dance floor, to your fantasy, gotta break it down
In my system, deep inside of me, gotta let it out
And when it feels so good, I can almost lose my mind
And when it feels so good, oh it makes me crazy, every time

Let your head go, shake your body free
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you
Let your head go, baby care for me
One more time, I will make it better

Let your head go, shake your body free
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you
Let your head go, baby care for me
One more time, I will make it better (Better, I will make it better)

And when it feels so good, oh it makes me crazy

Let your head go, shake your body free (shake your body free)
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you (gonna let go)
Let your head go, baby care for me
One more time, I will make it better (gonna let go)

Let your head go, shake your body free (Shake your body free)
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you (gonna let go)
Let your head go, baby care for me

One more time, I will make it better (gonna let go)
(Shake your body free, gonna let go)


(Open your eyes, see the sun touch the blue sky, open your eyes
Open your eyes, see the sun touch the blue sky, open your eyes)

I need to know what’s going on
How something right could be so wrong
You’re moving closer all the time
How can I make you change your mind

Open your eyes, see the sun touch the blue sky, open your eyes (Open your eyes)
You’re feeling alive, like the stars shining so bright, open your eyes (Open your eyes)
Cause seeing is believing, baby, stop your dreaming, open your eyes (Open your eyes)
Open your eyes, to the world for the first time, open your eyes
Cause seeing is believing, baby, stop your dreaming, open your eyes
Open your eyes, to the world for the first time, open your eyes

You wake up to the morning sun
Forget the past, your time has come
Don’t let this moment slip away
You’ve found the place you want to stay

Open your eyes, see the sun touch the blue sky, open your eyes (Open your eyes)
You’re feeling alive, like the stars shining so bright, open your eyes (Open your eyes)
Cause seeing is believing, baby, stop your dreaming, open your eyes (Open your eyes)
Open your eyes, to the world for the first time, open your eyes
Cause seeing is believing, baby, stop your dreaming, open your eyes
Open your eyes, to the world for the first time, open your eyes

(Open your eyes, see the sun touch the blue sky, open your eyes
Open your eyes, see the sun touch the blue sky, open your eyes)


Don’t want nobody who don’t satisfied, I spent a lifetime tonight
Of all the things I thought were right, someone who don’t need to fight
Maybe you feel what I feel it could be, better than ever before
Trying to find what it’s meaning to me, baby it’s you I adore (I adore)

Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)
Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)

I go to pieces everytime you’re near, without you I won’t survive
You say the words I wanna hear, you know your love is so right
Over and over with you in my head, feelings I cannot ignore
Finding a reason in things that you say, you in my life ever more

Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)
Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)

Wanna be with you, wanna be with me
When the music plays, take a chance on me
All the things you do, all the little signs
Wanna be with you, wanna make you mine
Over and over with you in my head, feelings I cannot ignore
Finding a reason in things that you say, you in my life ever more

Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)
Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)

Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)
Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)

Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)
Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)

Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)
Cause I only wanna be with, only wanna be with
Only wanna be with you (I only wanna be with you)


(Yeah, cruise control baby, ya’know what I’m saying)
Always sitting pretty with my legs closed

Know just how to get up out of limos
If I gotta walk then I gotta mean walk
If you wanna talk politics lets talk
Go by the book, and stick to the plan
Never see me looking at another man
It’s no fun when it’s all correct
Don’t know why I’ve got my mind in check
Forget what you’ve heard, about the good girl, that’s not what I’m about, I’m about

I wanna drive too fast, I wanna play full blast
I wanna dance till I drop, I wanna rock, full stop
I wanna roll too high, I wanna ride or die
I wanna live life hard knock, I wanna rock, full stop

Always call when I’m running a little late
Got my money put away in an estate
Never complain about how I feel
Always down and keeping it real
Always listen to my friends good advice
Never once gambled and I never roll the dice
Always care about the do’s and dont’s
Cause I didn’t want to disappoint
Forget what you’ve heard, about the good girl, that’s not what I’m about, I’m a…

I wanna drive too fast, I wanna play full blast
I wanna dance till I drop, I wanna rock, full stop
I wanna roll too high, I wanna ride or die
I wanna live life hard knock, I wanna rock, full stop

I wanna drive at 105 in the Lex ride
And over-take haterz who ride in the X5
I wanna play music so loud – right
the whole crowd will hold their ears and go – oww
I wanna dance till I drop or docs tell me to stop
Or die to the sounds of rock and hip-hop
So many things to do, it’s a myriad
I wanna do whatever i want, period

I wanna drive too fast, I wanna play full blast (too fast, full blast)
I wanna dance till I drop, I wanna rock, full stop
I wanna roll too high, I wanna ride or die (too high)
I wanna live life hard knock, I wanna rock, full stop (stop)

I wanna drive too fast, I wanna play full blast (too fast)
I wanna dance till I drop, I wanna rock, full stop (That’s what I wanna do)
I wanna roll too high, I wanna ride or die (or die)
I wanna live life hard knock, I wanna rock, full stop


I wanna get a reaction, I wanna play with your mind
I’m gonna make a connection, I’m gonna make you mine
I need a little attention, I need a little desire
A little love and affection, watch me blow your mind
So c’mon and get it as quick as you can
I wanna see you get it, so we can get down
I wanna little dirty with the family man, take a chance tonight

So come on flow, let your body let go
Let your body move up and down, let it get down to the sound
And flow, with your body and soul
You can take me round and round, so lose your mind and generate the flow

I want satisfaction, don’t be wasting my time
A bit of physical attraction, your body next to mine
A bit of sweet seduction, put your ass on the line
Sexual corruption, is playing on my mind
So c’mon and get it as quick as you can
I wanna see you get it, so we can get down
I wanna little dirty with the family man, take a chance tonight

So come on flow, let your body let go
Let your body move up and down, let it get down to the sound
And flow, with your body and soul
You can take me round and round, so lose your mind and generate the flow

