• Megjelenés 1999. Október 18.
    • ÚJ Megjelenés 2000. Augusztus 21.
  • Felételek 1999 Március - Július
  • Műfaj Pop - Rock - Dance - Electronica - Trance - Techno-rock - R&B
  • Hossz 53:18
  • Kiadó Virgin Records
  • Írók Melanie Chisholm - William Orbit - Rick Nowels - Richard Stannard - Julian Gallagher - Billy Steinberg - Rhett Lawrence - Paul F Cruz - Lisa Lopes - Lorenzo Martin - Marius De Vries - Steve Sidelnyk - Matt Rowe - Phil Thornalley - Dave Munday
  • Producerek Craig Armstrong - Marius De Vries - Rhett Lawrence - Damian LeGassick - Patrick McCarthy - Rick Nowels - William Orbit - Rick Rubin
  • Eladás $ 4,000,000 - UK $ 893,000
  • UK Helyezés # 04
  • LIVE From Liverpool to Leicester Square (1999) - Northern Star Tour (2000-01)
  • Kislemezek az albumról
    • 01: Goin' Down - 1999. Szeptember 29.
    • 02: Northern Star - 1999. November 22.
    • 03: Never be the Same Again - 2000. Március 20.
    • 04: I Turn to You - 2000. Augusztus 7.
    • 05: If That Were Me - 2000. November 27.

NORTHERN STAR Melanie C angol énekesnő debütáló szólóalbuma, amelyet 1999. október 18-án adott ki a Virgin Records. Chisholm és csapata több producert is toborzott, köztük William Orbitot, Rick Nowelst, Marius de Vriest, valamint Craig Armstrongot és Rick Rubint. Chisholm minden dal társszerzője volt.
Az album a popot a rock, a dance, az elektronika, a trance, a techno-rock és az R&B elemeivel ötvözi, ami ellentétben állt Chisolm csapatának, a Spice Girlsnek a hangzásával. A svéd albumlista első helyére került, és az első tízbe olyan országokban, mint Dánia, Finnország, Németország, Írország, Hollandia és Norvégia. Az Egyesült Királyságban a Northern Star a negyedik helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, és csaknem 900 000 példányban kelt el belőle. Világszerte közel 2,5 millió példányszámával ez a legtöbbet eladott Spice Girl szólóalbum. Az albumot 2000. augusztus 21-én adták ki újra, hogy a "Never Be the Same Again" és az "I Turn to You" kislemezkeverékeit tartalmazza mindkét kislemez sikere után.


Chisholm első szóló próbálkozása egy duett volt Bryan Adamsszel, amelyet kislemezként adtak ki 1998. november 30-án. A "When You're Gone", amely eredetileg Adams On a Day Like Today című albumán szerepelt, az első 3 helyet biztosította a brit kislemezlistán. . A kislemez 15 hetet töltött a brit top 40-ben, ebből kilenc az első 10-ben. Bryan Adams először 1996 szeptemberében Londonban találkozott Chisholmmal, miközben előadta a "Say You'll Be There"-t a Spice Girls-szel. a Pops. Mindketten kedvelték egymást, és Adams mindig egy lehetséges együttműködésre gondolt vele. 1998 nyarán újra találkoztak egy szállodában, amikor Chisholm a Spice Girls-szel turnézott; Adams egy videót forgatott, és megkérte, hogy énekeljen az albumára. Nem hallotta a "When You're Gone"-t, de azt mondta, megteszi. A kislemez sikere miatt Chisholm további egyéni projektekre vágyott. Ezt követően három további dalt írtak Chisholm hamarosan megjelenő debütáló szólóalbumára: "Follow Me", "Angel on My Shoulder" és "You Tanght Me", az első kettő a "Northern Star" és a "Goin" B-oldalaként szolgált. ' Down" kislemezeket, míg a "You Tanght Me" csak promócióként jelent meg a médiában.
1999 elején a Spice Girls kivett egy kis szabadságot, miután kiterjedt turnézott a világban. Mel B és Victoria Beckham ekkor bejelentette, hogy mindketten terhesek, így a Spice Girls minden tervet felfüggesztették. Chisholm úgy döntött, elhagyja az Egyesült Királyságot, és Los Angelesbe utazik, hogy az ugyanazon év őszén megjelenő szólóalbumán dolgozzon. Chisholm azt tervezte, hogy Rick Rubin producerrel dolgozna együtt, akivel egy évvel korábban találkozott, amikor a Spice Girlsnek egy számot kellett volna felvennie a Blackstreet-tel a South Park albumhoz, mielőtt a jogi viták közbeléptek volna. Rubinnak kellett a pálya élére állnia, és amikor meghallotta Chisholm saját dalszerzői ambícióit, kezet nyújtott. Rubin volt a Red Hot Chili Peppers fő producere is, amelynek énekese, Anthony Kiedis a pletykák szerint akkoriban Chisholmmal járt. Chisholm egy indie rock albumot akart készíteni, és a Blur, Oasis, Suede és a Cardigans ihletőjeként nevezte meg. Nagyon szerette Madonna munkáit – különösen a Ray of Light-t –, és Madonna segítségével szerette volna megvágni első albumát. A Cosmopolitan magazin brit kiadásának 1999 júliusában adott interjúja szerint Madonna meghívta, hogy töltsön vele egy kis időt, és sikerült elérnie, hogy William Orbit, a Madonna's Ray of Light producere a "Go!" íróként és producerként, míg Chisholm szólóprojektjéhez Marius de Vries, Craig Armstrong és Rick Nowels, akik Madonnával is dolgoztak a Ray of Light-on, szintén közreműködtek számokkal. Négy hónappal azután, hogy Chisholm elutazott Los Angelesbe, a Virgin Records vezetői, akik aggódtak amiatt, hogy a média hogyan vélekedik majd szólóalbumáról, kaptak egy korai promóciós CD-t „Northern Star – Work in Progress CD” néven. szóló művészként szóló hangzásának ősbemutatója. Az albumhoz rögzített utolsó számok a "Go!" és az „I Turn to You”, mindkettő nem szerepel a korai promóciós CD-n.


