• Megjelenés 2005. Június 27.
  • Felételek 2004
  • Műfaj Pop
  • Hossz 42:47
  • Kiadó Amber Café Records
  • Írók Melanie Brown - Kevin Malpass - Julie Morrison
  • Producerek Kevin Malpass
  • Eladás $ 1,963
  • UK Helyezés # 453
  • Kislemezek az albumról
    • 01: Today - 2005. Június 13.

L.A. STATE OF MIND Mel B angol énekes-dalszerző második stúdióalbuma, teljes nevén Melanie Brown. Az egyetlen kislemez a "Today" volt, amelyhez Brown kéthetes promóciós turnét végzett az Egyesült Királyságban. A kislemez bekerült, és a negyvenegyedik helyen végzett.


"Kicsit zongorás, akusztikus gitáros. Nem RnB. A konyhámban csináltam a két londoni barátommal – Kevinnel és Julie-val. Először tesztelni akarom, mielőtt bármit is döntök, és megnézem, mi a reakció, és meglátjuk hogy szeretem előadni, mert csak a konyhámban voltam ott, ahol mikrofonnal énekeltem. — Brown az album felvételéről.

Miután 2001-ben otthagyta a Virgin Records-t, Brownt már nem érdekelte, hogy újra zenével foglalkozzon. Ez idő alatt Brown a televíziózásnak és a színészetnek szentelte magát – a Burn It című drámasorozat első évadának főszereplésével, a This Is My Moment című tévéműsor bemutatásával, valamint az LD 50 halálos dózis, az üléskitöltő, a hazugságok és a Voodoo Princess című dokumentumfilm felvételével. 2004-ben a Rent című musical színpadán debütált Mimi Marquez szerepében, és ez arra ösztönözte, hogy visszatérjen a zenéhez Augusztusban Brown felfedte, hogy a második albumát veszi fel, de nem írt alá egy kiadót. Átmenetileg létrehozta saját kiadóját, az Amber Cafét, hogy kiadja az albumot.
Az album felvétele közben Brown kijelentette, hogy nem akar hip-hop hangzásokat, hanem az akusztikus zenére összpontosít.Brown elmondta, hogy az L. A. State of Mind egy személyes album, mely önbetekintést nyújtó témájú, zongoradallamokon és akusztikus gitárhangzásokon alapul. A dalokat a konyhájában vette fel. Előadott néhány dalt különböző bemutatókon az Egyesült Államokban, mielőtt kiadta volna az albumot, hogy tesztelje a közvélemény reakcióját.


Az L.A. State of Mind című filmet 2005. június 27-én adta ki az egyesült királyságbeli Amber Café. Két formátumban jelent meg: normál CD-ként és limitált kiadásként egy 30 perces DVD-vel egy mélyreható dokumentumfilm, amelyet Mark McConnell forgatott és rendezett, és részletezi Brown Los Angeles-i életét. Tíz évvel később, 2015. december 11-én az albumot az Egyesült Államokban és Japánban csak a Right Recordings adta ki korlátozott fizikai kiadással. 2016. január 8-án Kanadában a Universal Music kiadta az L.A. State of Mind standard kiadását.


Az L.A. State of Mind általában vegyes vagy negatív értékeléseket kapott. Jon O'Brien (AllMusic) másfél csillagot adott neki, és megjegyezte, hogy az album az évtized egyik legrosszabbja volt. A dalokat úgy jellemezte, hogy "gyermeki dallamokkal és keltezett produkcióval [amely] teljes mértékben reprezentálja az albumot magában foglaló amatőr jelleget". A dalokat elemezve O'Brien megjegyezte, hogy az "Music of the Night (Perdido)" kudarcnak hangzik, és egy késleltetett próbálkozás, hogy Ricky Martinhoz hasonlítson. A "Stay in Bed Days" olyan volt, mintha valaki Shania Twaint énekelné a karaoke-ban és a "Bad, Bad Girl"-ben. , amelyet a "legrosszabbként" jellemeznek, "egy fülszaggatóan rossz szúrás volt a '80-as évek elektrojában, amely úgy hangzik, mintha egy gyermek Casio billentyűzetén rögzítették volna". Bárbara dos Anjos Lima (Abril) szerint az album „szégyenletes és katasztrofális”.
Caroline Sullivan, a The Guardian munkatársa három csillagot adott rá, és megjegyezte, hogy alacsonyak az elvárások az albummal szemben, de az L. A. State of Mind "nem az a halom ócska közömbösség, aminek lennie kellett volna". Azt mondta, Brownnak "nádas, gyenge hangja van", de az album anyaga "jól mutatja be". Kedvezően hasonlította össze a "Sweet Pleasure"-t Madonna "Justify My Love"-jával, a címadó dalt pedig Sheryl Crow műveihez hasonlította. A „Stay in Bed Days”-t „az egyetlen szemétnyomnak” nevezték; Sullivan kritizálta Brownt, amiért lánya énekét választotta a számon. Pozitív kritikában Christopher Rosa a VH1-hez úgy jellemezte az albumot, hogy "meglepő ízekkel rendelkezik". Dicsérte a hangterjedelmét az albumon, és "lenyűgözőnek" nevezte, majd azt mondta: "fenomenális hangja az egész középpontban van."


