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MEGJELENÉS | 2006. December 4. | |||
FELVÉTELEK | 2005-06 | |||
MŰFAJ | Pop - Motown | |||
HOSSZ | 39:09 | |||
KIADÓ | Universal Music | |||
ÍRÓK | Emma Bunton - Jamie Hartman - Cathy Dennis - Greg Kurstin - Gary Clark - Pam Sheyne - Yak BondyKeely Hawkes - Eric Pressly - Tim Kellett - Kate Elsworth - Blair MacKichan - Justin Gray - Peter Gordeno - Chris Porter |
PRODUCEREK | Simon Franglen - Gary Clark - Eric Pressly |
UK HELYEZÉS | # 65 | |||
ELADÁS | $ 53,918 | |||
KISLEMEZEK | Downtown - All I Need to Know | |||
< < < < < | Free Me (2004) | |||
> > > > > | Lif in Mono (2019) |
Emma Bunton angol popénekesnő harmadik stúdióalbuma. Az album eredetileg 2006 novemberében jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban, de később 2006. december 4-re tolták. Hasonlóan előző albumához, a Free Me-hez, az album az 1960-as évek popzenéjének elemeivel kísérletezik. Ezen az albumon a zenei elrendezés inkább az 1960-as évek francia popzenéjére irányult, a 60-as évek brit popjának és a Motown-nak néhány elemével.
Az albumot az 1960-as évek hangjai ihlették, mint a motown, bossa nova és a pop. Bunton 2004 telén dolgozott harmadik kiadásán. Az album címadó dala az 1990-es évek Mono trip hop bandája "Life in Mono" című slágerének feldolgozása, amely leginkább az 1998-as Great Expectations című filmben való felhasználása révén ismert. A "Take Me to Another Town" című szám egy mintát tartalmaz Herb Alpert 1965-ös "Green Peppers" című művéből.
Bunton terhessége miatt néhány hónap után minden promóciót töröltek.
A The Guardian munkatársa, Alex Macpherson úgy találta, hogy a Life in Mono „ugyanúgy folytatódik”, mint az előző, Free Me című albumon, „szellős Motown-ritmusokkal és ízlésesen csapkodó vonósokkal, amelyek remekül ellensúlyozzák Bunton édesfoszlány-könnyű énekét. Bár nagyrészt elkerülte a Free Me játékos pastiche-t, amely ezt tette. Nekem egy ilyen diadal a bágyadtabb finomságok mellett, ez még mindig olyan hangzás, amelyre a brit popban senki más nem törekszik. És nehéz elképzelni valakit, aki jobban el tudná hozni, mint Bunton [...] Van egy mögöttes áramlat homályos vágyakozás, amely soha nem hagyja el a hangját, és érzelmi befolyást ad neki a technikai korlátokon túl.” Jaime Gill, a Yahoo! A Music UK az albumot "meglehetősen szép lemeznek, és valószínűleg az utolsó Spice-hez kapcsolódó kiadásnak nevezte, amely a világon a közvetlen családtagokat leszámítva még csak homályosan is törődik vele - bölcsen választott. Bájos elődjéhez, a Free Me-hez hasonlóan a Life in Mono is csomagolva érkezik" divatos '60-as évek francia pop csillogásában, csupa cukros harmónia, zamatos vonósok és ravasz Bacharach stílusú feldolgozások.albumot az 1960-as évek hangjai ihlették,
Az MSN megjegyezte, hogy "bár nem valószínű, hogy listavezető lesz, a Life In Mono mégis elbűvölő rekord, és elég ok arra, hogy Emma a közeljövőben elhalassza a nyugdíjnövelő Spice Girls összejövetelét." A Digital Spy munkatársa, Miriam Zendle úgy vélte, hogy "van számos probléma van ezzel az albummal, bár Emma Bunton hangja nem tartozik közéjük. Teljesen nyájas és tartalmilag nagyon ismétlődő. Úgy tűnik, hogy nagyon a karácsonyi vásárhoz igazodik, és mint ilyen, hihetetlenül sajtos és lágy -fókusz.Nehéz olyan számot találni, ami igazán kiemelkedik, mivel nagyjából mindegyik pontosan ugyanúgy szól.Bunton gyengéd, kedves énekhangja az egyetlen, ami megakadályozza, hogy az album felejthetőségbe süllyedjen, de a nap végén ez egyszerűen nem elég." Az AllMusic szerkesztője, Sharon Mawer "biztonságos albumnak nevezte, könnyű és bolyhos, szinte semmi anyaggal". Talia Kraines a BBC Music-tól úgy érezte, hogy "kevés az albumon, amitől Emmát zavarta volna [egy másik top 5 sláger]. Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy a kisfiú Baby Spice még nem próbálta [...] de amíg ő folytatja a A Free Me hatvanas évek hangulata, semmi sem kacérkodik a "Maybe" méhkas-razzamatazz-jával."