So come on flow, let your body let go
Let your body move up and down, let it get down to the sound
And flow, with your body and soul
You can take me round and round, so lose your mind and generate the flow
(Come on baby, come on darling
Come on baby, come on darling, and generate the flow


Super cool, you’re moving slowly closer, you never take your eyes off me
You bring it on as you start the conversation, and you ask me casually….
Are you single, happy with your wash?
You need a chaperone, are you in a rush?
(You say) Can I call a cab to take you home? (uh-oh)

Here comes the hustler, I see you’re slick at that sweet-talk thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love, ah
Here comes the hustler, he’s a pro at the chit-chat thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no

Did the boys wind you up, and did they dare you, then mark your progress one-to-five?
Me and my girls been watching you slide over, a hunter on the trail tonight
Are you single, happy with your wash?
You need a chaperone, are you in a rush?
(You say) Can I call a cab to take you home? (uh-oh)

Here comes the hustler, I see you’re slick at that sweet-talk thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love, ah
Here comes the hustler, he’s a pro at the chit-chat thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love

I seen it all before and boy there is no way
I know your type and I know you like to play
You’re flauting it and you shimmy up here
Panic attack when you get too near to the ladies
With your lyrical flow
Try’un to impress with the “come on let’s go”
To the boys can I dedicate this, you are a fool to persist
Are you single, happy with your wash?
You need a chaperone, are you in a rush?
(You say) Can I call a cab to take you home? (Can I call a cab to take you home?) (uh-oh)

Here comes the hustler, I see you’re slick at that sweet-talk thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love, ah
Here comes the hustler, he’s a pro at the chit-chat thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love

Here comes the hustler, I see you’re slick at that sweet-talk thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love, ah
Here comes the hustler, he’s a pro at the chit-chat thing
Tryin’ to win me over, full marks for tryin’, but you’ll never get my love

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no


Time goes slowly, feeling lonely for you, can’t get you off my mind
Darkness falling, my hearts calling to you, can’t get you on the line
Nothing but frustration, on this long and lonely ride
I can feel anticipation, building up inside

25 minutes to go
I’m lost in the rain, and I’m moving way too slow, to get to you
25 minutes to go
I can’t find my way, got the radio down low, trying to talk to you

Bright lights blinding, now I’m feeling the time is never on my side
Keep on moving, never see the signs, I’m gonna lose my mind
Nothing but frustration, on this long and lonely ride
I can feel anticipation, building up inside

15 minutes to go
I’m lost in the rain, and I’m moving way too slow, to get to you
15 minutes to go
I can’t find my way, got the radio down low, trying to talk to you

Nothing but frustration on, this long and lonely ride
I can feel anticipation, building up inside

12 minutes to go
I’m lost in the rain, and I’m moving way too slow, to get to you
Five more minutes to go

I can never find my way, got the radio down low, trying to talk to you
One more minute to go…


I’m under your influence, and I see no pretense, in all that you do
You’re all I’ve been waiting for, I can’t help wanting more, carry me through
Beautiful, innocent, caught me out unaware

Oh-oh, what in the world would I do
Can’t think of me without you, what would I be without you baby
Oh-oh, what in the world would I do
Can’t think of me without you, what would I be without you baby

I’m drifting I’m lost in love, don’t want to find myself, no way
You got me I’m hypnotized, I hang on every word that you say
Beautiful, innocent, caught me out unaware

Oh-oh, what in the world would I do
Can’t think of me without you, what would I be without you baby
Oh-oh, what in the world would I do
Can’t think of me without you, what would I be without you baby

Beautiful, innocent, caught me out unaware
Beautiful, innocent, capture me, I don’t care

Oh-oh, what in the world would I do (What in the world would I do?)
Can’t think of me without you, what would I be without you baby (baby)
Oh-oh, what in the world would I do
Can’t think of me without you, what would I be without you baby


I should have thought a little harder, but I don’t know why
I should have moved a little faster, but I was denied
Could have stayed a little longer, could have tried, oh no no
But you were the dream and baby, and that’s the reason why
Each time I see you and the feelings go stronger
But this time I’m leaving cause I love you no longer
Feels like I’m drowning as you’re dragging me under, and I can’t hold on

I should’ve known better, than to spend my life waiting for you
You know it’s hard following after, when you treat me the way that you do
I should’ve known better, than to spend my life waiting for you
And now my heart’s broken forever, and your promises never came true

I didn’t need to forget you, but you weren’t around, oh no no
I didn’t feel I could trust you, or keep your feet on the ground
Each time I see you and the feelings go stronger
But this time I’m leaving cause I love you no longer
Feels like I’m drowning as you’re dragging me under, and I can’t hold on

I should’ve known better, than to spend my life waiting for you
You know it’s hard following after, when you treat me the way that you do
I should’ve known better, than to spend my life waiting for you
And now my heart’s broken forever, and your promises never came true
Da da, da da da da, da da, d
a da, da da da da, da da, da da da da

Each time I see you and the feelings go stronger
But this time I’m leaving cause I love you no longer
Feels like I’m drowning as you’re dragging me under, and I can’t hold on

I should’ve known better, than to spend my life waiting for you
(Should’ve known better, 
waiting for you)
You know it’s hard following after, when you treat me the way that you do
I should’ve known better, than to spend my life waiting for you
(I should’ve known better, 
waiting for you)
And now my heart’s broken forever, and your promises never came true
Da da, da da, da da da da da, da da, da da, da da da da da


I got this feeling and it’s driving me wild, I haven’t seen you for a little while
I got this feeling and it just won’t go away
Then you came, and showed me, how to love this way
But there’s one thing, that I should let you know

I’d give it all away (I’d give it all away)
I’d sacrifice everything (I’d sacrifice everything)
With every beat of my heart, like you i couldn’t breathe
I feel like we’re meant to be (I feel like we’re meant to be)
I’m falling in love again (I’m falling in love again)
Holding me close in your arms, with you is where i should be
Where I should be, where I should be
Where I should be, where I should be

