MEGJELENÉS 2019. Április 12.
HOSSZ 33:33
ÍRÓK Emma Bunton - Patrick Mascall - Paul Barry
PRODUCEREK Paul Meehan - Brian Rawling
HELYEZÉS UK # 11 / UK Indie # 03
ELADÁS $ 13,031
KISLEMEZEK Baby Please Don't Stop - You're All I Need to Get by
< < < < <  Life in Mono (2006)

Emma Bunton brit énekesnő negyedik stúdióalbuma. 2019. április 12-én adta ki a BMG Rights Management. Az album tíz számból áll; nyolc Bunton néhány kedvenc dalának feldolgozása, kettő pedig az énekesnő által közösen írt eredeti dal.


Az albumot az 1960-as évek hangzásai ihlették, mint a motown és a hatvanas évek pop. 2010 januárjában Bunton kijelentette, hogy nem tervezi új album felvételét. Kijelentette, hogy bár szeret énekelni, véleménye szerint sok időt és munkát igényel egy album reklámozása, és azt mondta, hogy inkább fiára, Beau-ra fordítaná idejét, aki 2007-ben született. 2018 februárjában arról számoltak be, hogy Bunton titokban új zenét vett fel. Bunton hivatalosan elismerte, hogy 2018 júniusában új zenét vett fel a This Morning című műsorban.
2018 novemberében Bunton felfedte, hogy lemezszerződést írt alá a BMG Rights Management-el, és 2019-ben új albumot fog kiadni. Az albumot hivatalosan 2019. február 25-én jelentették be. Az album címét magyarázva Bunton a következőket mondta: "Azért hívtam az albumot My Happy Place-nek, mert a boldog helyem a családommal, a barátaimmal, zenét hallgatva és stúdióban vagyok. . Mindezek a dolgok összejöttek ezen az albumon. Felvétel közben a gyerekeim stúdióba jöttek, a barátaim lejöttek, anyukám újra és újra meghallgatott minden dalt. A stúdióban nagyon boldog vagyok."


A My Happy Place vegyes értékeléseket kapott a megjelenéskor. Egyes kritikusok az album vidámságát és érettségét dicsérték, míg mások azt kritizálták, hogy hiányzik belőle a személyiség.
Quentin Harrison, az Albumism munkatársa az ötből négy csillagot adott az albumnak, és azt írta, hogy "örvendetes visszatérés a popénekes számára, még akkor is, ha nem tör új utat a folyamatban", és hivatkozott az eredeti dalokra: "Baby Please Don't Stop". " és a "Too Many Teardrops" a kiemelkedő számok. Az Irish News 6/10-re értékelte az albumot, és a "You're All I Need to Get By"-t a "legerősebb ajánlatnak" nevezte a lemezen, és a "Here Comes the Sun" feldolgozását "imádnivalónak" nevezte, és befejező mondás: "Néhány borítója elveszik a fordításban, de ez többnyire édesen sértő." Florian Buechting, a flyctory.com munkatársa öt csillagból hármat adott az albumnak, és azt írta, hogy "nem minden rossz, de határozottan nem is kötelező vásárlás. Másodszorra és harmadszorra viszont meghallgatva (ami nagyon gyors, mert a korlátozott játékidő) egyre jobban érzi magát." A Herald Standard pozitívan értékelte az albumot. Mathias Frank (Gaeliste) megjegyezte, hogy a dalok "bájosan újraértelmezettek anélkül, hogy bármit is elpusztítanának", dicsérve az eredeti számokat, valamint az album "2 Become 1" verzióját. Nina Mende, a Tempelores-től azt írta, hogy "meleg és lágy hangon [Bunton] énekel minden dalt, megvigasztalva, hogy finoman ringasd magad." Chris Strieder, a Darkstars-tól 7,5 csillagot kapott a 10-ből, tartalmát "nagyszerű és jól megtermelt rádiópopnak" nevezve. A Leader a My Happy Place-t "egy édesen ártalmatlan alkotásnak nevezte, amely megmutatja [Bunton] dallamos, fülbemászó énekhangját és szerethető személyiségét".
A Metro negatív értékelést adott a My Happy Place-ről, öt csillagból kettőt ítélve neki. Az ismertető dicsérte az első három dalt, de hozzátette, hogy a többi "olyan feldolgozások sorozata, amelyekről úgy tűnik, hogy nem léteznek más előnyök, mint a Buntoné. Tekintve, hogy milyen jól indult, és milyen gyorsan elsápad utána, azt kívánod, bárcsak szerethetnéd Bunton's Happy Place tovább”. Thiago Nolla (Cinepop) ötből két és fél csillagot adott neki, bírálva a személyiség és az egyediség hiánya miatt, és úgy érezte, hogy Bunton elvesztette magát "annyi felesleges emuláció közepette", és "a távoli múltban stagnált". Mindazonáltal dicsérte a "Too Many Teardrops"-t és a "Baby Please Don't Stop"-t, megjegyezve, hogy az utóbbinak "legjobb énekhangja van, és megnyerő, szexi és lélegzetelállító atmoszférát teremt". Aimee Cliff, a The Guardian munkatársa az ötből 2 csillagot adott az albumra, így a kritikát a következő szavakkal zárta: "Szívmelengető hallani, hogy valaki, aki átment a popmegasztárság malmán, olyan nyilvánvalóan, egyenesen boldogan jelenik meg. Sajnos dráma és kockázat nélkül. ez is hihetetlenül unalmas." Az AllMusic az ötből 2,5 csillagot adott az albumnak, dicsérve az eredeti dalokat, valamint az "I Wish I Could Have Loved You More" és a "Don't Call Me Baby" feldolgozásait, de úgy érezte, hogy az album egésze „egy vegyes zsák”.