  • 01: GO! (Melanie Chisholm, William Orbit) - 3:39
  • 02: NORTHERN STAR (Melanie Chisholm, Rick Nowels) - 4:41
  • 03: GOIN' DOWN (Melanie Chisholm, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher) - 3:35
  • 04: I TURN TO YOU (Melanie Chisholm, Rick Nowels, Billy Steinberg) - 5:49
  • 05: IF THAT WERE ME (Melanie Chisholm, Rick Nowels) - 4:31
  • 06: NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN (featuring Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes) (Melanie Chisholm, Rhett Lawrence, Paul F Cruz, Lisa Lopes, Lorenzo Martin) - 4:52
  • 07: WHY (Melanie Chisholm, Marius De Vries, Steve Sidelnyk) - 5:27
  • 08: SUDDENLY MONDAY (Melanie Chisholm, Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher) - 2:36
  • 09: GA GA (Melanie Chisholm, Phil Thornalley, Dave Munday) - 3:50
  • 10: BE THE ONE (Melanie Chisholm, Phil Thornalley, Dave Munday) - 3:35
  • 11: CLOSER (Melanie Chisholm, Rick Nowels, Billy Steinberg) - 5:41
  • 12: FEEL THE SUN (Melanie Chisholm, Rick Nowels) - 5:02


  • 09: FOLLOW ME (Melanie Chisholm, Bryan Adams, Billy Steinberg) - 4:48


  • 13: NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN (single mix) (featuring Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes) - 4:15
  • 14: I TURN TO YOU (Hex Hector radio mix) - 4:13


  • FOLLOW ME - Kislemez: Northern Star [1999]
  • ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER - Kislemez: Goin' Down [1999]
  • I WANT YOU BACK - Kislemez: Goin' Down [1999]
  • SOMETHING'S GONNA HAPPEN - Kisleme:z Northern Star [1999]
  • I WONDER WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE - Kislemez: Never be the Same Again [2000]
  • YOU TAUGHT ME - Törölve
  • SHOW ME THAT WAY - Törölve


WHEN YOU'RE GONE Bryan Adams kanadai zenész dala, Melanie C angol énekesnő közreműködésével, az előbbi nyolcadik stúdióalbumáról, az On a Day Like Today-ről (1998). A dalt Eliot Kennedy és Adams írta, a producer pedig Adams és Bob Rock. Az A&M Records adta ki 1998. november 30-án, az album második kislemezeként, amellett, hogy Melanie C első kislemeze a Spice Girlsön kívül. Zeneileg pop, pop rock és soft rock műfajokat tartalmaz, Adams és Melanie C duettjeként adják elő gitárszólóval.
A "When You're Gone" általában kedvező kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik dicsérték a produkciót, de kritizálták Melanie C énekhangját. A dal a harmadik helyen végzett a brit kislemezlistán és a negyedik helyen az ausztrál ARIA kislemezlistán. Marcus Nispel német filmrendező kiadott egy hozzá tartozó videoklipet, amely Adams és Melanie C-t egy házban ábrázolja. Adams a "When You're Gone" másik verzióját Pamela Anderson kanadai-amerikai színésznővel rögzítette az Anthology (2005) című válogatásalbumához, és Melanie C-vel új verzióként a Classic Pt II (2022) című újrafelvételi albumához. ).

Háttér A "When You're Gone"-t Bryan Adams és Eliot Kennedy írta az előbbi nyolcadik stúdióalbumának On a Day Like Today (1998) készítése közben. Adams eredetileg Sheryl Crow amerikai zenésztől kérte fel a dalt duettként, de nem kapott tőle választ. Váratlanul találkozott Melanie C-vel egy Los Angeles-i szálloda liftjében, ahol felkérte, hogy szerepeljen a "When You're Gone" című műsorban. Adams először a Top of the Pops (TOTP) brit zenei slágerlistákon találkozott Melanie C-vel, a Spice Girls 1996-os Wannabe című dalának előadása közben. A dalt a Warehouse Stúdióban, Vancouverben (Kanada) vették fel 1998 júniusa és augusztusa között, Adams és Bob Rock produkciójával. Kennedy felvette Melanie C énekét, és elküldte a kanadai stúdióba, ahol Adams dolgozott, hogy beillesszék a dalba.
A "When You're Gone" először a rádióban jelent meg Európában, majd kislemezként 1998. november 30-án terjesztették. A következő hónapban, december 23-án, Japánban kiadtak egy CD-lemezt.[7] Az Egyesült Államokban az A&M Records 1999. március 2-án közvetítette a dalt a kortárs slágerrádiónak. A "When You're Gone" Melanie C első fellépése kislemezen, mióta ő a Spice Girls első tagja, aki szólókarrierbe kezdett,, és Adams második kislemeze az On a Day Like-ból. Ma. 2005-ben Adams felvette a "When You're Gone" című duettet Pamela Anderson kanadai-amerikai színésznővel Anthology (2005) című válogatásalbumához. Ötször telefonált Andersonnak, hogy rávegye a dal felvételére, mivel az utóbbi kezdetben azt hitte, hogy punkzik. 2022 júliusában Adams és Melanie C kiadta a "When You're Gone" új verzióját a Classic Pt II-ről, az előbbi albumról, amely újra felvett dalokat tartalmaz.

