GREATEST HITS Az angol Spice Girls lánycsapat legnagyobb slágereinek albuma. 2007 novemberében adták ki világszerte, kivéve az Egyesült Államokat, ahol korlátozott kiadást kapott 2007. november 6-án a Victoria's Secret-en keresztül, a teljes megjelenést pedig 2008. január 15-én. Ez volt az első albumuk, amelyet hét év múlva adnak ki. évben, és egy kísérő világkörüli turné támogatta. Az album 1,7 millió példányban kelt el 2007 végére, és abban az évben a világ legkelendőbb lányegyüttes-albuma volt. 2012 augusztusában, a Spice Girls fellépése után a 2012-es londoni nyári olimpián, az album újra felkerült az első tíz, húsz és harminc legnagyobb toplistákra világszerte, beleértve az Egyesült Királyságot, az Egyesült Államokat, Új-Zélandot és Ausztráliát.
Az album egyetlen kislemeze, a "Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)" október 23-án jelent meg a rádióban, míg digitálisan november 5-én, kereskedelmi forgalomba pedig 2007. november 19-én.[3][4] 2007-ben hivatalos Children in Need jótékonysági kislemezként is bejelentették. A kislemez a harmadik helyre került az Egyesült Királyság fizikai kislemezlistáján.
A legnagyobb sikerek megreformálásának és kiadásának tervét a média már régóta találgatta, de a tervezett kiadást először Melanie Brown erősítette meg 2005 júniusában. Kijelentette: "Visszajövünk, mert mindannyian akarjuk. Tudom, hogy mindenki készen áll rá. Lesz a legnagyobb slágerek albuma, és rengeteg új dalunk van, amelyeket még senki sem hallott." 2007-ben ismét feltámadtak a pletykák a csoport újraegyesüléséről. Melanie C kommentálta a pletykákat, mondván: "Először van némi igazság a pletykákban… megtörténhet", de ez csak "nagyon rövid ideig… végső búcsú" és köszönet te a rajongóknak. Azt is hozzátette, hogy amikor el kellett dönteni, hogy újra csoportosulnak-e vagy sem, az énekesnő volt az utolsó, aki meghozta a döntést, mivel "félt, hogy nem tudjuk újra megcsinálni. Furcsa időszak volt ez az életemben, sok személyes sz**t, hogy túllépjek a Spice Girls után."
2007. június 28-án a csoport sajtótájékoztatót tartott az O2 Arénában, hogy végre felfedje újraegyesülési szándékát. A konferencia során a csoport megerősítette szándékát, hogy világméretű koncertkörútra induljon, amely 2007. december 2-án Vancouverből indul. A turné hat kontinenst érintene 11 dátumon belül "Újra Spice Girl akarok lenni. Olyanok vagyunk, mint a nővérek, és megvannak a vitáink, de a nap végére újra összejövünk" - mondta Emma Bunton, míg Melanie C megjegyezte, hogy a turné "jó lesz" búcsút rajongóinktól." Victoria Beckham azt is kifejtette, hogy "A fő okom, amiért ezt csinálom, a gyerekeim miatt van, hogy lássák, mit csinált a mami. Egyszer én leszek a menő a családban!". Állítólag fejenként 10 millió fontot kaptak az összejövetelért.
Az album több különböző formátumban jelent meg, beleértve a bónusz DVD-ket és CD-ket is. A limitált kiadású dobozkészlet tartalmazza a normál standard kiadású CD-t, egy karaoke CD-t, egy remix CD-t, a csoport zenei videóinak DVD-jét, minden egyes Spice Girl képeslapját és egy baráti karkötőt, amelyen a Spice Girls felirat szerepel. Az Egyesült Államokban az albumot eleinte csak a Victoria's Secret üzletekben adták ki, köztük három letölthető remixet a „Wannabe”, a „2 Become 1” és a „Spice Up Your Life” címmel. Az album még aznap megjelent digitálisan az iTunes Store-on keresztül. Az albumot 2008. január 15-én adták ki országszerte. Annak ellenére, hogy az Egyesült Államokban felülvizsgálták a Billboard listát, amely meghatározta, hogy az exkluzív kiskereskedők által értékesített albumok felkerüljenek a Billboard 200-ra, a Greatest Hits több mint 600 000 példányban kelt el a Victoria's Secret üzletekben, de A 2007. november 13-i héten nem volt jogosult a listára, mivel a Victoria's Secret nem volt engedélyezve a SoundScan-en.