Feels like I’m dreaming and I can’t wake up, we have forever but it’s never enough
Feels like I’m dreaming cos I can’t believe it’s real
You taught me, and showed me, how to love this way
But there’s one thing, I ought to let you know

I’d give it all away (I’d give it all away)
I’d sacrifice everything (I’d sacrifice everything)
With every beat of my heart, like you i couldn’t breathe
I feel like we’re meant to be (I feel like we’re meant to be)
I’m falling in love again (I’m falling in love again)
Holding me close in your arms, with you is where i should be
Where I should be, where I should be
Where I should be, where I should be
Where I should be, where I should be
Where I should be, where I should be
Where I should be, where I should be
Where I should be, where I should be


(Oh, yea-e-yeah)
I never knew that we were through, 
I was still falling and falling for you

You walked away, out of my life, nothing to say
Couldn’t deny or ask you why, why you were telling me lie after lie
Without a sign, no longer mine, it was goodbye
Did you think I couldn’t live without you, did you think I’d lay down and die?
Now listen baby, I, I was right to doubt you, I can live without you by my side

Now you’re gone, and the days are getting brighter
Now you’re gone, and the writings on the wall
Now you’re gone, now my heart is out of danger
Now you’re gone, I have no regrets at all

I have no fear, my conscience is clear, won’t let your memory drive me to tears
Suddenly now, I understand why you are gone
A bittersweet revenge in the end, is a heart that can grow on command
Take it from me, I’m mov-ing on
Did you think I couldn’t live without you, did you think I’d lay down and die?
Now listen baby, I, I was right to doubt you, I can live without you by my side

Now you’re gone, and the days are getting brighter
Now you’re gone, and the writings on the wall
Now you’re gone, now my heart is out of danger
Now you’re gone, I have no regrets at all

I’ve been thinking, about you night and day
All the time that we spent, just thrown away
I’ve been thinking about, how you tried to break my heart
Now I’ve finally found the strength to say
That letting you go is the only way
I’ve decided today is the day to move on
Did you think I couldn’t live without you, did you think I’d lay down and die?
Now listen baby, I, I was right to doubt you, I can live without you by my side

Now you’re gone, and the days are getting brighter
Now you’re gone, and the writings on the wall
Now you’re gone, now my heart is out of danger
Now you’re gone, I have no regrets at all

Now you’re gone, and the days are getting brighter
Now you’re gone, and the writings on the wall
Now you’re gone, now my heart is out of danger
Now you’re gone, I have no regrets at all


Can’t get enough of you DJ (In the club tonight)
Think I’m in love with you DJ
Can’t get enough of you DJ (In the club tonight)
Think I’m in love with you DJ

Everybody in the club tonight, dance into this magic of the light
I think I’m gonna make my move tonight, no more waiting, think the time is right
I ain’t thinking about my man tonight, cause the DJ’s playing on my mind
No I can’t let him out of my sight, you know the DJ drives me crazy, yeah-yeah

Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you mister DJ
Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you, love you, love you DJ

Think I wanna take you home tonight, make sweet love upon your decks tonight
We can do it till the time is right, and if you’re ready spin it one more time
Cause the rhythm makes you feel alive, yes it makes you feel so alive
Baby give it to me one more time, you know that DJ drives me crazy, yeah-yeah

Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play (oh, oh)
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you mister DJ
Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play (woo-oh)
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you, love you, love you DJ

Oh baby, baby, I like it, I love the way you spin that baby
Oh baby, baby, I like it, you know I love you mister DJ, oh-oh

Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you mister DJ
Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you, love you, love you DJ

Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you mister DJ
Can’t get enough of you DJ, I just love the way you play (oh-oh)
Think I’m in love with you DJ, I love you DJ (DJ-hey-hey)


When you want it, gotta have it, wanna have a little more
When you’ve done it, got up on it, everybody knows the score
All I want is somebody to, walk by my side everyday, in the sun
All I need is somebody, to be there to show me, just where I belong

Every little thing, that you say and do
Every little thing, it makes me fall for you, no one can stop us tonight
Every little thing, that you do and say
Every single word, it takes me far away, no one can stop us tonight
Everything will be alright

When I need it, I believe it, you gotta give it a try
I can breathe it, I really feel it, and it’s making me so high
All I want is somebody to, walk by my side everyday, in the sun
All I need is somebody, to be there to show me, just where I belong

Every little thing, that you say and do
Every little thing, it makes me fall for you, no one can stop us tonight
Every little thing, that you do and say
Every single word, it takes me far away, no one can stop us tonight
Everything will be alright, e
verything will be alright

Right now, give it to me, right now, give it to me
Right now, wanna get on, right now, give it to me
Right now, give it to me, right now, baby come on

Every little thing, that you say and do
Every little thing, it makes me fall for you, no one can stop us tonight
Every little thing, that you do and say
Every single word, it takes me far away, no one can stop us tonight
Everything will be alright, e
verything will be alright, everything will be alright


I was doing alright, I was minding my own, I was out there, I didn’t miss you
It was Saturday, when I walked to the park, she was right there, and then she kissed you
It’s like this (this) all the time I had you (you)
Out of mind it was I (I) that’s what it’s all about
It’s like this (this) all the time I had you (you)
Out of mind it was I (I) that’s what it’s all about

I’ve tried to get over you baby
I lied to get over you baby, all I wanna do, is come right back to you
I’ve cried to get over you baby (baby)
I died for the lovin’ you gave me, all I wanna do is come right back to you

I tried to be strong, finally got over you, I thought I could avoid this moment
Went out every night with my girls, but it’s not what I really wanted
It’s like this (this) all the time I had you (you)
Out of mind it was I (I) that’s what it’s all about
It’s like this (this) all the time I had you (you)
Out of mind it was I (I) that’s what it’s all about, oh, woah, yeah

I’ve tried to get over you baby (baby)
I lied to get over you baby, all I wanna do, is come right back to you (All I wanna do)
I’ve cried to get over you baby (baby)
I died for the lovin’ you gave me, all I wanna do is come right back to you