GA GA Promóciós CD-R kislemezként jelent meg még a Northern Star album előtt. Valójában a szám szerepelt az 1999-es O Paizão című film filmzenéjén. A Ga Ga annak az előzetese volt, amit mindenki láthat Melanie C debütáló szólóalbumán, rockosabb és agresszívabb vonalban, mint amikor a Spice Girlsnél játszott. A szám jó kritikákat kapott, és a Northern StarR előzetes promóciójaként szolgált.

GOIN' DOWN A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. Írta: Melanie C, Julian Gallagher és Richard Stannard debütáló szólóalbumához, a Northern Starhoz (1999), a dal producere Marius De Vries. A "Goin' Down" Melanie C debütáló szólókislemezeként jelent meg 1999 szeptemberében, és bejutott a legjobb 10-be az Egyesült Királyságban, ahol szólóelőadóként ez lett az első ötös slágere. A dal Ausztráliában a legjobb 30-ba is bekerült, a 25. helyen végzett. Melanie C szerint a dalt a Blur "Song 2" ihlette.

NORTHERN STAR A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. Ez a címadó dal debütáló szólóalbumáról, és az album második kislemezeként jelent meg 1999. november 22-én. Melanie C és Rick Nowels írta. A dal producere Marius De Vries, és a zenekritikusok pozitív fogadtatásban részesültek. A kislemez a negyedik helyen szerepelt a brit kislemezlistán, és ezzel a harmadik kislemeze lett az első öt között. Ezenkívül Finnországban, Olaszországban és Svédországban a legjobb 20 közé jutott. Az Egyesült Királyságban a kislemez 216 000 példányban kelt el 2017 júniusában.

NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN Melanie C brit énekes-dalszerző dala a brit Spice Girls lánycsapatból, benne Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes amerikai rapperrel, a TLC amerikai lányegyüttesből. 2000. március 20-án jelent meg első szólóalbumának, a Northern Starnak (1999) harmadik kislemezeként. A dalt Melanie C, Rhett Lawrence producer, Paul F. Cruz és Lopes közösen írta.
A „Never Be the Same Again” bekerült a brit kislemezlista élére, Moloko „The Time Is Now” című számát a csúcsra verve, Melanie C első szóló kislemezeként pedig az első helyet érte el. Az első héten 144 936 példányban kelt el, és ez volt Nagy-Britannia tizennyolcadik legkelendőbb dala 2000-ben. A dal más piacokon is sikeres volt, hét országban vezette a listákat, és pozitív elismerést kapott.[2] 2021 áprilisáig a dal több mint 477 000 példányban kelt el az Egyesült Királyságban. A videoklipet Francis Lawrence rendezte. Ez azt mutatja, hogy Melanie C egy futurisztikus otthonban ébred, és tai chit gyakorol Lopesszal.

I TURN TO YOU Melanie C brit énekesnő dala. A Northern Star (1999) című debütáló szólóalbumának negyedik kislemezeként jelent meg 2000. augusztus 7-én az Egyesült Királyságban, és Melanie második első számú kislemeze lett az Egyesült Királyságban, 120 000 példányban kelt el az első hete.[3] Az „I Turn to You” az osztrák kislemezlistán, a dán kislemezlistán, a holland top 40-en, a svéd kislemezlistán és az amerikai Billboard Hot Dance Club Play listán is az élre került. A fő kislemez "Hex Hector Radio Mix" néven jelent meg, amiért Hex Hector 2001-ben elnyerte a Grammy-díjat az év remixereként.

Háttér A dal album verzióját 1999-ben vették fel. Írta: Melanie C, Rick Nowels és Billy Steinberg. A dalt a Northern Star album negyedik kislemezeként választották ki, közvetlenül a Never Be The Same Again első számú kislemez nagy sikere után. Melanie C elmondása szerint a Virgin Records vezetőivel folytatott néhány megbeszélést követően úgy döntöttek, hogy elkészítenek néhány remixet, hogy lássák, milyen hangzásúak. Kijelentette, hogy a Hex Hector remix hallatán "lenyűgözött", ezért a Virgin vezetőivel együtt úgy döntöttek, hogy kislemezként adják ki. Azt mondta, hogy "csak volt értelme - az egész Ibiza dolog, ez egy nyári kiadás volt, nyilvánvaló volt, hogy a Hex Hector keverék sláger lesz".

IF THAT WERE ME Melanie C angol művész dala. Rick Nowels társszerzője és producere volt szóló debütáló stúdióalbumához, a Northern Starhoz (1999). A dal szövege a hajléktalanság kérdésével foglalkozik. Az album ötödik és egyben utolsó kislemezeként kiválasztott "If That Were Me" 2000. november 27-én jelent meg. A dal a 18. helyre került a brit kislemezlistán, mellyel Melanie C első szóló kislemeze lett, amely nem jutott el az első öt közé. Az eladásból származó bevétel a Kandu Arts jótékonysági szervezethez került.


FROM LIVERPOOL TO LEICESTER SQUARE [1999. Szeptember 27. - November 1.] Ez volt az angol énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C. első koncertje. A turné 1999. szeptember 27. és 1999. november 1. között zajlott.
A torontói koncert teljes hanganyagát internetes módon közvetítették a The Guvernment weboldalán. A milánói koncert öt számát félórás különlegességként vették fel, amelyet az MTV Olaszország sugárzott. A teljes madridi koncertet a spanyolországi 40 TV közvetítette. Az amszterdami koncert dallistáját utolsó két dalát rögzítették és az UK CD 2-n mutatták be a Never Be the Same Again című kislemezen. Az utolsó londoni koncertet internetes közvetítéssel a Melanie C eredeti honlapján. A müncheni koncert 13 dalának egyetlen kamerás felvétele pedig 2010-ben került fel a Melanie C YouTube-csatornájára.