  • 01: TODAY (Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:16
  • 02: STAY IN BED DAYS (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 4:05
  • 03: BEAUTIFUL GIRL (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:47
  • 04: MUSIC OF THE NIGHT (PERDIDO) (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:48
  • 05: IF I HAD MY LIFE AGAIN (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 4:41
  • 06: IN TOO DEEP (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 4:00
  • 07: SWEET PLEASURE (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:40
  • 08: L.A. STATE OF MIND (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:44
  • 09: SAY SAY SAY (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:54
  • 10: BAD, BAD GIRL (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:25
  • 11: HOLD ON (Melanie Brown, Kevin Malpass, Julie Morrison) - 3:51




TODAY A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie Brown dala, amelyet a második stúdióalbumnak adtak, az L.A. State of Mindnek (2005) vezető és egyetlen kislemezként adtak ki. A dalt csak Brown írta, a producer pedig Kevin Malpass. 2005. június 13-án jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban, és bekerült a 41. helyre az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, mindössze két hétig. A videoklipet Mark McConnell rendezte, és a kaliforniai Los Angelesben forgatták.

BEATUFIUL GIRL és IN TOO DEEP  ezekről a két dalról pletykálták, hogy valamelyik a második kislemezként fog megjeleni, de az album, és Today hatalmasat bukott, ezért Mel B abba hagyta az albumot.



Something beautiful today is gonna happen
I can feel it in my bones it's gonna happen
Yeah, this feeling I'm feeling, it's incredible to me, and so strong
Don't ask me how I know, I can't explain it
It's so wonderful that I don't wanna change it
Yeah, it's so strange, it's so strange, faith is knocking at my door once more

Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on (today)
Something will happen today, something great will happen today (Yeah yeah)
Something will happen today
Something great will happen today (It's gonna happen today)
Something will happen today
Something great will happen today (Something will change)

No today won't be the same as any other
There is something left for me here to discover
Maybe these dreams that we dream, are all possible to reach, you'll see

Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
(Today so great, know is gonna happen)
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on
(Today can’t wait, know it’s got my name on) (today)
Something will happen today, something great will happen today (Yeah yeah)
Something will happen today
Something great will happen today (It's gonna happen today)
Something will happen today
Something great will happen today (Something will change)

Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
(Today so great, know is gonna happen)
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on
(Today can’t wait, know it’s got my name on)

Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
(Today so great, know is gonna happen)
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on
(Today can’t wait, know it’s got my name on) (today)
Something will happen today, something great will happen today (Yeah yeah)
Something will happen today
Something great will happen today (It's gonna happen today)
Something will happen today
Something great will happen today (Something will change)


1,2, 1,2,3,4
Just put on my makeup, and sip the happy tea
Try to start the day, but it's too freaky for me
Hide under the covers, switch from a to b
Acting kinda crazy, yeah, this works for me
Don't start me off, not today, cos i don't really care
I wanna scream, are you hearing me, I'm having a bad day

Is this me, is this what i'm really like
Is this me, why can't i say something nice
Is this me, or is this one of those
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)

I'll deal with things tomorrow, so please just let me be
I'm running out of patience, don't you dare bother me
I ain't doing nothing, but tearing out my hair
Thousand stupid meetings, I ain't going nowhere
What's the point, no time to waste, with smiles for you today
I wanna scream, are you hearing me, I'm having a bad day

Is this me, is this what i'm really like
Is this me, why can't i say something nice
Is this me, or is this one of those
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)

Am i in misery (no) do i need therapy (no) have i lost it in la
Am i on top of it (yes) got to be positive (yes) okay i guess i'll stay

Is this me, is this what i'm really like
Is this me, why can't i say something nice
Is this me, or is this one of those
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
Stay in bed days (stay in bed days) stay in bed days (stay in bed days)
1,2, 1,2,3,4, stay in bed


When I wake up to your smile, nothing else compares
And angel sent to here, my beautiful girl
When you look at me that way, you and I both know
I'm helplessly in love, my beautiful girl
I never thought I'd have such a precious gift, with you everything's so clear
You fulfill my life, your laughter and your joy
Make my spirit fly, you're my beautiful girl