Írók Emma Bunton, Patrick Mascall, Paul Barry
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
Kislemez megjelenés 2019. Február 27.
Eladás $ 6,691
Írók Candie Payne, Simon Dine
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
Írók Emma Bunton, Patrick Mascall, Paul Barry
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
Kislemez megjelenés 2019. Március 8.
04 / I ONLY WANT TO BE WITH YOU (featuring Will Young) / 3:58
Írók Ivor Raymonde, Mike Hawker
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
05 / DON'T CALL ME BABY / 4:05
Írók Andrew van Dorsselaer, Cheyne Coates, Duane Morrison, Gene McFadden, Giuseppe Chierchia, Jerry Cohen, John Whitehead
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
06 / YOU'RE ALL I NEED TO GET BY (featuring Jade Jones) / 2:48
Írók Nickolas Ashford, Valerie Simpson
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
Kislemez megjelenés 2019. Máhjus 13.
07 / COME AWAY WITH ME (featuring Josh Kumra) / 2:49
Írók Norah Jones
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
08 / EMOTION / 3:39
Írók Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
09 / 2 BECOME 1 (featuring Robbie Williams) / 3:42
Írók Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholm, Melanie Brown, Victoria Beckham, Geri Halliwell, Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling
10 / HERE COMES THE SUN / 3:08
Írók George Harrison
Producerek Paul Meehan, Brian Rawling


BABY PLEASE DON'T STOP Spice Girls tagjának, Emma Buntonnak a dala, amelyet 2019. február 27-én adtak ki negyedik stúdióalbumának, a My Happy Place-nek a vezető kislemezeként. Ez Bunton első szóló kislemeze tizenkét év óta, az utolsó az "All I Need to Know" volt 2007-ben. A kislemezt Bunton, Patrick Mascall és Paul Barry írta, míg Paul Meehan és Brian Rawling a dal elkészítését végezte.

TOO MANY TEARDROPS 2019. március 8-án kislemezként jelent meg a második eredeti "Too Many Teardrops" dal. A számot "rugalmas szakító himnuszként írták le, amely látja, hogy továbbhalad egy sikertelen kapcsolatból". A dalból nem készült videó.