  • GA GA
  • ANARCHY IN THE U.K. - performed in L.A
  • GO
  • GOIN' DOWN - acoustic version

NORTHERN STAR TOUR [2000. Augusztus 31. - 2001. Augusztus 26.] Ez volt a második koncert turné, amelyet Melanie C angol énekesnő adott elő. A turné 2000. augusztus 31-én kezdődött a lengyelországi Varsóban és 2001. augusztus 26-án zárult Bonnban, Németországban. Ez a Melanie C eddigi legnagyobb turnéja, amely 30 országban és 4 kontinensen szerepel.

A Shepherd's Bush Empire koncertjét 2000. október 1-jén a Melanie C eredeti honlapján webes közvetítéssel adták át. A webcast során Bryan Adams különleges megjelenést mutatott be, amikor Chisholm mellett előadta a "When You Gone" -t. 2000. október 20-án egy svéd rádió rögzítette a stockholmi koncertet, és egy kissé rövidített, 10 dalt tartalmazó listát tartalmazott. 2001. június 3-án a House of Blues honlapja közvetítette a 2001. április 4-én tartott anaheimi koncert hanganyagát.

  • GO!
  • WHY
  • GA GA



I've gotta go, find another direction
I've gotta go, I wanna get your attention

I am so sorry that it went this way, I just can't hold on anymore
The feeling's gone, I must move on, there's nothing left worth fighting for
I can't love you anymore, anymore
Go, find what you're looking for, go, you've lost me, that's for sure

I've gotta go, find another direction
I've gotta go, I wanna get your attention (for once)

I've never been in love before, but this is where it has to end
I just can't love you anymore, don't even want you as a friend
I can't love you anymore, anymore
Go, find what you're looking for, go, you've lost me, that's for sure

It all started in another dimension
It all started in another dimension, it all started in another dimension
You may have took my breath, you didn't take my dedication
They say that love is blind, they say that love is blind
They say that love is blind, I've never been the leaving kind

I've gotta go, find another direction
I've gotta go, I wanna get your attention (for once)

I've gotta go, find another direction (I can't love you anymore, anymore)
I've gotta go, I wanna get your attention (I can't love you anymore, anymore)

I've gotta go, find another direction (I can't love you anymore, anymore)
I've gotta go, I wanna get your attention (for once) (I can't love you anymore, anymore)


They tried to catch a falling star, thinking that she had gone too far
She did but kept it hidden well, until she cracked and then she fell

If all the history is true, she's gonna end up just like you
You made it to the other side, but tell me who will be my guide
They build you up so they can tear you down
Trust the ocean you'll never drown
Who is next, who's gonna steal your crown, you'll see

I have learnt my lesson well, the truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back, and don't give in to their lies and goodbyes
Northern star

Fulfil the longing in your heart, then we will never be apart
And if they dare to question you, just tell them that our love is true
They buy your dreams, so they can sell your soul
Is it any wonder we've lost control, feelings come, feelings go

I have learnt my lesson well, the truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back, and don't give in to their lies and goodbyes

Live your life without regret, don't be someone who they forget
When you're lost reach out for me, and you'll see she's not far
Northern star, northern star

I have learnt my lesson well, the truth is out there I can tell
Don't look back, and don't give in to their lies and goodbyes
Live your life without regret, don't be someone who they forget
When you're lost reach out for me, and you'll see she's not far
Northern star, n
orthern star, northern star


How come I didn't see, you were making fun of me?
How dare you change the rules, you made me look a fool
Well, now you're gonna see, the last laugh's not on me
What am I gonna do to get my revenge on you?
You're goin' down, goin' down
Was it just another line or did I misread the sign?
What else could I do, I was so into you
With all this bad luck I've had, my karma must be bad
You played your little game, oh, what a shame!
You're goin' down, goin' down, goin' down

I'm singin' it loud, and I don't care
I'm singin' it proud, everywhere

Now I feel no remorse, my life is back on course
From this little hitch, I have become a super bitch
But don't be afraid, by the confession I made
I am not a whore, I have gone hardcore!
You're goin' down, goin' down, goin' down, goin' down

I'm singin' it loud, and I don't care
I'm singin' it proud, everywhere

I'm singin' it loud, and I don't care
I'm singin' it proud, everywhere (ha, ha, ha)
You're goin' down, goin' down, you're goin' down, goin' down, ha, yeah


When the world is darker than I can understand
When nothing turns out the way I planned
When the sky turns grey and there's no end in sight
When I can't sleep through the lonely night

I turn to you, like a flower leaning toward the sun
I turn to you, cos you're the only one
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down, I turn to you

When my insides are wracked with anxiety
You have the touch that will quiet me
You lift my spirit, you melt the ice
When I need inspiration, when I need advice

I turn to you, like a flower leaning toward the sun
I turn to you, cos you're the only one
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down, I turn to you

Where would I be, what would I do?, if you'd never helped me through
I hope someday if you've lost your way, you could turn to me like I turn to you

I turn to you, like a flower leaning toward the sun
I turn to you, cos you're the only one
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down, I turn to you

I turn to you, when fear tells me to turn around
I turn to you, cCos you're the only one
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down, I turn to you
I turn to you, I turn to you


Where do they go and what do they do?
They're walking on by, they're looking at you
Some people stop, some people stare
But would they help you and do they care?

