• Megjelenés 2001. Április 16.
  • Felételek 1999 Július - 2000 Október
  • Műfaj Pop - Pop rock - Dance-pop
  • Hossz 45:40
  • Kiadó Virgin Records
  • Írók Emma Bunton - Richard Stannard - Julian Gallagher - Martin Harrington - John Themis - Dave Morgan - Steve Mac - Wayne Hector - Evan Rogers - Carl Sturken - Ash Howes - Sharon Murphy - Andrew Frampton - Chris Braide - Rhett Lawrence
  • Producerek Andrew Frampton - Julian Gallagher - Rhett Lawrence - Steve Mac - Evan Rogers - Richard "Biff" Stannard - Carl Sturken - Tin Tin Out
  • Eladás $ 500,000 - UK $ 127,000
  • UK Helyezés # 04
  • TURNÉ A Girl Like Me promotional tour (2001)
  • Kislemezek az albumról
    • 01: What I Am - 1999. November 1.
    • 02: What Took You So Long? - 2001. Április 2.
    • 03: Take My Breath Away - 2001. Augusztus 27.
    • 04: We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight - 2001. December 10.

A GIRL LIKE ME Emma Bunton angol énekesnő debütáló stúdióalbuma, amelyet 2001. április 16-án adott ki a Virgin Records. A Spice Girls harmadik stúdióalbumának, a Forevernek (2000) megjelenését követően a csoport bejelentette, hogy határozatlan szünetet kezdenek, és szólókarrierjükre fognak koncentrálni belátható jövőjüket illetően. Bunton első szólóalbumának felvételei 1999 júliusa és 2000 októbere között zajlottak több stúdióban.
Az A Girl Like Me debütált, és a negyedik helyen végzett a brit albumlistán, 21 500 példányban kelt el az első héten. Az albumon három kislemez született: "What Take You So Long?" (amely az Egyesült Királyságban és Új-Zélandon a slágerlisták élére került), a "Take My Breath Away" és a "We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight". Az albumon szerepel még Bunton és a Tin Tin Out együttműködése, amely az Edie Brickell & New Bohemians "What I Am" című dalának feldolgozása. 2001. szeptember 7-én az A Girl Like Me-t a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) arany minősítéssel minősítette, ami 100 000 példányt meghaladó szállítmányt jelent.


Az A Girl Like Me langyos fogadtatásban részesült a zenekritikusoktól, akik dicsérték fülbemászó dalait, de kritikusan fogalmazták meg általános jellegét.
Deborah J Elliot, a Musical Discoveries-től pozitívan nyilatkozott az albumról, „nagyon szép hallgatásnak” nevezte, amely megmutatta, hogy Bunton „a Spice Girls korából származó disznófarkokból felnőtt nővé nőtte ki magát”, és kiemelte a kislemezeket: valamint a "Better Be Careful", a "High on Love", "A World Without You", "Been There, Done That" és a "Spell It Out" számokat dicséretként. Ian Wade (Dotmusic) szintén pozitívan nyilatkozott az albumról: dicsérte az olyan számokat, mint a vezető kislemez, a "Better Be Careful" és az "A World Without You", de kritikusan nyilatkozott a több R&B vágásról, mint például a "Been There, Done That". Végül arra a következtetésre jutott: „Összességében az „A Girl Like Me” nagyon szimpatikus ügy, akárcsak maga Emma, és egyszer s mindenkorra véget kell vetnie az erőszakos kisgyermekkorának, a babaéveknek.” Stewart Mason (AllMusic) úgy érezte, hogy Bunton énekhangjából hiányzik a mélység, de működött a jól kidolgozott és addiktív popdalokkal, és arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy „nem egy régi album, de jobb, mint a „nem rossz”. Timothy Park, az NME 6/10-es értékelést adott az albumra. Elmondta, hogy voltak olyan nagyszerű számok, mint a "Take My Breath Away" és a "We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight", amelyeket Bunton megfelelően ad elő, de arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy "A Girl Like Me", mint Emma, nagyon édes, de pl. Emmának ráadásul nincsenek golyói." Erik Missio, a Chart Attack-től azt mondta, ígéretesnek látta az albumot, de csalódottnak érezte, hogy a Spice Girls hangzására próbál hasonlítani.Stephen Robinson, a Hot Presstől kritizálta a számokat, mert túlságosan édesek, és más műfajokból kölcsönöznek, de nem eredetiek velük szemben, és „egy újabb albumnak nevezte a pop blandwagon fedélzetén”
Quentin Harrison (Albumism) egy retrospektív cikkében az albumról ezt írta: "Bunton mindig napfényes hajlama mögött egy érett énekesnő elméje van, aki képes kényelmesen működni egy olyan szuperhatalom keretein belül, mint a Spice Girls, vagy önmagától kitörni. Utóbbi ponton az egész az A Girl Like Me-vel kezdődött, ami egy visszafogott vázlat annak a felnőttpop-megközelítésnek a visszafogottságára, amelyet Bunton használt, hogy megszilárdítsa a következő három albuma során a nemzedékeken átívelő lemezvásárlási bázist."