YOU'RE ALL I NEED TO GET BY Megjelenik a My Happy Place második hivatalos kislemeze, amely elősegíti az album népszerűsítését. A választott dal a duett a férjével, Jade Jones-szal. A téma egy eredeti Marvin Gaye és Tammy Terrel R&B dal feldolgozása 1968-ból. Ez az édes ballada Emma legkisebb fiának, Tate-nek a hangjával kezdődik

COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Emma a közösségi médiában jelentette be új kislemezét, a „Coming Home For Christmas”-t és annak borítóját. Ezt írta, idézi: „(Ez) egy eredeti dal, amit nagyon szeretek, és minden alkalommal sírva fakadok, amikor éneklem.”
A „Coming Home For Christmas” digitális platformokon jelenik meg, b-oldalként a „Santa Baby” borítóval.

2 BECOME 1 Emma Bunton kiadja a '2 Become 1' Spice Girls karácsonyi slágerét, szóló verzióként.amely különbözik a Robbie Williams énekessel való duettől. Még az nap kiderült, hogy a kislemez december 20-án fog megjeleni.



(Baby, please don't stop)
Something's taken over my heart, caught me in the moment of weakness

Boy, you had me from the start, now all I wanna taste is your sweetness
So what's the point in trying to fight it, you've got me in the palm of your hand

You can shake me down, you can wind me up
You can drive me crazy, baby, please don't stop
I'm going out of my head, need to feel your love
Boy, too much can never be enough, so, baby, please don't stop
Oh, baby, please don't stop, baby, please don't stop
Oh, baby, please don't stop

Something's taken over my mind, and that's a place that I've never been to
I'm not the infatuation kind, but it happened from the moment I met you
So what's the point in trying to fight it, I want you more than I can stand

You can shake me down, you can wind me up
You can drive me crazy, baby, please don't stop
I'm going out of my head, need to feel your love
Boy, too much can never be enough, so, baby, please don't stop

The further I fall, the deeper I'm in
The more I lose it, the more I win
So, baby, please don't stop, oh, baby, please don't stop
You can shake me down, you can wind me up
Oh, baby, please don't stop
Going out of my head, feel your love

You can shake me down, you can wind me up
You can drive me crazy, baby, please don't stop
I'm going out of my head, need to feel your love
Boy, too much can never be enough, so, baby, please don't stop
Oh, baby, please don't stop, baby, please don't stop
Oh, baby, please don't stop


I wish I could have loved you more, I wish I could have loved you more
I wish I could have loved you more, I wish I could have loved you more

And ever since that day, I had to say goodbye
How I want to change my mind, but I know it won't be right
And in so many ways, you were made to be my man
Why I had to make you cry, oh, I hope you understand

I wish I could have loved you more, I wish I could have loved you more
I wish I could have loved you more, I wish I could have loved you more

And ever since that day, oh, I had to say goodbye
How I want to change my mind, oh, I know it won't be right
And in so many ways, you were made to be my man
Why I had to make you cry, oh I hope you understand

I wish I could have loved you more, I wish I could have loved you more


Love is a serious game
I don't know the rules you were playing
I gave you the keys to my heart
You tore it apart, and I never thought we'd end this
But you know that I can't stay

'Cause there's there's too many teardrops I've cried
I could have filled me an ocean, now I'm leaving this heartache behind
I might be bruised, but I won't be broken
There's too many teardrops I've cried over you, over you

I'm not afraid of the fire
But I saw the flames getting higher
I know we started with sparks
But you pushed me too far, but I got my eyes wide open
And I have to walk away

'Cause there's there's too many teardrops I've cried
I could have filled me an ocean, now I'm leaving this heartache behind
I might be bruised, but I won't be broken
There's too many teardrops I've cried over you, over you

I loved you, baby, nothing can take that away
I've tried to tell you, I'm not a game you can play
Before I lose my mind, it's time to say goodbye

'Cause there's there's too many teardrops I've cried
I could have filled me an ocean, now I'm leaving this heartache behind
I might be bruised, but I won't be broken
There's too many teardrops I've cried over you
Over you, over you, you, o
ver you, you


