• Megjelenés 2004. Feburá 9.
  • Felételek 2002-03
  • Műfaj Pop
  • Hossz 45:30
  • Kiadó 19 Recordings
  • Írók Emma Bunton -  - Hélène Muddiman - Mike Peden - Yak Bondy - Henry Binns - Yoyo Olugbo - Simon Ellis - Steve Lee - Ray Hedges - Nigel Butler - Cathy Dennis - Nina Marander - Tim Lever - Mike Percy - Steve Lewinson - Pete Lewinson
  • Producerek Yak Bondy - Boo Dan Productions - Cathy Dennis - Simon Ellis - Ray "Madman" Hedges - Tim Lever - Pete Lewinson - Steve Lewinson - Mike Peden - Mike Percy - Fabien Waltmann
  • Eladás $ 600,000 - UK $ 143,000
  • UK Helyezés # 07
  • TURNÉ Free Me promotional tour (2004)
  • Kislemezek az albumról
    • 01: Free Me - 2003. Május 26.
    • 02: Maybe - 2003. Október 13.
    • 03: I'll be There - 2004- Január 26.
    • 04: Crickets Sing for Anamaria - 2004. Május 31.

FREE ME Emma Bunton angol énekesnő második stúdióalbuma, amelyet 2004. február 9-én adott ki a 19 Recordings. Az album a hetedik helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, és három top 10 kislemezt hozott létre: "Free Me", "Maybe" és "I'll Be There". Ezzel az albummal Bunton lett az egyetlen korábbi Spice Girl, aki több példányban kelt el második albumából, mint az elsőből.


2001-ben Bunton kiadta debütáló szólóalbumát A Girl Like Me címmel a Virgin Records gondozásában. Több mint 12 hetet töltött az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, elérve a negyedik helyet, és megszerezte a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) arany minősítését. Ez egyben elkészítette egyetlen szólólistáját is, a "What Take You So Long?" és az öt legjobb kislemez, a "Take My Breath Away". Bunton kifejtette, hogy a kiadó támogatásának hiánya miatt hagyta el a Virgin Records-t, arra hivatkozva, hogy egy olyan kiadóval szeretne dolgozni, "ahol tudom, hogy az emberek mögöttem állnak, és olyan keményen dolgoznak, mint én."


Az albumot az 1960-as évek hangjai ihlették, mint például a bossa nova, a Motown és a francia pop. Az album producerei nagyrészt Mike Peden és Yak Bondy voltak, akik olyan szereplőknek készítettek számokat, mint az S Club 7 és Lucie Silvas. Az albumon Cathy Dennis, Henry Binns és Luis Fonsi Puerto Ricó-i énekes is közreműködött. Az albumot a 19 Recordings adta ki, amely a Simon Fuller tulajdonában lévő 19 Management részlege. Bunton így nyilatkozott az album mögött meghúzódó ihletről: "Körülbelül öt éves korom óta hallgatom a Motownt, és egyszerűen imádom, mivel nagyon szenvedélyes vagyok a tény iránt, hogy élőben is megcsinálták, és arra gondoltam: "Várj, mindig arról beszélek, hogy szeretem a '60-as éveket és a Motownt, ezért úgy gondoltam, hogy veszek belőle elemeket, darabokat, és beleteszem az albumomba, szóval pontosan ezt tettem." Azonban Bunton dalai ezen az albumon többnyire egyszerű firkaként indultak el. Azt mondja: "Van egy kis könyv az ágyam mellett, ahová az összes ötletemet leraktam dalokra és egyebekre. Kicsit furcsa, mert általában amikor álmodom, felébredek, és írj le valamit, aztán újra megnézem, és arra gondolok: "Istenem, mit álmodtam?"


A Free Me általában pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik közül sokan helyeselték a Motown és az 1960-as évek hangjainak használatát. A BBC Music szerint az album "könnyű és habos, mint egy jó cappuccino, de ezúttal a cukorral együtt". Általános elismerésben részesítette az albumot Stephen Thomas Erlewine, az AllMusic munkatársa, aki az albumot a legjobb Spice Girl-lel kapcsolatos lemeznek minősítette. Megjegyezte: "Ez a zene stílusos anélkül, hogy feltűnő lenne, nagyrészt a bájosan dallamos, erős daloknak köszönhetően (egy kivételével mindegyik Emma nevéhez fűződik). Bár Buntonnak még mindig kicsi, édes hangja van, erősebbé fejlődött. jelenlét a lemezen, így ennek az albumnak nem csak arculata, hanem vonzó személyisége is, amelynek nehéz ellenállni."
Lynsey Hanley, a The Daily Telegraph című újság szerint Bunton új zenei irányvonala "bátor lépés volt, tekintve, hogy a női pop előadók számára jelenleg a csillogó, nyájas R&B a fő kifejezésmódja, de Emma lankadt énekhangja és csak halványan szuggesztív imázsa illik hozzá. ennek az albumnak a kevésbé agresszív stílusa."
"Az album bája, kecsessége és szórakoztató" - mondta a Q magazin. A Marie Claire magazin szerint "keverik a bossa novát a James Bond filmzenével", és hogy "Emma egy csábító Brigitte Bardotra hasonlít".