That’s the way it’s gonna be
Turn around and come back to me, come back to me
That’s the way it’s gonna be
Turn around and come back to me, oh, come back to me

I’ve tried to get over you baby (i’ve tried)
I lied to get over you baby, all I wanna do, is come right back to you (i’ve died, all I wanna do)
I’ve cried to get over you baby (I cried)
I died for the lovin’ you gave me, all I wanna do is come right back to you (oh, I died)

I’ve tried to get over you baby
I lied to get over you baby, all I wanna do, is come right back to you (Come right back to you)
I’ve cried to get over you baby (I cried)
I died for the lovin’ you gave me, all I wanna do is come right back to you (oh, I died)


Let me see you shake it, ya’know what I’m saying
Don’t fight it, just shake it baby, ya’know what I mean
Shall we put it down (ah) yo (ah) Yo check this out

You don’t have to rock, a certain style to be with me
Just let the music take you high, than you can set me free
We can go all night baby, though I get around
Don’t you know what I’m saying, let me break it down
We can go all night baby, don’t you know what I’m saying, let me break it down

Let me see you move it, on the dance floor baby
(Let me see you shake it now, let me see you break it down)
Let me see you grooving, on the dance floor baby
(Let me see you shake it now, let me see you break it down)
hake, shake it baby, shake, shake it, shake, shake it papa, shake it for me
Shake, shake it baby, shake, shake it, shake, shake it papa, shake it for me

You don’t have to be a superstar, cause I’m not impressed
And you don’t have to tell me, who you are to get me undressed
We can go all night baby, though I get around
Don’t you know what I’m saying, let me break it down
We can go all night baby, don’t you know what I’m saying, let me break it down

Let me see you move it, on the dance floor baby
(Let me see you shake it now, let me see you break it down)
Let me see you grooving, on the dance floor baby
(Let me see you shake it now, let me see you break it down)

I wanna see you groove, movin’ on the dancefloor
Oh, the way you move, you blow my mind boy

Check this out, stand up out your box
Put your hands up, nah, wait took my cans up
Man this beat bangs the doors, when slammed shut
Everybody jam liked nuts, cause stan cuts it’s off the freakin’ hook
You sleepin’ bro, bout to tear the roof off
It’s leaking look, this kicks ass like []
Sounds great i reckon, yo, wait a second

Let me see you move it, on the dance floor baby
(Let me see you shake it now, let me see you break it down)
Let me see you grooving, on the dance floor baby
(Let me see you shake it now, let me see you break it down)

Shake, shake it baby, shake, shake it, shake, shake it papa, shake it for me
Shake, shake it baby, shake, shake it, shake, shake it papa, shake it for me


Do I need to say it, you should know my love is for real (yeah)
Don’t make me explain it, you should know the way that I feel

(Ah-ah) Got me – warm heart feeling baby
(Ah-ah) Swear my heart stop beating baby

Do I need to say it, you should know my love is for real
My love is for real, that’s how I play it

(Oh-oh) Let the tingling grow inside me
(Oh-oh) Love thy precious gold inside me
(Call me) when your love comes creapin baby
(Call me) got me non-stop freakin’ baby

Do I need to say it, you should know my love is for real
My love is for real, that’s how it’s stayin?

Let your warmth unfold invite me
Love thy precious gold inside me
Evertime I dance, wanna make a little love
Evertime I dance, wanna make a little love

Do I need to say it, you should know my love is for real
Don’t make me explain it, you should know the way that I feel

You're not the only one knocking down my door (it's that simple)
And I know that we've had this conversation before (it's tha tsimple)
So baby if you want me let me know (it's that simple)
Just let me know (it's that simple) or baby get gone (it's that simple)
You're not the only one knocking down my door (it's that simple)
And I know that we've had this conversation before (it's that simple)
Don't make me have to talk to you about this no more (it's that simple)
Just let me know (it's that simple) or baby get gone (it's that simple)

I'll make this really clear, I won't be saying this no more
Gotta tell me how you feel, you can walk right out the door
Yes I'm tired of playing games with you I've had it up to here
Baby just be real with me or you can disappear
It's like everywhere I go I just can't seem to keep them off of me
Boy you're not the only one who says he wants to be with me
Let me simplify it for ya, you know I'll be riding with ya
But I need to know just how you feel it's that simple

You're not the only one knocking down my door (it's that simple)
And I know that we've had this conversation before (it's tha tsimple)
So baby if you want me let me know (it's that simple)
Just let me know (it's that simple) or baby get gone (it's that simple)
You're not the only one knocking down my door (it's that simple)
And I know that we've had this conversation before (it's that simple)
Don't make me have to talk to you about this no more (it's that simple)
Just let me know (it's that simple) or baby get gone (it's that simple)

So now you know how I feel, boy it's time to make a choice
Are you ready to be with me, cos it's time to kill the noise
I need the love of someone I can trust, can you commit to me, or stop playin me
I told you everywhere I go I just can't seem to keep them off of me
Boy you're not the only one who says he wants to be with me
Let me simplify it for ya, you know I’ll be riding with ya
But I need to know just how you feel it's that simple

-M.O.P. Rap - (It's that simple, it's that simple)

You're not the only one knocking down my door (it's that simple)
And I know that we've had this conversation before (it's tha tsimple)
So baby if you want me let me know (it's that simple)
Just let me know (come on) or baby get gone (come on, it's that simple)
You're not the only one knocking down my door (it's that simple)
And I know that we've had this conversation before (it's that simple)
Don't make me have to talk to you about this no more (it's that simple)
Just let me know (come on) or baby get gone (come on, it's that simple)


Hey, so how long’s it gonna be til get here (ha ha)
Hmm, well I can’t believe I’m saying it
Well come on them, hey, are you coming over, I’m in heaven, oh