  • 01: WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? (Emma Bunton, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher, Martin Harrington, John Themis, Dave Morgan) - 3:59
  • 02: TAKE MY BREATH AWAY (Emma Bunton, Steve Mac, Wayne Hector) - 3:34
  • 03: A WORLD WITHOUT YOU (Emma Bunton, Evan Rogers, Carl Sturken) - 4:53
  • 04: HIGH ON LOVE (Emma Bunton, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher, Martin Harrington, Ash Howes, Sharon Murphy) - 3:49
  • 05: A GIRL LIKE ME (Emma Bunton, Evan Rogers, Carl Sturken) - 4:01
  • 06: SPELL IT O.U.T. (Emma Bunton, Andrew Frampton, Chris Braide) - 3:12
  • 07: SUNSHINE ON A RAINY DAY (Martin Glover, Zoë) - 4:17
  • 08: BEEN THERE, DONE THAT (Emma Bunton, Andrew Frampton, Chris Braide) - 3:05
  • 09: BETTER BE CAREFUL (Emma Bunton, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher, Martin Harrington, Ash Howes) - 3:19
  • 10: WE'RE NOT GONNA SLEEP TONIGHT (Emma Bunton, Rhett Lawrence) - 3:23
  • 11: SHE WAS A FRIEND OF MINE (Emma Bunton, Evan Rogers, Carl Sturken) - 3:34
  • 12: WHAT I AM (with Tin Tin Out) (Kenny Withrow, Edie Brickell) - 3:34


  • (HEY YOU) FREE UP YOUR MIND - Kislemez: What Took You so Long? (2001)
  • MERRY GO ROUND - Kislemez: What Took You so Long? (2001)
  • CLOSE ENCOUNTER - Kislemez: Take My Breath Away (2001)
  • INVINCIBLE - Kislemez: Take My Breath Away (2001)
  • LET YOUR BABY SHOW YOU HOW TO MOVE - Kislemez: We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight (2001)


WHAT I AM A dalt a Tin Tin Out angol elektronikus zenei duó és Emma Bunton angol énekesnő dolgozta fel. 1999. november 1-jén jelent meg, a második kislemezként a Tin Tin Out második stúdióalbumáról, az Eleven to Fly-ről (1999). Bunton debütáló szólóalbumán, az A Girl Like Me (2001) is megjelent. Bunton énekét a londoni Sarm West Studiosban vette fel 1999 júniusában. Az együttműködés volt az első kiadvány, amely Bunton szólóművészként jelent meg.
A Tin Tin Out és a Bunton verziója debütált, és a második helyen végzett a brit kislemezlistán, 29 hellyel magasabban, mint a 10 évvel ezelőtti eredeti verzió. Megjelenésének első hetében 106 300 példányban kelt el, az Egyesült Királyságban pedig több mint 234 000 példányt adtak el belőle. A „What I Am” volt az Egyesült Királyság 88. legkelendőbb kislemeze 1999-ben.

I DON'T KNOW Egy promóciós CD-R kislemez volt, amelyet a Damage brit fiúbanda Since You've Been Gone című albumának népszerűsítésére adtak ki, amelynek Jade Jones, Emma Bunton barátja is tagja. Annak ellenére, hogy Damage dal, Jade minden férfi éneket előad. A pár még egyszer előadta a dalt, amikor Emma különlegesen fellépett a zenekar show-ján. Az I Don't Know nem kereskedelmi kislemezként jelent meg, hanem népszerűbb lett, mint a banda hivatalosan kiadott kislemezei. Megtalálható a Since You've Been Gone albumon és a Still be Lovin' You kislemez b-oldalaként, mindkettő 2001-ből.

WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? Emma Bunton angol énekesnő debütáló szólólemeze debütáló szóló stúdióalbumáról, az A Girl Like Me (2001) című albumáról. A dalt Bunton, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher, Martin Harrington, John Themis és Dave Morgan írta, a producer pedig Stannard és Gallagher a Biffco Studiosban, Dublinban, Írországban. 2001. április 2-án jelent meg az album vezető kislemezeként az Egyesült Királyságban. Pop rock dal, hangzását olyan AOR előadók munkái befolyásolták, mint Sheryl Crow, Gabrielle és a Texas együttes. A dalszöveghez Bunton elmagyarázta, hogy a dal arról szól, hogy a férfiaknak több időbe telik, mint a nőknek, amíg rájönnek, hogy szerelmesek, ezt a koncepciót a korábbi romantikus kapcsolatai ihlették. A dal vegyes-pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, sokan dicsérték a dallamot és Bunton énekhangját, míg mások kritikusan értékelték a produkciót.
A dal két hétig vezette a brit kislemezlistát, ezzel Bunton első és egyetlen első helyezettje lett, így ő lett a Spice Girls negyedik tagja, aki szólólemezével a lista élére került. "Mi tartott ilyen sokáig?" mérsékelt sikereket ért el Európában és Óceániában, Új-Zélandon a lista élén, Ausztráliában, Dániában, Írországban, Olaszországban, Portugáliában és Romániában pedig a top 10-ben csúcsosodott ki. A hozzá tartozó videoklipet Gregg Masuak rendezte 2001. február közepén a kaliforniai Lancaster melletti Mojave-sivatagban forgatták. 

Háttér: Miután 1998 szeptemberében befejezték a Spiceworld Tourt, és decemberben kiadták a Goodbye című kislemezüket, a Spice Girls szünet időszakába lépett, amely alatt a csoport tagjai szólókarrierjüket indították el, és személyes életükre összpontosítottak. A csoport 1999 augusztusában folytatta a munkát a harmadik stúdióalbumán. Bandatársaival ellentétben Bunton alig mutatott hajlandóságot, hogy a Spice Girls-en kívül zenei karriert indítson, de 1999 végére úgy döntött, hogy elfogad egy felajánlja, hogy együttműködik az angol elektronikus tánczenei duóval, a Tin Tin Outdal Edie Brickell & New Bohemians „What I Am” (1988) című dalának feldolgozásában, amely 1999. november 1-jén jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban. Decemberben a Spice Girls csak az Egyesült Királyságban zajló turnéján, a Christmas in Spiceworlden Londonban és Manchesterben lépett fel, a Forever dalait is bemutatva.
Bunton első szólóstúdióalbumának, az A Girl Like Me-nek a felvételi folyamata 1999 vége és 2000 októbere között zajlott Londonban, Dublinban, Stockholmban, Miamiban, Los Angelesben és New Yorkban. A Spice Girls felvételeiről ismert írókkal és producerekkel dolgozott együtt, köztük Richard Stannarddal ("Wannabe") és Rodney Jerkinsszel ("Holler"), valamint új dalszerzőkkel és lemezproducerekkel, mint például Andrew Frampton, a Carl Sturken és Evan Rogers duó, valamint Rhett Lawrence. A csoport hivatalos honlapján egy webes chatben úgy jellemezte az A Girl Like Me hangzását, mint "kis R&B; elég sok gitár és elég folkos. Még egy kis country is van benne." Bunton elmondta, hogy az album valószínűleg 11 vagy 12 számot fog tartalmazni, és a megjelenési dátumot 2001 elejére tervezték.