  • 01: FREE ME (Emma Bunton, Hélène Muddiman, Mike Peden) - 4:28
  • 02: MAYBE (Emma Bunton, Yak Bondy) - 3:43
  • 03: I'LL BE THERE (Emma Bunton, Hélène Muddiman, Mike Peden) - 3:23
  • 04: TOMORROW (Emma Bunton, Yak Bondy) - 3:55
  • 05: BREATHING (Emma Bunton, Henry Binns, Yoyo Olugbo) - 4:00
  • 06: CRICKETS SING FOR ANAMARIA (Marcos Valle, Ray Gilbert) - 2:46
  • 07: NO SIGN OF LIFE (Emma Bunton, Simon Ellis, Steve Lee) - 3:38
  • 08: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU (Emma Bunton, Ray Hedges, Nigel Butler) - 3:18
  • 09: LAY YOUR LOVE ON ME (Emma Bunton, Cathy Dennis) - 3:23
  • 10: AMAZING (featuring Luis Fonsi) (Emma Bunton, Mike Peden, Hélène Muddiman, Nina Marander) - 4:06
  • 11: YOU ARE (Emma Bunton, Tim Lever, Mike Percy) - 3:46
  • 12: SOMETHING SO BEAUTIFUL (Emma Bunton, Steve Lewinson, Pete Lewinson) - 3:46


  • DON'T TELL ME YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE - Kislemez: Maybe (2003)
  • TAKIN' IT EASY - Kislemez: I'll be There (2004)
  • SO LONG - Kislemez: I'll be There (2004)
  • ESO BESO - Kislemez: Crickets Sing for Anamaria (2004)
  • SO NICE (SUMMER SAMBA) - Kislemez: Crickets Sing for Anamaria (2004)
  • CRAZY - Törölve
  • LADYLIKE - Törölve
  • RHAPSODY - Törölve
  • SECRETS - Törölve



FREE ME Emma Bunton angol énekesnő dala azonos című második szóló stúdióalbumáról (2004). A dalt Bunton, Hélène Muddiman és Mike Peden írta, a producer pedig utóbbi. 2003. május 26-án jelent meg az album vezető kislemezeként. Debütált, és az ötödik helyre került a brit kislemezlistán, ezzel Bunton negyedik nagy-britanniai kislemeze lett. A kislemez a negyedik helyet is elérte a US Hot Dance Club Play listán. A hozzá tartozó videoklipet Tim Royes rendezte, és Rio de Janeiróban, Brazíliában forgatták, olyan helyszíneken, mint a Macumba Beach, a Guanabara-öböl és az Alto da Boa Vista negyed.

MAYBE Emma Bunton angol énekesnő dala második stúdióalbumáról, a Free Me-ről (2004). Bunton és Yak Bondy írta, a producer pedig Mike Peden. A számot 2003. október 13-án adta ki az Egyesült Királyságban a 19 Recordings és a Universal Records az album második kislemezeként. A "Maybe" egy rágógumi pop dal, a bossa nova hatásaival, és francia zene is bekerült a kompozíciójába. Lírailag a szerelemről szóló "elszalasztott esélyekkel és önámítással" foglalkozik.
A zenekritikusok dicsérték kórusát és kompozícióját, néhányan pedig Austin Powershez hasonlították hangszínét. A dal kereskedelmi sikert aratott az Egyesült Királyságban, elérte a hatodik helyet a brit kislemezlistán; mérsékelt nemzetközi sikereket ért el, Írországban és Olaszországban a top 20-ba, Magyarországon és Svédországban pedig a 40-be került. A hozzá tartozó videoklipet Harvey & Carolyn rendezte, és a Sweet Charity (1969) című film "Rich Man's Frug" jelenete ihlette. Buntont a táncosai kísérik, miközben számos színes háttér előtt táncol. A „Maybe”-t a megjelenése idején számos televíziós műsorban és eseményen adták elő élőben, miközben Bunton számos koncerten énekelte.

SOMETIMES 2004-ben a The Chicken Shed Theatre Company fennállásának 30. évfordulója, és ennek a jelentős mérföldkőnek a megemlékezésében számos barátja és mecénása hozzájárult egy különleges adománygyűjtő album elkészítéséhez. A Chicken Shed Album a cég saját eredeti dalainak gyűjteménye, amelyeket az elmúlt harminc év zenei produkcióihoz írtak, és különböző művészek különleges vendégszereplésével. Minden művész a Chicken Shed Trustnak adományozta jogdíját.
Sometimes volt az első dal, amit Paula és Jo együtt írtak, és az A Song For Mom alcímet kapta, és szerepelt a Paula's Story című műsorban. Figyelemre méltó édesanyjának, Jannak szentelték, egy nőnek, aki nevetett az orvosi véleményekkel szemben, hogy bebizonyítsa, hogy lánya intelligens, szellemes, szabadon gondolkodó lány, akit csak testének gyengesége korlátoz. Emma Buntont először édesanyja, Pauline hozta el egy bemutatónkra, és azóta nagyon jó barátja. Úgy tűnt, hogy Emmánál nincs alkalmasabb ember énekelni.

I'LL BE THERE Emma Bunton angol énekesnő dala második önálló stúdióalbumáról, a Free Me-ről (2004). Hélène Muddimannel és Mike Peden producerrel közösen írta. 2004. január 26-án jelent meg az album harmadik kislemezeként, amely debütált és a 7. helyezést érte el a brit kislemezlistán. Párizsban forgattak egy fekete-fehér videoklipet Giuseppe Capotondi rendezésében.