Az Egyesült Királyságban az album lemaradt az első helyről, a 2. helyezést érte el az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, Leona Lewis „Spirit”-ét 300 000 példányban verte meg. Eddig több mint 400 000 darabot adtak el belőle az országban. Annak ellenére, hogy az Egyesült Királyságból hiányzik az első hely, sikerült a csoport első első számú albumává válnia Ausztráliában, és ott platina minősítést kapott (több mint 70 000 példányban). A fent említett okok miatt, annak ellenére, hogy több mint 600 000 példányt adtak el a Victoria's Secret üzletekben az Egyesült Államokban, az album alig került be a Billboard 200 top 100-ába, és a 93. helyen végzett. Máshol az album Írországban a 3., Új-Zélandon a 15. helyezést érte el, Olaszországban a legjobb 20, Svédországban és Németországban az első 50, Svájcban, Ausztriában és Hollandiában pedig a 75. helyen végzett. Az album a Billboard által kiadott európai top 100 album listán a top 10-be került. 2012 augusztusában, a Spice Girls fellépése után a 2012-es londoni nyári olimpián, az album újra felkerült az első tíz, húsz és harminc legnagyobb toplistákra világszerte, beleértve az Egyesült Királyságot, az Egyesült Államokat, Új-Zélandot és Ausztráliát.
2019 júniusában a Greatest Hits album dupla platina minősítést kapott az Egyesült Királyságban 600 000 példányban.
Stephen Thomas Erlewine (AllMusic) azt írta, hogy az albumon szereplő dalok „pontosan úgy öregedtek, ahogy gondoltad”. Spence D., az IGN munkatársa szerint a Greatest Hits „nagyjából olyan, mint amilyennek számítana”. A The Daily Collegian egyik írója szerint a legnagyobb slágerek összeállítása „megmutatja nekünk, hogy amikor ez az öt nő énekel, fantasztikusan hangzik”, ugyanakkor megjegyzi, hogy tagjai „változtak az egymástól távol eltöltött időben, de a jellegzetes hangzás a Spice Girls ugyanaz marad, mint mindig." Talia Kraines, a BBC Music számára írt kritikája pozitívan értékelte, és azt mondta, hogy "ha te voltál a Spice Girls sok gyűlölőjének egyike annak idején, akkor ez a CD nem fogja megváltoztatni a véleményedet róluk. De ha te úgy nőttem fel, hogy minden mozdulatukat figyelték, akkor ez egy szelet nosztalgia, amely csodával határos módon még ma is frissen hangzik." Nick Levine, a Digital Spy webhelyének munkatársa megjegyezte, hogy "a csoport három albuma közül egyik sem volt mentes a töltelékektől, és kislemezeik általában a legjobb dalaik voltak, így a Greatest Hits egy nagyon örvendetes kiegészítés a banda kánonjához."
Az NME vegyes értékelést adott a válogatásról, és kijelentette, hogy "a kompozíció felénél jól látszik, hogy a Spice Girls milyen drámai módon elvesztette a cselekményt", ugyanakkor megjegyezte, hogy az olyan dalok, mint a "Say You'll Be There" és a "Goodbye" "jó dalok" bármely korban” Aidin Vaziri, a San Francisco Chronicle munkatársa így nyilatkozott: "Miután egy dúsan kiszaladt a kapun olyan finom poptakarmányokkal, mint a "Wannabe" és a "Say You'll Be There", a dolgok szörnyen rosszul mennek a forgatás felénél. Ginger hirtelen eltűnik, beindul az öntudat, és a lányok elkezdenek utolérni a Destiny's Child-t, olyan dalokat használva, amelyek úgy hangzanak, mint az adott banda castoffjai.” A San Antonio Current kritizálta szólóéneküket, és a sikeres szólókarrier okának nevezte őket, és megjegyezte, hogy "nem meglepő tehát, hogy a Spices a legjobban a névtelen diszkókörnyezetben szól" a "Who Do You Think You". Are”, „Stop” és „Spice Up Your Life”. Criag Mathieson, a The Age újságtól azt mondta: "A kudarcot vallott harmadik albumuk, a Forever felületes tudósítása az első két lemezükről szól", ugyanakkor hozzátette, hogy "debütáló kislemezük, a Wannabe továbbra is jó ötlet", és "a rengeteg táskás fotó" lehetővé teszi a plasztikai műtét előtti és utáni megjelenés összehasonlítását." Darcie Stevens, a The Austin Chronicle munkatársa ötből egy csillagot adott az albumnak, és azt mondta: „Tizenöt dal a lány erejéből, ha nem lenne elég az első alkalommal”.