How did you fall, did you fall at all?
Are you happy when you are sleeping underneath the stars?
When it's cold is it your hope that keeps you warm?

A spare bit of change is all that I give
How is that gonna help when you've got nowhere to live?
Some turn away so they don't see
I bet you'd look if that were me

How did you fall, did you fall at all?
Is it lonely where you are sleeping in between parked cars?
When it thunders where do you hide from the storm?

Could you ever forgive my self-pity?
When you've got nothing and you're living on the streets of the city
I couldn't live without my phone
But you don't even have a home

How did we fall, can we get up at all?
Are we happy where we are on our lonely little star?
When it's cold is it your hope that keeps you warm?

Where do they go and what do they do?
They're walking on by, they're looking at you
They're walking on by, they're looking at you

Sporty - Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes

Come on (Oh, yeah, never be the same again)

I call you up whenever things go wrong
You're always there you are my shoulder to cry on
I can't believe it took me quite so long
To take the forbidden step, is this something that I might regret?
(Come on, come on) Nothing ventured, nothing gained
(You are the one) The lonely heart that can't be tamed
(Come on, come on) I'm hoping that you feel the same
This is something that I can't forget

I thought that we would just be friends, things will never be the same again
It's just the beginning it's not the end, things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore, now we've opened up the door
Starting tonight and from now on, we'll never, never be the same again
Never be the same again (come on)

Now I know that we were close before
I'm glad I realized I need you so much more
And I don't care what everyone will say
It's about you and me, and we'll never be the same again

I thought that we would just be friends, things will never be the same again
(Oh yeah, t
hings will never be the same again)
It's just the beginning it's not the end, things will never be the same again
(We've only just begun)

It's not a secret anymore, now we've opened up the door (opened up the door)
Starting tonight and from now on, we'll never, never be the same again
(Never, never be the same again yeah) 
Never be the same again

Uh, check it, night and day, black beach sand to red clay
The US to UK, NYC to LA, from sidewalks to highways
See it will never be the same, what I'm saying
My mind frame never changed so you came and rearranged
But sometimes it seems completely forbidden
To discover those feelings that we kept so well hidden
When there's no competition, and you render my condition
Though improbable it's not impossible
For a love that could be unstoppable, but wait
I find lines between fate and destiny
Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be?
When you tell me the stories of your quest for me
Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly
And as our energies mix and begin to multiply
Everyday situations they start to simplify
So things will never be the same between you and I
We intertwine our life forces, and now we’re unified, yeah

I thought that we would just be friends, things will never be the same again (come on)
It's just the beginning it's not the end, things will never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore, now we've opened up the door (door)
Starting tonight and from now on, we'll never, never be the same again

(Come on, come on) Our things will never be the same again
(You are the one) Never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore, never be the same again
It's not a secret anymore, never be the same again
Never be the same again, never be the same again
Never be the same again, never be the same again


Why does the rain fall from the sky?
How can a sugar pill take this pain away?
I should have known that you would break my heart
You've ended something that didn't have a chance to start
Put out the stars, rub out the sky
Look to the future, wipe the teardrop from my eye
Shut out the sun, put out the light
Want you to tell me how you're gonna make it right

Why am I crying over you?
Why, cos there's nothing else that I can do
Why do I always look a fool, why?

Wish I'd read the signs and left you well alone
God, I wanna call you but I can't pick up the phone
Put out the stars, rub out the sky
Look to the future, wipe the teardrop from my eye
Shut out the sun, put out the light
Want you to tell me how you're gonna make it right

Why am I crying over you?
Why, cos there's nothing else that I can do
Why do I always look a fool, why? (Tell me why)

Why am I crying over you? (Tell me why. Why does the rain fall from the sky?)
Why, 'cos there's nothing else that I can do (Why do the tears fall from my eyes?)
Why do I always look a fool? (Why does the rain fall from the sky?)
Why? (Oh tell me why, tell me why)


Suddenly Monday appears again
Were was the weekend? I lost it again
Run to the bus stop. It's never on time
I couldn't care less 'cos you make me feel fine

Whenever I'm down you're always around
Maybe this time true love I've found
What would I do if I didn't have you?
The things that you say, the things that you do

You make me high, I wish that you knew, I wish I could tell you
Together we'd fly, o
pen your eyes, start reading my mind

Same conversation every day
So much to ask you but can't find a way
Wherever you're going can I come along?
Whatever your star sign, wherever you're from

The end of the day and you're still around
My head's in the clouds, feet on the ground
Maybe I should and maybe you would
Maybe tonight if only we could

You make me high, I wish that you knew, I wish I could tell you
Together we'd fly, o
pen your eyes, start reading my mind

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na


I don't want your adoration
Don't want your train stoppin' at my station
You hurt me and I'm grateful
I never ever felt anything stranger

Ga ga, crazy, foolish for wanting you
Stupid Cupid, he's a drag he's not like you
People say that it's insane, we love to feel the pain
And it hurts, yes it hurts, let it hurt

I don't want emotional hassle
I just want another bite of the apple
Dark thoughts need satisfaction
We're gonna crash, let's make it happen

Ga ga, crazy, foolish for wanting you
Stupid Cupid, he's a drag he's not like you
People say that it's insane, we love to feel the pain
And it hurts, yes it hurts, let it hurt

This will never be over, and you will always be mine
You've gotta feed my hunger baby, I am ready to dine

Ga ga, crazy, foolish for wanting you
Stupid Cupid, he's a drag he's not like you
Ga ga, crazy, foolish for wanting you
Stupid Cupid, he's a drag he's not like you

Ga ga, crazy, foolish for wanting you (Ga ga, crazy)
Ga ga, crazy, foolish for wanting you (Ga ga, and I'm crazy)
And it hurts, and it hurts, let it hurt, and it hurts, and it hurts, let it hurt
And it hurts, and it hurts, let it hurt, and it hurts
And it hurts, l
et it hurt, and it hurts


The situation is getting boring, you're not gonna spoil another day
I don't expect you to be calling, you're always gonna act that way
You've said those lines so many times, I've heard it all before
What makes you think that I will keep hangin' round for more?