I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
I only know I never wanna let you go
'Cause you started something, can't you see?
That ever since we met, you had a hold on me
It happens to be true, I only wanna be with you
It doesn't matter where you go or what you do
I wanna spend each moment of the day with you
Oh, look what's happened with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be in love like this
It's crazy, but it's true, I only wanna be with you
You stopped and smiled at me, and asked if I'd care to dance

I fell into your open arms, and I didn't stand a chance

Now listen, honey, I just wanna be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together, honey, I don't care
'Cause you've started something, oh, can't you see?
That ever since we met you've got a hold on me
No matter what you do, I only wanna be with you
Mmm, you stopped and smiled at me, and asked if I'd care to dance
I fell into your open arms, I didn't stand a chance

Now hear me tell you, I just wanna be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together, honey, I don't care
'Cause you started something, can't you see?
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
No matter what you do, I only wanna be with you
I said, no matter what you do, I only wanna be with you


You and me, we have an opportunity
And we could make it something really cool
But you, you think I'm not that kind of girl
I'm here to tell ya, baby, I know how to rock your world
(I know how to rock your world)

Don't think that I'm not strong, I'm the one to take you on
Don't underestimate me, boy, I'll make you sorry you were born
You don't know me, the way you really should
You're sure misunderstood, don't call me "baby"
You've got some nerve, baby, that'll never do
You know I don't belong to you
It's time you knew I'm not your baby
I belong to me, so don't call me "baby"

Behind my smile is my IQ
I must admit this does not sit with the likes of you
You're really sweet, you're really nice
But didn't mama ever tell you not to play with fire?
(Tell you not to play with fire)

Don't think that I'm not strong, I'm the one to take you on
Don't underestimate me, boy, I'll make you sorry you were born
You don't know me, the way you really should
You're sure misunderstood, don't call me "baby"
You've got some nerve, baby, that'll never do
You know I don't belong to you
It's time you knew I'm not your baby
I belong to me, so don't call me "baby"

Don't think that I'm not strong, cause I'm the one to take you on

You and me, we have an opportunity
And we could make it something really cool
But you, you think I'm not that kind of girl
I'm here to tell ya' baby, I know how to rock your world

Don't call me "baby"
You've got some nerve, baby, that'll never do
You know I don't belong to you
It's time you knew I'm not your baby
I belong to me, so don't call me "baby"
You've got some nerve, baby, that'll never do
You know I don't belong to you
It's time you knew I'm not your baby
I belong to me, so don't call me "baby"


Daddy, are we going to sing that song?
(You're all I need to get by, ah)

Like sweet morning dew, I took one look at you
And it was plain to see you were my destiny
With arms open wide, I threw away my pride
I'll sacrifice for you, dedicate my life to you
I will go where you lead, always there in time of need
And when I lose my will, you'll be there to push me up the hill

There's no, no looking back for us
We've got a love, sure enough, that's enough
You're all, you're all I need to get by

(You're all I need to get by, ah)
Like an eagle protects his nest, for you, I'd do my best

Stand by you like a tree, dare anybody to try move me
(You're all I need to get by, ah)

Darling, in you, I found strength when I was torn down
Don't know what's in store, but together, we can open any door
Just to do what's good for you, and inspire you a little higher
I know you can make a man, out of a soul that didn't have a goal

'Cause we, we've got the right foundation
And with love and determination
You're all, you're all I wanna strive for, and do a little more
You're all, all the joys under the sun, wrapped up into one
You're all, you're all I need, you're all I need, you're all I need to get by

Like sweet morning dew, I took one look at you, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, yeah, you're all I need, you're all I know


Come away with me in the night
Come away with me and I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us with their lies

I want to walk with you on a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won’t you try to come away with me
And we'll kiss on a mountaintop
Come away with me and I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain falling on a tin roof
While I’m safe there in your arms, so all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night, come away with me


Its over and done, but the heartache lives on inside
And who is the one you're clinging to, instead of me tonight?

