THIS TIME | ||||
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MEGJELENÉS | 2007. Március 30. | |||
FELVÉTELEK | 2006-2007 | |||
MŰFAJ | Pop rock | |||
HOSSZ | 49:43 | |||
KIADÓ | Red Girl Records | |||
ÍRÓK | Melanie Chisholm - Adam Argyle - Jill Jackson - Guy Chambers - Cathy Dennis - Paul Gendler - Steve Mac - Kevin D Hughes - Lee Groves - Peter-John Vettese - Pete Woodroffe - Charlie Grant - James Bourne - Gary Clark - Phil Thornalley - Dave Munday |
PRODUCEREK | Robin Barter - Guy Chambers - Joel Edwards - Richard Flack - Brian Glover - Stephen Hague - Greg Hatwell - Marc Lane - Steve Mac - Phil Thornalley - Peter Vettese |
HELYEZÉSEK | UK # 57 | |||
ELADÁS | $ 300,000 | |||
KISLEMEZEK | The Moment You Believe - I Want Candy - Carolyna - This Time - Understand | |||
LIVE | This Time Canadian Tour (2008) | |||
< < < < < | Beautiful Intentions (2005) | |||
> > > > > | The Sea (2011) |
Melanie C angol énekesnő negyedik szóló stúdióalbuma. Elsősorban 2007. március 30-án jelent meg Németországban, Ausztriában és Svájcban. Április 2-án adták ki az Egyesült Királyságban és néhány más országban. Az albumon az „I Want Candy”, „The Moment You Believe”, „Carolyna”, „This Time” és „Understand” kislemezek szerepelnek, és több mint 300 000 példányban kelt el világszerte.
A This Time 2006 második felében és 2007 elején íródott és rögzített, és Chisholm saját lemezkiadóján, a Red Girl Recordsnál adták ki. A "What If I Stay" és a "Don't Let Me Go" két dal feldolgozása, amelyet eredetileg a Speedway énekese, Jill Jackson írt és rögzített debütáló szólóalbumához.
Két maradék szám az albumról; A „Blue Skies All the Way” és a „Paris Burning” két évvel később jelent meg Chisholm „Live at the Hard Rock Cafe” DVD-jén.
A This Time vegyes fogadtatást kapott a zenekritikusok körében, akiket megosztott a leírhatatlannak érzett szövegi tartalom. Glenn Meads, a Manchester Evening News munkatársa dicsérte az album számait, amiért Chisholm új érettségét és következetes műfaji sokoldalúságát mutatja be a hangjában, és arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy "tökéletes mindenkinek, akinek elege van Meluából, Jonesból és más, alvó előadókból, akik végigsétálnak minden számon. Melanie legalábbis úgy hangzik, mintha komolyan is gondolná." Talia Kraines, a BBC munkatársa dicsérte az albumot, amiért olyan számok találhatók benne, amelyek lehetővé tették Chisholm hangjában, hogy érzelmeket mutasson, de csak a régóta tartó rajongókat fogja vonzani, mintsem újakat vonzani. Az AllMusic munkatársa, Stephen Thomas Erlewine a letisztult produkciónak és Chisholm hangjának jellemezte a karaktert és az érettséget, de a dalokat túlságosan középszerűnek és alávalónak találta ahhoz, hogy észrevegye őket. Annak ellenére, hogy dicsérte Chisholm vokális teljesítményét és Adam Argyle-lel alkotott duettjét, John Murphy, a MusicOMH-tól, a dalokat "nyájasnak és felejthetőnek" találta, és nem volt egyénisége ahhoz, hogy életet adjon, és arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy "szégyen, de nem ez az album lesz az igazi. hogy egy Spice Girlt visszajusson a slágerlisták élére."