CRICKETS SING FOR ANAMARIA Emma Bunton angol énekesnő a "Crickets Sing for Anamaria" című második szóló stúdióalbumát, a Free Me-t (2004) dolgozta fel. 2004. május 31-én jelent meg az album negyedik és egyben utolsó kislemezeként. A "Crickets" debütált, és a 15. helyre került a brit kislemezlistán, Bunton második kislemeze, amely kimaradt a legjobb 10-ből az Egyesült Királyságban, a "We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight" után. Ez egyben Bunton visszatérése az ír Top 40-be, miután elbukott az "I'll Be There"-vel. A dal klipjét Harvey & Carolyn rendezte, akik a "Maybe" című klipben is együtt dolgoztak Buntonnal. Jake Canuso, a Benidormból, a klip egyik főszereplője volt, mint szerelme. A B oldalon Bunton Paul Anka "Eso Beso" és Valle "So Nice (Summer Samba)" című számát dolgozta fel. Az egyetlen eredeti B oldal a "Maybe" latin változata volt.


free ME PROMOTIONAL TOUR [2004. Május 10. - Szeptember 4.] Emma Bunton brit művész promóciós előadásai voltak ezek a Free Me című album népszerűsítése céljából. 2004. május 10-én kezdődtek és 2004. szeptember 4-én fejeződtek be.

Háttér Bunton második albuma, a Free Me 2003-ban jelent meg a 19 Entertainment/Universal Recordsnál. Az album producerei nagyrészt Mike Peden és Yak Bondy voltak. További hozzájárulások az albumhoz Cathy Dennis, Henry Binns és Luis Fonsi Puerto Ricó-i énekes jóvoltából. Több mint tizenkét hetet töltött az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, a hetedik helyen áll, és több mint 141 712 példányban kelt el, ezzel aranydíjas státuszt szerzett. Az albumot a kritikusok széles körben elismerték, mint "a valaha volt egyik legjobb szóló Spice-lemez" a Motown és az 1960-as évek hangjainak fülbemászó és szórakoztató felhasználása miatt. A vezető kislemez, a "Free Me" jól elkelt az Egyesült Királyságban, és az ötödik helyet érte el a brit kislemezlistán. A "Maybe" második kislemezként jelent meg 2003 őszén, és széles körben elterjedt az Egyesült Királyságban, és a hatodik helyet érte el, egy pozícióval alacsonyabban elődjénél. 2004 tavaszán megjelent az album és harmadik kislemeze, az "I'll Be There". A kislemez, akárcsak két elődje, jól szerepelt a listákon, a hetedik helyen végzett. Később az év folyamán megjelent a negyedik kislemez, a "Crickets Sing for Anamaria". Keményebb üteme és durvább hangzása ellenére a Free Me hatása mostanra kezdett elfogyni, és a dal csak a 15. helyre került a brit kislemezlistán, összesen 25 000 példányban, és Bunton legkevesebbet eladott kislemeze lett. Az Egyesült Államokban a "Free Me" és a "Maybe" is a táncklubok törzsvendége volt, és a negyedik, illetve a hatodik helyet érte el a US Billboard Hot Dance Club Playen.



Being with you, longing for something to happen
Biting my time, hoping to get a reaction
Atmospheres tense, heavy with anticipation
Don’t leave me here, with only my imagination, free me

Now free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you
Oh free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you now

How long can I, continue to suffer in silence?
My aching heart, can't bear to wait in such suspense
So maybe its time, to tell you just how I am feeling
It’s full on desire, I have too long been concealing, free me

Now free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you
Oh free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you now
Free me, free me

Now free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you
Oh free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you

Oh free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you
Oh free me, let me loose to love you, yeah how I long to seduce you now


Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

Love isn't funny, when it is burning inside
When all you think of, is how to get through the night
And when you want it, it's just a game that you play
And when you get it, they're gonna take it away
Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe it's just a waste of time

But I don't think so, maybe I definately know
That maybe, maybe I'm in love

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

So if you want it, you wanna come out to play
Then you can have it, cos he's got plans for the day
And if I want it, there's no one out there for me
When you don't need it, there's plenty fish in the sea
Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe it's just a waste of time

But I don't think so, maybe I definately know
Why do I keep fooling myself, why can't I let go
This is not like me, but now I definately see
That maybe, oh-oh maybe, maybe I'm in love

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

But I don't think so, maybe I definately know (but I don't think so, oh-oh)
Why do I keep fooling myself, why can't I let go (why, why can't I let go)
This is not like me, but now I definately see (this is not like me, definately)
That maybe, oh-oh maybe, maybe I'm in love

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

Love isn't funny, when it is burning inside
When all you think of, is how to get through the night
And when you want it, it's just a game that you play
And when you get it, they're gonna take it away
Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe it's just a waste of time

But I don't think so, maybe I definately know
Why do I keep fooling myself, why can't I let go
This is not like me, but now I definately see
That maybe, oh-oh maybe, maybe I'm in love

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da


Fair weather days, can melt the ice on many a cold heart
Till the clouds roll in, and then you find they’re frightened of the dark
Some may come, and some may go, they’ll meet you high, then move you low
But I will always be the one who cares, I’ll be there

I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend
Yeah, I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend, I will be there baby