You see I made the decision to give you a call
Cause sex is written in the scribble writings on the wall
Baby I’ve been going crazy sitting in my room
Fantasizing about you has never felt so good
I can’t take it no longer ready to take it further
There’s no time to talk it over, boy you know I want ya
Can’t you hear it in my voice the way I’m needing you (oh)
Here’s your chance baby, I’m ready if you’re coming through

There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove (oh)
There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove (oh)

Why don’t you check the reflection in my mirror frame
It’s not the silver screen it’s serious and not a game
I want you to come and listen to my body sing
Wanna hear my bell ring (biddy bong bing)
I’ve been waiting, my time is wasting anticipating

The love of making all your dreams come true, you’re hesitating
Time is ticking, better hurry up and follow through
Here’s your chance baby I’m ready if you’re coming through

There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove (oh)
There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove (oh)

Shh (uh), shh (uh) (don’t say nothin’)
Shh (uh), shh (uh) bing bong, shh (uh) bing bong, shh (uh)
There’s a sign up on the door, saying don’t disturb this groove
(Shh, ding-dong) I’ve been waiting
(Shh, ding dong) so keep your eyes on me
(Ding-dong) Anticipating
(Ding-dong) Just keep your eyes on me
(Ding-dong) I’ve been waiting
(Ding-dong) So keep your eyes on me
Anticipating (don’t disturb this groove)

There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove (oh)
There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got (Oh my baby, come here tonight)
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need (And don’t be late, oh)
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove

Cause you are my baby, come hold me close tonight, and don’t be late babe
Cause you are my baby, come hold me close tonight, and don’t be late babe


(Can I have it up in my ear’s a bit?)
See my man, he’s just like a rock star, l
ots of money he drives a fast car
And he gives me everything that I need, that’s my man and everything I need
Lots of lovin’ he keeps me buggin’, made me trust him, he made me love him
Everything I have i’ve gotten from him, do anything for him, my baby is more than….
The air that I breath, or a breeze coming through, on a hot summer day
ore than my everything, my joy, this boy means the world to me

My baby is more than beautiful, my baby is more than a miracle (He’s my lover)
He’s going down in history, what he is to me, my man, my man
He’s just so much more to me, everything I ever asked for (He’s my lover)
More than fire, he is my provider, anything I want, and anything I may desire
My baby he loves me, is it just because he (He’s my lover)

It’s funny the way he loves me, makes me love him, there’s no one above me
When I’m lonely he’s there to hold me, when i’m (ugh) he’s there to hold me
He keeps me sheltered from stormy weather, question never why we’re together
He’s so perfect, my wait was worth it, do anything for it, my baby is more than…
The air that I breath, or a breeze coming through, on a hot summer day
More than my everything, my joy, this boy means the world to me

My baby is more than beautiful, my baby is more than a miracle (He’s my lover)
He’s going down in history, what he is to me, my man, my man
He’s just so much more to me, everything I ever asked for (He’s my lover)
More than fire, he is my provider, anything I want, and anything I may desire
My baby he loves me, is it just because he (He’s my lover)

He’s all I want, he’s all I need, don’t need nobody else
Cause he’s all I want, he’s all I, don’t need nobody else
Cause he’s all I want, he’s all I need, I don’t need nobody else

(He’s my lover)
He’s going down in history, what he is to me, my man, my man
He’s just so much more to me, everything I ever asked for (He’s my lover)
More than fire, he is my provider, anything I want and anything I may desire
My baby he loves me, is it just because he (He’s my lover)


From the river, to the waterfall, let the music flow
Feel your fingers, feel the energy, shake your very soul
And when it feels so good, I can almost lose my mind
And when it feels so good, oh it makes me crazy, every time

Let your head go, shake your body free
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you
Let your head go, baby care for me
One more time, I will make it better (Better, I will make it better)

From the dance floor, to your fantasy, gotta break it down
In my system, deep inside of me, gotta let it out
And when it feels so good, I can almost lose my mind
And when it feels so good, oh it makes me crazy, every time

Let your head go, shake your body free
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you
Let your head go, baby care for me
One more time, I will make it better

Let your head go, shake your body free
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you
Let your head go, baby care for me
One more time, I will make it better (Better, I will make it better)

And when it feels so good, I can almost lose my mind
And when it feels so good, oh it makes me crazy, every time

Let your head go, shake your body free (shake your body free)
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you (gonna let go)
Let your head go, baby care for me (baby care for me)
One more time, I will make it better (gonna let go)

Let your head go (Shake your body free)
Cos tonight the beat’s gonna get you (gonna let go)
Let your head go, baby care for me (baby care for me)
One more time, I will make it better


Don’t mess with that dude, oh-oh

(Don’t mess with that dude)
If he’s too young, some of them guys got a real big problem

Startin’ shit they can’t finish if you allow them
To get close enough to think you can’t live without them
(Don’t mess with that dude)
Say the rule applies to the next type, insecurity, he’s trying to control your life
Tired of feeling scared, somebody gon’ come along and treat you right, no
(Don’t mess with that dude)
Cos he’s already taken, I don’t give a damn what kinda plans you’re makin’
Even if the playa says he’s plannin on shakin’, bottom line is he’s still takin’ so
(Don’t mess with that dude)
And if you’re smart you’ll leave him alone, he ain’t even thinkin’ about getting his own
Not a car, not a job, not a place of his own, comfortable at his mom’s tho

Don’t mess with that dude
And if he don’t wanna pay the bills he have run up then

Don’t mess with that dude
nd if he lounge at the place while you’re workin’I’d a come up here

Don’t mess with that dude
nd if he lazy, trite, and jealous, and got a wife then

Don’t mess with that dude
And if he’s all of the above, I’m gonna say it twice then
Don’t mess with that dude
Xos it’s only a matter of time before he breaks your heart
Don’t mess with that dude
nd I know it’s not easy for ya to play this part but

(Don’t mess with that dude)
If he promise you happiness but he made you cry
Said he’d be true to you but he told you lies
You’re willin to work with him but he just won’t try
(Don’t mess with that dude)