01 / UNDERSTAND / 3:43 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Adam Argyle Producerek Steve Mac Kislemez megjelenés 2008. Július 25. |
02 / WHAT IF I STAY / 3:17 |
Írók Adam Argyle, Jill Jackson Producerek Stephen Hague |
03 / PROTECTED / 4:37 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Guy Chambers, Cathy Dennis Producerek Guy Chambers, Richard Flack |
04 / THIS TIME / 3:32 |
Írók Adam Argyle Producerek Joel Edwards, Robin Barter Kislemez megjelenés 2007. Október 12. UK Helyezés # 94 Eladás $ 100,000 |
05 / CAROLYNA / 3:21 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Paul Gendler, Steve Mac Producerek Steve Mac Kislemez megjelenés 2007. Június 8. UK Helyezés # 49 Eladás $ 200,000 |
06 / FOREVER AGAIN / 3:37 |
Írók Adam Argyle, Kevin D Hughes, Lee Groves Producerek Stephen Hague |
07 / YOUR MISTAKE / 3:55 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Adam Argyle Producerek Greg Hatwell, Brian Glover, Marc Lane |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Peter-John Vettese Kislemez megjelenés 2007. Március 16. GER Helyezés # 15 Eladás $ 400,000 |
09 / DON'T LET ME GO (featuring Adam Argyle) / 3:57 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Adam Argyle, Jill Jackson Producerek Stephen Hague |
10 / IMMUNE / 4:37 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Charlie Grant, James Bourne Producerek Stephen Hague |
11 / MAY YOUR HEART / 3:57 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Gary Clark Producerek Stephen Hague, Gary Clark |
12 / OUT OF TIME / 3:47 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Phil Thornalley, Dave Munday Producerek Phil Thornalley |
13 / I WANT CANDY / 3:24 |
Írók Richard Gottehrer, Bert Russel, Bob Feidman, Gerald Goldstein Producerek Stephen Hague Kislemez megjelenés 2007. Március 26. UK Helyezés # 24 Eladás $ 14,752 |
> FRAGILE / Kislemez:The Moment You Believe [2007] |
> ALREADY GONE / Kislemez:I Want Candy [2007] |
> WE LOVE TO ENTERTAIN YOU / Kislemez: This Time [2007] |
> BLUE SKIES ALL THE WAY / DVD: Live at the Hard Rock Cafe [2009] |
> PARIS BURNING / DVD: Live at the Hard Rock Cafe [2009] |
THE MOMENT YOU BELIEVE A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. 2007-ben jelent meg első kislemezként Európában negyedik albumáról, a This Time-ról. Peter Vettese producere és társszerzője, a Nur die Liebe zählt című német tévéműsor tavaszi reklámkampányának alapja. A dal Európa egyes részein sláger lett, Spanyolországban az első, Németországban, Svédországban és Svájcban pedig a legjobb 20-ba került.
I WANT CANDY Ez volt a második kislemez, amely Melanie C negyedik albumáról, This Time volt az Egyesült Királyságban, Dániában és Olaszországban. A dal egyben az azonos című film filmzenéje is volt, és a videóban Melanie először táncolt a Spice Girls óta. Melanie megosztotta idejét az Egyesült Királyság és Európa között, ahol a "The Moment You Believe"-t reklámozta, és ennek eredményeként a kislemez nem kapott nagy népszerűséget, és a 24. helyet érte el – bár a fizikai listán a kislemez a 7. helyet érte el. Az „I Want Candy” 12 510 példányban kelt el az Egyesült Királyságban, de nagyobb sikereket ért el Olaszországban (9.) és Dániában (12.).
CAROLYNA A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. Ez a második kislemez a This Time című albumáról az Egyesült Királyságban és az európai területeken. Bár Melanie keményen dolgozott a kislemez promócióján, nem hozta meg a remélt hatást, és az eladások leálltak, ami szintén nem segítette a This Time eladásait. A „Carolyna” a negyvenkilencedik helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, ahol az első héten több mint 6391 példányt adtak el belőle, és más európai országokban alig teljesített jobban, több mint 200 000 példányban kelt el világszerte.
2008 februárjában a dal és a hozzá tartozó videó felkerült a MuchMoreMusic lejátszási listájára, és felkerült az MTV kanadai weboldalára. A dal az első hetében az első helyen szerepelt a MuchMoreMusic kislemezek Top 10-én. Az EMI Music Canada szerint a "Carolyna" volt az első kislemez a This Time című albumon 2008 áprilisában.
THIS TIME A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. Ez a negyedik és egyben utolsó nemzetközi kislemezként jelent meg az albumról, a This Time címmel, amely ugyanazon a héten jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban, amikor a Spice Girls újra egyesült a Los Angeles-i világkörüli turnéra. Kalifornia.
