STAGES | ||||
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MEGJELENÉS | 2012. Szeptember 7. | |||
FELVÉTELEK | 2010-12 | |||
MŰFAJ | Theatrical pop | |||
HOSSZ | 45:15 | |||
KIADÓ | Red Girl Records | |||
PRODUCEREK | Peter-John Vettese |
HELYEZÉSEK | UK # 50 / UK Indie # 06 | |||
ELADÁS | $ 11,931 | |||
KISLEMEZEK | I Know Him so Well | |||
< < < < < | The Sea (2011) | |||
> > > > > | Version of Me (2016) |
Melanie C angol énekesnő hatodik stúdióalbuma, amelyet 2012. szeptember 7-én adott ki a Red Girl Records és a Universal UK. Egy borítóalbum, amely különféle zenés színházi műsorokból és filmekből származó dalborítókat tartalmaz, így ez Chisholm első stúdióalbuma, ahol egyetlen számhoz sem tartozik írói kredit. Az albumot egy kislemez támogatta, az "I Know Him So Well" feldolgozása, amelyen a másik angol énekesnő és a Spice Girls tagja, Emma Bunton is közreműködött.
2012. június 25-én a hivatalos honlapján bejelentették, hogy Chisholm éppen az utolsó simításokat végzi a következő albumán, amely a Stages nevet viseli majd. A lemez producere régi munkatársa, Peter-John Vettese volt, és olyan színházi dalok gyűjteményét tartalmazza, amelyek fontosak voltak Chisholm számára élete különböző szakaszaiban.
2012. július 6-án Chisholm és korábbi Spice Girls-csoporttársa, Emma Bunton titokzatos tweetjei után kiderült, hogy ketten közösen vettek fel egy dalt Chisholm következő albumához. Az "I Know Him So Well" című dalt a Chess című musicalből kettős duettnek szánták.
Az album eredeti grafikáján Chisholm fekete bőrszékben ül. Az album dallistája mellett 2012. július 21-én mutatták be. Később arról számoltak be, hogy ez a művészet csak az album digitális változataihoz fog szolgálni, és a lépcsőn lefelé sétáló Chisholm fényképe szolgál majd a fizikai megjelenések képeként. Ez utóbbi képet azonban végül mind fizikai, mind digitális kiadásokhoz használták.
A Daily Express öt csillagból háromra értékelte az albumot. A napilap ezt írta: "Melanie C egy kicsit West End Wendy lett, ami miatt ez a főként show dallamokat tartalmazó borítók több mint megfelelővé teszik Remek válogatás, de talán a legélvezetesebb pillanat amikor Emma Bunton csatlakozik hozzá az Elaine Paige/Barbara Dickson klasszikus "I Know Him So Well" borítóján.
01 / MAYBE THIS TIME / 3:37 |
Írók Kander and Ebb Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Cabaret |
Írók Stephen Sondheim Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Company |
03 / I KNOW HIM SO WELL (featuring Emma Bunton) / 4:24 |
Írók Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Tim Rice Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Chess Kislemez megjelenés 2012. November 11. UK Helyezés # 153 / UK Indie # 14 Eladás $ 10,000 |
Írók George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical The Shocking Miss Pilgrim |
05 / I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOVE HIM / 5:22 |
Írók Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Jesus Christ Superstar Kislemez megjelenés 2012. Július 22. UK Indie # 20 |
06 / BOTH SIDES NOW / 5:01 |
Írók Joni Mitchell Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Priscilla, Queen of the Desert |
07 / AIN'T GOT NO/I GOT LIFE / 3:09 |
Írók Galt MacDermot, Gerome Ragni, James Rado Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical |
Írók Burt Bacharach, Hal David Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Shout! The Mod Musical |
09 / I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU / 3:20 |
Írók Al Dubin, Harry Warren Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Dames |
10 / TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE / 5:09 |
Írók Willy Russell Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Blood Brothers |
11 / MY FUNNY VALENTINE / 2:57 |
Írók Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Babes in Arms |
Írók Oscar Hammerstein, Richard Rodgers Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical The King & I |
13 / ANYTHING GOES / 2:57 |
Írók Cole Porter Producerek Peter-John Vettese Musical Anything Goes |
> YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE / Kislemez: I Know Him so Well [2012) |
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOVE HIM Melanie C stúdiófelvételt készített az "I Don't Know How to Love Him" című dalról 2012. szeptember 9-én, Stages című albumához, amely az énekesnő régi munkatársa, Peter-John Vettese által készített show dallamalbum, amelyről az "I Don't" Know How to Love Him" digitális letöltési formátumban adták ki előzetesként, hogy megjelenése első hete után a 20. helyen álljon az Egyesült Királyság független kislemezlistáján.