HEADLINES (FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS) Az angol lánycsapat, a Spice Girls dala a Greatest Hits (2007) legnagyobb slágeralbumukhoz. Írta a Spice Girls, Richard Stannard és Matt Rowe, míg a producere az utóbbi kettő. Az album egyetlen kislemezeként 2007. november 5-én adta ki a Virgin Records. Geri Halliwell 1998-as távozása óta a dal volt az első kereskedelmi kislemez, amelyen a csoport eredeti felállása szerepelt. Ez volt a hivatalos Children in Need kislemeze is 2007-ben. Eddig ez az utolsó stúdiós kislemezük.
A "Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)" egy középtempós ballada, amely lírailag beszél a csoport újraegyesüléséről, és a két évtizeden át tartó barátságukról. A zenekritikusok általában vegyes értékeléseket kaptak a dalról, egyesek "klasszikusnak" nevezték a csoporttól, míg mások úgy érezték, nem volt elég jó. A "Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)" mérsékelt sikert aratott világszerte, a 11. helyig jutott az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, és ez lett a csoport első olyan kislemeze, amely nem jutott be az első tízbe. Ennek ellenére a kislemeznek sikerült elérnie a harmadik helyet az Egyesült Királyság fizikai kislemezlistáján. Olaszországban, Spanyolországban és Svédországban jutott a legjobb öt közé.
A "Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)" című dalhoz tartozó videoklipet Anthony Mandler rendezte a Pinewood Studios-ban, és 2007. november elején mutatták be. A videó a lányokat egy impozáns szobában ábrázolja, szilvaszínű falakkal és antik bútorokkal, tervezett köntösben.
VOODOO egyike annak a két korábban kiadatlan számnak, amelyet a Spice Girls 2007-es Greatest Hits albumra rögzítettek. A szám ugyanazt az élénk pop/dance stílust tartalmazza, amely a múltban híressé tette a csapatot. Sokan úgy gondolták, hogy a "Voodoo" lesz a második és egyben utolsó kislemez a válogatásalbumról, de Melanie B a turné befejezése után tisztázta, hogy soha nem szándékozik kereskedelmi kislemezként kiadni a számot. A dal azonban promóciós kislemezként jelent meg néhány országban, például Ausztráliában, ahol az album #1 volt. A Voodoo eredetileg szerepelt az együttes visszatérő turnéjának dallistáján, de a Let Love Lead the Way váltotta fel, és kimaradt.
THE RETURN OF THE SPICE GIRLS [2007. December 2. - 2008. Február 26.] Spice Girls angol lányegyüttes harmadik koncertturnéja volt, amely 2007 decemberétől 2008 februárjáig tartott. Ez volt a csoport első turnéja karácsony óta a Spiceworldben 1999-ben, és az első mind az öt taggal az 1998 májusi Spiceworld Tour óta. 45 előadás (a 47-ből) a turnéra 581 066 jegy kelt el 70,1 millió dolláros bevételért, és további 100 millió dollárt keresett az értékesítésből. Összességében a turné a nyolcadik legtöbb bevételt hozó koncertkörút volt 2008-ban. A londoni O2 Aréna 17 éjszakás kiárusítási standja volt az év legnagyobb bevételt hozó rendezvénye, 33,8 millió dollárt hozott, és 256 647 fős közönséget vonzott, ezzel megnyerte a 2008-as versenyt. Billboard Touring Award a legjobb Boxscore-ért. Ez volt az utolsó turné, amelyen Victoria Beckham szerepelt.