Az Adam Argyle által írt kislemez 2007. október 12-én jelent meg Németországban, Svájcban és Ausztriában, valamint 2007. október 22-én az Egyesült Királyságban. Melanie újra felvette ezt a számot egy új kislemez verzióhoz. A kislemez egy B-oldalas számot tartalmaz "We Love to Entertain You" néven, amelyet a 2007-es Pro7 Starforce kampányhoz használtak Németországban. A Pro7 előzetesein 2008-ban egy videót mutattak be Melanie-val a "We Love to Entertain You" előadásában. A This Time több mint 100 000 példányban kelt el világszerte.
UNDERSTAND Melanie C brit énekesnő dala. Írta: Melanie C és Adam Argyle, 2008. július 25-én jelent meg a This Time album ötödik és egyben utolsó kislemezeként.
Kiadás: 2008 elején Melanie C hivatalos honlapján bejelentette, hogy az "Understand" megjelenik Kanadában a második kanadai kislemezként a This Time című albumáról.
A dal alternatív változatát, amelyet Stephen Hague produkált, B-oldalként kellett volna kiadni Melanie C korábbi kislemezével, a "This Time"-val az Egyesült Királyságban, Németországban, Ausztriában és Svájcban. Egy gyártási hiba miatt azonban az eredeti verzió került kiadásra. Válaszul Melanie ingyenes letöltésként ajánlotta fel az alternatív számot akkori hivatalos weboldalán.
THIS TIME CANADIAN TOUR [2008. Május 4-17.] 2008. május 4-én Melanie C elindította a „This Time Canadian Tour”-t Montrealban! Az összesen 9 koncertdátumot magában foglaló turné során Melanie május 4. és május 17. között Kanadában utazott, hogy népszerűsítse 4. stúdióalbumát, a „This Time”-t.
GO! |
I'm looking at the floor
I'm looking anywhere to try to put my head, into a different place
I'm stopping it before
Before I think about the promise to myself that, I’m about to break
Fall into day dreams inside these walls, I must be out of my mind
'Cause I don't even know you, but all I do is think about your face
And I don't wanna call you, but I wish had your number just in case
And I never thought someone could shake me like you can
Some things weren't designed to understand
I hope you didn't see
I hope you didn't notice, and if you did I hope you looked away
I'll keep it all to me
I'll keep on running, 'cause it's only when I'm running that I feel safe
As I fall I must be out of my mind
'Cause I don't even know you, but all I do is think about your face
And I don't wanna call you, but I wish had your number just in case
And I never thought someone could shake me like you can
Some things weren't designed to understand
TV shows and cars they won't slow down
I should be looking for a chance but don't know how
Disillusion never let me down, don't lose it now, don't lose it
I don't even know you, but all I do is think about your face
And I don't wanna call you, but I wish I had your number just in case
And I never thought someone could shake me like you can
Some things weren't designed to understand, somethings i will never understand
Calling all my senses, I can’t see or taste or feel you anymore
And every day I’m calling on my inner strength
To fight for something once worth fighting for
Maybe it’s life in the real world, maybe it’s all been my fault
What if I go, what if I leave
What if I show you how you’re breaking me?
And I know, whatever I say
I’ll still be thinking, what if I stay?
Staring at the stars, I make a wish that I could travel back in time
I lie awake just looking at your face
And I remember how you used to look at mine
Maybe it’s life in the real world, maybe it’s all been your fault
What if I go, what if I leave
What if I show you how you’re breaking me?
And I know, whatever I say
I’ll still be thinking, what if I stay?
What if I’m sorry, what if I love you
What if I go, what if I leave
What if I show you how you’re breaking me?
And I know, whatever I say
I’ll still be thinking, what if I stay?