I KNOW HIM SO WELL A dal volt az első kislemez, amely Melanie C zenés színházi ihletésű és hatodik stúdióalbumáról, a Stages-ről készült. A dal egy duett Melanie C társával, a Spice Girls csoport tagjával, Emma Buntonnal. A dal kislemezként 2012. november 11-én jelent meg. A kislemez b-oldala a Carousel című musical "You'll Never Walk Alone" feldolgozása. A dal videoklipjét 2012. november 12-én mutatták be a YouTube-on.
Maybe this time, I'll be lucky, maybe this time, he'll stay
Maybe this time, for the first time, love won't hurry away
He will hold me fast, I'll be home at last, not a loser anymore
Like the last time, and the time before
Everybody loves a winner, so nobody loved me;
'Lady Peaceful,' 'Lady Happy,', that's what I long to be
All the odds are in my favor, something's bound to begin
It's got to happen, happen sometime, maybe this time I'll win
Everybody loves a winner, so nobody loved me;
'Lady Peaceful,' 'Lady Happy,', that's what I long to be
All the odds are in my favor, something's bound to begin
It's got to happen, happen sometime, maybe this time, maybe this time I'll win
Another hundred people just got off of the train and came up through the ground
While another hundred people just got off of the bus and are looking around
At another hundred people who got off of the plane and are looking at us
Who got off of the train and the plane and the bus, maybe yesterday
It's a city of strangers, some come to work, some to play
A city of strangers, some come to stare, some to stay, and every day, the ones who stay
Can find each other in the crowded streets and the guarded parks
By the rusty fountains and the dusty trees and the battered barks
And they walk together past the postered walls with the crude remarks
And they meet at parties through the friends of friends who they'll never know
"Will you pick me up or do I meet you there or shall we let it go?"
"Did you get my message? 'Cause I looked in vain"
"Can we see each other Tuesday if it doesn't rain?"
"Look, I'll call you in the morning or my service will explain"
And another hundred people just got off of the train
It's a city of strangers, some come to work, some to play
A city of strangers, some come to stare, some to stay, and every day, some go away
Or they find each other in the crowded streets and the guarded parks
By the rusty fountains and the dusty trees with the battered barks
And they walk together past upholstered walls with the crude remarks
And they meet at parties through the friends of friends who they never know
"Will you pick me up or do I meet you there or shall we let it go?"
"Did you get my message? 'Cause I looked in vain"
"Can we see each other Tuesday if it doesn't rain?"
"Look, I'll call you in the morning or my service will explain"
And another hundred people just got off of the train
And another hundred people just got off of the train
And another hundred people just got off of the train
And another hundred people just got off of the train
Another hundred people just got off of the train
Nothing is so good it lasts eternally, perfect situations must go wrong
But this has never yet prevented me, wanting far too much, for far too long
Looking back, I could have played it differently
Won a few more moments, who can tell
But it took time to understand the man
Now at least I know, I know him well
Wasn't it good? (Oh so good) wasn't he fine? (Oh so fine)
Isn't it madness, he can't be mine?
But in the end, be needs a little bit, more than me, more security
He needs his fantasy and freedom, I know him so well
No-one in your life is with you constantly, no-one is completely on your side
And though I'd move my world to be with him, still the gap between us is too wide
Looking back, I could have played it differently
(Looking back, I could have played it some other way)
Learned about the man, before I fell (I was just a little girl)
But I was ever so much younger then (Maybe, so much younger then)
Now at least I know, I know him well
Wasn't it good? (Oh so good) wasn't he fine? (Oh so fine)
Isn't it madness, he won't be mine?