Ha-ha, yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah)
I wanna really, really, really wanna "zig-a-zig", ah
If you want my future, forget my past
If you wanna get with me, better make it fast
Now, don't go wasting, my precious time
Get your act together, we could be just fine
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah)
I wanna really, really, really wanna "zig-a-zig", ah
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
Oh, what you think about that, (now you know how I feel (Harmony))
Say you could handle my love, are you for real? (Are you for real? (Harmony))
I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try
If you really bug me, then I'll say goodbye
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, shat I really, really want
So tell me what you want, shat you really, really want
I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah)
I wanna really, really, really wanna "zig-a-zig", ah
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give (You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
So here's a story from A to Z
You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully
We got Em in the place who likes it in your face
We got G like MC who likes it on an-
Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady - and as for me, ha-ha, you'll see
(Slam your body down and wind it all around (Harmony))
Slam your body down and wind it all around
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give (You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
If you wanna be my lover (You gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta)
Make it last forever (Slam, slam, slam, slam)
Slam your body down and wind it all around
Slam your body down and wind it all around (ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
Slam your body down and wind it all around (Slam your body down and "zig-a-zig", ah)
If you wanna be my lover
(Ah, say you'll be there)
I'm giving you everything, all that joy can bring, this I swear
Last time that we had this conversation, I decided we should be friends, hey
But now we're going 'round in circles, tell me, will this déjà vu never end, oh
And now you tell me that you've fallen in love
Well I never ever thought that would (be (Harmony)) ay
This time you gotta take it easy, throwing (far too much emotions at me (Harmony))
But any (fool can see they're falling, I gotta make you understand (Harmony)) (oh-oh)
I'm giving you everything
All that joy can bring, this I swear (I'll give you everything)
And all that I want from you
Is a promise you will be there (Say you will be there)
Ow, say you will be there, oh, won't you sing it with me?
If you put two and two together, you will (see what our friendship is for (Harmony)) oh
If you can't work this equation, then I (guess I'll have to show you the door (Harmony))
There is (no need to say you love me, it would be better left unsaid (Harmony)) (oh-oh)
I'm giving you everything (I'm, I'll give you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (And, all I want from you)
Is a promise you will be there (Is a promise you)
Yeah, I want you
Any (fool can see they're falling, I gotta make you understand (Harmony)) (oh-oh)
I'll give you everything, on this I swear
Just promise you'll always be there
I'm giving you everything (I'm giving you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (All that I want from you)
Is a promise you, will be there (Want you to promise to, always be there)
I'm giving you everything (I'm giving you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (All that I want from you)
Is a promise you, will be there (Want you to promise to, always be there)
I'm giving you everything (I'm giving you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (All that I want from you)
Is a promise you, will be there (Want you to promise to, always be there)
Candle light and soul forever
A dream of you and me together, say you believe it, say you believe it
Free your mind of doubt and danger
Be for real, don't be a stranger, we can achieve it, we can achieve it
Come a little bit closer, baby (get it on, get it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
Silly games that you were playing
Empty words we both were saying, let's work it out, boy, let's work it out, boy
Once again if we endeavour
Love will bring us back together, take it or leave it, take it or leave it
Are you as good as I remember, baby (get it on, get it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
Be a little bit wiser, baby (put it on, put it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one (Ah woah, ah woah)
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
It's the only way to be, it's the only way to be
She used to be my only enemy and never let me be free
Catching me in places that I knew I shouldn't be
Every other day I crossed the line, (I didn't mean to be so bad (Harmony))
I never thought you would become the friend I never had
Back then I didn't know why, why you were misunderstood (Mama)
So now I see through your eyes, all that you did was love
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (You're my friend)
I didn't want to hear it then, but I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I've had a lot of time to think about, (about the way I used to be (Harmony))
Never had a sense of my responsibility
Back then I didn't know why, why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes, all that you did was love
