MEGJELENÉS 2011. Szeptember 2.
FELVÉTELEK 2009-2011
HOSSZ 47:37
KIADÓ Red Girl Records
ÍRÓK Melanie Chisholm - Ash Howes - Richard "Biff" Stannard - Seton Daunt - Ina Wroldsen - Jez Ashurt - Adam Argyle - Daniel Davidsen - Jason Gill - Mich Hansen - Dee Adam - James Earp - James Walsh - Martin Brammer - Guy Chambers - Lauren Christie - Jodi Marr - Peter-John Vettese - Greg Hatwell - Dave Roth - David Jost
PRODUCEREK Andy Chatterley - Cutfather - Daniel Davidsen - Jason Gill - Greg Hatwell - Peter-John Vettese
HELYEZÉSEK UK # 45 / UK Indie # 07
ELADÁS $ 13,750
KISLEMEZEK Rock Me - Think About it - Weak - Let There be Love
LIVE The Sea Live (2011-12)
< < < < < This Time (2007)
> > > > > Stages (2012)

Melanie C angol énekesnő ötödik stúdióalbuma, amely saját független lemezkiadója, a Red Girl Records alatt készült. Az album volt az első új anyag négy év után, a Spice Girls-szel való újraegyesülés óta.
Az album megjelenése, promóciós kislemeze és a német verzió vezető kislemeze előtt a „Rock Me” 2011. június 24-én megjelent digitális letöltésre világszerte (valamint fizikai kislemezként Németországban, Ausztriában és Svájcban). a népszerű német TV-hálózat, a ZDF hivatalos dala a 2011-es női labdarúgó-világbajnokságról. A "Think About It" című kislemez videoklipjét 2011. július 15-én mutatták be hivatalos honlapján, és ezzel egyidejűleg elküldték az Egyesült Királyság rádióállomásainak.


Az albumot Londonban vették fel. Chisholm a lemezzel kapcsolatos inspirációiról és céljairól beszélt: "Nagyon izgatott vagyok a lemez miatt, mert meglehetősen változatos a stílusa. Rengeteg új íróval dolgoztam együtt, olyanokkal, akikkel korábban nem. Még mindig nagyon sok pop elem, és van bennem néhány szép balladák, néhány rock ihletésű szám, néhány táncosabb cucc, néhány akusztikus cucc és produkciós szempontból, vannak nagyon hangulatos pillanatok. Szóval tényleg azt gondolom, hogy ez egy változatos és erősebb album lesz. Amikor elkezdtem dolgozni ezzel az albummal, Nem igazán tudtam, mit akarok elérni, ezért ambiciózus akartam lenni és kísérletezni, új emberekkel dolgozni, és különféle zenei stílusokat kipróbálni. És ez által igazán felfedeztem, hogyan szeretném kifejezni magam és Mindaz, ami nagyon sokrétűvé tette, és ez vicces, mert azt hiszem, az első stúdióalbumom, a Northern Star talán leginkább ehhez a lemezhez hasonlít, mivel rengeteg különböző stílust tartalmaz, bár alapvetően egy poplemez."


A The Sea koncepciójával kapcsolatban Chisholm a YouTube-on egy videóinterjúban elmondta, hogy az album összefüggően kísérletező, sok különböző zenei műfajt/stílust kever egy egységes popalbumba elektronikus aláfestéssel, ezért a sok fajt magába foglaló The Sea nevet kapta. akik az óceánok felszíne alatt laknak. Mel azt is leírta, hogy az album harmonikus és eufórikus. A borítót, amely Chisholmot állva és a tengerből kiemelve ábrázolja, az észak-yorkshire-i Whitbyben fényképezték.
A borítófotót Pip készítette, aki a belső helyszínről is szolgáltat pár fotót. További füzetfotózást Ray Burmiston hosszú távú munkatársa készít. A hüvely Ian Ross, aki Chisholm két korábbi szólóalbumát, a Beautiful Intentions-t és a This Time-t is tervezte.


Chisholm kijelentette, hogy sok új íróval és producerrel dolgozott ezen az albumon, ahol hajlamos volt ugyanazokkal az írókkal dolgozni korábbi lemezein, nevezetesen Adam Argyle-lel, aki társszerzője volt ehhez a lemezhez. Az albumot a Starsailor's James Walsh, Guy Chambers és a Spice/Spiceworld producer, Richard Stannard, Andy Chatterley közösen írták/készítették (mindketten olyan előadókkal dolgoztak együtt, mint Kylie Minogue, többek között). Chisholm a svéd Cutfather produceri csapattal is dolgozott. Az album akusztikus pillanatokat, valamint néhány rock-vezérelt dalt és vidám tánclemezt tartalmaz.