SUNSHINE ON A RAINY DAY 2001 közepén megjelent promóció kislemezként.

TAKE MY BREATH AWAY Az angol énekes-dalszerző, Emma Bunton dala. Bunton, Steve Mac és Wayne Hector írta, 2001. augusztus 27-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban Bunton debütáló szólóalbumának, az A Girl Like Me (2001) második kislemezeként. A kislemez debütált, és az ötödik helyet érte el a brit kislemezlistán. A hozzá tartozó videoklipet Szardínián, Olaszországban forgatták, és Greg Masuak rendezte.

WE'RE NOT GONNA SLEEP TONIGHT Emma Bunton angol művész dala debütáló szólóalbumáról, az A Girl Like Me (2001) című albumáról. A Bunton és Rhett Lawrence által írt szám az album harmadik és utolsó kislemezeként jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban 2001. december 10-én. Debütált, és a 20. helyen végzett a brit kislemezlistán, így az album legalacsonyabb csúcsát elérő kislemeze lett. A dal videoklipjét Phil Griffin rendezte.

A GIRL LIKE ME Ez lett volna az ötödik kislemez az albumról de az elöző kislemez bukása miatt törölni kellett. A kislemez 2002. február/március táján jelent volna meg. Emma szerződést bontót a Virgin Records-sal. A rádiók is játszották a dalt.

A WORLD WITHOUT YOU Ez lett volna a hatodik kislemez az albumról még promo-t is elindítottak de az album már nem volt olyan sikeres mint kezdetben.


A GIRL LIKE ME PROMOTIONAL TOUR [2001. Március 24. - November 23.] Ezek voltak Emma Bunton brit művésznő promóciós megjelenései debütáló albumának támogatására. Az előadások első szóló stúdióalbumának, az A Girl Like Me-nek a népszerűsítését szolgálták, 2001. március 24-től november 23-ig.

Háttér Bunton debütáló szólóalbuma, A Girl Like Me, 2001. április 16-án jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban a Virgin Records gondozásában. Az album debütált, és a negyedik helyet érte el a brit albumlistán, 21 500 eladott példányával az első héten. Bár a kezdeti siker ígéretes volt, az A Girl Like Me gyorsan leesett a listáról. A "What Took You So Long?", a "Take My Breath Away" és a "We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight" kislemezek azonban hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy az album néhány hétig a brit albumlistán maradjon. 2001. szeptember 7-én az A Girl Like Me 100 000 példányt meghaladó példányszámban arany minősítést kapott az A Girl Like Me-től, ami végül a 147. legkelendőbb album lett az Egyesült Királyságban 2001-ben. Az album meghozta az Egyesült Királyság első számú "What Take You So Long?" valamint a "What I Am" (Edie Brickell & New Bohemians 1988-as dalának feldolgozása) és a "Take My Breath Away" öt legjobb sláger, valamint a "We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight" a legjobb 20 sláger. Az albumból 125 000 példány kelt el az Egyesült Királyságban. A kiábrándító eladások miatt Bunton 2002-ben elhagyta a Virgint. Bunton fellépett a Party at the Palace rendezvényen, amelyet 2002. június 3-án a Buckingham Palace Gardenben tartottak II. Erzsébet Arany Jubileumának emlékére. Az eseményen szóló egyéni fellépése a The Supremes 1964-es "Baby Love" című slágerének feldolgozása volt.

Adások és felvételek Az MCM Café koncertjét az MTV France sugározta 2001. október 15-én.

  • WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? (encore)



Yeah yeah yeah
Oh talk to me, can't you see, I'll help you work things out
Oh don't wanna be your enemy, and I don't want to scream and shout
Cos baby I believe in honesty, a man that's strong and true
I shouldn't have to say now baby that I believe in you

What took you so long, what took you all night?
What took you forever to see I'm right?
You know I'll treat you so good, I'll make you feel fine
You know I'll never give it up this time (no no no)

Oh you touched my heart right from the start, you didn't know what to say
But honey understand, when you take my hand, everything's OK
Cos baby I believe reality, it's never far away
I've had enough so listen baby, I've got something to say

What took you so long, what took you all night?
What took you forever to see I'm right?
You know I'll treat you so good, I'll make you feel fine
You know I'll never give it up this time

What took you so long, what took you all night?
(What took you so long, what took you all night?)
What took you forever to see I'm right?
You know I'll treat you so good, I'll make you feel fine
(I treat you so good, I make you feel fine)
You know I'll never give it up this time
No no no (no no no) oh, no no no (no no no) oh

Baby I believe in honesty, a man that's strong and true
I shouldn't have to say now baby that I believe in you

What took you so long, what took you all night?
What took you forever to see I'm right?
You know I'll treat you so good, I'll make you feel fine
You know I'll never give it up this time

What took you so long, what took you all night?
(What took you so long, what took you all night?)
What took you forever to see I'm right?
You know I'll treat you so good, I'll make you feel fine
(I treat you so good, I make you feel fine)
You know I'll never give it up this time

What took you so long, what took you all night?
(What took you so long, what took you all night?)
What took you forever to see I'm right?
You know I'll treat you so good, I'll make you feel fine
(I treat you so good, I make you feel fine)
You know I'll never give it up this time (no no no)