Didn't I know, how it would go
If I knew from the start, why am I falling apart?
Wasn't it good, wasn't he fine?
Isn't it madness, he won't be mine?
But in the end, he needs a little bit, more than me, more security
He needs his fantasy and freedom, I know him so well
It took time to understand him, I know him so well
Oh it really wasn't my intention, to disregard convention
It was just an impulse that had to be obeyed
Though it seems convention we've been scorning, I'll still not go in warning
Though my reputation is blemished, I'm afraid
With just one kiss, what heaven, what rapture, what bliss!
Honestly, I thought I wouldn't, naturally, I thought I couldn't
And probably I shouldn't, but aren't you kinda glad we did?
Actually, it all was blameless, never the less, they'll call it shameless
So let's keep the lady nameless, but aren't you kinda glad we did?
Socially, I'll be an outcast, obviously, we'll dine alone
On my good name there will be doubt cast, with never a sign of any chaperone
No matter how they may construe it, whether or not we have to ruin it
Whatever made us do it, well aren't you kinda glad we did?
(Close your eyes, close your eyes and forget all about us tonight)
I don't know how to love him, what to do, how to move him
I've been changed, yes really changed
In these past few days, when I've seen myself, I seem like someone else.
I don't know how to take this, I don't see why he moves me
He's a man. He's just a man, and I've had so many men before
In very many ways, he's just one more
Should I bring him down, should I scream and shout?
Should I speak of love, let my feelings out?
I never thought I'd come to this, what's it all about?
Don't you think it's rather funny, I should be in this position
I'm the one who's always been, so calm, so cool, no lover's fool
Running every show, he scares me so
I never thought I'd come to this, what's it all about?
Yet, if he said he loved me, I'd be lost. I'd be frightened
I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope, I'd turn my head. I'd back away
I wouldn't want to know, he scares me so, I want him so, I love him so
Rows and flows of angel hair, and ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere, I've looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun, they rain and they snow on everyone
So many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall, I really don't know clouds at all
Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels, the dizzy dancing way that you feel
As every fairy tale comes real, I've looked at love that way
But now it's just another show, you leave 'm laughing when you go
And if you care, don't let them know, son't give yourself away
I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take and still somehow
It's love's illusions that I recall, I really don't know love at all
Tears and fears and feeling proud, to say "I love you" right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way
Oh but now old friends are acting strange
When they shake their heads and they tell me that I've changed
Well something's lost but something's gained, in living every day
I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose but still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall, I really don't know life
I really don't know life at all, I really don't know life
It's life's illusions I recall, I really don't know life at all
in't got no home, ain't got no shoes
Ain't got no money, ain't got no class
Ain't got no friends, ain't got no schooling
Ain't got no work, ain't got no job, ain't got no mind
And what have I got, why am I alive anyway
What have I got nobody can take away?
I've got my hair, got my head, got my brains, got my ears
Got my eyes, got my nose, got my mouth, I've got my smile
I've got my tongue, got my chin, got my neck, got my boobies
Got my heart, got my soul, got my back, I've got my sex
Ain't got no father, ain't got no mother
Ain't got no children, ain't got no faith
Ain't got no earth, ain't got no water, ain't got no ticket
Ain't got no token, ain't got no love
And what have I got, why am I alive anyway
What have I got nobody can take away?