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (You're my friend, you're my friend)
(Oh-oh, mama my love, oh-oh, mama my love)
(Me loving you, you loving me, a love that's true, and guaranteed)
Mama I love you, Mama I care (Oh-oh, mama my love)
(Me loving you, you loving me, a love that's true, and guaranteed)
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
Mama I love you, Mama I care (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
The race is on to get out of the bottom
The top is high so your roots are forgotten
Giving is good, as long as you're getting
What's driving you is ambition I'm betting
(I said-a) Who do you think you are? (Do you think you are?) oh, oh
(I said-a) Who, some kind of superstar? (You have got to) oh, oh, oh
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show how good you are
You're swelling out in the wrong direction
You've got the bug, superstar you've been bitten
Your trumpet's blowing for far too long
Climbing the snake up the ladder, but you're wrong
(I said-a) Who do you think you are? (Do you think you are?) oh, oh
(I said-a) Who, some kind of superstar? (You have got to) oh, oh, oh
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
You have got to reach on up, never lose your soul
You have got to reach on up, never lose control
(I said-a) Who do you think you are? (Do you think you are?) oh, oh
(I said-a) Who, some kind of superstar? (You have got to) oh, oh, oh
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
(Generation next, generation next (ah, generation next)
Generation next, generation next (generation)
Generation next, generation next (generation, yeah)
Generation next, generation next (Harmony))
Hold it down, feel the noise, let 'em know it's a vibe, pick it up it's alive
Hold it down, feel the noise, let 'em know it's a vibe, pick it up it's alive
Move over, yeah, don't do it over (yeah yeah yeah)
'Cause it's over, yeah yeah yeah (don't do it over)
Generation next (yeah yeah, generation yeah)
Next phase, next stage, next craze, next wave
(Let me tell you 'bout a thing, gotta put it to the test
It's a celebration, motivation, generation next (Harmony))
(We're sowing the seed, every colour every creed (seed, creed)
Teach never preach, listen up and and take heed (Harmony))
Take the heat, feel the flow, cCause you're ready to burn and we're ready to go
Take the heat, feel the flow, cCause you're ready to burn and we're ready to go
Move over, yeah, don't do it over (yeah yeah yeah)
'Cause it's over, yeah yeah yeah (don't do it over)
Generation next (yeah yeah, generation yeah)
(Let me tell you 'bout a thing, gotta put it to the test ('bout a thing, to the test)
It's a celebration, motivation, generation next (Harmony))
(You gotta know the rules, if you wanna play the game (rules, game)
Respect and dedication never riding on the fame (Harmony)) (dedication on the fame)
Dedication, celebration, phenomenation, good vibration, mel-o-vation
Domination, baby nation, recreation, imagination, crazy nation
Move over, yeah, don't do it over (yeah yeah yeah)
'Cause it's over yeah yeah yeah (don't do it over)
Move over, yeah, don't do it over (yeah, yeah)
'Cause it's over, yeah yeah yeah, generation next (yeah yeah, generation yeah)
(Generation next, generation next (ah, generation next)
Generation next, generation next (generation)
Generation next, generation next (generation, yeah)
Generation next, generation next (Harmony))
(Generation next, generation next (ah, generation next)
Generation next, generation next (generation)
Generation next, generation next (generation, yeah)
Generation next, generation next (Harmony))
La la la, la la la la la la, la la la, la la la la
La la la, la la la la la la, la la la, la la la la
When you're feeling sad and low
We will take you where you gotta go
Smiling, dancing, everything is free
All you need is positivity
Colours of the world (Spice up your life)
Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life)
People of the world (Spice up your life, ah)
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) And go 'round
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) Hai, sí, ja, hold tight!
La la la, la la la la la la, la la la, la la la la
La la la, la la la la la la, la la la, la la la la
Yellow man in Timbuktu
Colourful, both me and you
Kung Fu fighting, dancing queen
Tribal spaceman and all that's in between
Colours of the world (Spice up your life)
Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life)
People of the world (Spice up your life, ah)
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) And go 'round
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) Hai, sí, ja, hold tight!
Flamenco, lambada, but hip hop is harder
We moonwalk the foxtrot, then polka, the salsa
Shake it, shake it, shake it, haka, shake it, shake it, shake it, haka
(Arriba, ariba, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)
Colours of the world (Spice up your life)
Every boy and every girl (Spice up your life)
People of the world (Spice up your life, ah)
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) And go 'round
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) Hai, sí, ja, hold tight!
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) And go 'round
Slam it to the left (If you're havin' a good time (Harmony))
Shake it to the right (If you know that you feel fine (Harmony))
Chicas to the front (Ha, ha) (Uh-uh) Hai, sí, ja, hold tight!