And when you’re on to the next, good guy, good background, good sex
Kick it for a minute but if he won’t take steps, pause givin you his last name, yet
(Don’t mess with that dude)
If you got a man then his boys are strictly off limits
If they make noise your style will be diminished
Tell him where to go if he’s tryin to cash his feelings, yeah
(Don’t mess with that dude)
And if your man’s ever weak enough to be hittin’ you
Recognize, real, and take in what I’ve given you
You don’t deserve it, you’re worth so much more than abuse

Don’t mess with the dude, I know the game, I know the rules now
Don’t mess with that dude, I heard the lies, I know the truth now
Don’t mess with that dude, I’ve been alone and I been misused
Don’t mess with that dude, now I know what I gotta do, yeah
Don’t mess with that dude
Don’t mess with that dude, cos it’s only a matter of time before he breaks your heart
Don’t mess with that dude, and I know it’s not easy for ya to play this part but
Don’t mess with that dude


Breezy promises, waste of time is all he was, oh
Said that we’d be down for life, tellin’ lies to make everything alright
The 14th I would take your hand, bringin’ you up would be our little man
Those were the plans we made, when the whole time he was a liar

Seeing is believing
There’ll be no me on this Valentine’s day, yeah, oh-oh (Valentine’s day)
I can’t take it no more
He’ll be alone on this Valentine’s day, baby (baby)

The funny thing is that you had my heart, never dreamed that we would be apart
Fool in love that I was, and soon that all would disappear
To you it was a game, and I am the one to blame
I told you that I would leave, and clearly you didn’t believe me

Seeing is believing (seeing it, no)
There’ll be no me on this Valentine’s day, yeah, oh-oh (oh yeah)
I can’t take it no more (I can’t take it no more, no)
He’ll be alone on this Valentine’s day, baby (baby, whoa-oh)

Seeing is believing (seeing is believing)
There’ll be no me on this Valentine’s day, yeah, oh-oh
I can’t take it no more
He’ll be alone on this Valentine’s day, baby (baby, no whoa)

I don’t wanna receive no roses
Better yet don’t want a simple call from you, no I don’t, no I don’t, no
All my cryin’ days I spent are over
The only one I ever trusted boy was you, no more apologies or I love you’s

Seeing is believing (seeing is believing)
There’ll be no me on this Valentine’s day, yeah, oh-oh (baby no it won’t no)
I can’t take it no more
He’ll be alone on this Valentine’s day, baby
(All of the pressure an’ all of the strain you put on me, no I won’t, no I won’t)

Seeing is believing (I’m gonna walk out the door)
There’ll be no me on this Valentine’s day, yeah, oh-oh (I’m tired of all the crying, oh yeah)
I can’t take it no more (I can’t take it no more)
He’ll be alone on this Valentine’s day, baby


(I wish I could believe him, oh, yeah)
I wish I could believe you, then I'd be alright
But now everything you told me, really don't apply
To the way, I feel inside, loving you was easy
Once upon a time, but now my suspicions of you
Have multiplied, and it's all, because you lied

I may never understand why, I'm doing the best that I can, but I
Just can't seem to get over, the way you hurt me
Don't know why you gave another
Who didn't mean a thing, no, the very thing you gave to me

I thought I could forgive you, I know you've changed
As much as I wanna trust you, oh it ain't the same, no, as before this woman came
I loved you more than ever, more than my own life
The best part of me I gave you, it was sacrifice, when you broke, your word that night

I only gave you a hard time, cos I can't go on and pretend, like
I don't remember feeling, like I was no good
Like I couldn't do it for you, like your mistress could (yeah)

I know she was attractive, but I was here first
Been riding with you for 5 years, why did I deserve
To be treated this way by you
I know you're probably thinkin', what's up with me?
This sounds like a 50's record, that's alright with me, yeah
Oh-oh, no no


Ha, ha, ha, oh
I’ll take you there, yeah, yeah, 
I’ll take you there, woo

I’ll take you there, oh, oh, oh, yeah, I’ll take you there

I can’t stop thinkin’ bout you boy, ever since the day I saw your face
I want to get to know ya boy, come on lets get to another place
All I know is I want you to go with me, any where, any time let’s do the damn thing
And it’s up to you, what do you want to do?
I’m with it, can’t pretend, you better come and get it

Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there
Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me, I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there

Can’t under this feeling, no, cause when I looked into your eyes
My troubles walked right out the door, guess I can’t be bothered anymore
All my friends they keep asking me, when will I come around
Hang around and chill with them again
But I don’t have no answers for them
Cause you’ve got me up in the clouds, I can’t get down baby
We can go to your house (oh-wo-oh) spend the night in my house (oh-wo-oh)
Watch me shake it around (oh-wo-oh) shake it down to the ground (oh-wo-oh)
Spin it back and get down (oh-wo-oh) take a ride around town (oh-wo-oh)
Brag about what I got (oh-wo-oh) cause i’m giving it up, yeah, yeah

Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there
Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me, I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there
(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh)

Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there
Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me, I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there

Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there
Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me, I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there

Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there
Finally I got what I need, can’t you see what you do to me, I’m gonna take it there
I’m gonna take it there, I’m gonna take it there


Freedom, freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah

People all around listen to me now
Every man, woman, or child, let me show what I’ve found
I found that sometimes, we all try so hard to find
Something right before our eyes, when they’re open with surprise

To find that music (Opens the window’s of the world)
And the truth is (Everybody across the world) If it’s freedom
(That you’re searching to find
ake a minute from the second, to stop and open your eyes)
To find that music (Opens the window’s of the world)
And the truth is (Everybody across the world) If it’s freedom
(That you’re searching to find
Take a minute from the second, to stop and open your eyes)
Freedom, ah, freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah
You know that freedom, I know freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah

People all around listen to me now
Every man, woman, or child, let me show what I’ve found
I found that sometimes, we all go through ups and downs
When theres no one else around, we find courage in the sound