If I told you how I feel about you, would you say the same
And if I wrote it in a letter, would you keep it or throw it away?
I never thought I'd feel the way I'm feeling lately
When everything you seem to do just drives me crazy

Every waking day you take my breath away
With every word you say, you take my breath away
You, look at me that way, baby come what may
I hope, that you'll always know, how you take my breath away
How you take my breath away

You told me how you feel about me,, things I did not know
If you said you'd fill my heart with all your loving, did it overflow?
I don't know the way you feel, but boy I'm hoping
I always used to hide away, but now I'm open

Every waking day, you take my breath away
With every word you say, you take my breath away
You, look at me that way, baby come what may
I hope that you'll always know, how you take my breath away
How you take my breath away
Take my breath away, take my breath away, take my breath away

Every waking day, you take my breath away
With every word you say, you take my breath away
You, look at me that way, baby come what may
I hope that you'll always know how you take my breath away
How you take my breath away (How you take my breath away)
Take my breath away, take my breath away (How you take my breath away)
Take my breath away, take my breath away
Take my breath away, take my breath away


I know that you can hear the rhythm of the rain
Although we're miles apart I know you feel my pain
I try to be so strong, I try to carry on
But since you left the sun don't seem to shine
My tears are falling on the words you wrote to me
I wish that somehow they could take me where I wanna be
It seems so long ago, you held me when I cried
For now I just pretend you're by my side, oh-oh yeah

Everything that I touch turns to blue
When I'm living in a world without you
I'm going crazy baby, I am missing you
Can't imagine all I go through
When I'm living in a world without you
I'm not alone I know that you can feel it too
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

I try to watch a movie but you're all that I can see (all that I can see)
In my dreams I know I always see you constantly
But then a dream comes to an end and I'm alone
And I can't seem to let this feeling go, oh baby

Everything that I touch turns to blue
When I'm living in a world without you
I'm going crazy baby, I am missing you
Can't imagine all I go through
When I'm living in a world without you (can't live without you)
I'm not alone I know that you can feel it too
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

I try to be so strong, I try to carry on
But since you left the sun don't seem to shine, oh-oh

Everything that I touch turns to blue
When I'm living in a world without you (I'm going crazy, missing you baby)
I'm going crazy baby, I am missing you
Can't imagine all I go through
When I'm living in a world without you (a world without you)
I'm not alone I know that you can feel it too
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (what can I do without you baby)

Can't imagine all I go through
When I'm living in a world without you (living without you)
I'm not alone I know that you can feel it too
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la (la la la la)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
I'm going crazy missing you baby
Living without you (living without you)


Well I know that you're with me when I'm sleeping
And I know that you hear me when I'm speaking
No I'm, not gonna fight it, and I, just can't deny it
Cos I know that it's something I believe in
And you made me listen, and you really showed me where to go
And you made me wonder who I am

You're making me high, high, high, high on love
You're making me high, high, high, high on love
You're making me high, high, high, high on love
You're making me high

When I'm cold I feel your arms around me
When I cry you're there to hold me gently
Wanna shout out loud, cos I feel so proud
And I know that you're there to defend me
And you made me listen, and you really showed me where to go
And you made me wonder who I am

You're making me high, high, high, high on love
You're making me high, high, high, high on love
You're making me high, high, high, high on love
You're making me high

And you made me listen, and you really showed me where to go
And you made me wonder who I am

You're making me high, high, high, high on love (Oh you're making my high boy)
You're making me high, high, high, high on love (Oh you're making my high boy)
You're making me high, high, high, high on love (Oh you're making my high boy)
You're making me high (High)

You're making me high, high, high, high on love (Oh you're making my high boy)
You're making me high, high, high, high on love (Oh you're making my high boy)
You're making me high, high, high, high on love (Oh you're making my high boy)
You're making me high (High)

Well I know that you're with me when I'm sleeping
And I know that you hear me when I'm speaking
No I'm, not gonna fight it, and I, just can't deny it
Cos I know that it's something I believe in


What you get is what you see
Let me tell you basically, this is how it's gotta be
Can't - with a girl like me
Can't change my destiny
So if you wanna get next to me, gotta treat me faithfully
Can't - with a girl like me

Two o' clock, I'm all alone, hear you on the telephone, telling me another line
Said that you'd be working late, asking me if I could wait, run that by me one more time
Keep me hanging on the line, but you're running out of time
Might have been a fool for love, but I'm not blind

If you're looking for a play thing
Every other day thing, I am not the one for you
I'm not looking for a part time
Give me half your heart and, tell me what you're gonna do
Look into my eyes, let me tell you one more time
I need everything, that's how it's gonna be
With a girl like me, with a girl like me

Broken rings and promises, gotta be much more than this, I don't have to compromise
Been around enough to know, when it's time to let it go, do I have to say goodbye
Gonna make it clear to you, only one thing left to do
Better understand cos every word is true

If you're looking for a play thing
Every other day thing, I am not the one for you (yeah yeah)
I'm not looking for a part time
Give me half your heart and, tell me what you're gonna do
Look into my eyes, let me tell you one more time
I need everything, that's how it's gonna be
I need everything, that's how it's gonna be
(Oh yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah yeah yeah)

What you get is what you see
Let me tell you basically, this is how it's gotta be
Can't - with a girl like me (with a girl like me)
Can't change my destiny
So if you wanna get next to me, gotta treat me faithfully
Can't - with a girl like me

Gonna make it clear to you, only one thing left to do
Better understand cos every word is true

If you're looking for a play thing
Every other day thing, I am not the one for you (yeah yeah)
I'm not looking for a part time
Give me half your heart and, tell me what you're gonna do
Look into my eyes, let me tell you one more time
I need everything, that's how it's gonna be
I need everything, that's how it's gonna be
(That how it's gotta be, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah)
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Oh-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah yeah yeah