Be the one, be the one, who moves my heaven and earth
You wanna be the one, be the one, who shares my hunger and thirst
You see the other ones hanging on, oh, they've got nothing on you
You wanna be the one, be the one, the only one

You say you're hooked on me, but where were you last night?
Because when you looked at me, yeah, you couldn't hold my eye
Saying things you never mean, it's no big surprise
Telling me that you're the one, I'm tired of the lies

Be the one, be the one, who moves my heaven and earth
You wanna be the one, be the one, who shares my hunger and thirst
You see the other ones hanging on, oh, they've got nothing on you
You wanna be the one, be the one, the only one

I've got no time for bitterness, I wanna move away from this
I've found myself somebody, oh-oh

Be the one, be the one, who moves my heaven and earth
You wanna be the one, be the one, who shares my hunger and thirst
You see the other ones hanging on, oh, they've got nothing on you
You wanna be the one, be the one, the only one

vI've got no time for bitterness, I wanna move away from this
I've found myself somebody, oh-oh


Loving you madly will be forever
I see the ocean in your eyes when we're together
There are no boundaries, there are no limits
My heart has been embraced now that you're in it

Hold me closer to your dreams, closer to your fears
Close to hear your laughter, hold me when you're close to tears

Time passes by, seconds into minutes
Every field and flower fades, but love is infinite
There are no boundaries, there are no limits
My heart's a bigger place now that you're in it

Hold me closer to your dreams, closer to your fears
Close to hear your laughter, hold me when you're close to tears

I wanna be the one, you tell your secrets to (Be the one)
All I want is to be closer, closer (closer, closer to you)

How tight can you hold me, how long can we stay awake?
How hard can we laugh, how much love can we make?

Hold me closer to your dreams, closer to your fears
Close to hear your laughter, hold me when you're close to tears
I wanna be the one, you tell your secrets to (Be the one)
All I want is to be closer, closer (closer, closer to you)


These thoughts can be evil and they often deceive
Gotta believe that I can overcome
My fears are the worst and they always return
I never learn, feel like I don't belong
Lost in the wreckage of a million bad dreams
Hard to function, I just need some routine
God, it's obscene, when did they stop the fun?
I knew that something must be done (To save the person I'd become)
That's why I had to run away

Feel the sun, waves crash like my emotion
Life has begun, now I will be safe from the storm
I found the one, this angel's my salvation
I'm feeling strong, you will be there if I fall

Guilt is no use it will tarnish your soul
Just let it go. The battle will soon be won
Cold in the shadow of who I should be
There's a fire burning deep inside me
Helping me see, only I hold the key
And now I stand here unafraid (Proud of everything I've made)
That's why I had to run away

Feel the sun, waves crash like my emotion
Life has begun, now I will be safe from the storm
I found the one, this angel's my salvation
I'm feeling strong, you will be there if I fall

There's so much energy, at last I can be free, I am the person I was looking for

Feel the sun, waves crash like my emotion
Life has begun, now I will be safe from the storm
I found the one, this angel's my salvation
I'm feeling strong, I'll never fall, you are there when I call


Sometimes when I'm lonely, I can feel you on the breeze
In the darkness, when I'm sleeping, you're the colour in my dreams
And I'm not alone, no I'm not alone

You're the angel on my shoulder, you're always there
You're the angel on my shoulder, I know you care
I know you're there, angel

Sometimes when I'm nervous, and I try to catch my breath
You're the the space between my heartbeats, you're the reason I feel blessed
And I'm not alone, no I'm not alone

You're the angel on my shoulder, you're always there
You're the angel on my shoulder, now I'm not scared
I know you're there, angel

I know you watch me when I'm good or bad
But I could never let you down, you always understand

You're the angel on my shoulder, you're always there
You're the angel on my shoulder, I know you care
You're the angel on my shoulder, you're always there
You're the angel on my shoulder, now I'm not scared
I know you're there, you're everywhere, angel


Every day, in my thoughts, you're my one obsession
Can't go on, need a fix, this is my confession
When you're not around the nights go along
You may be with her but with me you belong, I am the only one, I am the only one

I want you back, whatever you do
I want you back, I've got nothing to prove
I don't care what you said, want you back in my bed
I want you back, I want you back

Can't let go, guess you know now I've blown my cover
What I want, what I need is no other lover
Try to deny it but you know it's true
No-one can make you feel like you do, I am the only one, I am the only one

I want you back, whatever you do
I want you back, I've got nothing to prove
I don't care what you said, want you back in my bed
I want you back, I want you back

You can't keep running away from me
When something feels so right then it's meant to be
Like a dog with a bone I won't let go, won't let go
Try to deny it but you know it's true
No-one can make you feel like I do, I am the only one, I am the only one

I want you back, whatever you do (I want you back)
I want you back, I've got nothing to prove (I want you back)
I don't care what you said, want you back in my bed
I want you back, I want you back

I want you, I need you, I want you, I need you
I want you, I need you, I want you, I need you, I want you, I need you, oh