I may have to go in body, but my soul is with you still
When you think of me, I’m by your side, to guide you from all ill
We all need somebody who, we can always run to
And I will always be the one for you, I’ll be there

I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend
Yeah, I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend, I will be there baby

We all need somebody who, we can always run to
And I will always be the one for you, I’ll be there

I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend
Yeah, I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend, I will be there baby
I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend, I’ll be there for you baby
I’ll be there, whenever you need a friend, I’ll be there for you baby


Ba da ba ba bow, ba da da da
Ba da ba ba bow, ba da da da
Ba da ba ba bow, ba da da da

He's one of a kind and he's all mine
He's there for me come rain or shine a million times
Then one day suddenly he needed me
Would I be strong enough for two, when he is you

I know how to ease all your sorrow
So come here, rest your head on my pillow
It's alright, we don't need a tomorrow tonight
I know how to open the window
To your soul, close your eyes you can follow
It's alright, we don't need a tomorrow tonight

She wants him to see all he can be
Cos all it takes is an open heart and honesty
Then one day suddenly he really believed
That he'd be strong enough for she, when she is me, oh-oh

I know how to ease all your sorrow
So come here, rest your head on my pillow
It's alright, we don't need a tomorrow tonight
I know how to open the window
To your soul, close your eyes you can follow (your soul)
It's alright, we don't need a tomorrow tonight (it's alright)

Oh-oh, we fly cos together we're stronger when we can touch the sky
Don't need tomorrow tonight, tonight
Ba da ba ba bow, ba da da da
Ba da ba ba bow, ba da da da
Ba da ba ba bow, ba da da da

I know how to ease all your sorrow (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
So come here, rest your head on my pillow
It's alright, we don't need a tomorrow tonight
(It's alright, don't need tomorrow, tomorrow tonight)
I know how to open the window (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
To your soul, close your eyes you can follow
It's alright, we don't need a tomorrow tonight (it's alright)
Cos it's alright, we don't need a tomorrow tonight
Don't need tomorrow tonight yeah
Don't need tomorrow tonight, don't need tomorrow tonight


Everything you say is lost out in the cold
A distant memory of the times I've been alone
I don't know you like I thought I did
You're making promises I know you'll never keep

Imagine the feeling of passion, are you seeing
Believe in when we're breathing, why does it feel so cold
A constant feeling, of pleasure are you hearing
The sound of our breathing, why does it feel so cold

I wanna share with you the things I never told
But are we on the same wave dancing?
Where are we to go if it's not to be
Or maybe there's someone else out there for me

Imagine the feeling of passion, are you seeing
Believe in when we're breathing, why does it feel so cold
A constant feeling, of pleasure are you hearing
The sound of our breathing, why does it feel so cold

Imagine the feeling of passion, are you seeing
Believe in when we're breathing, why does it feel so cold
A constant feeling, of pleasure are you hearing
The sound of our breathing, why does it feel so cold

I won't let doubt be the last thing I think about
I know this feeling don't last long it's forever gone
You already lost my trust, when I'm over this
Let the last thing that I breathe be you

Imagine the feeling of passion, are you seeing
Believe in when we're breathing, why does it feel so cold
A constant feeling, of pleasure are you hearing
The sound of our breathing, why does it feel so cold


Hey Maria Papa said, you better go to bed
Maria Mama said, you better go to bed
And little sister said, you better go to bed, the older brother said
You heard what Papa said, you better say goodnight
You better shut the light, ynd Papa told you no
You can't go out tonight, but Papa didn't know
Maria had a date, and couldn't let him wait

So in a little while, she waited till the lights were low
She went out the window to her beau, and so

There's a lot of huggin' then, a lot of kissin' then
A lot of huggin' him, a lot of kissin' him
A lot of happy talk, a lot of moon above
But very little time, but very little time
To make a lot of love, to make a lot of love
Which is a normal thing, to make a lot of love
For it was summertime, when all the crickets sing, and in the summertime

When anyone's in love, the crickets sing a happy song
But they didn't do their repetoire for long

Suddenly the Papa came, and then the Mama came
And then the sister came, and then the brother came
And then the uncle came, and then the cousin came
An even dozen came, and I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame, because the Papa came
And then the Mama came, and then the sister came
And then the brother came, and then the cousin came
And even dozen came, and I can tell you this, do-do-do-do

When anyone's in love, the crickets sing a happy song
But they didn't do their repetoire for long

Suddenly the Papa came, and then the Mama came
And then the sister came, and then the brother came
And then the uncle came, and then the cousin came
An even dozen came, and I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame, because the Papa came
And then the Mama came, and then the sister came
And then the brother came, and then the cousin came
An even dozen came, and I can tell you

Suddenly the Papa came, and then the Mama came
And then the sister came, and then the brother came
And then the uncle came, and then the cousin came
An even dozen came, and I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame, because the Papa came
And then the Mama came, and then the sister came
And then the brother came, and then the cousin came
An even dozen came, and I can tell you

Suddenly the Papa came, and then the Mama came
And then the sister came, and then the brother came
And then the uncle came, and then the cousin came
An even dozen came, and I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame, because the Papa came
And then the Mama came, and then the sister came
And then the brother came, and then the cousin came


I wake up crying and I think of you
There's something dying and my world lines broken in two
A voice says get out of bed, but instead
I lay back and go out of my head
I've never been here at the crying stage
Was I the fool who never turned to read the last page?
And now it's another day
You're gonna pay for the love that I gave away
Baby, it's all that I can do, to hold back the love I feel for you
All I can think about is getting through, now that I know that there's

No sign of life, living without you
No sign of life, can't seem to face the truth
No sign of life, cant breath without you
No sign of life, so how am I gonna get through?