If I spell it O.U.T, will you get the message finally
I don't wanna fight you see, but it's the end for you and me
Sorry that it had to be, but that's the reality
Do I have to spell it O.U.T for you to see

Dream on in your own little world, keep thinking I'm your girl, baby I wish you well
But boy the fact remains, my story's still the same, hard as it is to tell
I've said it all a thousand times, now I gotta be cruel to be kind

If I spell it O.U.T, will you get the message finally
I don't wanna fight you see, but it's the end for you and me
Sorry that it had to be, but that's the reality
Do I have to spell it O.U.T for you to see (Oh yeah)

You don't get what I say, you want it all your way, hear what you wanna hear
So now I'm showing you, this time we're really through, the writing on the wall is clear
You'll never make me change my mind, so I'm gonna be cruel to be kind

If I spell it O.U.T, will you get the message finally (O.U.T)
I don't wanna fight you see, but it's the end for you and me
(I don't wanna fight, yeah yeah)
Sorry that it had to be, but that's the reality (had to be)
Do I have to spell it O.U.T for you to see (do I have to spell it, O.U.T)

(Yeah) You know I gotta (yeah-hey) Spell it O.U.T (Gotta tell you now)
End for you and me (You know I gotta, mmm, yeah-hey)
Spell it O.U.T (Gotta hear what I say, yeah, gotta hear what I say)

If I spell it O.U.T, will you get the message finally (if I spell it O, if I spell it O.U.T, finally)
I don't wanna fight you see, but it's the end for you and me
(don't wanna fight, I'm walking out the door, it's the end of you and me)
Sorry that it had to be, but that's the reality (sorry that it had, sorry that it had to be)
Do I have to spell it O.U.T for you to see (do I have to spell it, O.U.T)
Spell it O.U.T, do I have to spell it O.U.T for you to see


Yeah, yeah, oh-oh
I see you in the darkness, I see you in the light
I see your eyes shining, in through the night
Make me feel, make me feel, like I belong
Don't relieve me, you won't leave me here, all Alone
Cast your eyes, like summer skies
Blue earth and the ocean, clearer than the skies, yeah!

Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away
Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away

You touch me with your spirit, you touch me with your heart
You touch me in the darkness, I feel it start
Make it feel, make it feel, so Unreal (so unreal)
Like a wind in the desert, like a moon on the sea

Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away
Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away

Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away
Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away

Make it feel, make it feel, so Unreal (so unreal)
Like a wind in the desert, like a moon on the sea, yeah

Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away
Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away

Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away
Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away

Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away
Sunshine on a rainy day (sunshine)
Makes my soul, makes my soul drip, drip, drip away


I've been there, done that, oh-oh
Been there, done that (yeah, yeah, I've been there, done that)

I gotta take some time, say what's on my mind, before I get too close to you
Cos I feel that I'm, about to cross the line, and there's no going back once I do
(So here's the key)
You've ever thought of falling so deep, am I pushing you out of your day
(How do you feel)
Gotta know your playing for keeps, boy I won't accept anything less

Cos I've been there (been there) done that (done that)
I don't wanna get hurt again, matter of fact
I refuse to (refuse to) go back (go back)
To half-hearted promises, simple as that (I've been there, done that)

Now I don't wanna rush, get too into us, I need a little more from you
And I don't mean to fuss, but this is serious, and I hope that you feel that way too
(So here's the key)
You've ever thought of falling so deep, boy the time has come to confess
(How do you feel)
Gotta know your playing for keeps, cos I won't accept anything less

Cos I've been there (been there) done that (done that)
I don't wanna get hurt again, matter of fact (don't wanna get hurt again)
I refuse to (refuse to) go back (go back)
To half-hearted promises, simple as that (to half-hearted promises, simple as that)

Cos I've been there (been there) done that (done that)
I don't wanna get hurt again, matter of fact (I don't wanna get hurt again, no no)
I refuse to (refuse to) go back (go back)
To half-hearted promises, simple as that (oh, yeah-hey)

Tell me straight cos I ain't gonna wait, for you to break my heart
I wanna hear it, say that you mean it, before we go too far

Cos I've been there, done that (yeah-yeah)
I don't wanna get hurt again, matter of fact (matter of fact)
I refuse to, go back (go back)
To half-hearted promises, simple as that (I know you're playing for keeps)

Cos I've been there (been there) done that (done that)
I don't wanna get hurt again, matter of fact (matter of fact)
I refuse to (refuse to) go back (go back)
To half-hearted promises, simple as that (simple as, simple as that)

Cos I've been there (been there) done that (done that)
I don't wanna get hurt again, matter of fact (no, no)
I refuse to (refuse to) go back (go back) (I ain't goin back, I ain't goin back)
To half-hearted promises, simple as that


I was going crazy, seeing you around
And baby you're asking, are we getting down
Cos I see you looking over at me
And I know you really like what you see, yeah yeah yeah

You better be careful, you better beware
Cos I'm on the lookout baby, and I will be there
Something in your eyes, yeah yeah, something in your eyes
Something in your eyes, yeah yeah, something in your eyes

Suddenly I realized, I didn't know your name
But honey when I look at you, I wanna play a game, yeah yeah
Cos I see you looking over at me
And I know you really like what you see, yeah yeah yeah

You better be careful, you better beware
Cos I'm on the lookout baby, and I will be there

You better be careful, you better beware (you better be careful, you better beware)
Cos I'm on the lookout baby, and I will be there (yeah)
Something in your eyes, yeah yeah, something in your eyes
Something in your eyes, yeah yeah, something in your eyes

Now that we have started, things we didn't plan
If you wanna play now, catch me if you can
Cos I see you looking over at me
And I know you really like what you see, yeah yeah yeah (Yeah yeah yeah)

You better be careful, you better beware (you better be careful, you better beware)
Cos I'm on the lookout baby, and I will be there (yeah, I'll, I'll be there)