Az album pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. Jon O'Brien pozitívan írta az AllMusic-nak, hogy "The Sea még mindig hatalmas ugrás az elmúlt három erőfeszítéséhez képest, és ha a Northern Star folytatásaként adták volna ki, nem pedig 12 évvel később, akkor valószínűleg megőrizte kezdeti szólósikerét." O'Brien, aki ötből három és fél csillagra értékelte, a "Think About It" és a "Stupid Game" számokat dicsérte, amelyeket "bombasztikusnak" tartott. Katy Perry/Kelly Clarksonra emlékeztető pop/rock himnuszok, amelyek bebizonyítják, hogy még mindig fel tudja venni a versenyt azokkal, akik a Spicemania csúcsán még alig voltak tinédzser korukban, míg a grandiózus "Get Out of Here" úgy hangzik, mintha a Muse "Feeling Good" feldolgozása keresztbe szállna. John Barry James Bond-pontszámával."
Pip Elwood az "Entertainment Focus"-ból szintén pozitívan értékelte, öt csillagból négyre értékelte. Azt írta, hogy "The Sea egy erős kiadás Melanie-tól, és amely visszaadhatja korábbi dicsőségéhez. (...) "A tenger a popgyöngyszemek következetes gyűjteménye, amely újabb nagy sikert ad neki." Simon Gage kedvezően írta a Daily Express számára, hogy "Ez az új album, amely négy év óta először szól, igazi edzést ad ennek a hangnak a power balladáktól és a rock-outoktól a táncparketten át." OK! Magazine azt írta, hogy "The Sea Könnyen az eddigi legambiciózusabb albuma, amely a rockot, a popot és az elektro talán legapróbb árnyalatát is ötvözi." Jade Wright a Liverpool Echo-tól kedvező kritikát írt, és kijelentette, hogy "A Mel C bizonyítja, hogy valódinak kell lennie – nincs szacharin édesség, nincs femme fatale, csak egy fogadj el úgy, ahogy látsz hozzáállás, ami átüt. A The Sea jó hallgatást tesz lehetővé, akár rajongó vagy, akár nem.” Nick Harries a Sunday Mercury-től nagyon pozitív kritikát írt, és kijelentette, hogy az énekes „ajánlott egy szettet, amely mindenki számára megfelelő – dance pop (Think About it). Azt); Alanis angst (Beautiful Mind); dalszerző elegáns (One By One); 1980-as évek electrobeat (Stupid Game); rádiórock (All About You) – és a ballisztikus nagy befejezés (az Enemy mind a nyolc perce). A legjobb a címadó dal nyitója, kisebb kulcsdallamával és dobpergés drámájával."


01 / THE SEA / 4:51
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Ash Howes, Richard Stannard, Seton Daunt
Producerek Andy Chatterley
02 / WEAK / 3:24
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Ina Wroldsen, Jez Ashurt
Producerek Andy Chatterley
Kislemez megjelenés 2011. November 6.
UK Indie Helyezés # 29
Eladás $ 2,957
03 / THINK ABOUT IT / 3:47
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Adam Argyle, Daniel Davidsen, Jason Gill, Mich Hansen
Producerek Cutfather, Daniel Davidsen, Jason Gill
Kislemez megjelenés 2011. Szeptember 4.
UK Helyezés # 95 / UK Indie # 15 / US Dance # 06
Eladás $ 7,960
04 / BEAUTIFUL MIND / 3:41
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Dee Adam, James Earp
Producerek Andy Chatterley
05 / ONE BY ONE / 4:06
Írók Melanie Chisholm, James Walsh
Producerek Greg Hatwell
06 / STUPID GAME / 3:20
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Adam Argyle, Martin Brammer
Producerek Andy Chatterley
07 / ALL ABOUT YOU / 4:01
Írók Chuck Harmony, Guy Chambers, Lauren Christie
Producerek Peter-John Vettese
08 / BURN / 4:00
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Adam Argyle, Daniel Davidsen, Jason Gill, Mich Hansen
Producerek Cutfather, Daniel Davidsen, Jason Gill
09 / DROWN / 3:59
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Adam Argyle, Jodi Marr
Producerek Andy Chatterley
10 / GET OUT OF HERE / 4:10
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Peter-John Vettese
Producerek Peter-John Vettese
11 / ENEMY / 8:12
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Greg Hatwell
Producerek Greg Hatwell, Andy Chatterley
01 / THINK ABOUT IT / 3:47
02 / BURN / 4:00
03 / GET OUT OF HERE / 4:10
04 / WEAK / 3:24
05 / STUPID GAME / 3:20
06 / LET THERE BE LOVE / 3:33
Írók Peter Plate, Ulf Leo Sommer, Daniel Faust
Producerek Peter Plate, Ulf Leo Sommer
Kislemez megjelenés 2011. December 2.
07 / DROWN / 3:59
08 / ALL ABOUT YOU / 4:10
09 / THE SEA / 4:51
10 / BEAUTIFUL MIND / 3:41
11 / ONE BY ONE / 4:06
12 / ROCK ME / 3:13
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Dave Roth, David Jost
Producerek Dave Roth, Andy Chatterley
Kislemez megjelenés 2011. Június 24.
GER Helyezés # 38
Eladás $ 2,783
STOP THIS TRAIN / Kislemez: Rock Me (2011)
CRUEL INTENTIONS / Kislemez: Think About It (2011)
STRONGER / Kislemez: Weak (2011)
TOO SOON / DVD: The Sea Live (2012)
RISING SUN / Törölve


ROCK ME Melanie C angol énekesnő dala ötödik szólóalbumáról, a The Sea-ról. Az album buzz kislemezeként jelent meg 2011. június 24-én Németországban. Írta: Melanie C, Dave Roth és David Jost, hivatalos főcímdalként szolgál a ZDF német TV-csatorna 2011-es FIFA női világbajnokságról szóló tudósításaihoz.