A miracle sent to me, you're my rainbow of light
I'm cherishing this time we have, you sparkle there in my eye
Angel it's your time to fly, angel you shine
All the dreams I have are in you, child of mine

Your story now begins, each journey that you take
I won't be far away, my beautiful girl
I can't remember life before, now we are one, this I know

A miracle sent to me, you're my rainbow of light
I'm cherishing this time we have, you sparkle there in my eye
Angel it's your time to fly, angel you shine
My rainbow of light, you sparkle there in my eyes
Angel it's your time to fly, angel you shine
All the dreams I have are in you, child of mine
All the dreams I have are in you, child of mine


Maria, this senorita never has to dance alone
Surrender, to the music vibrating in her soul
She's flying, into another world her body spins
To sunrise, she doesn't want the night to ever end
Mariposa, es tiempo de volar, Mariposa, es tiempo de volar
Ay ay ay "she's giving it", ay ay ay "she's giving it", ay ay ay

Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)
Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)

Maria, this senorita she can work the dance floor
Emotions, gets a little more crazy than before
With passion, she's lost to the rhythm and the heat
On fire, into the night she'll be dancing in her sleep?
Mariposa, es tiempo de volar, Mariposa, es tiempo de volar
Ay ay ay "she's giving it", ay ay ay "she's giving it", ay ay ay

Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)
Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)

Ay yi yi, she's living it, ay yi yi, she's giving it, ay yi yi, come on everybody
Esta noche todos, come on everybody
Esta noche todos, come on everybody

Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)
Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)

Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)
Perdido, en el sonido (esta noche, todos)
Dancing to the Music of the night (come on everybody)


I did what I had to by seeing it through, I gave my best
I've hit some jackpots, I've made some mistakes, but I have no regrets
If there was another path, would you walk it my way

If I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing
Put my hand upon my heart, that's the truth
If you had your life again, tell me would you change a thing
With your hand upon your heart, what's your truth

I've cried with laughter, I've cried with pain, I've loved and lost
Discovered new places, discovered new friends, on the lonely roads I've crossed
If there was another path, would you walk it my way

If I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing
Put my hand upon my heart, that's the truth
If you had your life again, tell me would you change a thing
With your hand upon your heart, what's your truth

Looking back my friends you should say to yourself
Yeah you did your best cos there is nothing else

If I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing
Put my hand upon my heart, that's the truth
If you had your life again, tell me would you change a thing
With your hand upon your heart, what's your truth

If I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing
If I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing
If I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing
(if I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing)
If I had my life again, no I wouldn't change a thing (wouldn't, change a thing)


I'm rushing, from the moment I wake till the last drop-off light
And I'm rushing, through people and traffic, it's my city ride
Then I see your face, and my head is lost
Just one look and my whole world stops

In too deep, I'll be yours to keep, just let me in, I'll stay a while
Maybe you'll see me in time, stranger of mine

I wonder, would you turn to me if I asked you your name
And I wonder, is your timing like mine and if your life's the same
I imagine sometimes, that I'm right here with you
When I see your face my whole world stops

In too deep, I'll be yours to keep, just let me in, I'll stay a while
Maybe you'll see me in time, stranger of mine, stranger of mine

Am I invisible, too emotional
Should I walk away, hold my breath and stay
If this feeling's not real tell me why, am I

In too deep, I'll be yours to keep, just let me in, I'll stay a while
Maybe you'll see me in time, stranger of mine
Just let me in, I'll stay a while
Maybe you'll see me in time, stranger of mine
In too deep, yours to keep (stranger of mine, stranger of mine)
In too deep, yours to keep (stranger of mine)
In too deep, yours to keep


I'm physically, dramatically, undeniably, attracted to you, did you hear?
So profoundly, thoroughly visibly, attracted to you, did you hear?
The way you hold your keys, your coffee cup, even the tempo of your walk
The way your tattoos lay upon your skin, even the tempo of your thought

Sweet pleasure, sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, on, on, on, on
Sweet pleasure, let me lose myself in your embrace
Sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, bring it home

You satisfy, gratify, turn all my, world downside up
You're so colorful, natural, keep giving me a bellyful of your love
The way you feed, glide, breeze across me, in the softness of your stare
To clarify, you make my, senses naked, my soul bare

Sweet pleasure, sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, on, on, on, on
Sweet pleasure, how i feel for you i can't explain
Sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, bring it home

Bring it on, bring it on, (bring it on) on, on, on, on
Bring it on, bring it on, (bring it on) on, on, on, on
I'm captured by your whisper, into a mind field of love, into danger, into us

Sweet pleasure, sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, on, on, on, on
Sweet pleasure, how i feel for you i can't explain
Sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on
Sweet pleasure, sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, on, on, on, on
Sweet pleasure, gotta feel, gotta feel your warm embrace
Sweet pleasure, bring it on, bring it on, bring it home