You better be careful, you better beware (you better be careful, you better beware)
Cos I'm on the lookout baby, and I will be there (yeah, I'll, I'll be there) Yeah yeah yeah

You better be careful, you better beware (you better be careful, yeah yeah yeah)
Cos I'm on the lookout baby, and I will be there (I'll, I'll be there) Yeah yeah yeah


Oh, uh-huh, yeah
Something 'bout your friends are always there for you
Help you with your bedtime and they'll see you through
Being with a man is never quite the same
Cos we just have some fun and really play the game
I don't know where we will go, but I know we're gonna start the show

Dancing on the town tonight, nothing can stop us
You can see it in her eyes, that we're not gonna sleep tonight
We're gonna get down tonight, see if we can make you blush
We can be mysterious, and we're not gonna sleep tonight
Tonight, we're not gonna sleep, yeah

We will find the time to party all night long
Now that we're together we just can't go wrong
Dancing in the street and making lots of noise
People wanna join us, push and leave the boys
There's no way, it's just the girls, for tonight, we're in our own world

Dancing on the town tonight, nothing can stop us
You can see it in her eyes, that we're not gonna sleep tonight
We're gonna get down tonight, see if we can make you blush
We can be mysterious, and we're not gonna sleep tonight
(We're not gonna sleep, we're not gonna sleep tonight) Tonight
(We're not gonna sleep tonight, yeah-hey, we're not gonna sleep)

Dancing on the town tonight
You can see it in her eyes, that we're not gonna sleep tonight
We're gonna get down tonight
We can be mysterious, and we're not gonna sleep (yeah)

Dancing on the town tonight, nothing can stop us (can stop us)
You can see it in her eyes, that we're not gonna sleep tonight (woo!)
We're gonna get down tonight, see if we can make you blush
(Gonna get down tonight, see if we can make ya blush)
We can be mysterious, and we're not gonna sleep tonight
We're not gonna sleep tonight (We're not gonna sleep tonight)
We're not gonna sleep, we're not gonna sleep tonight (tonight)
(We're not gonna sleep tonight) We're not gonna sleep tonight


(Oh yeah) Oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh, oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh

I trusted her with him, that's where the story begins
We talked of boys and men, they all came second then
I made a sacrifice, and trusted all her advice
There was no need to fight, things were so simple then
One by one she broke her promises
I guess she thought that she could take my man
I just gotta let her know
His love is for me, and that's the way the story goes

She was a friend of mine, or so I thought at the time
How could I be so blind to trust her with my man
She fooled me with her eyes, and hid behind a disguise
I've read between the lines and now I understand
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh, oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh

She said she'd make it right, and talk to him late at night
Told me to take it slow, but little did I know
She had a master plan, I had my head in the sand
But now it's plain to see, she chose him over me
Every day she's smiling in my face
But every night she's trying to take my place
She said she'd always be right there for me
But now I can see the kind of help I just don't need

She was a friend of mine, or so I thought at the time
How could I be so blind to trust her with my man (to trust her with my man)
She fooled me with her eyes, and hid behind a disguise
I've read between the lines and now I understand (and now I understand)
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh (And now I understand)
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh (And now I understand)
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh (She was a friend of mine)
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh (How could I be so blind)

Never thought friends could be so cruel
I never thought you could break all the rules
Now it's you who looks like a fool
Cos what goes around, comes around (oh-yeah)

She was a friend of mine, or so I thought at the time (she was a friend of mine)
How could I be so blind to trust her with my man (to trust her with my man)
She fooled me with her eyes, and hid behind a disguise
I've read between the lines and now I understand (and now I understand)
Oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh (Yeah-yeah-eh) oh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-eh

She was a friend of mine, or so I thought at the time (she was a friend of mine)
How could I be so blind to trust her with my man
She fooled me with her eyes, and hid behind a disguise (fooled me with her eyes)
I've read between the lines and now I understand (now I understand)

And now I understand, now I understand, and now I understand


I'm not aware of too many things, I know what I know, if you know what I mean
Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box, religion is the smile on a dog
I'm not aware of too many things, I know what I know, if you know what I mean, d'do ya
Choke me in the shallow waters, before I get too deep

What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?

I'm not aware of too many things, I know what I know, if you know what I mean
Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks, religion is a light in the fog
I'm not aware of too many things, I know what I know, if you know what I mean, d'do ya
Choke me in the shallow water, before I get too deep
Choke me in the shallow water, before I get too deep

What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what you are?
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?

Na na na no - I say, I say I do weh hey
Choke me in the shallow water, before I get too deep
Choke me in the shallow water, before I get too deep

What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what? (Don't let me get too deep)
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what? (Don't let me get too deep)
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what? (Don't let me get too deep)
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what? (Don't let me get too deep)
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?
What I am is what I am, are you what you are - or what?


Free up your mind, alright
(Let the music free up your mind (Harmony)) (Free up your mind)
(Free up your mind (Harmony))

Hey you over there, know you gotta problem but don't dispair
See me, I had no soul, 'till I found myself with the rock & roll
There must be something that you're longing to be
Give in to the rhythm, let the music, free up your mind

(Let the music free up your mind (Harmony)) And it will help you to find
(Let the music help you to find (Harmony)) The beats will give you a sign
(Oh-oh, let the music free up your mind, free up your mind (Harmony))

Hey you over there, don't wanna hear the reasons cause I don't care
See me, believe in you, gotta help yourself, whatcha gonna do?
There must be something that you're longing to say
Give in to the rhythm, let the music, free up your mind

(Let the music free up your mind (Harmony)) And it will help you to find
(Let the music help you to find (Harmony)) The beats will give you a sign
(Oh-oh, let the music free up your mind, free up your mind (Harmony))