01 / ALL I NEED TO KNOW / 4:18 |
Írók Emma Bunton, Jamie Hartman Producerek Simon Franglen Kislemez megjelenés 2007. Február 12. UK Helyezés # 60 Eladás $ 80,000 |
02 / LIFE IN MONO / 3:48 |
Írók John Barry, Martin Virgo Producerek Simon Franglen |
03 / MISCHIEVOUS / 3:41 |
Írók Emma Bunton, Cathy Dennis, Greg Kurstin Producerek Simon Franglen |
Írók Emma Bunton, Gary Clark, Pam Sheyne Producerek Simon Franglen |
05 / HE LOVES ME NOT / 3:28 |
Írók Emma Bunton, Yak Bondy Producerek Simon Franglen |
Írók Emma Bunton, Pascal Gabriel, Hannah Robinson Producerek Simon Franglen |
Írók Gary Clark, Eric Pressly, Keely Hawkes Producerek Gary Clark, Eric Pressly |
08 / UNDRESSING YOU / 3:21 |
Írók Tim Kellett, Kate Elsworth Producerek Simon Franglen |
Írók Emma Bunton, Blair MacKichan, Justin Gray Producerek Simon Franglen |
10 / ALL THAT YOU'LL BE / 4:00 |
Írók Emma Bunton, Peter Gordeno, Chris Porter Producerek Simon Franglen |
11 / DOWNTOWN / 3:24 |
Írók Tony Hatch Producerek Simon Franglen Kislemez megjelenés 2006. November 13. UK Helyezés # 03 Eladás $ 82,006 |
Írók Roger Cook, Roger Greenaway Producerek Yak Bondy |
Írók Osvaldo Farrés, Joe Davis Producerek Simon Franglen |
14 / POR FAVOR / 2:35 |
Írók Noel Sherman, Joe Sherman Producerek Yak Bondy |
> MIDNIGHT AND MARTINIS / Kislemez: All I Need to Know [2007] |
> IN ANOTHER LIFE / Törölve |
> THAT'S WHY IT HURTS / Törölve |
DOWNTOWN A BBC News 2006. október 20-án bejelentette, hogy Emma Bunton felveszi a Petula Clark "Downtown" című slágerének remake-jét, hogy a 2006-os hivatalos BBC Children in Need kislemez legyen, Bunton pedig így nyilatkozott: "Mindig is szerettem a "Downtown"-t... és már nagyon várom, hogy rányomhassam a saját bélyegemet. A szám jó móka, és mindenki tudni fogja."[60] Bunton, akinek Petula Clark iránti rajongása nyilvánvaló volt a 2004-es Free Me albumon, a "Downtown"-t rögzítette AIR Studios (Lyndhurst) Simon Franglen producerével; a számhoz tartozó zenekart az Angel Recording Studiosban rögzítették Gavin Wright vezényletével. A számot 2006. november 13-án adták ki, és Bunton bemutatta a "Downtown" verzióját a 2006-os Children in Need teletonon, amelynek sugárzása 2006. november 17-én kezdődött.
Bár Bunton azt mondta, hogy „elég jól ismerte a Downtown” zeneszerzőjét, Tony Hatchet,[61] Petula Clark azt mondta, hogy sem ő [ti. Clark] és Hatch sem tudott előzetesen Bunton remake-jéről. Clark azt is kijelentette, hogy Bunton remake-jét Clark eredeti felvételének „teljes másolatának” tartja: „Megkérdezhetném: „Mi a lényeg”...de Emma felvétele csodálatos és...egy nagyszerű cél érdekében. (azaz rászoruló gyermekek).