Light comes in I watch you wake
Wanting you so much my heart could break
To touch your skin, to feel your hair, I'd follow you anywhere
Light goes out I watch you sleep
Never imagine love so deep
I close my eyes to breath the air, I'd follow you anywhere
In the waves that wash over me, wash over you

Follow me, I'll follow you
Through your dreams to secret places
Here's my hand just take it, do as I do, I'll follow you

Nobody knows who made the stars
Baby the whole world is ours
From Liverpool to Leicester Square, I'd follow you anywhere
Angels that watch over me, watch over you

Follow me, I'll follow you
Through your dreams to secret places
Where nobody can trace us, we'll make it through, I'll follow you
(I'll follow you, I'll follow you, I'll follow you, I'll follow you, I'll follow you)

In the waves that wash over me, wash over you

Follow me, I follow you
When nobody can find you
I'll be right behind you, you make it through (I follow you)
Follow me, I'll follow you
Through your dreams to secret places
Here's my hand just take it, do as I do, I'll follow you


A shadow falls across the sky, the silence sings a lullaby
The room is spinning, close my eyes
Something's gonna happen (Something's gonna change)
Distant voices call my name, I'm like an insect in a flame
The darkness overcomes my shame
Something's gonna happen, yeah (Something's gonna change)

Fly away, find a way to find me
The night is near, and you are here, to take my living breath away
Dream weaver, soul believer, f
eeding on my lover's fever
Soul catcher, body snatcher, feel the fever

Out of sight, not out of mind, love is cruel, love is blind
Cast a spell, drink the wine
Something's gonna happen (Something's gonna change)
Taste the danger, oh so sweet, feel the hunger, feel the heat
My heart is falling at your feet
Something's gonna happen, yeah Something's gonna change)

Fly away, find a way to find me
The night is near, and you are here, to take my living breath away
Dream weaver, soul believer, f
eeding on my lover's fever
Soul catcher, body snatcher, feel the fever comin' atcha
Dream weaver, soul believer, living on my lover's fever
Soul catcher, body snatcher, feel the fever

(Na na na na na na na na na) Whoa oh yeah
(Na na na na na na na na na) Whoa oh yeah
(Na na na na na na na na na) Something's gonna happen
(Na na na na na na na na na) Something's gonna change
(Na na na na na na na na na) Whoa oh yeah
(Na na na na na na na na na) Whoa oh yeah
(Na na na na na na na na na) Something's gonna happen
(Na na na na na na na na na) Something's gonna change


I see you every day, I've known you for a while
You always say hello, I love the way you smile
Do you have any idea what seeing you does to me
I can feel you look in my direction, when will you give intome?

I wonder what it would be like, if we turned out the light
I wonder what it would be like, I'm longing for ya, wanna adore ya
Who would be the first to strike, If you stayed the night
I wonder what it would be like to love you

Well don't you think its strange
Fate brought you to my side (brought you to my side)
I was doing crunches, you were on stationary bike
I had given up on love I'd met too many freaks (met too manyfreaks)
Ever since I was seventeen I've been on this loosing streak

I wonder what it would be like, if we turned out the light (What would it be like)
I wonder what it would be like, I'm longing for ya, wanna adore ya (What would it be like)
Who would be the first to strike (Who would be the first to strike)
If you stayed the night
I wonder what it would be like to love you (What would it be like)

You can look at someone and use your imagination
Oh give in (give in), give in (give in) give in to temptation

I wonder what it would be like (What would it be like)
If we turned out the light (Turned out the light)
I wonder what it would be like, I'm longing for ya, wanna adore ya (What would it be like)
Who would be the first to strike (Who would be the first to strike)
If you stayed the night (You stayed the night)
I wonder what it would be like to love you
I wonder what it would be like (What would it be like)
If you would hold me tight (Turned out the light)
I wonder what it would be like (What would it be like)
To love you, to love you, to love you


I'm not thinking about you, I'm happy without you
No matter what they say, this is my independence

They say its a small small world, but your a million miles away
Wishing on that same bright star, I shouldn't wish my life away
Without you the night still falls, and I know the sun will rise
The truth is that life goes on, true as oceans pull the tide
We've got forever baby, we just haven't got tonight, oh baby

I'm not thinking about ya, I'm happy without ya
No matter what my friends say (no matter what they say)
Your not my one and only, I ain't feeling lonely
This is my independence day, my independence day

I guess we've made mistakes, and you just have to live and learn
Cause I've got no regrets, it doesn't mean that I don't burn
The sounds of times still fall, no matter what they say
Too many sacrifice, I can't dwell on yesterday
We've got forever baby, we've got as long as it feels right, oh baby

I'm not thinking about ya, I'm happy without ya
No matter what my friends say (no matter what they say)
Your not my one and only, I ain't feeling lonely
This is my independence day, my independence day
Hey, my independence day

No matter what comes my way
I'm gonna live for today, this is my independence day, ah yeah

I'm not thinking about ya, I'm happy without ya
No matter what my friends say (no matter what they say)
Your not my one and only, I ain't feeling lonely
This is my independence day, my independence day
No matter what comes my way, my independence day

Wishing on that same bright star (I'm not thinking about you)
I shouldn't wish my life away, wish my life away
(I'm happy with out you no matter what they say)
They say it's a small small world,
They say its a small small, small small world (this is my independence)

I'm not thinking about ya, I'm happy without ya
No matter what my friends say (no matter what they say)
Your not my one and only, I ain't feeling lonely
This is my independence day, my independence day


You taught me how to be in love, now I just can't get enough
(I, I just, I just can't get enough)
You send me to a higher ground, now I just can't get enough
(I, I just can't get enough)