Do you spend your life hiding in the shadows, terrified of letting down your guard
Do you fantasies’ of glorious tomorrows, come alive you’re perfect as you are
Careless lies will hurt you no more
‘Til the angels cry and the music dies, you and I will be protected
‘Til this earth burns out and stops turning round, I will keep you protected
We’re protected
Walk away from those who bring you sorrow, take a chance I know you still believe
Letting go of everything you can’t control, open up the life you long to lead
Precious heart unlock the door
‘Til the angels cry and the music dies, you and I will be protected
‘Til this earth burns out and stops turning round, I will keep you protected
Every moment you’re affected, by a light so divine
From the darkness we’re protected, with the truth in our hearts we can shine
‘Til the angels cry and the music dies, you and I will be protected
‘Til this earth burns out and stops turning round, I will keep you protected
‘Til the angels cry and the music dies (I’ll always love you)
You and I will be protected (I’ll always love you)
‘Til this earth burns out and stops turning round, I will keep you protected
We’re protected, we're protected, in this life we’re protected, we’re protected
I’ve been practicing all day, now the words I’ve meant to say are gone
I promised that I wouldn’t cry, told myself I have to try and hold on
The truth, I lied, I hate myself inside, and why, I played the game and paid the price
I never looked back, I never cried, never tried to wonder why
I’ll be on my own, I never doubt, never shout, or wonder how
I’ll never be lonely until
This time, this time, this timr, this time I will
I’ve been wide awake on night, there’s no sight of sleep inside my mind
The headlight shadows scares my wall, I convince myself you'll call in time
The truth, I lied, the girl in me has died, and why, I played the game and paid the price
I never looked back, I never cried, never tried to wonder why
I’ll be on my own, I never doubt, never shout, or wonder how
I’ll never be lonely until
This time, this time, this timr, this time I will
This time I will be yours completely
This time I’ll make sure you don’t hate me
This time I know this time I can this time I will
I never looked back, I never cried, never tried to wonder why
I’ll be on my own, I never doubt, never shout, or wonder how
I’ll never be lonely until
This time, this time, this timr, this time I will
I never looked back, I never cried, never tried to wonder why
I’ll be on my own, I never doubt, never shout, or wonder how
I’ll never be lonely until
This time, this time, this timr, this time I will
I’ve been practicing all day, now the words I’ve meant to say are gone
Just another girl with a dream in her heart
Wanna make a new start with a fire inside of her, she had to go
She couldn't stay around, everybody let her down
Stole the light and the life and the child inside of her, she's so alone
Running for the train, take her far away from everything she knows
And the way they make her feel, she leaves today
Never look back never lose track already strong
She's seen too much at seventeen
The past will fade with the future that she craves
Carolyna you travel so far
Trying to escape the pain, start again where you are
Carolyna you keep following your star
Nobody said you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful the way you are
Finally you’re free where you long to be
But it won’t take long till hits reality, the streets are cold
Big, bad city gonna eat you up
Hard to survive, hard to keep your sanity
Still feeling low, but she’s never going home
Carolyna you travel so far
Trying to escape the pain, start again where you are
Carolyna you keep following your star
Nobody said you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful the way you are
(You're beautiful, beautiful, you're beautiful, beautiful)
(You're beautiful, beautiful, you're beautiful, beautiful)
She tries to rest, all she needs is a warm caress, all she wants is happiness
Carolyna you travel so far
Trying to escape the pain, start again where you are
Carolyna you keep following your star
Nobody said you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful the way you are
Carolyna you travel so far (So beautiful the way you are)
Trying to escape the pain, start again where you are
Carolyna you keep following your star (So beautiful the way you are)
Nobody said you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful the way you are (Carolyna)
Sometimes I try sometimes I don’t
Sometimes the way I feel inside is gonna show, you know we’re all the same
I know you’re tired you try to talk
But you think I don’t hear you anymore, here it comes again
But sometimes you just take it too far
You can shoot me down and call me names
Scream until the neighbors all complain
I know you’ll tell your friends it’s all my fault
And I will take the blame, but give me back forever again
Sometimes you try sometimes you don’t
Sometimes the way you feel inside is gonna show, but some things never change
So walk away and count to ten
Say how you feel don’t say that again, we’ll find another way
You can shoot me down and call me names
Scream until the neighbors all complain
I know you’ll tell your friends it’s all my fault
And I will take the blame, but give me back forever again
If feels like I’m breathing under water
It feels like I’m watching my whole world crash
And you can say you don’t know if you love me
But never that you never have
You can shoot me down and call me names
Scream until the neighbors all complain
I know you’ll tell your friends it’s all my fault
And I will take the blame, but give me back forever again
I should concentrate on slowing down, cause all I wanna do is drive fast
I don’t think I know my way around, I’m seeing what I’ve already passed
I’ve been racing through my life without, really knowing where I fit in
It’s only dreams and my reflection now, where I still see him
I might break, I’m all that’s left from your mistake