The sound of music (Opens the window’s of the world)
And the truth is (Everybody across the world) If it’s freedom
(That you’re searching to find
Take a minute from the second, to stop and open your eyes)
To find that freedom (Opens the window’s of the world)
And the truth is (Everybody across the world) If it’s freedom
(That you’re searching to find
Take a minute from the second, to stop and open your eyes)
Freedom, ah, freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah
You know that freedom, I know freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah

Sing the song, sing the song, everybody sing along
Let your voice be heard, like a giant bell across the world
Sing the song, sing the song, everybody sing along
Let your voice be heard, like a giant bell across the world

Because music (Opens the window’s of the world)
And the truth is (Everybody across the world) If it’s freedom
(That you’re searching to find
Take a minute from the second, to stop and open your eyes)
And find that freedom (Opens the window’s of the world)
And the truth is (Everybody across the world) If it’s freedom
(That you’re searching to find
Take a minute from the second, to stop and open your eyes)
Freedom, ah, freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah
You know that freedom, I know freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah
Freedom, ah, freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah
You know that freedom, I know freedom, freedom lives in music, yeah, yeah

(Freedom, freedom, f
reedom, freedom)


Yes, let’s do it again, nut just me and you this time
Cos I like the thug in you, yeah, give it up baby
No, don’t call your friends, and I’ll leave my girls too
Cos I like the thug in you, yeah, give it up baby (I need you to myself)

Baby it was cool and all that, hangin’ with our friends and holding back
Why we was feelin’, the pressure had us wide open for sure
Funny watching you try and front, and playin’ it off like you wasn’t scheming
I read right through your every move, I just want you to know

Yes, let’s do it again, nut just me and you this time (na-huh)
Cos I like the thug in you, yeah, give it up baby
No, don’t call your friends, and I’ll leave my girls too (na-huh)
Cos I like the thug in you, yeah, give it up baby (I need you to myself)

Boy I like the way you wear your hair, and the way them new come down, yes
And when you’re driving to the side your profile turns me on
Even tho we sometimes scream and shout, you know what a good times all about
That’s why I took your number, baby I want you, my word is for
I could rock, with you cos, you give me, such a buzz
And it’s crazy how you make me feel, oh yeah
Just down to, me and you, anytime, it’s up to you
Cos I’m ready, just tell me, you’d rather be by yourself

Yes, let’s do it again, nut just me and you this time (let’s do it again)
Cos I like the thug in you, yeah, give it up baby
No, don’t call your friends, and I’ll leave my girls too (na-huh)
Cos I like the thug in you, yeah, give it up baby (I want you to myself)

There’s so many things (so many things)
That me and you both could do (yeah yeah yeah)
I can’t wait to get with you, I need you to make it soon, yeah (uh uh)
We did have fun (oh we did have fun)
Baby, laugh with everyone
But we both wanted to leave (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
And be by ourselves indeed, yeah (oh yes)


Hey hey baby, you're driving me crazy
Let's get together, stay together maybe
Just for the night, forever seems crazy
We can do whatever, let's just come together baby

Excuse me baby listen, but I got a proposition
Involving me and you, and the love that I've been missing
Don't be afraid, or attempt to walk away
Or intimidated by the way, I am phrasing what I'm saying
I'm the kind of girl who know what she wants
But are you the kind of guy who can give what I want
Wait before you answer, stop and throw your hands up
This is my party, and you're the private dancer

Hey hey baby, you're driving me crazy
Let's get together, stay together maybe
Just for the night, forever seems crazy
We can do whatever, let's just come together baby

Hey hey baby, you're driving me crazy
Let's get together, stay together maybe
Just for the night, forever seems crazy
We can do whatever, let's just come together baby

Hey hey baby, you're driving me crazy
Let's get together, stay together maybe
Just for the night, forever seems crazy
We can do whatever, let's just come together baby


Oh-oh (Put it on me)
I was all alone in my room, t
ime on the clock says [ ? ]

Thoughts in my head about me and you, picked up the phone asked you to come through
Phone kept ringing, the machine came on, left you a message, but I’m still turned on
Nothing left to do now that your gone, I think I’m going crazy
Me, myself, and I – I’m feeling hot, my heartbeat can hit the bass non-stop
I tried to control it, but my body couldn’t hold it (put it on me)

I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)
I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)

I think something’s wrong in my head, woke up all alone in my bed
Operator send the police, I think there’s a spell upon me
Lights went out, rolled over I’m gone, just couldn’t leave I’ve waited this long
Gotta be right, too good to be wrong, I think I’m going crazy
Me, myself, and I – I’m feeling hot, my heartbeat can hit the bass non-stop
I tried to control it, but my body couldn’t hold it (put it on me)

I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)
I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)

Oh-oh (put it on me) oh-oh
My neck got stiff, my back started aching

And the sweats poppin and my legs started shaking
I tried to control it, but my body couldn’t hold it (put it on me)

I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)

I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)

I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)
I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)

Oh-oh (put it on me) oh-oh (put it on me)

I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)
I think somebody put a spell on me
Somebody put a spell on me (put it on me)


I’m just a girl caught up, in this crazy world
Everything I want see I got, from the ground to the top
I will climb, never stop, just to get what I got
But I’m still a girl, tryna stay on top in a mans world
Started to make it hot but cool, doing what I got to do
Makes me impossible, making it an obstacle
Still I’m just a girl, sitting on top of the world
I gotta make me self clear, so it’s been a few years
Couple months a few tears, got you in, now you’re here

Every time I turn around, I run into the jealous ones
When you see that people can’t stand, when you’re happy, they’re the jealous ones
I ain’t mad, I’ve never been more happy, I’m doing me, regardless of the jealous ones
Tell me how does it feel to be one of the jealous ones

I’m just a girl, still tryna play a part in a mans world
Everything I do is new, to get closer to where I gotta be, it gets hard but I’m cool
All the women in the world, put your hands up if you’re just a girl
Fighting to be who you wanna be
ryna make it {?} working hard personally, tryna make it overseas
Screaming I’m just a girl, sitting on top of the world
I gotta make me self clear, it make take a few years
Couple months a few tears, got you in, now you’re here