THINK ABOUT IT Melanie C angol énekesnő dala ötödik stúdióalbumáról, a The Sea-ról. 2011. szeptember 4-én jelent meg világszerte vezető kislemezként az albumról, az általános második kislemez pedig – a „Rock Me” – csak Németországban jelent meg. Adam Argyle és a Cutfather együttműködő csapata írta. A számot Koppenhágában vették fel, és a "Rock Me" című buzz kislemez után adták ki, a megjelenés előtt Melanie a West-End Blood Brothers-nél töltött időt, amiről azt mondta, hogy segített neki előadóként fejlődni és fejlődni.
A dal egy dance-pop dal, amely egybeolvasztja azt a szokásos rock-állást, amelyet Melanie 1999 óta vállalt karrierje során. Szöveg szerint a dal olyasmiről szól, amiről tudod, hogy nem szabad.
A dal a kritikusok elismerését váltotta ki, és a kritikusok örvendetes változásnak tartották, jobb kiadásnak tartották, mint az előző, a "Rock Me". A kritikusok élvezték újonnan megtalált popstílusát, és jó bevezetőnek találták ötödik stúdióalbumához, a The Sea-hoz. Kereskedelmileg a dal közepes sikert aratott: Ausztriában, Svájcban és Németországban a legmagasabb csúcsot a svájci listák 30. helyén érte el. A Howard Greenhalgh által rendezett videoklipp különböző hátterekben és különböző ruhákban mutatta be előadását.
A kislemez a 6. helyezést érte el a Billboard Dance Singles listán.

Háttér: Melanie C a Spice Girls lánybanda egyötöde volt, és 1999 óta ad ki szólóanyagot, előző stúdióalbuma This Time címmel négy évvel a Think About It megjelenése előtt jelent meg. A saját Red Girl Records nevű lemezkiadójának lemezei között eltöltött idő alatt Melanie a West Enden, a Blood Brothers című musicalben végzett, és anya is lett. Ez idő után kezdett el dolgozni ötödik stúdióalbumán, a "több mint 6 hónapos rendszeres éneklés" tapasztalatai révén magabiztossá tette és megerősítette énekesként, és magabiztosabbá tette a dalírás terén is. Melanie világszerte sok időt töltött a felvételekkel, és miután ezekből az előadásokból a "Rock Me" című szám megjelent a német tévécsatorna közvetítésében a FIFA női világbajnokságról. Nem sokkal ezután bejelentette a The Sea vezető kislemezének kiadását "Think About It" címmel.

Fejlesztés: Melanie C saját független lemezkiadója bejelentette a számot a hivatalos honlapján, és azt állítja, hogy a szám Koppenhágában íródott Adam Argyle producerekkel és a Cutfather csapatával, és azt mondta: „Hihetetlenül izgatottak vagyunk, hogy bejelenthetjük Melanie vadonatúj kislemezét, a „Think About It”. a hamarosan megjelenő 'The Sea' című albumról a szám Koppenhágában íródott Adam Argyle-lel és új munkatársaival, a Cutfather csapatával – akik szintén a dalt produkálták.A kislemez egy friss hangzás Melanie számára, felemelő refrén és gazdagító dallam, fényben sütkérezve. és a színek tökéletesek a nyárra." Amikor a "Rock Me" kislemezhez írt egy Kérdés és válasz szekciót a hivatalos honlapján, megkérdezték a "Think About It" produceréről, Adam Argyle-ról, amire válaszolt; "Jó cimborám, Adam Argyle sokat szerepel az albumon. Nagyon zseniális dalszerző, és azt hiszem, jó csapatot alkotunk. Fantasztikus új emberekkel is együtt dolgoztunk, mint például Jodie Marr. Hihetetlen, és az egyik kedvenc dalom tőle származik. Egy másik nagyszerű dal az Adam & Martin Brammerrel folytatott beszélgetésből született. Utaztunk Koppenhágába, és Cutfatherrel dolgoztunk, ami az egyik legjobb nap volt ezen az albumon, nagyszerű eredményekkel."

WEAK Melanie C angol énekesnő dala, The Sea című ötödik stúdióalbumáról. A dal harmadik kislemezeként jelent meg az albumról 2011. november 6-án. A dalt Melanie C, Ina Wroldsen és Jez Ashurt írta, a producer pedig Andy Chatterley.

Háttér: A "Weak" kontraszt volt az előző, "Think About It" dance-pop kislemeztől. A "gyenge" egy felkavaró popballadát írt le, amely érzelmileg lefedi a szeretett személlyel való szakításkor felmerülő érzelmek skáláját. A kislemezről szóló vélemények pozitívak voltak, az "Entertainment Focus" kijelentette: "A Weak a The Sea egyik csúcspontja, és Melanie-t remek énekformában találja meg. Egy lassan épülő ütem támogatja Melanie jellegzetes énekhangját, ahogy arról énekel, hogy túl gyenge ahhoz, hogy kilépjen egy kapcsolatból. ez nem tesz jót neki. A híd nagyon erős, Melanie énekhangja borzongást küld a gerinceden, miközben hagyja, hogy elszakadjon.