I’m still trying to prove myself to you, I can’t escape from this as fast as you
All these years don’t fade away my feelings, I only see us leaving
I convince myself I understand, so there isn’t anybody to blame
If you’d tried and played a different hand, I wonder if I’d still be the same
All this time I’ve watched you moving on, running from the way that we were
Even though I know the girl is gone, you still see her
I might break, I’m all that’s left from your mistake
I’m still trying to prove myself to you, I can’t escape from this as fast as you
All these years don’t fade away my feelings, I only see us leaving
I’m not frozen I just feel the cold, when all these memories open up again
I might break, I’m all that’s left from your mistake
I’m still trying to prove myself to you, I can’t escape from this as fast as you
You see him gone, I only see us leaving
See us leaving, I only see us leaving, see us leaving, see us leaving
Time to face what you are hiding from
Don't have to do this on your own
Together we are strong, we don't need anyone
No matter what they say, the time has come
I'm ready now to start a new beginning
With all our hopes and all our dreams
And I know the stars will shine for you and for me
From the moment you believe
I know they think that I’m not good for you
but we both know that they’re wrong
together we can fight show everyone we're right
I don't care what they say, our time has come
I'm ready now to start a new beginning
With all our hopes and all our dreams
And I know the stars will shine for you and for me
From the moment you believe
When you believe there's nothing you can't overcome
When you believe the earth is brighter than the sun
I believe (When you believe there's nothing you can't overcome)
I'm ready now to start a new beginning
With all our hopes and all our dreams
And I know the stars will shine for you and for me
From the moment you believe
There’s times when fake goodbyes made you cry, but this time you don’t
And I was only joking I was broken when you told me to go
Don’t make up the wrong mind, don’t forget the good times
Let me stay a little longer cause if I’m gone, I can’t make it right
In just one night we could go back in time maybe
Go back and find where we both went wrong
It won’t take long I know, don’t let me go, oh don’t let me go
I’m not giving up I’m still in love, is all I need you to say
And I don’t need an answer just a chance to make the pain go away
So don’t make up the wrong mind, don’t forget the good times
Let me stay a little longer cause if I’m gone, I can’t make it right
In just one night we could go back in time maybe
Go back and find where we both went wrong
It won’t take long I know, don’t let me go, oh don’t let me go
I beg you to find what it takes to forgive me of all my mistakes
Cause if I walk out of your life (walk out of your life)
There’ll be no way back this time, don’t let me go
Don’t make up the wrong mind, don’t forget the good times
Stay a little longer cause if I’m gone, I can’t make it right
In just one night we could go back in time maybe
Go back and find where we both went wrong
It won’t take long I know, don’t let me go, oh don’t let me go
If you see me and I look away, please don’t ask me
There’s nothing to say about the way that I feel, it’s hard to conceal when it’s in my eyes
If I tell you that I’m doing fine, please believe me
It may be a lie but I’ve got to move on, I’ve got to be strong, now what else can I do?
Cause I’ve been, wanting waiting hoping praying
Oh I feel like I’m suffocating, there’s nothing left to lose
If all that I have is the sweetest denial
If all I can give is the rest of my life, then I’m over pretending
That I can survive without you
Thought I was stronger than love, but I guess that nobody’s immune
There’s a poison, that runs through my veins when I’m sleeping
And just like a secret, that I try to keep, I buried too deep, like the memories of you
But I’m still here, wanting waiting hoping praying
Oh I feel like I’m suffocating, there’s nothing left to lose
If all that I have is the sweetest denial
If all I can give is the rest of my life, then I’m over pretending
That I can survive without you
Thought I was stronger than love, but I guess that nobody’s immune
If all that I have is the sweetest denial
If all I can give is the rest of my life, then I’m over pretending
That I can survive without you
Thought I was stronger than love, but I guess that nobody’s immune
If all that I have is the sweetest denial
If all I can give is the rest of my life, then I’m over pretending
That I can survive without you
Thought I was stronger than love, but I guess that nobody’s immune
May your heart be never alone, when the dawn’s breaking
May your life be a rolling stone
When the ground starts shaking and the world is waking
All I can tell you is to know who you are
And if they hurt you they can never do you harm
And if you want to you can love ‘till, the cold turns warm
May your kiss always feel like the first kisses
And may your truth help you heal
May you catch big fishes and get all your wishes
All I can tell you is to know who you are
And if they hurt you they can never do you harm
And if you want to you can love ‘till, the cold turns warm
If you want me (I will be there) if you need me (I will be there)
If you want me (I will be there)
Can you hear me, if you’re waiting (I will be there)
Your heart’s aching (I will be there) if you need me (I will be there)
Can you hear me, and when you’re lonely (I will be there)
When you call me (I will be there) if you need me (I will be there)
Believe me I’m going nowhere
May your heart be never alone
What if this is nearly over, everything coming to an end
As I see fading colors, finding it harder to pretend
No one can take away the days that we conquered, they hang like shadows in my mind
Everything I thought, everything I felt,, thank God that’s over
Reading the signs, we’re out of time
There is always a new story, another player in the game
Can I rise to a new glory, or will these demons keep me chained?