Hey you, hey you, hey you, hey you, hey you, hey you, hey you
Free up your mind
Hey you over there, I know you gotta problem but don't dispair
See me I had no soul, 'till I found myself with the rockin', rock & roll, rock & roll
Free Up Your Mind

(Let the music free up your mind (Harmony)) And it will help you to find
(Let the music help you to find (Harmony)) The beats will give you a sign
(Oh-oh, let the music free up your mind, free up your mind (Harmony))

(Let the music free up your mind (Harmony)) (Hey you, hey you)
(Let the music help you to find (Harmony)) (Hey you, hey you)
(Oh-oh, let the music free up your mind, free up your mind (Harmony)) (Hey you, hey you)
(Free up your mind (Harmony))


Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Step right up and welcome to my show (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
It's a dangerous ride you gotta let yourself go (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
It's kinda like a rollercoaster wild and free (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
But if you want security there's nothing really guaranteed
Yeah-yeah, so come and play the game with me

Round and round and around we go (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Ain't no stoppin, you got the control
Hold on tight and don't you ever look down (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)

All the games we're gonna play now don't be rude (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
I got some money in my pocket so you better be good (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
You don't need a ticket 'cause the ride is free (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah)
Don't you worry 'bout tomorrow you can make your own reality
Yeah-yeah, so come and play the game with me

Round and round and around we go (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Ain't no stoppin, you got the control
Hold on tight and don't you ever look down (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round

(Round round round) It takes you up it takes you down (yeah-yeah-yeah)
(Round round round) It sweeps your feet right off the ground (yeah-yeah-yeah)
(Round round round) Ain't no way to stop it now (yeah-yeah-yeah)
(Round round round) Cos life is like a merry go round (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Like a merry-go round, here we go!

Round and round and around we go (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Ain't no stoppin, you got the control (yeah-yeah-yeah) (Got the control)
Hold on tight and don't you ever look down (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round (yeah-yeah-yeah) (Merry go round)
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round

(Round round round) (Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah) (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
(Round round round) (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
(Round round round) (Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah) (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
(Round round round) (Yeah-yeah-yeah)

Round and round and around we go (round round round)
Ain't no stoppin, you got the control (round round round) (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Hold on tight and don't you ever look down (round round round) (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round (round round round) (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Sometimes life is like a merry-go round (round round round) (yeah-yeah-yeah)


I need a close encounter, baby how about a close encounter

I can feel your hands, when you touch my skin, like you read my mind
When you come to me, I wanna let you in, it's about that time
I'm just gonna close the door so they can't see
Sadly what you're doin to me, I wanna touch ya, feel ya, breath ya

I need a close encounter of the intimate kind
So turn the lights down and get the mood right
Cos I wanna get into you, with all my senses
Body-talkin till we're out of this world
Tonight I only wanna be your girl
So baby how about a close encounter

Gonna make you "shhh", eith my fingertips
Come on close your eyes (close your eyes)
Don't you say a word, I can read your lips
While they're kissin' mine (while they're kissin min)
I'm just gonna close the door so they can't see (they can't see)
Sadly what you're doin to me (what you're doin to me, doin to me)
I wanna touch ya, feel ya, breath ya

I need a close encounter of the intimate kind (oh yeah)
So turn the lights down and get the mood right (yeah-yeah)
Cos I wanna get into you, with all my senses (I wanna get into you, yeah yeah)
Body-talkin till we're out of this world (body-talkin')
Tonight I only wanna be your girl
So baby how about a close encounter

Close encounter (Oh-whoa how about a)
Oh-whoa how about a, baby-baby, baby how about a, close encounter
I wanna touch ya, feel ya, breath ya

I need a close encounter of the intimate kind
So turn the lights down and get the mood right (yeah yeah)
Cos I wanna get into you, with all my senses (I wanna get into you, yeah yeah)
Body-talkin till we're out of this world (body talkin')
Tonight I only wanna be your girl (be your girlfriend)
So baby how about a close encounter (close encounter)

I need a close encounter of the intimate kind (yeah, yeah)
So turn the lights down and get the mood right
Cos I wanna get into you, with all my senses (Need to, I feel you, my senses)
Body-talkin till we're out of this world (body talkin')
Tonight I only wanna be your girl
So baby how about a close encounter

Baby-baby, baby how about a, how about a close encounter
Baby-baby, baby how about a, baby-baby, baby-baby
Baby-baby, baby how about a, how about a close encounter
Baby how abou a close encounter


Come on, da-da, da-la-da-da-da, da-da, da-la-da-da
You know nothing can stop us, no one can get in our way
We're on top, nothing's above us, we can fly, fly away
Like Superman, Lois Lane
We're just as strong, just the same, I know nothing can stop us

I am, you are, we're one
You say, the word, and I'll come, we're invincible, yeah
Be-bop-a-loo, be-bop-a-loo, we're one, we're invincible

I know nothing can break us, no one can tear us apart
We're free, wind's gonna take us, so free wherever we are
Like Kryptonite, we're out-of-sight
We need to touch to make it right, I know nothing can break us

I am, you are, we're one
You say, the word, and I'll come, we're invincible, yeah
Be-bop-a-loo, be-bop-a-loo, we're one, we're invincible, yeah
Da-da, da-la-da-da-da, da-da, da-la-da-da (come on)
Da-da, da-la-da-da-da, da-da, da-la-da-da

Like Superman, Lois Lane
We're just as strong, just the same

I am, you are, we're one (yeah we're one)
You say, the word, and I'll come, we're invincible, yeah (yes, I come)
Be-bop-a-loo, be-bop-a-loo, we're one, we're invincible
(we're one, we're invincible, yeah)

I am, you are, we're one (yeah we're one)
You say, the word, and I'll come, we're invincible, yeah (yes, I come)
Be-bop-a-loo, be-bop-a-loo, we're one, we're invincible
Da-da, da-la-da-da-da, da-da, da-la-da-da
Da-da, da-la-da-da-da (We're invincible)