LET THERE BE LOVE Melanie C angol énekesnő dala, The Sea című ötödik stúdióalbumáról. Rosenstolz "Liebe ist alles" című német dalának angol nyelvű feldolgozása. Melanie C a The Sea – Live turnén adta elő a dalt.
A "Let There Be Love" egyike annak a sok balladának, amelyet Melanie C adott ki a német nyelvterületen.


THE SEA LIVE [2011. Noember 28. - 2012. Március 7.] Melanie C brit énekesnő hatodik koncert turnéja ötödik The Sea stúdió albuma támogatására. A turné 2011. november 28-án kezdődött a németországi Kölnben. A turné DVD-je korlátozott ideig 2012. február 27-én jelent meg, és a Gloria Theatre-ben (Köln), a Gruenspan-ban (Hamburg) és a C-Clubban (Berlin) forgatták.
2011 júniusában Melanie bejelentette, hogy turnézni fog a The Sea című albumának dalaival. 2011 novemberében Melanie hivatalos weboldala a következőket adta ki: "Öt albummal az övében Melanie nehezen tudja eldönteni, mely számokat vegye fel a dallistára, ezért szüksége van a segítségedre. Melanie és az együttes kiválasztott 5 öregembert, akiket ők imád élőben játszani, de nem szerepelhet minden este a setlisten. Ezért úgy döntöttek, hogy választanak az alábbi 5 szám közül, amelyeket koncerten élőben szeretnének látni. Minden koncertre külön szavazást szerveznek Az öt szám a "Be the One", a "Here It Comes Again", "If That Were Me", "Reason" és "Why". A legtöbb szavazatot elnyerő dalt Melanie minden este közli. , majd előadta. "
Ugyanezen a napon a próbafelvételek megjelentek a weboldalán. Azt is bejelentették, hogy a londoni időpontok elkeltek, és a jegyigény miatt nagyobb helyszínt kellett bérelni.

  • WEAK
    • HERE IT COMES AGAIN (performed in Cologne, Berlin, Zurich and Vienna)
    • WHY (performed in Hamburg)
    • REASON (performed in Munich)
  • BURN
  • STUPID GAME (includes sample of "Tainted Love")



Filling with fear I’m getting cold again
Losing my grip and I slip now he’s pulling me under, drowning in my old friend
Caught in the swell I have to keep my nerve, swallow me whole
Your control leaves me dead in the water, dead in the water
Stormy night I’m washed ashore
I catch my breath and wait for dawn, I catch my death I’m back for more

As the tides they bring me home (Waves crashing down over me)
Feelings I should leave alone to the ocean (Floating to the surface from the blue)
Like the sea as it leaves me cold (Waves crashing down over me)
Your spirit has been overthrown and it’s drowning

I am the one I am strong kept my head above water, sailing away from you
Your love is like a hurricane
Devastating, wracked with pain, I won’t be scared I’m not afraid

As the tides they bring me home (Waves crashing down over me)
Feelings I should leave alone to the ocean (Floating to the surface from the blue)
Like the sea as it leaves me cold (Waves crashing down over me)
Your spirit has been overthrown and it’s drowning

As the tides they bring me home (Waves crashing down over me)
Feelings I should leave alone to the ocean (Floating to the surface from the blue)
Like the sea as it leaves me cold (Waves crashing down over me)
Your spirit has been overthrown and it’s drowning


Every single morning I wake up and there’s a moment of bliss
Then I remember, I get up and I get on with what I chose but oh how I wish
We could go back in time
And find the part we lost, go back to where we started off
Every single morning I wake up

And I’ve been waiting, right here, for things to get better
And I’ve been patient, trying to figure this out

Everyone else is saying, what don’t kill you makes you stronger
So why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weak

I can feel you loving me like tiny little wounds when I breath
and time is so unkind and I am covered up in scars that should be starting to heal
But i’m not moving
It’s like I’m stuck in fantasies, rerunning made up memories
I can feel you loving me baby

And I’ve been waiting, right here, for things to get better
And I’ve been patient, trying to figure this out
Everyone else is saying, what don’t kill you makes you stronger
So why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weak

And I hate the way I feel, I can’t control myself
It’s like you stripped away my strength and made me someone else, chy am I stuck here
Cos I’ve been waiting, oh and I’ve been patient
Everyone else is saying, what don’t kill you makes you stronger, so why do I feel?