Sometimes fear consumes my every emotion, so I’m drifting with the tide
Everything I am, everything I did, ewith total devotion
Reading the signs, we’re out of time
The sun will still rise, maybe shine a little bit brighter
No matter what they say, we can reach a little bit higher
Shake away the chains, we can do this together
I know with you by my side, we’ll be alright
The sun is gonna rise, maybe shine a little bit brighter
No matter what they say, we can reach a little bit higher
Shake away the chains, we can do this together
I know with you by my side, nothing can stop you and I
Leave all the the anger behind, we’ll be alright
Alright all right, we’ll be all right
Alright all right, we’ll be all right, all right
I know a girl who's tough but sweet, she's so fine, she can't be beat
Got everything that I desire, sets the summer sun on fire
I want Candy, I want Candy
Ought to see her with her hair hang down, ain't no finer girl in town
Candy's just what the doctor ordered, she´s so sweet, she makes my mouth water
I want Candy, I want Candy, oh, I want Candy, oh
Hey, I want Candy, Candy, I want Candy, her hair hang down
Candy on the beach, there's nothing better, but I like Candy in slacks and a sweater
Some day soon I'll make you mine, then I'll have Candy all the time
I want Candy, I want Candy, I want Candy, I want Candy
Yeh oh, I want Candy, oh, yeah, oh, yeah - Want Candy, I want Candy
Everything's laughter, always the same
When the light fades the moment ends
Empty and restless, the fact remains
You're tied to the highs that others live
Can I talk you down tonight, surrender
I'm not strong enough to fight with you anymore
I don't wanna fear with love when we're so fragile
I could never be the one to tear apart
Help me free these selfish lies and jaded alibies
With tears in my eyes I'll carry on
Careless expressions and they're cold and vague
Stealing truth from the words you say
I cowardly reason while life escapes,
Scared of running, afraid to stay
I just need a little time, surrender
I wont be your concubine, not for anyone
I don't wanna fear with love when we're so fragile
I could never be the one to tear apart
Help me free these selfish lies and jaded alibies
With tears in my eyes I'll carry on
Reach out you're not alone, release your hope, let go,
Though the light may darken as your fears unfold
I don't wanna fear with love when we're so fragile
I could never be the one to tear apart
Help me free these selfish lies and jaded alibies
With tears in my eyes I'll carry on
With tears in my eyes
I can't forget your face
The day, the time, the place, your eyes so full of mistery
Only a fool thinks twice. I lost my paradise
You saw the good in me but I, I looked away
I let you drive right by, I didn't realize I wanted you 'til you were gone
I wasted too much time, I learnt that love keeps moving on
But you're already gone
(oh-oh) You're already gone (oh-oh)
The one that got away
The one that makes you pay. my karma's catching up with me
I feel you in my veins, I won't see you again
So scared to lose it all, I lost it anyway
I let you drive right by, I didn't realize I wanted you 'til you were gone
I wasted too much time, I learnt that love keeps moving on
But you're already gone
(Oh-oh, already gone) But you're already gone
(Oh-oh, already gone) You're already gone (you're already gone, oh-oh)
I let you drive right by, I didn't realize I wanted you 'til you were gone
I wasted too much time, I learnt that love keeps moving on (but you're already gone)
I let you drive right by, I didn't realize I wanted you 'til you were gone
I wasted too much time, I learnt that love keeps moving on
But you're already gone (on)
(Oh-oh, already gone) But you're already gone.