ALL I NEED TO KNOW A brit énekes-dalszerző, Emma Bunton dala. Harmadik szólóalbumának, a Life in Mono-nak (2006) a második és egyben utolsó kislemezeként jelent meg. A dalt Jamie Hartmannel közösen írták, aki arról híres, hogy korábban írta Will Youngnak az "All Time Love" című slágert. A kislemezt először hivatalos webhelyén jelentette be, 2007. február 12-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban és Írországban. 2007. február 5-től letölthető is volt. Ennek a kislemeznek a fizikai kiadása egy kétsávos CD, a remix pedig csak iTunes exkluzív változatban érhető el. A kislemez 2007. február 24-én került fel a brit kislemezlistára a 60. helyen, és csak egy hétig volt a listán, mielőtt kiesett, így Bunton karrierjének akkoriban a legalacsonyabb slágerlistán szerepelt.
Alot of bridges, I shouldn't be so scared to burn
A lot of lessons, I shouldn't be so scared, to learn
If I could lose the worst of me, hold on to what remains
And all I need to know is you change with me
And help me be the most that I can be
And turn into the one last missing piece
When it all comes down, when it all comes down
A lot of people, don't seem to understand, my point of view
It doesn't matter, cos I love the way I am with you
Cos you can take the worst of me, hold on to what remains
And all I need to know is you change with me
And help me be the most that I can be
And turn into the one last missing piece
When it all comes down, when it all comes down
I love, I love, I love, I love, the way you let me
Love you, love you, love you, like I do
And all I need to know is you change with me
And help me be the most that I can be
And turn into the one last missing piece
When it all comes down, when it all comes down
When it all comes down
The stranger sang a theme, from someone else's dream
The leaves began to fall, and no one spoke at all
But I can't seem to recall, when you came along
Ingenue, I just don't know what to do
The tree-lined avenue, begins to fade from view
Drowning past regrets, in tea and cigarettes
But I can't seem to forget, when you came along
Ingenue, ingenue, I just don't know what to do
Ingenue, I just don't know what to do
Ingenue, I just don't know what to do
Ingenue, I just don't know what to do
Ingenue, I just don't know what to do
Ingenue, I just don't know what to do
As the morning comes, I'm thinking, busy relishing last night
Finally waking up, still dreaming
About a scene, a world of things, you've opened up inside
So mischievous, devil must be playing with my mind (You've got me feeling)
So mischievous, imagination working overtime (You've got me feeling)
So mischievous, no one else can get me like you do
I love that I am free to be so naughty and mischievous with you
What a difference, a night makes, candle silhouette and wine
As you touch me there, my voice breaks
See the signs, you hear the pause, you read between the lines
So mischievous, devil must be playing with my mind (You've got me feeling)
So mischievous, imagination working overtime (You've got me feeling)
So mischievous, no one else can get me like you do
I love that I am free to be so naughty and mischievous with you
So mischievous, devil must be playing with my mind (You've got me feeling)
So mischievous, imagination working overtime (You've got me feeling)
So mischievous, no one else can get me like you do
I love that I am free to be so naughty and mischievous with you
(So mischievous) (You've got me feeling)
(So mischievous) (You've got me feeling)
(So mischievous) No one else can get me like you do
She was a girl caught in a cirle, waiting for something playing for time
Day after day everything’s perfect, perfectly normal in her life
On a wrong train, in the rush hour
Busy dreaming nothing, then everything change
She saw his face, they fell in love with the danger
Remember the place, that was the day we were perfect strangers
Remember the day we were perfect strangers
He left on time but he’s always rushing, it's getting him somewhere nowhere fast
No one to leave, no one to get over, but there’s something missing in his life
On the right train, the girl with no name
Looks up for a moment, and everything change
He saw her face, they fell in love with the danger
Remember the place, that was the day we were perfect strangers
Remember the day we were perfect strangers
On a wrong train, in the rush hour
Busy dreaming nothing, then everything change
I saw your face, we fell in love with the danger
Remember the place, that was the day we were perfect strangers
Remember the day (I saw your face)
That was the day we were perfect strangers
Like cupid aimed and took a shot, we kissed and never seemed to stop, ah-ah
The sun, the moon, the stars so bright, we danced until the morning light, ah-ah
So in love, is a dream reality till you wake up, oh seems to good to be true
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
I wish I knew, I knew, I knew
My perfect world is yesterday, don't want this dream to fade away, yeah
Just take my hand and hold on tight, let's fly together, side by side, yeah
So in love, will I wait to feel the sweetness of your touch, oh seems to good to be true