Cos I’ve been waiting, right here, for things to get better
And I’ve been patient, trying to figure this out
Everyone else is saying, what don’t kill you makes you stronger
So why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weak, so weak


I I know I shouldn't be doing this, why can't I stop
Butterfly blood rush everything's telling me to run but I'm not
You only regret what you don't do
Why don't we do what we want to now, don't give me time to back out

Cos I don't wanna think about waking up, making up lies
Trying to pretend that we didn't do what we're doing, I don't wanna think about
Real life, not tonight I don't wanna think about anyone, anything, anyway
If there's a chance we'll break, I wanna smash into pieces
Let's make a big mistake, but I don't want to think about it, I don't wanna think about it

My heart beats my head, and I'm letting it take me over
I gotta keep going can't stop can't sleep, cos tomorrow I'll be sober
You only regret what you don't do
Why don't we do what we want to now, don't give me time to back out

Cos I don't wanna think about waking up, making up lies
Trying to pretend that we didn't do what we're doing, I don't wanna think about
Real life, not tonight I don't wanna think about anyone, anything, anyway
If there's a chance we'll break, I wanna smash into pieces
Let's make a big mistake, but I don't want to think about it, I don't wanna think about it
Only regret the things that you don't do, do do do what you want to
Only regret the things that you don't do, do do do what you want to

I wanna feel something I've never felt before
And I don't care if hurts, it's worth it, yeah
I wanna be someone I've never been before
So I'm gonna run and I'm gonna close my eyes I'm gonna jump into the fire

Cos I don't wanna think about waking up, making up lies
Trying to pretend that we didn't do what we're doing, I don't wanna think about
Real life, not tonight I don't wanna think about anyone, anything, anyway
If there's a chance we'll break, I wanna smash into pieces
Let's make a big mistake, but I don't want to think about it, I don't wanna think about it
Only regret the things that you don't do, do do do what you want to
Only regret the things that you don't do, do do, let's do what we want to


In her eyes another moment dies, tears collide, solo she rides
Heart torn down the middle, time slows her pace, smiles just a little, takes her away

A thousand stories never told, a million dreams she won't let go
The singing, singing stops her thinking, her life looks prettier inside
So many reasons she's alone, countless friends she'll never know
She's singing singing singing singing, lost in her beautiful mind
Lost in her beautiful mind

Here we stand, no memories to plan, through our hands, hopes like drifting sand
You'll never forget her, neither can he, who ended up better, who do you believe?

A thousand stories never told, a million dreams she won't let go
The singing, singing stops her thinking, her life looks prettier inside
So many reasons she's alone, countless friends she'll never know
She's singing singing singing singing, lost in her beautiful mind
Lost in her beautiful mind

Nobody's gonna save her now
‘Cos everybody wants to save themselves
Nobody's gonna save her now

A thousand stories never told, a million dreams she won't let go
The singing, singing stops her thinking, her life looks prettier inside
So many reasons she's alone, countless friends she'll never know
She's singing singing singing singing, lost in her beautiful mind
Singing singing singing singing, lost in her beautiful mind (let’s sing together)
Singing singing singing singing, lost in her beautiful mind (let’s sing together)
Singing singing singing singing, lost in her beautiful mind (let’s sing together)
Singing singing singing singing (let’s sing together)


Woke up with the morning sun, another day has just begun
But all I think about is you
Woke up in this paradise, golden sands and bluest skies
But all I think about is you
Remember we were back in our old pad
All the simple pleasures that we had, when all we needed was each other

I can see a light in your eye, telling me that love hasn’t died
We can ride the changes that come, you’re still the one
Woo oh, wo oh oh oh, we can ride the changes that come
We can pick the pieces up one by one

You tell me I don’t give you time, questioning what’s on my mind
But all I think about is you
Thinking back to summer days, you could steal my heart away
With just a glance in my direction

I can see a light in your eye, telling me that love hasn’t died
We can ride the changes that come, you’re still the one
Woo oh, wo oh oh oh, we can ride the changes that come
We can pick the pieces up one by one

And I am coming home tonight, to bring our love back to life
Stop this ride I’m getting off, to start again with you my love
Oh I am coming home tonight, to bring our love back to life
Stop this ride I’m getting off, to start again with you my love

Woo oh, wo oh oh oh, we can ride the changes that come
And we can pick the pieces up one by one
Woo oh, wo oh oh oh, we can ride the changes that come
We can pick the pieces up one by one


I’m not gonna live a lie just for your entertainment
We started this stupid game but all the rules have changed again
If I was stranger would I be safer?
Who do you want me to be to love, to hurt, to trust?

I’m not gonna fall apart to get your attention, I know what I want but it’s not an addiction
Whoa oh oh oh, I’ve only got the truth, whoa oh oh oh, is that enough for you?
I see through your empty affection, I know who I am I can face my reflection
Whoa oh oh oh, I’ve only got the truth, whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

Under the microscope see all the imperfections
You wanna be so close to all the dirt and grime, but why?
If I were a danger would that amaze ya?
Is that who you want me to be to love, to hurt, to trust?