(Let your baby show you how to move)
You and me
We've been in love from the start, that's the way it's gonna be
Now let's try
Something new, we can do, together in time
Never been so high
It's the way that I feel, when our bodies entwine
It's my time, cos you still got a lot to learn

I never thought I'd feel the way I do
Just come with me and we can rendezvous
Even though it seems like a taboo
Let your baby show you how to move
Now I'm gonna educate my man
You know a girl always has the upper hand
It's time you get into the groove
And let your baby show you how to move (Let your baby show you how to move)

You will find
We can move with the rhythm, when you follow my sign
Let your feelings show
There's only the two of us, let yourself go
I can't see
I'd love to show you the way, to hold me tenderly
So boy obey, and I'll show you a better way

I never thought I'd feel the way I do (I do)
Just come with me and we can rendezvous (we can rendezvous)
Even though it seems like a taboo
Let your baby show you how to move (show you how to move)
Now I'm gonna educate my man (educate my man)
You know a girl always has the upper hand (has the upper hand)
It's time you get into the groove
And let your baby show you how to move

Now we're moving perfectly, together in harmony
Because of you lovin' me, you are my best friend
Always know just what to say, you put up with me everyday
I just wanna let you know
What you're still in my heart when I take control

I never thought I'd feel the way I do (I do)
Just come with me and we can rendezvous (rendezvous)
Even though it seems like a taboo (baby)
Let your baby show you how to move (show you how to move)
Now I'm gonna educate my man (my man)
You know a girl always has the upper hand (she has the upper hand)
It's time you get into the groove (oh)
And let your baby show you how to move (baby, show you how to move)
Show you how to move, let your baby, let your baby
Show you how to move, show you how to move, let your baby


Do-do, do-do, do-do, oh-yeah
La-da-da-da-da-dah, do-do, do-do, do-do, oh-yeah

Looking back on yesterday’s faded photographs, images of you and I together
Never thought that I’d be making plans to take my life out of your hands
I should have known (should have known), baby nothing lasts forever
It’s too bad, I never dreamt that we were saying goodbye, so sad, now I realize

To have and to hold and never to part (I thought it was the hardest thing)
And to have to let go and take back my heart (It’s harder than anything)
It’s hurting me more than you’ll ever know
To have and to have to let go (But I just gotta let it go)

Thinking back on yesterdays, when all we did was laugh
And suddenly it seems so long ago (where did the time go, where did the time go)
Now I can’t believe that you and me could fade into a used to be
Just a memory (it’s just a memory), never thought I’d have to say so
It’s too bad, love was forever now we’re saying goodbye, it’s so sad, now I realize

To have and to hold and never to part (I thought it was the hardest thing)
And to have to let go and take back my heart (let go) (It’s harder than anything)
It’s hurting me more than you’ll ever know (oh-yeh, you’ll ever know)
To have and to have to let go (But I just gotta let it go)

Do-do, do-do, do-do, oh-yeah
Oh-oh baby, do-do, do-do, do-do, oh-yeah
It’s too bad, thought love was forever now we’re saying goodbye
It’s so sad, now I realize

To have and to hold and never to part (I thought it was the hardest thing)
And to have to let go and take back my heart (It’s harder than anything)
It’s hurting me more than you’ll ever know (oh-yeh, than you’ll ever know)
To have and to have to let go (But I just gotta let it go)
To have and to have to let go (to have and to have let go)
To have and to have to let go (to let go, to let go)
To have and to have to let go (it’s harder than anything)
It’s hurting me more than you’ll ever know
To have and to have to let go (But I just gotta let it go)

Do-do, do-do, do-do, oh-yeah, to have and to have to let go
Do-do, do-do, do-do, oh-yeah
Oh yeah, do-do, do-do, do-do, oh-yeah, do-do, do-do


When a guy sees a girl like you he's gotta take control
So I'm going for what I want and listen, being bold
I think that you should be someone that I can see and well I just gotta say
Don't wanna press you, but will you come my way?
If I, tell you, all the things you make me feel
Will you show me that you can keep it real

I dont know if you want to but I do
Say here's my name and number I'll leave it up to you
I hope you call me cos I think you're kind of cute (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You know that I dont know if you want to but I, but I do

It ain't easy for girls like me to find somebody cool
So I'm just gonna be upfront, forget about the rules
I think that you and me have a sudden chemistry, there's one more thing I must say
I'd like to know you better starting from today
If I, tell you, all the things you make me feel
Will you show me - you know I'll keep it real

I dont know if you want to but I do (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Harmony))
Say here's my name and number I'll leave it up to you (leave it up to you)
I hope you call me cos I think you're kind of cute (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
You know that I dont know if you want to but I, but I do (but I, but I do)

I dont know if you want to but I do (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Harmony))
Say here's my name and number I'll leave it up to you (leave it up to you)
I hope you call me cos I think you're kind of cute (think you're kinda cute, yeah)
You know that I dont know  if you want to but I, but I do (yeah)

(Yeah - hey, you know I'll keep it real (Harmony))

I dont know if you want to but I do (I don't know, know that)
Say here's my name and number I'll leave it up to you (leave it up to you)
I hope you call me cos I think you're kind of cute (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
You know that I dont know if you want to but I, but I do (said I don't know, oh)

I dont know if you want to but I do (do you wanna, I said ah)
Say here's my name and number I'll leave it up to you (said I'd like to, ooh yeah)
I hope you call me cos I think you're kind of cute (sha-da-doo, sha-da-doo, oh, oh)
You know that I dont know if you want to but I, but I do (said I don't know, oh)

I dont know if you want to but I do (I know I, oh-whoa I)
Say here's my name and number I'll leave it up to you (leave it on up, said I)
I hope you call me cos I think you're kind of cute (think you're kinda cute)
You know that I dont know if you want to but I, but I do


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