Love is blind, as far as the eye can see
Deep but meaningless words to me
Easy lover, I need a friend
Road to nowhere, twist and turns but will this never end
Well my dear you'll know that he pleases me (pleases me)
But short term solution ain't no resolution, that ain't no release for me
(Too much of something is bad enough (Harmony))
But something's coming over me to make me wonder (oh-oh)
(Too much of nothing is just as tough (Harmony))
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied (oh-oh)
Unwrap yourself from around my finger
Hold me too tight or left to linger
Something fine built to last
Slipped up there, I guess we're running out of time too fast
Yes my dear you know he soothes me (Moves me)
There's no complication, there's no explanation, it's just a groove in me
(Too much of something is bad enough (Harmony)) (Bad enough)
But something's coming over me to make me wonder (oh-oh)
(Too much of nothing is just as tough (Harmony)) (Just as tough)
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied (oh-oh)
What part of no don't you understand (Understand, understand)
I want a man not a boy who thinks he can
Boy who thinks he can
(Too much of something is bad enough (Harmony))
But something's coming over me to make me wonder (oh-oh)
(Too much of nothing is just as tough (Harmony))
I need to know the way to feel to keep me satisfied (oh-oh)
(Too much of nothing so why don't we give it a try
Too much of something we're gonna be living a lie
Too much of nothing so why don't we give it a try
Too much of something we're gonna be living a lie
Too much of nothing so why don't we give it a try
Too much of something we're gonna be living a lie (Harmony))
You just walk in, I make you smile, it's cool but (you don't even know me (Harmony))
You take an inch, I run a mile, can't win you're (always right behind me (Harmony))
And we know that you could go and find some other
Take or leave it or just don't even bother
Caught in a craze, it's just a phase, or will this be around forever
(Don't you know it's going too fast (Harmony)) (oh-oh, too fast)
(Racing so hard you know it won't last (Harmony)) (oh-oh, won't last)
Don't you know, why can't you see
Slow it down, read the sign, so you know just where you're going
Stop right now, thank you very much
I need somebody with a human touch
Hey you, always on the run
Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun
Do do-do do, do do-do do, do do-do, always be together
Ba da-ba ba, ba da-ba ba, ba da-ba, stay that way forever
And we know that you could go and find some other
Take or leave it cause we've always got each other
You know who you are and yes, you're gonna breakdown
You've crossed the line so you're gonna have to turn around
(Don't you know it's going too fast (Harmony)) (oh-oh, too fast)
(Racing so hard you know it won't last (Harmony)) (oh-oh, won't last)
Don't you know, why can't you see
Slow it down, read the sign, so you know just where you're going
Stop right now, thank you very much
I need somebody with a human touch
Hey you, always on the run
Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun
Gotta keep it down honey, lay your back on the line
'Cause I don't care about the money, don't be wasting my time
You need, less speed, get off my case
You gotta slow it down baby, just get out of my face
Stop right now, thank you very much
I need somebody with a human touch
Hey you, always on the run
Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun
Stop right now, thank you very much
I need somebody with a human touch
Hey you, always on the run
Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun
Stop right now, thank you very much (Stop right now)
I need somebody with a human touch (We wanna thank you, wanna thank you)
Hey you, always on the run (Stop right now)
Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun
(Thank you very much, thank you very much)
Do you still remember, how we used to be?
Feeling together, believing whatever, my love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers, young love in the sun
Felt like my saviour, my spirit I gave ya, we'd only just begun
(Hasta mañana, always be mine (Harmony))
Viva forever, I'll be waiting, everlasting like the sun
Live forever, for the moment, ever searching for the one
Yes, I still remember, every whispered word
(The touch of your skin, giving life from within, like a love song never heard (Harmony))
Slipping through our fingers, like the sands of time
(Promises made, every memory saved, as reflections in my mind (Harmony))
(Hasta mañana, always be mine (Harmony)) (Always be mine)
Viva forever, I'll be waiting, everlasting like the sun
Live forever, for the moment, ever searching for the one
Back where I belong now, was it just a dream?
(Feelings unfold, they will never be sold, and the secret's safe with me (Harmony))
(Hasta mañana, always be mine (Harmony)) (Always be mine)
Viva forever, I'll be waiting, everlasting like the sun
(Viva forever, I'll be waiting, everlasting, like the sun)
Live forever, for the moment, ever searching for the one
(Live forever, for the moment, ever searching, for the one)
Viva forever, I'll be waiting, everlasting like the sun (I'll be waiting)
Live forever, for the moment, ever searching for the one (Live forever)
What makes this world go round
Will the answer let her down
She is so sweet and young
And her life has just begun
What does her future hold,
That's the story left unknown
Will she make it through her days
Let our love lead the way
(Part of me laughs, part of me cries (oh)
Part of me wants to question why (Question why)
Why is there joy, and why is there pain