I’m not gonna fall apart to get your attention, I know what I want but it’s not an addiction
Whoa oh oh oh, I’ve only got the truth, whoa oh oh oh, is that enough for you?
I see through your empty affection, I know who I am I can face my reflection
Whoa oh oh oh, I’ve only got the truth, whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh

Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh
We started this stupid game, maybe I’ll take some blame but I can’t take it all

I’m not gonna fall apart to get your attention, I know what I want, know what I want
Whoa oh oh oh, I’ve only got the truth, whoa oh oh oh, is that enough for you?
I see through your empty affection, I know who I am I can face my reflection
Whoa oh oh oh, I’ve only got the truth, whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh, I’ve only got the truth, whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh


So you gotta go, need to be alone
I thought you were my forever home, you’ve changed, every lock and password
So we didn’t fit, now i’m over it, I guess love had me a little bit deranged
When you free a caged bird, she’s going to fly, into the sky

I’m so gone never coming back, moving on I am over that
And I hate to see you dressed in black, but you never did love anyone but yourself
You in front of me, with your list of things I’ll never be
I was yours ha its funny see, how you lost me
Coz it was all about you, it was all about you, it was all about you, you and yourself

All your misery, faded history
Look real hard to find a piece of me, you won’t
I was just your caged bird, too scared to fly, but I’m flying tonight

I’m so gone never coming back, moving on I am over that
And I hate to see you dressed in black, but you never did love anyone but yourself
You in front of me, with your list of things I’ll never be
I was yours ha its funny see, how you lost me
Coz it was all about you, it was all about you, it was all about you, you and yourself

(It was all about you) you're what's on your mind
(It was all about you) you take up all your time
(It was all about you) you are the first delight, you and yourself
When you free a caged bird, she’s going to fly, into the sky

I’m so gone never coming back, moving on I am over that
And I hate to see you dressed in black, but you never did love anyone but yourself
You in front of me, with your list of things I’ll never be
I was yours ha its funny see, how you lost me
Coz it was all about you, it was all about you, it was all about you, you and yourself


If I were somebody else, I'd be calling me stupid, but I still do this
No way that you're gonna change, nothing to say that I wanna hear, I gotta get outta here
I've been driving down this road with my eyes closed
Tryin' to get lost, but I know I'll be back again
And it's easy to escape, but as long as there's a way I can reach you
I know it's never gonna be over

I'm throwin' matches, I'm lightin' dynamite
It never catches, this bridge won't burn
I drop the lighter, into the gasoline
No fire, this bridge won't burn, burn, burn
This bridge won't burn, burn, burn

Can't even say it's your fault, cos I know it's me, that let you let me down
Another last chance, but I'm not fooling anyone, you know better than anyone
I've been driving down this road with my eyes closed
Tryin' to get lost, but I know I'll be back again
And it's easy to escape, but as long as there's a way I can reach you
I know it's never gonna be over

I'm throwin' matches, I'm lightin' dynamite
It never catches, this bridge won't burn
I drop the lighter, into the gasoline
No fire, this bridge won't burn, burn, burn
This bridge won't burn, burn, burn

Maybe there's a reason that I'd, rather be lonely with you, than lonely alone
Tell me the reason why I'd, rather be lonely with you, than lonely alone

I'm throwin' matches, I'm lightin' dynamite
It never catches, this bridge won't burn, this bridge won't burn
I'm throwin' matches, I'm lightin' dynamite
It never catches, this bridge won't burn
I dropped the lighter, into the gasoline
No fire, this bridge won't burn, burn, burn
This bridge won't burn, burn, burn, this bridge won't burn, burn, burn
This bridge won't burn, burn, burn, this bridge won't burn

This bridge won't burn


Don’t miss you when I’m alone
Don’t see your face in places we used to go
Thought that I would feel nothing if I ever saw you standing
In front of me, don’t know why I feel a shiver
Thought that we had frozen over
Now it’s burning me and it’s hard to breathe

There must have been a crack in the ice
But I can’t remember when I fell through
I don’t know why we didn’t survive ‘cos we held on tight
Feelings I’d forgotten buried deep under water, pull me down
I thought that I could kill it but this love won’t drown

When I hear our favourite song, don’t reminisce
Just close my eyes and sing along
You were lost and I was drifting
Thought that I could let the feeling wash over me
Tried to keep it altogether but my heart is beating faster
I can’t believe you still get to me

There must have been a crack in the ice
But I can’t remember when I fell through
I don’t know why we didn’t survive ‘cos we held on tight
Feelings I’d forgotten buried deep under water, pull me down
I thought that I could kill it but this love won’t drown

If I just dive in, if I just dive in, will I drown?
If I just dive in, will I drown?

There must have been a crack in the ice
But I can’t remember when I fell through
I don’t know why we didn’t survive ‘cos we held on tight
Feelings I’d forgotten buried deep under water, pull me down
I thought that I could kill it but this love won’t drown, feelings pulling me down


I’m fading out like a melody, twisting around to fit in to your mould
Faith is a healer but as time passes by I fall deeper, as I watch you keep on digging this hole
Standing the ground you paved for me, figuring out how to spring from your hold
Being mean don’t make me keener
Am I fooling myself I don’t need ya, watch this space, I’m getting ready to go

Wanna get out of here, away from you
If it means dragging myself off my knees that’s’ what I must do
Wanna get out of here, that’s how I feel
Oh but the time that it takes me to leave when I’ve dug in my heels

I’m looking out for a remedy, if I make mistakes can they be my own?
All my life I’ve been a dreamer
Now it’s time to become a believer, if I have to I will do this alone

Wanna get out of here, away from you
If it means dragging myself off my knees that’s’ what I must do
Wanna get out of here, that’s how I feel
Oh but the time that it takes me to leave when I’ve dug in my heels

Oh you gotta believe what I’m saying
I’ve gotta get out of here, I’ve gotta get out of here