No more pretending that my luck has changed,
Won't see me crying but the tears still flow through my veins
I know that I'm getting strong
'Cause the tears that you see won't be there too long
Baby, it's all that I can do for you, to turn back the hate I keep for you
Now all I can think about is getting through, now that I know there's

No sign of life, living without you
No sign of life, can't seem to face the truth
No sign of life, cant breath without you
No sign of life, how am I gonna, how am I gonna, how am I gonna get through?
Get through-oh-oh, without you

No sign of life, living without you
No sign of life, can't seem to face the truth
No sign of life, cant breath without you
No sign of life, how am, no sign of life 
(get through)

No sign of life, living without you
No sign of life, can't seem to face the truth
No sign of life, cant breath without you
No sign of life (how am I gonna get through-oh-oh)


Do do do do do, do do do do do
Something strange, going on around here
Why you've been acting like you're just fifteen
Why the hell, are you staring out the window
Watching and waiting till your coffee goes cold
Baby I'm no genius, but I know that something ain't right

Who the hell are you, too cool, you ain't Mr. Right
Where the hell are you, you're out missing every night
Now who's kidding who, don't stop less you wanna fight
Stop living a lie (Stop living a lie)

I slap your face, just to make it real clear
There's something missing but you've no idea
What it takes, to treat me like lady
Look in the mirror, it becomes so clear
Baby I'm no genius, but I know that something ain't right

Who the hell are you, too cool, you ain't Mr. Right
Where the hell are you, you're out missing every night
Now who's kidding who, don't stop less you wanna fight
Stop living a lie (Stop living a lie)
You're out missing every night
You know I'll put up a fight, you're out missing every night

Stay out of my water, plenty fish in the sea
And keep it out of my face, quit bugging me
And I know what I like, I don't like you very much
There's one thing you can do, stay out of touch
Quit bugging me

Who the hell are you, too cool, you ain't Mr. Right
Where the hell are you, you're out missing every night
Now who's kidding who, don't stop less you wanna fight
Stop living a lie (Stop living a lie)

You're out missing every night
You know I'll put up a fight, I don't, I don't need you
I don't, I don't need you, I don't, I don't need you
I don't, I don't need you, I don't, I don't need you


You, me, inseparable, when we touch, when we kiss, I'm in heaven baby
Ain't this incredible, I can see, two can be, one together baby
Show me a breathless kiss
Baby nobody else gets to woo me like this, stay till the morning

Love's an emotion, brings a girl to her knees
A crash and commotion, like a roar in the breeze
Nothing's as sexy as the power of the birds and bees
Lay your love on me (love on)

Head rush, entangling, get me off with your love, let me in oh baby
Now we're uncovering, don't you know, I'm accused, I'm the center baby
Show me a breathless kiss
Baby nobody else gets me going like this, stay till the morning

Love's an emotion, brings a girl to her knees
A crash and commotion, like a roar in the breeze
Nothing's as sexy as the power of the birds and bees
Lay your love on me, lay your love on me (love on)
Love's an emotion, brings a girl to her knees
A crash and commotion, like a roar in the breeze
Nothing's as sexy as the power of the birds and bees

When I'm stretched out, my body's on the floor
Lovin the feeling, gotta get me some more (lay your love on me)
When I'm stretched out, my body's on the floor
Lovin the feeling, gotta get me some more (lay your love)

Love's an emotion, brings a girl to her knees
A crash and commotion, like a roar in the breeze
Nothing's as sexy as the power of the birds and bees
Lay your love on me, lay your love on me


Look at me, tell me what you see
Does he please you and make you go weak at the knees
I don't know, how you know
But I guess it might show that my eyes are in paradise
Can it really be, that you're here with me
Are you touching me now or is this pure fantasy
Are we in a dream, then let us be
No don't wake us from this kinda bliss
Cos we never had love that feels like this

You're so amazing, you're so unbelievable, you're so incredible to me
You're so amazing, yust so unbelievable to me, and if I hold you
I know I'll never, never, never let you go

Can you hear me now, like I'm whispering
In a voice dipped in honey that's making your heart want to see
Yes I hear you now, like a cooling breeze
On that hot summer night that we met back in paradise
When I hear you sing, there's a tingling
Like a million fingers caressing me over my skin
Are we in a dream, then let us be
No don't wake us from this kinda bliss
Cos we never had love that feels like this

You're so amazing (you're so amazing)
You're so unbelievable (so unbelievable)
You're so incredible to me (incredible, incredible, yeah/to me)
You're so amazing (you're so amazing)
Just so unbelievable to me (so unbelievable/yeah-oh yeah)
And if I hold you
I know I'll never, never, never let you go
(I'll never let, I'll never let you go/I'll never let you go)

You're so amazing (you're so amazing)
You're so unbelievable (so unbelievable)
You're so incredible to me (incredible, incredible, yeah/to me)
You're so amazing (you're so amazing)
Just so unbelievable to me (so unbelievable/yeah-oh yeah)
And if I hold you
I know I'll never, never, never let you go
(I'll never let, I'll never let you go/I'll never let you go)