Why is there sunshine and the rain
One day you're here, next you are gone (One day, you are gone)
No matter what we must go on
Just keep the faith, and let love lead the way (Harmony))
Everthing will work out fine, if you let love (love lead the way (Harmony))
Sitting there all alone
In the window of her room
Watching the world go by
Brings tears to her eyes
All she sees is hurt and pain
She wants to break the chain
She'll keep pressing everyday
And she'll find her own sweet way
(Part of me laughs, part of me cries (Me laughs, I cry)
Part of me wants to question why (Wants to question why)
Why is there joy, and why is there pain (So much pain)
Why is there sunshine and the rain? (Why is there sunshine then the rain)
One day you're here, next you are gone (You're here, you're gone)
No matter what we must go on (I will go on)
Just keep the faith, and let love lead the way (Harmony))
(Keep your faith, I know, i know, i know, oh)
You can be all that and still can be who you are
You gotta know for sure that it isn't make believe
You may feel weak but you are strong, don't you give up girl
If you keep holding on, you'll never be wrong
Just close your eyes cause it lies deep in your heart, yeah
(Part of me laughs, part of me cries (I cry)
Part of me wants to question why (Question why)
Why is there joy, and why is there pain (So much joy, so much pain)
Why is there sunshine then the rain (Sunshine then the rain)
One day you're here, next you are gone (You're here, you're gone)
No matter what we must go on (I will)
Just keep the faith, and let love lead the way (Harmony)) (Lead the way)
Everthing will work out fine, if you let love
(Love lead the way, love lead the way, love lead the way (Harmony))
I wanna make you holler
Imagine us together
Don't be afraid to play my game
Boy, don't you hesitate, I won't keep waiting for you
To come and let me take, you to my fantasy room
You're gonna like it there, and all the things that I do
I'll treat you right all through the night
We can do anything
I'll take you all the places you wanna be (I'll take you there, I'll take you there)
I'll be your fantasy
Everything you want you will find in me, if you play my game, yeah
I wanna make you holler, and hear you scream my name (scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow, so you can play my game (oh, play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (together, driving you insane, yeah)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (into me, just play my game)
So, what you gonna do, now that I've got you with me?
You've gotta show me, boy, cause nothing comes for free
Start from the bottom and, work your way up slowly
Don't be afraid to play my game
We can go all night long
Doing things you thought you would never do (and I won't tell no one)
I won't tell anyone
What we do, it's just for me and you, so come and play my game
I wanna make you holler, and hear you scream my name (oh, scream my name, yeah-yeah)
I'll give you rules to follow, so you can play my game (you can play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (imagine us, driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (into me, yeah)
I wanna make you holler (holler, holler)
And hear you scream my name (make you scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow (follow, follow)
So you can play my game (you can play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (imagine us, driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (ah, yeah)
I wanna make you holler, I wanna make you holler ah-ah-ah-oller
I wanna make you holler, I wanna make you holler ah-ah-ah-oller
We can go all night long
Doing things you thought you would never do (And I won't tell them)
I won't tell anyone
'Cause everything is just between me and you, but you gotta play my game, yeah
I wanna make you holler, and hear you scream my name (all night, all night long)
I'll give you rules to follow, so you can play my game (follow me, you can play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (me driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (give into me)
I wanna make you holler (and hear you scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow (so you can play my game)
Imagine us together (me driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game
I wanna make you holler
I'll give you rules to follow
Imagine us together (me driving you insane)
You will give into me
The time is now or never, to fit the missing piece
To take this on together, you make me feel complete
We fall into the future, and through the looking glass
The light shines over our heads, and so it comes to pass
(To go beyond the surface, to reach into your soul
This love is not demanding, my heart has told me so
I hold onto my hero, with faith enough to fly (ah-ah)
The power to imagine, will keep this love alive (Harmony))
Let's make the headlines loud and true
I wanna tell the world I'm giving it all to you
Let's make the headlines loud and clear
The best things suddenly happen when you are here
If I lost my way you'd carry me home
Take me all the way to Heaven, never leave me alone (Everything)
And it's just like everything matters when you are near (Matters when you're near)
And it feels so good, every bell's gonna ring
Your love is alive and it's makin' me sing
I could fly, wanna cry, want the whole world to know
We are together, come on baby, lets go
(And words yet to be spoken, will fall upon the page (ah-ah)
Spelling out true devotion, is all we need to say (Harmony))
Let's make the headlines loud and true (Say you love me and I'll say I love you too (Harmony))
I wanna tell the world I'm giving it all to you