Gotta get out of here, away from you
If it means starting all over again that’s what I must do
Gotta get out of here, away from you
If it means dragging my, dragging my, dragging myself, dragging myself

Gotta get out of here, away from you
If it means starting all over again that’s what I must do
Gotta get out of here, that’s how I feel
Oh but the time that it takes me to leave when I’ve dug in my heels


Caught in the chaos of life, didn't know my own mind, did you?
Could you feel me drifting away, if you did you didn't say, did you?
Locked in a world of your own, beyond my control, somehow
Couldn't hear what I'm trying to say, you wouldn't listen anyway, not now
We never really took the time
Only want to make it right, I wish I didn't but I miss you

If the lines are drawn
And the flags unfurl would you fight for me, or would you be my enemy?
When the conflict calls, in this tug of war
Will you be my strength, or would you be my enemy?
If I lose my way, on this battle ground
Will you reach for me, or would you be my enemy, be my enemy
If the lines are drawn
And the flags unfurl would you fight for me, or would you be my enemy, be my enemy

I can breathe without you by my side, I believed everything we did was right
I can heal this is just another fight, another fight
We never really took the time
Only want to make it right, I wish I didn’t but I miss you
Everything I wanted to be, got buried in history, like you (Be my enemy, be my enemy)

If the lines are drawn
And the flags unfurl would you fight for me, or would you be my enemy, be my enemy
When the conflict calls, in this tug of war
Will you be my strength, or would you be my enemy, be my enemy

The scars run deep but I'm gaining ground
In this gift to me there's a strength I've found
Will you stand with me or will you be my enemy? (Be my enemy)
The scars run deep but I'm gaining ground
In this gift to me there's a strength I've found
Will you stand with me or will you be my enemy?

I can breathe without you by my side, I believed everything we did was right
I can heal this is just another fight, another fight
I only want to make it right, only want to make it right
Only want to make it right, with you


If you have something to tell me, about how you feel inside, I hope it is love
If you have a single question, I want it to be this, "can you feel the love?"
Tell me now, so I know

Why it makes you feel alive, why it hurts to say goodbye
Why you’ll never ever lose, what is meant to be with you
So let there be love, so let there be love

Sometimes you can live a whole life, in just a single day, let the minutes flow
When you hear another heartbeat, harmonizing yours, then you will know, it’s the feeling of
Something more, an open door

It will make you feel alive, it will hurt to say goodbye
But you’ll never ever lose, what is meant to be with you
So let there be love, so let there be love

Cause it’s everything we need
It is like the air we breathe and I know
Nothing can replace it, it’s always leaving traces
Let there be love, let there be love
Let there be love, everything that we need
Let there be love, let there be love
Let there be love, everything we need
I hope it is love, I hope it is love


(Rock me baby, rock me)
Rock me baby, rock me better into the beat,
You make me wanna throw my hands in the air, air, air
Rock me baby, rock me, take me over come on let's go
Everybody throw your hands in the air, air, air

Waiting, for you, will you do, what I want you to?
Beautiful, fever, taking me, deeper
I lose myself, in myself, I'll meet you there, in another world
Hear the crowd, feel the drums, here we go! Come on! Come on!

Rock me baby, rock me better into the beat,
You make me wanna throw my hands in the air, air, air
Rock me baby, rock me, take me over come on let's go
Everybody throw your hands in the air, air, air
Stronger (stronger) deeper (deeper) music (music) set me free
Beating (beating) faster (faster) music (music) remedy

Snapshots, speed of sound, in my head, spinning round
Levitate, off the ground, getting up, getting down, let me see you jump now!

Rock me baby, rock me better into the beat,
You make me wanna throw my hands in the air, air, air
Rock me baby, rock me, take me over come on let's go
Everybody throw your hands in the air, air, air
Stronger (stronger) deeper (deeper) music (music) set me free
Beating (beating) faster (faster) music (music) remedy

Rock me baby, rock me-e baby, rock me (in the air)
Rock me baby, rock me-e baby, rock me (air, air, air)
Rock me, rock me, rock me, rock me

Rock me baby, rock me better into the beat,
You make me wanna throw my hands in the air, air, air
Rock me baby, rock me, take me over come on let's go
Everybody throw your hands in the air, air, air
Stronger (stronger) deeper (deeper) music (music) set me free
Beating (beating) faster (faster) music (music) remedy (Rock me ba-by)


I put my favourite trainers back on today
Bagged up my heels and put them away
Took down my hair and gave it a curl
Looked in the mirror: 'Who's that girl?'
I've been her, I've been me
I've been who I think you want me to be
But now I'm stuck in a rut, can anybody help me?

I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say
I don't know how to stop this train, from running away
I'm out of my depth, I'm out of my head, can anybody help me? (Oh-oh)

One day I think I'm happy being myself
Next day I'm acting like I'm somebody else
Is it so different for the rest of the world?
Check the mirror: 'Who's that girl?'
I've been her, I've been me
I've been who I think they want me to be
But now I'm stuck in a rut

I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say
I don't know how to stop this train, from running away
I'm out of my depth, I'm out of my head, can anybody help me? (Oh-oh)

All of my thoughts are gathering pace, this isn't a drill, this isn't a race
Whatever I do I'm all over the place, can anybody help me?