(Oh-oh, already gone) oh yeah
(Oh-oh, already gone) Already gone, already gone, oh
(Oh-oh, already gone) Already gone
(Oh-oh, already gone) oh
(Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah)
Here we go, come on get ready to roll
Baby we ain't goin' home, till the sun goes down and the light begins to rise
Come with me, see all the things we can see
We're alive, we can fly, we are free, feeling right and love is in your eyes
Hold on tight me, don't let go
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can get through
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can make it through
Don't delay, tell me that you wanna stay
Anytime I am here wanna play, day or night you can decide
Don't let go, you're in control, love is in your eyes
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can get through
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can make it through
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can get through
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can make it through
Na na na…
Don't let go, you're in control, love is in your eyes, yeah-yeah
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can get through
Yeah yeah, we love to entertain you
Yeah yeah, together we can make it through
We love to entertain you (entertain you)
We love to entertain you (we love to entertain you)
We love to entertain you (entertain you)
We love to entertain you (love to entertain you)
We love to entertain you
We love to entertain you, we love to entertain you
Every night, every day, wanna play, what a day, yeah yeah
Never knew I'd feel this way babe I feel so easy
Never thought I’d see the day when I’d walk so tall
Now I think about it, you make me take a fall
But worrying about it, don’t seem so smart, smart at all
So stay another day, just stay
You put summer in my soul, you got me on a roll
So stay another day now
If you stay it's gonna be blue skies all the way
Remember why I took so long, so long to find you
I know I took a few wrong turns and I lost my way
Baby you’re the one thing I call my lucky break
Maybe we got something, something that’s been worth the wait
So stay another day, just stay
You put summer in my soul, you got me on a roll
So stay another day now
If you stay it's gonna be blue skies all the way
Wherever we go, just as long I know
I know I got you the skies will be glorious blue
Wont you stay another day, come on and stay
You put summer in my soul, you got me on a roll
So stay another day now
If you stay it’s going to be blue skies all
Stay another day, just stay
You put summer in my soul, you got me on a roll
So stay another day now
If you stay it's gonna be blue skies all
Stay another day, just stay
You put summer in my soul, you got me on a roll
So stay another day now
If you stay it's gonna be blue skies all the way
I walked the boulevard, alone inside my heart
Across the avenue, no winter grey and blue
Hear the river sigh, but I just walk on by, so lost in you
And I remember now your eyes were like the clouds
You’re smiling in my dreams, lies in every scene
My life in flames, every word in vain, you slipped away, you stole the way
I saw Paris burning, saw the world stop turning
When you put your coat on to go, did you know you were killing my soul?
Every heart was hurting, when I saw Paris burning
When you put your coat on to leave, you took away the biggest part of me
I remember now, every fear and doubt
You'd look me in the eye and swore you would never say goodbye
D'que je te vois, je sens mon d'spoir, you lied to me to, tu m’as menti
I saw Paris burning, I saw the world stop turning
When you put your coat on to go, did you know you were killing my soul?
Every heart was hurting, when I saw Paris burning
When you put your coat on to leave, you took away the biggest part of me
I saw Paris burning, I saw the world stop turning
When you put your coat on to go, did you know you were killing my soul?
Every heart was hurting, when I saw Paris burning
When you put your coat on to leave, you took away the biggest part of me
I saw Paris burning, I saw the world stop turning
When you put your coat on to go, did you know you were killing my soul?
Every heart was hurting, when I saw Paris burning
When you put your coat on to leave, you took away the biggest part of me
So many things in life wanna bring you down
If you're shadowed and cold
Feels like the odds are against you but have no fear
You don't have to worry 'cus I'll protect you, I'll be here
You'll never feel lonely even when there's nobody around
I am your one companion
I know we can be so much better than we are today
Within my heart, I know there'll come a time
when nothing's gonna stand in our way
Have faith in me and we'll begin to fly, all I ask is that you give it a try
When I look back on how it might have been
I could still be alone
But you came along and soon you changed my life
I knew I had found you and I believe you'll never go
You made me feel stronger than I ever thought I could be
You are my one companion
I know we can be so much better than we are today
Within my heart, I know there'll be a time
when nothing's gonna stand in our way
Have faith in me, and we can only fly, all I ask is that you give it a try
--y, no matter how they try
Nothing no nobody's gonna tear us apart and no
Hey hey, what they gonna say, nothing they can do
together we are gonna survive
We'll make it two, we'll make it, we will last forever
I know we can be so much better than we are today
Within my heart, I know there'll come a time
when nothing's gonna get in our way
Have faith in me, and we can only fly, all I ask is that you give it a try, give it a try