All the simple things that you do to me make me feel so right
I've been waiting for a man like you for all my life
The way you hold me close is like I'm dancing alone I don't wanna let go
I've been hoping for some loving like this every night

Something about the way you are
Something about the way that you've been making me feel
Cause I love the way that you are, you are
Always thinking about my baby
Always wishing that you're here right next to me
Cause I love the way that you are, you are

Even when I'm down you change my mood around just by being you
Loving you is so easy, easy to do
Even when you're gone I can feel your warmth, like the morning sun
I wanna thank you for the love you bring into my life

Something about the way you are
Something about the way that you've been making me feel
Cause I love the way that you are, you are (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Always thinking about my baby
Always wishing that you're here right next to me
Cause I love the way that you are, you are

I've been hoping for some loving like this every night

Something about the way you are
Something about the way that you've been making me feel
Cause I love the way that you are, you are (yeah, yeah, yeah)

Always thinking about my baby (my baby)
Always wishing that you are here right next to me (yeah, yeah)
Cause I love the way that you are, you are (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Something 'bout the way you are (way you are)
Something 'bout the way that you've been making me feel
Cause I love the way that you are, you are (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Always thinking about my baby (my baby)
Always wishing that you are here right next to me
Cause I love the way that you are, you are


All the simple things you say (never gone away)
Take all my breath away, so why I come back to stay
All the little things you do (just like I always knew)
Keeps me running back to you, cause I belong with you

There is something that's quite beautiful
Found what I've been looking for, like the sunshine it's so wonderful
In my heart I'm feeling something that's so beautiful
Something so beautiful

This is the place where I can lay (now I'm home to stay)
Puts a smile upon my face, keeps me warm and safe
Time is proof that we're not wrong (always been so strong)
I never feel like I was gone, I'm back where I belong

There is something that's quite beautiful
Found what I've been looking for, like the sunshine it's so wonderful
In my heart I'm feeling something that's so beautiful
Something so beautiful, something so

There is something that's quite beautiful
Found what I've been looking for, like the sunshine it's so wonderful
In my heart I'm feeling something that's so beautiful
Something so beautiful


Don't tell me you love me anymore
Don't tell me unless you're good and sure

I can't control what my heart is feeling
Want you here, but I need to believe in, everything that you whisper in my ear
I'm making this real easy for you
You don't love me as much I love you, I'm gonna have to draw the line

Don't tell me you love me anymore
Don't tell me cos I don't need to know
Don't tell me you love me anymore
Don't tell me unless you're good and sure

What's the point of carrying on
What's the point of pretending that my future, is resting here with you
I'm not prepared to lie to myself for another day
And I don't want to hear it, I'd rather hear nothing from you at all

Don't tell me you love me anymore
Don't tell me cos I don't need to know
Don't tell me you love me anymore
Don't tell me unless you're good and sure

Can't you see, that you never saw the best in me
How could you ever let me go?
Let me know, please, let me know

Don't tell me you love me anymore
Don't tell me cos I don't need to know (oh-oh)
Don't tell me you love me anymore (don't say it)
Don't tell me unless you're good and sure

Don't tell me you love me anymore (don't say it)
Don't tell me cos I don't need to know (I really do need to know)
Don't tell me you love me anymore (baby please)
Don't tell me unless you're good and sure (baby, please)
Don't tell me you love me, don't tell me you love me anymore


When I close my eyes, the feeling of sunshine awakes
Colors in my mind, everything else melts away
And what I feel inside, no one could take that away from me
When I'm feeling high, is when you're by my side
So incredible, it's just you and I

Cuz what we've got is alright, you and me will always be so tight
No need to complicate it, cuz everything is working out just fine
You know me better than you think
Cuz we've got a thing that's so complete, and we're takin' it easy (yeah yeah)

All the things that we do, seem so easy with you
All the things we do, watching the sunrise again
Lying in your arms, your body is calling me in to you
Now I'm feeling high, cuz you're by my side
So incredible just you and I

Cuz what we've got is alright, you and me will always be so tight
No need to complicate it, cuz everything is working out just fine
You know me better than you think
Cuz we've got a thing that's so complete, and we're takin' it easy (yeah yeah)
All the things that we do, seem so easy with you, yeah yeah
All the things that we do, seem so easy with you, yeah yeah

When I'm feeling high, is when you're by my side
So incredible, it's just you and I

Cuz what we've got is alright, you and me will always be so tight
No need to complicate it, cuz everything is working out just fine
You know me better than you think
Cuz we've got a thing that's so complete, and we're takin' it easy

Cuz what we've got is alright, you and me will always be so tight
No need to complicate it, cuz everything is working out just fine
You know me better than you think
Cuz we've got a thing that's so complete, and we're takin' it easy


Day after day, I can hear you thinking of words you just won't say
So out of my way, will it hurt; who knows, well I hope and I pray
That you will forgive me, that I have to leave this way

So long so long
Before you break my heart, and I thought I had to let you know
Hold on hold on
It's tearing me apart, now it's all about letting, all about letting go

It's all I can do, to protect my heart from falling into you
I've gotta get through, to lift myself from out of these blues
Darling forgive me, that I have to leave this way

So long so long
Before you break my heart, and I thought I had to let you know
Hold on hold on
It's tearing me apart, now it's all about letting, all about letting go