Every time I turn around, I run into the jealous ones
When you see that people can’t stand, when you’re happy, they’re the jealous ones
I ain’t mad, I’ve never been more happy, I’m doing me, regardless of the jealous ones
Tell me how does it feel to be one of the jealous ones

Can I hear my ladies say (That’s what’s up)
Well, I see you trying to make it there (That’s what’s up)
But you just gotta keep your head up girl (That’s what’s up)
See I know sometimes the going gets tough, and your best ain’t enough
If you’re lonely cause (That’s what’s up)
Well I see you tryna make it there (That’s what’s up)
And see even when your world gets rough (That’s what’s up)
And your best ain’t enough, raise your hands to the sky, everything’s alright
Tell me how does it feel, to be one of the jealous ones
Tell me how does it feel, to be one of the jealous ones
Tell me how does it feel, to be one of the jealous ones

When you see that people can’t stand, when you’re happy, they’re the jealous ones
I ain’t mad, I’ve never been more happy, I’m doing me, regardless of the jealous ones
Tell me how does it feel to be one of the jealous ones
Tell me how does it feel, to be one of the jealous ones
Tell me how does it feel, to be one of the jealous ones


Hurry, hurry I don’t have a lot of time
I’m at the studio a quarter after nine
Baby whatcha wanna do, baby make your move
Just make sure you don’t interrupt the groove
There’s a sign up on the door, saying don’t disturb this groove

There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove
There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove (Don’t disturb this groove)

See I know it’s the middle of the night
But I can’t seem to get you off my mind
The indecision that I should call
Sex is written in the writings on the wall
I had a dream of you and me
Traveling to ecstasy, through my private fantasy
I’ll take you there, wont you come with me
There’s a sign up on the door, saying don’t disturb this groove

There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove
There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove

Shh (uh), shh (uh) (Don’t say nothin’)
Shh (uh), shh (uh) ding dong, shh (uh) ding dong, shh (uh)

There’s a sign up on the door, saying don’t disturb this groove
(Shh, ding-dong) I’ve been waiting
(Shh, ding dong) so keep your eyes on me
(Ding-dong) Anticipating
(Ding-dong) Just keep your eyes on me
(Ding-dong) I’ve been waiting
(Ding-dong) So keep your eyes on me, anticipating

There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove
There’s no limit baby boy, you can have what I got
Get what you want, take what you see, I’m giving what you need
Whatever you want, just don’t disturb this groove (Shh)


Oh-oh yeah
Just one of those days people are up, e
njoy the summer it’s shining

Living their lives, having their fun, although inside I’m dying
Looking at my window, hoping to see you turn the corner
I know that you won’t show, still I sit here waiting for you
Are you ever coming back this way, I can’t take it another day
I need someone to fill this empty space, it’s like you walked and left without a trace

So, so, so cold, so, so, so cold

I really wish you would’ve took, all of those memories with you
You left them here staring at me, now it’s so hard to forget you
Tried to burn your pictures, it was too cold inside my room
Felt to me like winter, but everyone knows it’s really June
Are you ever coming back this way, I can’t take it another day
I need someone to fill this empty space, it’s like you walked and left without a trace

So, so, so cold, so, so, so cold

Please tell me just what I’ve done, how could you leave me all alone
Wearing a sweater in sunny weather, since you’ve been gone I’m so cold
Ever since you went away I can’t stand no sunny days
Please tell me just what to do, cuz I just can’t get over you

So, so, so cold, baby I’m so, so cold


Hi, it's me (Keep your eyes on me)
You won't believe what I'm doing (Keep your eyes on me)
Well, come on then, take a little bit. It feels good (Keep your eyes on me)
What are you doing, come on, let me hear you...(Oh)

You see I made the decision to give you a call
Cos' sex is written in the scribble writing on the wall
Baby I've been going crazy sittin' in my room
Fantasizing about you has never felt so good
I can take it no longer, ready to take it further
There's no time to talk it over, boy you know I want ya
Can't ya hear it in my voice the way I'm needing you
Here's your chance baby I'm ready if you're coming through

There's no limit baby boy you can have what I got,
Give what you want, take what you see, I'm giving you what you need
Whatever you want, just don't disturb this groove
There's no limit baby boy you can have what I got,
Give what you want, take what you see, I'm giving you what you need
Whatever you want, just don't disturb this groove

Why don't you check the reflection in my mirror frame
Its not the silver screen it's serious, I'm not a game
I want you to come and listen to my body sing
Wanna hear my bell ring (bidy bong bing)
I've been waiting, my time is wasting, anticipating
The love of making all your dreams come true you're hesitating
Time is ticking, better hurry up and follow through
I'm all alone so baby tell me whatcha gonna do?

There's no limit baby boy you can have what I got,
Give what you want, take what you see, I'm giving you what you need
Whatever you want, just don't disturb this groove
There's no limit baby boy you can have what I got,
Give what you want, take what you see, I'm giving you what you need
Whatever you want, just don't disturb this groove (Don't say nothing)

You won't believe what I'm doing
Don't disturb this groove (Don't say nothing)
Shh...keep your eyes on me
(Bing bong) I've been waiting
(Bing bong) So keep you're eyes on me
(Bing bong) Anticipating
(Bing bong) Just keep you're eyes on me
There's a sign up on the door, saying don't disturb this groove

There's no limit baby boy you can have what I got,
Give what you want, take what you see, I'm giving you what you need
Whatever you want, just don't disturb this groove
There's no limit baby boy you can have what I got,
Give what you want, take what you see, I'm giving you what you need
Whatever you want, just don't disturb this groove

There's no limit baby boy you can have what I got,
Give what you want, take what you see, I'm giving you what you need
Whatever you want, just don't disturb this groove
(Keep your eyes on me, keep your eyes on me)


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