I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say
I don't know how to stop this train, from running away
I'm out of my depth, I'm out of my head, can anybody, anybody, anybody
Please I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say
I don't know how to stop this train, from running away
I'm out of my depth, I'm out of my head, can anybody help me? (Oh-oh)

I don't know what else to do, I don't know what else to say
I don't know how to stop this train from getting away
I don't know what else to do, I don't know what else to say
I don't know how to stop this train from getting away


The weight inside me is as heavy as a loaded gun
Exploring the pain I discover it's fun
Makes me understand why you behave the way you do
Inflicting this on myself brings me closer to you

Lay with me your cruel intentions, cut me deep with your deception
Tenderly without affection, do you help yourself by hurting me?

No longer shocking how quickly you turn from good to bad
First lesson today start believing the facts
Your condemning me is valid, maybe that's your truth
My question is this, where is the proof?

Lay with me your cruel intentions, cut me deep with your deception
Tenderly without affection, do you help yourself by hurting me?

Before you drag me under, another breath, you take the air from me
Un-create this monster, let me steel the tainted air you breathe

Lay with me your cruel intentions, cut me deep with your deception
Tenderly without affection, do you help yourself by hurting me?


You were a strange addiction I knew so well
Fear was my condition, you cast your spell
Everything that I thought I knew faded into you and your lies
You will never break me, but you can try, you can try

Do anything you want to me
And don't be feeling bad about your misbehaving heart
Take aim and fire you set me free
Trying to take me down but you will only make me, stronger, stronger (Stronger)
It only makes me, stronger, stronger (Stronger) It only makes me

Maybe I should thank you, you taught me well
How to wear my armour and be myself
In a moment of weakness I could run back to your lies
I am only human, but I can fight, I can fight

Do anything you want to me
And don't be feeling bad about your misbehaving heart
Take aim and fire you set me free
Trying to take me down but you will only make me, stronger, stronger (Stronger)
It only makes me, stronger, stronger (Stronger) It only makes me

I'm not the girl I used to be, I don't need you any longer
Would you be brave enough to cross me now you see me getting stronger

Do anything you want to me
And don't be feeling bad about your misbehaving heart
Take aim and fire you set me free
Trying to take me down but you will only make me, stronger, stronger (Stronger)
It only makes me, stronger, stronger (Stronger) It only makes me
Do anything you want to me (Stronger Stronger)
And don't be feeling bad about your misbehaving heart
Take aim and fire you set me free (Stronger Stronger)
Trying to take me down but you will only make me, stronger


We used to rule the world together
Thought that we would rule forever, somehow, somehow
There was nothing that we couldn't do
Noone understood like you, not now, not now
And we're running at the speed or crawling
Trying to restart but we're stalling
We should give up, we should give up, we should give up

But it's too soon to be too late, gotta keep on fighting, gotta keep trying
Tell myself, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop no, don't stop, don't stop
I know that we're breaking but we're not broke
Maybe there's no point, no way, no hope
It would be too easy to throw this away, but it's too soon, too soon, to be too late

We were wasted, now we're sober
Try to think that we're hungover, all day, always
If we could put the pieces back
Would we have, what we had again, I wanna feel it again
Cos we were flyin' without a fear of falling
Never second guessed, we were all in
We should give up, we should give up, we should give up

But it's too soon to be too late, gotta keep on fighting, gotta keep trying
Tell myself, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop no, don't stop, don't stop
I know that we're breaking but we're not broke
Maybe there's no point, no way, no hope
It would be too easy to throw this away, but it's too soon, too soon, to be too late

Too soon to be over, too soon to get off, too soon to surrender
I don't care how long we're running at the speed or crawling
Trying to restart but we're stalling
Never give up, never give up, never give up

Cos it's too soon to be too late, gotta keep on fighting, gotta keep trying
Tell myself, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop no, don't stop, don't stop
I know that we're breaking but we're not broke
Maybe there's no point, no way, no hope
It would be too easy to throw this away, but it's too soon to be too late




Calling out to me
The sound that lights me up and keeps me warm, still shining on
Reaching out for you
I found a place that never felt like home, I’m not alone
Cause your love builds me up till I’m strong and I’m tough
I don’t need anymore, it’s enough, it’s enough

My rising sun, the darkness gone, you came, you gave me love
It’s enough, it’s enough to keep moving the young
Courageous heart, my little star
I’m filled with hopes I never dared to dream before

Waking up with you
Another day we share in Paradise, I’m so alive
There’s no mystery
Another secret’s been revealed to me, and set me free
Cause your love took me up, now I’m strong, and I’m tough
I don’t need anymore, it’s enough, it’s enough

My rising sun, the darkness gone, you came, you gave me love
It’s enough, it’s enough to keep moving the young
Courageous heart, my little star
I’m filled with hopes I never dared to dream before

Had an opportunity to turn my life around, now the spotlight’s not on me
It shines on you, and if I fall I know you’ll be there to save me

My rising sun, the darkness gone, you came, you gave me love
It’s enough, it’s enough to keep moving the young
Courageous heart, my little star
I’m filled with hoṗes I never dared to dream before



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