So would you believe it, if I packed up my bags and just go
You should've seen it, but do you still care I don't know, I don't care

So long so long
Before you break my heart, and I thought I had to let you know
Hold on hold on
It's tearing me apart, now it's all about letting, all about letting go

So long so long
Before you break my heart, and I thought I had to let you know
Hold on hold on
It's tearing me apart, now it's all about letting, all about letting go
So baby hold on, so baby hold on, so baby hold on, no no
So baby hold on, so baby hold on, so baby hold on, no no


Mmm, eso beso, ooh that kiss, ah, eso beso, ooh your kiss
It's got something, don't know what, but whatever it's got, it's got a lot
When we samba (the bossanova) close like this (the bossanova)
Ay, ay caramba (the bossanova) who unleashed that kiss? (the bossanova)
Hold me closer and we'll soar, for the samba's the quickest way to make amor

As we dip and sway and caress this way
Samba seems to say "Love is here to stay"
Like the samba sound, my heart begins to pound
And I go off the ground to where I'm poco-loco

Eso beso (the bossanova) ooh that kiss (the bossanova)
Eso beso (the bossanova) ooh your kiss (the bossanova)
Kiss me mucho (oooh-oooh) and we'll soar (oooh-oooh)
And we'll dance the dance of love forevermore

As we dip and sway y caress this way
Samba seems to say "Love is here to stay"
Like the samba sound, my heart begins to pound
And I go off the ground to where I'm poco-loco

Eso beso (the bossanova) ooh your kiss (the bossanova)
Kiss me mucho (the bossanova) I love your kiss (the bossanova)
Kiss me mucho (oooh-oooh) and we'll soar (oooh-oooh)
And we'll dance the dance of love forevermore
(Eso beso, ooh that kiss, oh, eso beso)
The bossanova, the bossanova, the bossanova!

Y eso beso, ooh your kiss, kiss me mucho, I love your kiss
Kiss me mucho and we'll soar, and I dance (the bossanova)
Oh romance (the bossanova) I love that kiss (the bossanova)
Kiss me mucho (the bossanova) A little more mucho (the bossanova)
Then we'll dance (the bossanova) I sing eso beso, how I love your kiss!


Someone to hold me tight, that would be very nice
Someone to love me right, that would be very nice
Someone to understand, each little dream in me
Someone to take my hand, to be a team with me
So nice, life would be so nice, if one day I'd find
Someone who would take my hand, and samba through life with me

Someone to cling to me, stay with me right or wrong
Someone to sing to me, some little samba song
Someone to take my heart, and give his heart to me
Someone who's ready to, give life a start with me
Oh yes, that would be so nice
Should it be you and me, I can see it could be nice

Someone to cling to me, stay with me right or wrong
Someone to sing to me, some little samba song
Someone to take my heart, and give his heart to me
Someone who's ready to, give love a start with me
So nice, that would be so nice
Should it be you and me, I can see it could be nice


There's something on your mind, I know the tell-tale signs
That smile is what gives you away
Story with a twist, never thought it'd end like this
And you're the one to blame, for making this girl go insane

Crazy, have I told you lately that I'm crazy bout ya
The way that we touch, I can't get enough, boy you drive me
Crazy, I'm singing this song because I'm crazy bout ya
I'm head over heels, and everything feels, crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) Oh-ho
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) Crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) La-da-da-da-da-da-dum
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo)

Now people point at me, they're asking who is she?
And what is she laughing about
The thing is they don't know, there's something going on
So who the hell's to blame, for making this girl go insane

Crazy, have I told you lately that I'm crazy bout ya
The way that we touch, I can't get enough, boy you drive me
Crazy, I'm singing this song because I'm crazy bout ya
I'm head over heels, and everything feels, crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) Crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) Crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) You're making this girl go insane
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) La-da-da-da-da-da-dum
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) You're driving me crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) You're making this girl go insane

Crazy, have I told you lately that I'm crazy bout ya
The way that we touch, I can't get enough, boy you drive me
Crazy, I'm singing this song because I'm crazy bout ya
I'm head over heels, and everything feels, crazy
Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy-yeh-yeh, boy you drive me
Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy-yeh-yeh, crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) Crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) Crazy
(Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo) You're making this girl go insane


(Crazy, crazy, beautiful, crazy)
Wake from my bed, missing my head, the craziest things going on
My mind's playing tricks, did I knock you for six, well I'm sure that you had a good time
Don't want a situation, so I, hide the way I feel
Don't over analyze this, till you, get the truth from me

I know, I know, I know, this love is crazy
I know, I know, I know, it's so amazing
I know, I know, I know, my crazy beautiful love (Yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh, oh-oh-oh)
I know, I know, I know, I drive you crazy
I know, I know, I know, bear with me baby
I know, I know, I know, my crazy beautiful love, my crazy beautiful love
(Crazy, crazy, beautiful, beautiful) My crazy beautiful love
(Crazy, crazy, beautiful, beautiful) Mmm-mmm-mmm

If you're at a loss, how I come across, I try to reach out but I'm scared
Oh what you're thinking of me, but it ain't what it seams
Come on over let's have a good time
There's method in my madness, cos I, know the way it works
I play the game, it's easy, but I, hope it doesn't hurt