(And where are you now) Now that I need you?
(Tears on my pillow) Wherever you go
(I cry me a river) That leads to your ocean
You’ll never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart, it's just emotion taking me over
Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul
But if you don't come back, come home to me darlin’
You know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight
Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight (Goodnight, goodnight) goodnight

I'm there at your side, I'm part of all the things you are
But you've got a part of someone else, you go to find your shining star

(And where are you now) Now that I need you?
(Tears on my pillow) Wherever you go
(I cry me a river) That leads to your ocean
You'll never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart, it's just emotion taking me over
Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul
But if you don't come back, come home to me darlin’
You know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight
Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight
Goodnight (Goodnight, goodnight) goodnight

(And where are you now) Now that I need you?
(Tears on my pillow) Wherever you go
(I cry me a river) That leads to your ocean
You'll never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart, it’s just emotion taking me over
Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul
But if you don't come back, come home to me darlin'
You know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight
Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight


Candle light and soul forever, dream of you and me together
Say you believe it, say you believe it
Free your mind of doubt and danger, be for real, don't be a stranger
We can achieve it, we can achieve it
Come a little bit closer, baby, get it on, get it on

'Cause tonight is the night when two become one

I need some love like I never needed love before (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be

Silly games that you were playing, empty words we both were saying
Let's work it out, boy, let's work it out, boy
Once again if we endeavour, love will bring us back together
Take it or leave it, take it or leave it

Are you as good as I remember, baby, get it on, get it on (Uh, huh)
'Cause tonight is the night when two become one

I need some love like I never needed love before (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be

Be a little bit wiser, baby, put it on, put it on
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one

I need some love like I never needed love before (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
I need some love like I never needed love before (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Wanna make love to ya, baby)
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
It's the only way to be, it's the only way to be


Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright

Little darling, their smile's returning to their faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes, sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes, sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright


Snow is falling, Christmas morning, and I’m without you
Choirs are singing, bells are ringing, and I’m without you
But I’m coming home for Christmas, I’m coming home for Christmas
Coming home for Christmas, so wait for me

Drinks are toasting, turkey’s roasting, but I’m without you
Kids are fighting, I’m am trying, to get back to you
But I’m coming home for Christmas, I’m coming home for Christmas
Coming home for Christmas, so wait for me

The dogs are sleeping, softly breathing, as I kiss you
Wake up slowly, I am only, here for you
And I’m coming home for Christmas, I’m coming home for Christmas
Coming home for Christmas, so wait for me
I’m coming home for Christmas, coming home for Christmas
I’m coming home for Christmas, so wait for me
So wait for me, wait for me


Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree, for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, a 54 convertible too, light blue
I’ll wait up for you dear
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I’ve missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven’t kissed
Next year I could be just as good
If you’ll check off my Christmas list

Santa baby, I wanna yacht, and really that’s not a lot
Been an angel all year
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa honey, one little thing I really need, the deed
To a platinum mine
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex, and checks
Sign your ‘X’ on the line
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany’s
I really do believe in you
Let’s see if you believe in me

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don’t mean on the phone
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight, hurry, tonight


Candle light and soul forever
A dream of you and me together, say you believe it
Free your mind of doubt and danger
Be for real, don't be a stranger, we can achieve it, we can achieve it
Come a little bit closer, baby, get it on, get it on
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one

I need some love like I never needed love before
I had a little love, now I'm back for more
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be

Silly games that you were playing
Empty words we both were saying, let's work it out, boy, let's work it out, boy
Once again if we endeavour
Love will bring us back together, take it or leave it, take it or leave it
Are you as good as I remember, baby, get it on, get it on
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one

I need some love like I never needed love before
I had a little love, now I'm back for more
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be

Be a little bit wiser, baby, put it on, put it on
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one

I need some love like I never needed love before
I had a little love, now I'm back for more
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be

It's the only way to be, it's the only way to be
It's the only way to be, it's the only way to be
It's the only way to be, it's the only way to be


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