I've got my hair, got my head, got my brains, got my ears
Got my eyes, got my nose, got my mouth, I got my smile
I've got my tongue, got my chin, got my neck, got my boobies
Got my heart, got my soul, got my back, I got my sex
I got my arms, got my hands, got my fingers, got my legs
Got my feet, got my toes, got my liver, got my blood
I've got life, I've got my freedom, I've got life
I've got my life, I've got my freedom
I just don't know what to do with myself
Don't know just what to do with myself
I'm so used to doing everything with you
Planning everything for two, and now that we're through
I just don't know what to do with my time
I'm so lonesome for you it's a crime
Going to the movie only makes me sad
Parties make me feel as bad
When I'm not with you, I just don't know what to do
Like a summer rose, it needs the sun and rain
Oh, I need your sweet love, to beat all the pain
I just don't know what to do with myself
I just don't know what to do with myself
Baby, if your new love ever turns you down
Come back, I will be around, just waiting for you, I don't know what else to do
Like a summer rose, it needs the sun and rain
Oh, I need your sweet love, to beat all the pain
I don't know just what to do with myself
I don't know just what to do with myself
Baby, if your new love ever turns you down
Come on back, I will be around, just waiting for you
I don't know what else to do, no, no, no, I don't know what else to do
I'm still so crazy for you, no, no, no, no
I don't know what else to do, no, no, no, I'm still so crazy for you
My love must be a kind of blind love, I can't see anyone but you
Are the stars out tonight?
I don't know if it's cloudy or bright, I only have eyes for you, dear
The moon may be high
But I can't see a thing in the sky, I only have eyes for you
I don't know if we're in a garden, or on a crowded avenue
You are here, so am I, maybe millions of people go by
But they all disappear from view, and I only have eyes for you
Tell me it's not true
Say it's just a story, something on the news
Tell me it's not true
Though it's here before me, say it's just a dream
Say it's just a scene, from an old movie of years ago
From an old movie of Marilyn Monroe
Say it's just some clowns
Two players in the limelight, and bring the curtain down
Say it's just two clowns
Who couldn't get their lines right, say it's just a show on the radio
That we can turn over and start again
That we can turn over, it's only a game
Tell me it's not true
Say I only dreamed it, and morning will come soon
Tell me it's not true
Say you didn't mean it, say it's just pretend
Say it's just the end, of an old movie of years ago
From an old movie with Marilyn Monroe
Say it's just pretend, say it's just the end
Of an old movie from years ago
From an old movie with Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Monroe
Behold the way our fine feathered friend, his virtue doth parade
Thou knowest not, my dim-witted friend, the picture thou hast made
Thy vacant brow and thy tousled hair, conceal thy good intent
Thou noble upright truthful sincere, and slightly dopey gent
You're my funny valentine, sweet comic valentine
You make me smile with my heart
Your looks are laughable, un-photographable
Yet, you're my favourite work of art
Is your figure less than Greek, is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak, are you smart?
But, don't change a hair for me, not if you care for me
Stay little valentine, stay, each day is Valentine's Day
This is a man who thinks with his heart, his heart is not always wise
This is a man who stumbles and falls, but this is a man who tries
This is a man you'll forgive and forgive, and help and protect, as long as you live
He will not always say what you would have him say
But now and then he'll say something wonderful
The thoughtless things he'll do, will hurt and worry you
And all at once he'll do something wonderful
He has a thousand dreams that won't come true
You know that he believes in them and that's enough for you
You'll always go along, defend him when he's wrong
And tell him when he's strong, he is wonderful
He'll always need your love, and so he'll get your love
A man who needs your love must be wonderful
Times have changed, and we've often rewound the clock
Since the Puritans got a shock, when they landed on Plymouth Rock
If today, any shock they should try to stem,
'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock should land on them
In olden days a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking, but now, God knows, anything goes
Good authors too who once knew better words
Now only use four letter words, writing prose, anything goes
The world has gone mad today, and good's bad today
And black's white today, and day's night today
When most guys today, that women prize today
Are just silly gigolos, and though I'm not a great romancer
I know that I'm bound to answer, when you propose, anything goes
When grandmamma whose age is eighty
In night clubs is getting matey with gigolos, anything goes
If driving fast cars you like, if low bars you like
If old hymns you like, if bare limbs you like
If Mae West you like, or me undressed you like
Well, nobody will oppose, when every night
The set that's smart, os intruding in nudist parties in studios, anything goes
If saying your prayers you like, if green pears you like
If old chairs you like, if back stairs you like
If love affairs you like, with young bears you like, well, nobody will oppose!
And though I'm not a great romancer, I know that I'm bound to answer
When you propose, anything goes, anything goes, anything goes, anything goes
When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark, and the end of the storm
There’s a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of the lark
Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone, you’ll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone, you’ll never walk alone