I'd given up on make believin', I'd given up on finding love
I'd given up on my prince charmin', I'd given up on god of love, oh
I never thought I'd find somebody, who'd ever make me feel this way

Cos you taught me how to be in love, just what I was dreamin' of
Taught me how to be in love, I can't get enough
You send me up to higher ground, you have turned my life around
Taught me how to be in love, I can't get enough

I have had my share of riches, I have had my share of wealth
Mama said it would be lonely, bein' left up on the shelf, uh
She never knew I'd meet somebody, who makes me feel the way you do

Cos you taught me how to be in love, just what I was dreamin' of
Taught me how to be in love, I can't get enough
You send me up to higher ground, you have turned my life around
Taught me how to be in love, I can't get enough, no no

And now you are my one and only
And I am never feelin' blue, never feelin' blue

You taught me how to be in love, just what I was dreamin' of
Taught me how to be in love, I can't get enough
You send me up to higher ground, you have turned my life around
Taught me how to be in love, I can't get enough, no no

You taught me how to be in love, now I just can't get enough
(I, I just, I just can't get enough)
You send me to a higher ground, now I just can't get enough
(I, I just can't get enough)
You taught me how to be in love, now I just can't get enough
(I, I just, I just can't get enough)
You send me to a higher ground, now I just can't get enough
(I, I just can't get enough)

Your love, can't get enough of your love, I just, I just can't get enough
Your love, I can't get enough of your love, I just can't get enough
Your love, can't get enough of your love, I just can't get enough


Last night was magic, we running out of the rain
I lit a flickering candle, you were just insane
Last night was perfect, it seemed that way to me
Last thing I remember, you said my name so tenderly

Baby, I didn't hear you leave, why did you go
Baby, I didn't hear you leave, now I just don't know
I thought we both felt the same, I guess I was naive
I slept like a baby, and I didn't hear you leave

In the heat of passion, did I say I love you
I guess the drink was talking, I know I had a few
You touched a part of me, that no one's touched before
I opened up my heart to you, now I'm feeling insecure

Baby, I didn't hear you leave, why did you go
Baby, I didn't hear you leave, now I just don't know
I thought we both felt the same, I guess I was naive
I slept like a baby, and I didn't hear you leave

Now I'm waiting for your footsteps, and I'm waiting by the phone
My heart is feeding me to death, waiting here alone

Baby, I didn't hear you leave, why did you go
Baby, I didn't hear you leave, now I just don't know
I thought we both felt the same, I guess I was naive
I slept like a baby, and I didn't hear you leave


When the night ends and the sky stays dark
And your calm's drowned out by your beating heart
When fear taps your window and climbs down your walls
And the wind howls until the last leaf falls

I won't leave you alone, I won't leave you alone
I'll cover you, lover, you won't be on your own

When you look at me, I need in your eyes
I won't let you down, I won't compromise
Do you have desires that have never been addressed?
Whisper in my ear and if the answer's yes

I won't leave you alone, I won't leave you alone
I'll cover you, lover, you won't be on your own
I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I'll be there to touch you, comfort, and hush you, whoa

Together we are unbreakable steel, nothing to hide, nothing to conceal
Keep us together, keep us real, that's all I care about, baby, that's the way I feel

I won't leave you alone, I won't leave you alone
I'll cover you, lover, you won't be on your own
I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I'll be there to touch you, comfort, and hush you, whoa

I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I'll cover you, lover, you won't be on your own
I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I won't leave you alone (I won't leave you alone)
I'll be there to touch you, comfort, and hush you, whoa


Show me the way, I should walk for today
I can hardly believe my reflection
Try to move on, all my feeling is gone
Though I want to be strong, I surrender
Making the same mistakes, leaving it all to fate
Knowing I'm bound to break another time

Show me the way, I should walk for today
I am lost and I have no direction
Find a new dawn, I will weather the storm
I am free to exceed my potential
Travel the same old road, will it still lead me home?
Wherever I have to go, I know I'll be fine

Show me the way, I should walk for today
I am lost and I have no direction
Look to the past, I would never go back
I forget the romance and the splendour

Show me the way, I should walk for today
I am lost and I have no direction
I look to the past, but I would never go back
I forget the romance and the splendour
Show me the way, I should walk for today
I am lost and I have no direction


(When you're gone)
I've been wandering around the house all night, wondering what the hell to do
Yeah, I'm trying to concentrate, but, all I can think of is you
Well the phone don't ring cos my friends ain't home, I'm tired of being all alone
Got the TV on cos the radio's playing, songs that remind me of you

Baby when you're gone, I realize I'm in love
Days go on and on, and the nights just seem so long
Even food don't taste that good, drink ain't doin' what it should
Things just feel so wrong, baby when you're gone (Yeah)

I've been driving up and down these streets, trying to find somewhere to go
Yeah I'm looking for a familiar face, but there's no one I know
Oh this is torture, this is pain, it feels I'm gonna go insane
I hope you're comin' back real soon, cos I don't know what to do

Baby when you're gone, I realize I'm in love (when you're gone)
Days go on and on, and the nights just seem so long (on and on)
Even food don't taste that good, drink ain't doin' what it should
Things just feel so wrong, baby when you're gone (oh, yeah)
(Hey, don't go Bryan, when you're gone babe, don't go, don't go)

(Oh baby)
Baby when you're gone, I realize I'm in love (when you're gone, so in love)
Days go on and on, and the nights just seem so long (yeah)
Even food don't taste that good, drink ain't doin' what it should (oh-whoa, oh)
Things just feel so wrong, baby when you're gone (so wrong, you're gone)
Oh baby when you're gone, yeah, baby when you're gone


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