(Just remember what simple words can do (Harmony))
Let's make the headlines loud and clear (All that I have I give to you my friend (Harmony))
The best things suddenly happen when you are here
(Just remember, friendship never ends (Harmony))
If I lost my way you'd carry me home
Take me all the way to heaven, never leave me alone (Everything)
And it's just like everything matters when you are near (Matters when you're near)
(Say you love me and I'll say I love you too (Harmony))
Let's make the headlines true this time (Just remember what simple words can do (Harmony))
There's no hiding from this magical state of mind (I feel love, feel, I feel love (Harmony))
If I lost my way you'd carry me home (I know you'd take me all the way to heaven)
Take me all the way to heaven never leave me alone (Everything)
And it's just like everything matters when you are near (Matters when you're near)
(Everything matters, it really matters)
Let's make the headlines loud and true (I feel love, feel, I feel love (Harmony))
Let's make the headlines ('Cause I'm giving it all, yeah, I'm giving it all to you)
(Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, party-la)
Look in the mirror, behind the make up, like what you see, not foolin' me
I get the picture, you got perfection, think You're a star, know what you are
Hey great pretender, time to break free, a kinda magic, lookin' at me
Cuz the fever's gonna get you yeah yeah
Got to be strong, believe in your power, then you will see, now just trust in me
Everything changes, when you relate it, get up and use it, positively
Shake up the dance floor, move like you mean it, own your potential, reality
Cuz the fever's gonna get you yeah yeah
Get up and use your voodoo, you know you want it bad (So bad)
You wanna lead the way yeah you do, be the best you know you can (You can)
Get up and use your voodoo, get your booty to the floor
You gotta line ‘em up left, right, don't stop, and leave ‘em wanting more
Hey, hey, hey, hey, party-la, hey, hey, hey, hey, party-la
Shake up the dance floor, you got perfection, get up and use it, positively
Cuz the fever's gonna get you yeah yeah
Get up and use your voodoo, you know you want it bad (So bad)
You wanna lead the way yeah you do, be the best you know you can (You can)
Get up and use your voodoo, get your booty to the floor
You gotta line ‘em up left, right, don't stop, and leave ‘em wanting more
Hey, hey, hey, hey, party-la (party-la, yeah)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, party-la (party-la)
Get up and use the voodoo, you know you can
Shake up the dance floor, you got perfection, get up and use it, positively
Cuz the fever's gonna get you yeah yeah (oh, oh-oh)
Hey-hey, hey-hey party la (come on)
Hey-hey, hey-hey party la (party-la, yeah)
Hey-hey, hey-hey party la (party-la) (that’s right)
Hey-hey, hey-hey party la (hey, hey, hey-yeah)
(Hey-hey, hey-hey party-la) You got to just lose yourself, let the magic get you hot
(Hey-hey, hey-hey party-la) You got to express yourself, til you're burnin' on the spot
(Hey-hey, hey-hey party-la) You got to just lose yourself, now the magic's calling you
(Hey-hey, hey-hey party-la) And you can express yourself, now the voodoo's comin' through
Get up and use your voodoo, you know you want it bad (So bad) (get up and use the voodoo)
You wanna lead the way yeah you do (you know you can)
Be the best you know you can (You can)
Get up and use your voodoo, get your booty to the floor (get up and use the voodoo)
You gotta line ‘em up left, right, don't stop, and leave ‘em wanting more
ey, hey, hey, hey party-la
Hey, hey, hey, hey party-la
(No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
Listen little child, there will come a day, when you will be able, able to say
Never mind the pain, all the aggravation
You know there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm, fly like an angel, heaven sent to me
(Goodbye my friend (Harmony))
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here (Harmony))
(It's not the end (Harmony))
(Gotta keep it strong, before the pain turns into fear (Harmony))
So glad we made it, time will never change it, no, no, no (No, no, no, no)
Just a little girl, big imagination, never letting no one (take it away (Harmony))
Went into the world, what a revelation (into the world)
She found there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm, find out for certain
Loves gonna be there for you, you'll always be someone's baby
(Goodbye my friend (Harmony))
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here (Harmony))
(It's not the end (Harmony))
(Gotta keep it strong, before the pain turns into fear (Harmony))
So glad we made it, time will never change it, no, no, no (No, no, no, no)
You know its time to say goodbye (No, no, no, no)
(The times when we would play about, the way we used to scream and shout
We never dreamt you'd go your own sweet way (Harmony))
Look for the rainbow in every storm, find out for certain
Loves gonna be there for you, you'll always be someone's baby
(Goodbye my friend (Harmony))
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here (Harmony))
(It's not the end (Harmony))
(Gotta keep it strong, before the pain turns into fear (Harmony))
So glad we made it, time will never, never, ever change it (No, no, no, no)
You know it's time to say goodbye (No, no, no, no)
And don't forget you can rely (No, no, no, no)
You know it's time to say goodbye, and don't forget on me, you can rely (No, no, no, no)
I will help you, help you on your way, I will be with you everyday (No, no, no, no)
I will be with you everyday (No, no, no, no) I will be with you everyday