I woke up today to a sun-bleached sky, gonna give myself time to unwind
Loaded up the trunk of my Cadillac, Brazilian bikinis and stuff like that
Drive to Hollywood, have a nice day, I'm heading west on the 10 freeway
Soft-top down, music cranked up, catching the breeze, yes I'm feeling the sun
Indiscernable blathering destination Malibu Beach

Carefree summertime, sure is easy, let your spirits fly
L.A. state of mind, come and join me, these are carefree summertime
Carefree summertime, summertime, carefree summertime

I'm hitting the waves on my boogie board, checking out the dudes playing volleyball
Raspberry ice cream, ripped t-shirts, looking so L.A. in my Ab-Crom skirt
Yeah, more friends will join us at the beach, making time to get sun-kissed
No place I'd rather be (on days like this) just heard there's a nobu in Malibu
Gonna flip a "U-ey" it can't be missed, there till sunset

Carefree summertime, sure is easy, let your spirits fly
L.A. state of mind, come and join me, these are carefree summertime
Carefree summertime, summertime, carefree summertime, on days like this

We're feeling so good, we're feeling so high (On days like this)
We're feeling so good, we're feeling so high

Carefree summertime, sure is easy, let your spirits fly
L.A. state of mind, come and join me, these are carefree summertime
Carefree summertime, sure is easy, let your spirits fly
L.A. state of mind, come and join me, these are carefree summertime
Carefree summertime, summertime, carefree summertime (yeah yeah)
Summertime, carefree summertime, summertime, carefree summertime


You, gave me your guidance, gave me your kindness
Sympathy and honesty
Yeah you, and your compassion, gave me the reason
Because of you I can be this strong
Simple things that matter, your friendship brings, so I sing

Say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay, I trust in your word
Cos when you say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay
I trust in your word, you bring me back to earth

I'm, loyal in answer, honored and grateful
For everything you're showing me
Cos you, carefully guided, deep in your empathy
Because of you I'm flying here with pride
And simple things that matter, your friendship brings, so I sing

Say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay, I trust in your word
Cos when you say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay
I trust in your word, you bring me back to earth

You, gave me your guidance, gave me your kindness
Sympathy and honesty
Yeah you, and your compassion, gave me the reason
Because of you I can be this strong
Simple things that matter, your friendship brings, so I sing

Say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay, I trust in your word
Cos when you say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay
I trust in your word, you bring me back to earth

Say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay, I trust in your word
Cos when you say say say, in your own sweet way
Hey hey hey, it'll be okay
I trust in your word, you bring me back to earth
You bring me back to earth


Lay down on the table, my head is bouncing off the wall
Dizzy and wasted, not making any sense at all
I tell my self that it's alright this time
I'm being a bad, bad girl, I want more, just some more, a bit more...

He said it leave, if i went there again, he said it go, go, go, if i did it again
And i did, yes i did, so that's exactly what he did
I can't help myself, I can't help myself, I can't, i can't, i can't help myself
Bad, bad girl....bad, bad girl....

Trying to focus, what is in that distorted face
Locked in the bathroom, torn between heaven and disgrace
I tell my self that it's alright this time
I'm being a bad, bad girl, I want more, just some more, a bit more...

He said it leave, if i went there again, he said it go, go, go, if i did it again
He said it leave, if i went there again, he said it go, go, go, if i did it again
And i did, yes i did, and i did, yes i did
And i did, yes i did, so that's exactly what he did
I can't help myself, I can't help myself, I can't help myself
Bad, bad girl....bad, bad girl....bad, bad girl

He said it leave, if i went there again, he said it go, go, go, if i did it again
He said it leave, if i went there again, he said it go, go, go, if i did it again
And i did, yes i did, and i did, yes i did
And i did, yes i did, so that's exactly what he did
I can't help myself, I can't help myself, I can't help myself


As we travel through life the seasons change
But the truth remains the same, always
So pause for a second take a breath
And maybe then you'll understand it's okay
To feel helpless and ask the questions why
It's all part of the tapestry so don't give up your fight

Hold on hold on, to what you believe in
So come on, hold on hold on, you know you can do it
If you hold, hold on

No-one knows what tomorrow brings
So try and live life here and now, in your way
Throughout all your struggle and your pain
Remember those times are not in vain it's okay
To feel sadness things they will all work out
Nobody said it was easy no trust in who you are now

Hold on hold on, to what you believe in
So come on, hold on hold on, you know you can do it
The power's within you, freedom to win, hold on

There is always so much more to life, rise above and stand strong
There you'll find the light you're searching for, the place you belong

Hold on hold on, to what you believe in
Hold on hold on, you know you can do it
You know the power's within you
Freedom to win - if you hold, hold on


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