I know, I know, I know, this love is crazy
I know, I know, I know, it's so amazing
I know, I know, I know, my crazy beautiful love (I know, I know, I know, I know, I know)
I know, I know, I know, I drive you crazy
I know, I know, I know, bear with me baby
I know, I know, I know, my crazy beautiful love, my crazy beautiful love
(Crazy, crazy, beautiful, beautiful, crazy, crazy, beautiful, beautiful) ohhoh
(Crazy, crazy, beautiful, beautiful, crazy, crazy, beautiful, beautiful) oh-oh

I play the game, it's easy, but I, hope it doesn't hurt

I know, I know, I know, this love is crazy
I know, I know, I know, it's so amazing
I know, I know, I know, my crazy beautiful love (Yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh, oh-oh-oh)
I know, I know, I know, I drive you crazy
I know, I know, I know, bear with me baby
I know, I know, I know, my crazy beautiful love, my crazy beautiful love
Love, my crazy beautiful love, love, my crazy beautiful love
Love, my crazy beautiful love, love, my crazy beautiful love


Monday, Tuesday, busy manicure, wednesday tears, bad hair-day, stayin-in
Thursday time for retail therapy, life can be so hard
Make-up helps me get over my break-ups
I'm heavy on the mascara, ya-ya, I need another glass of champagne
Oh-oh-oh, no work or play, not enough hours in the day
So-oh-oh-oh, roll out the red carpet tonight

I walk the walk, ladylike, I talk the talk, ladylike
Oh gentlemen, alone tonight, if you don't know what a lady likes
Shiny things, diamond rings, twinkling for me
It's all okay, have no fear, if I just get my way

Wake-up early, at the crack of noon, spray-tan, waxing, do lunch, swimming pool
Blurry weekend, Friday, Saturday, life can be so hard
I know, we look incredible, oh no
The girls are here and we're solo, go-go, tonight we're out on the prowl
Oh-oh-oh, no work or play, not enough hours in the day
So-oh-oh-oh, roll out the red carpet tonight

I walk the walk, ladylike, I talk the talk, ladylike
Oh gentlemen, alone tonight, if you don't know what a lady likes

I walk the walk, ladylike, I talk the talk, ladylike (ladylike, ladylike)
Oh gentlemen, alone tonight, if you don't know what a lady likes (ladylike)
Shiny things, diamond rings, twinkling for me
It's all okay, have no fear, if I just get my way

Do do do do do do do-do-do, do do do do do do do-do-do
Do do do do do do do-do-do, oh-oh, life can be so hard

I walk the walk, ladylike, I talk the talk, ladylike
Oh gentlemen, alone tonight, if you don't know what a lady likes

I walk the walk, ladylike, I talk the talk, ladylike (ladylike, ladylike)
Oh gentlemen, alone tonight, if you don't know what a lady likes (ladylike)
What a lady likes, what a lady likes, what a lady likes


Something in your eyes, tells the secrets you disguise
I read your heart with every breath that I take
And when we touch, we both get swept away
Innocent and free, loving you is part of me
It's like we made a circle in the sun
The night has ended, but we've just begun

Mars and Venus have collided
I hear a symphony, just like a rhapsody
Fate has come and we're inside it
When you hold onto me, it's like a rhapsody

Floating on a breeze, making precious memories
There's no resistance when I hear your call
There's nothing missing when I give my all
Seasons, they may change (Seasons, they may change) and the summer still remains
I know I want you more than yesterday
So move in close, I wanna have my way

Mars and Venus have collided
I hear a symphony, just like a rhapsody
Fate has come and we're inside it
When you hold onto me, it's like a rhapsody

You lift me up, you break my fall
Erase the world around me, take what matters

Mars and Venus have collided
I hear a symphony, just like a rhapsody (Symphony, a
nd we feel it and it's coming)

Fate has come and we're inside it (Fate, inside it)
When you hold onto me, it's like a rhapsody (You hold on)
Can you feel it, feel it coming, can you feel it, feel it coming
Can you feel it, feel it coming, feel it coming, feel it coming


(Secrets, secrets, secrets)
She, she leads a double life, by day has an alibi, but not at night
Hush, you better not make a sound, suspicion is all around, she's classified

Secrets you'll never know, secrets you'll never know (secrets, secrets)

She'll, seduce you, but only if, the missions requires it, a femme fatale
Life's, a dangerous game to play, try using your wicked ways, with a smile

Secrets you'll never know, secrets you'll never know (secrets, secrets)

Woo! Yeh, you better watch out, secrets, yeh, you'll never know
Secrets,you'll never know, secrets, secrets

Secrets you'll never know, secrets you'll never know
Secrets you'll never know, secrets you'll never know (secrets, secrets)


Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad
Sometimes I'm lonely, sometimes I'm glad
But as long as I have you, I will always love you
For as long as I have your love
I can see good and I can see fun
Free from trouble, free from harm, Mum

Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad
Sometimes I'm lonely and sometimes I'm glad
But as long as I have you, I will always love you
For, take the sun and take the moon
You will always have my love, which will go, on and on, mum

Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad
Sometimes I'm lonely, sometimes I'm glad
But as long as I have you, I will always love you
A day without you is lost, and pointless to live
So I would gladly say goodbye

Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad
Sometimes I'm lonely and sometimes I'm glad
But as long as I have you, I will always love you
I will always love you, I will always love you


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