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, If only I knew
Come what may, never felt so close but yet so far away
Dreaming on until the day
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
He loves me, oh he loves me not, he loves me, oh he loves me not
People say, never watch and wait
When the pressures on, you know it won't find you
Fate is shy, when you seek it hides
When you're looking left, it'll creep up on the right
So I found out for myself, that all the tales were true
You came without a warning, not a clue
I wasn't looking when I found love, yeah it took me by surprise
I wasn't looking when you showed up, now you're all I see
I wasn't looking when you took my hand, the way it should be
I wasn't looking when I found love, and it's beautiful
Mind your time, never stand in line
Cause the trouble is, it'll never come your way
Funny how, when you hunt them down
There's a drought, and if you don't
It rains all day, cause no matter what you do
It'll end up finding you
And hits you like a boat out of the blue
I wasn't looking when I found love, yeah it took me by surprise
I wasn't looking when you showed up, now you're all I see
I wasn't looking when you took my hand, the way it should be
I wasn't looking when I found love, and it's beautiful
So I found out for myself, that all the tales were true
You came without a warning, not a clue
Na na na da da, da da da da da da, da da da da da da
I wasn't looking when I found love, yeah it took me by surprise
I wasn't looking when you showed up, now you're all I see
I wasn't looking when you took my hand, the way it should be
I wasn't looking when I found love, and it's beautiful
I go to London, I go to Hollywood
There are too many people who would kill me if they could
I go to Shanghai, I go to Tokyo
There are so many people that I'll never get to know
Gotta take my bike to the train, train to the bus, bus to the beach and sail on
And then I'll surf to the shore, walk to the car, drive to what I can depend on
But I when I get to you, my life stops spinning around, you take me to another town
I go to Glasgow, I go to Amsterdam
There are too many people getting high because they can
I go to Cairo, I go to St. Tropez
There are so many people always getting in my way
Gotta take my bike to the train, train to the bus, bus to the beach and sail on
And then I'll surf to the shore, walk to the car, drive to what I can depend on
But I when I get to you, nothing gets me down, you take me to another town
I go to London, I go to Hollywood
There are too many people who would kiss me if they could
Gotta take my bike to the train, train to the bus, bus to the beach and sail on
And then I'll surf to the shore, walk to the car, drive to what I can depend on
When I get to you, what I've lost I've found
When I get to you, you take me to another town
I've been to London, I've been to Hollywood
You take me to another town, you take me to another town
I don't why, I'm tied up inside, your names in my head
And all of the old, records I play, remind me of you
Oh I keep behavin' in a way that I can't explain
Nothing I know, sure as the done, it's happening again
Well we've only just met and I'm undressing you with my eyes
And I'm trying to chase away all these dirty thoughts in my mind
Oh when you're around and I try to play it down like whatever (like whatever)
And my heart skips a beat and it's hard to hold it together
If I take you home, just for one night, we'll see how it goes
Candlelit room, kill all the lights, we'll drink some wine
On the other hand I might just bite my tongue
Oh if I can wait, play hard to get, it suits me just fine
Well we've only just met and I'm undressing you with my eyes
And I'm trying to chase away all these dirty thoughts in my mind
Oh when you're around and I try to play it down like whatever (like whatever)
And my heart skips a beat and it's hard to hold it together
Maybe it is time to throw in my pride, inless I decide to wait a little longer
Each and every time I consciously deny, what's on my mind for you to discover
Well we've only just met and I'm undressing you with my eyes
And I'm trying to chase away all these dirty thoughts in my mind
Oh when you're around and I try to play it down like whatever (like whatever)
And my heart skips a beat and it's hard to hold it together
It's hard to hold it, it's hard to hold it
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, it's hard to hold it, it's hard to hold it
I know you far too well, story's the same
I've heard it all before, how we all gonna change
You try to talk me round, no not this time
I've finally seen the light, this is my goodbye
Oh I'm not crying over yesterdays, not when there's tomorrows
I'm not wasting time on used-to-bes, not if it means sorrow
I won't shed a tear on should-of-beens, would-of-beens, could-of-beens
No no no, no no no
My suitcase in my hand, half out the door
Why can't you be a man, get up off the floor
No you won't change my mind, don't think you can
The taxi's right outside, I'm getting in
Oh I'm not crying over yesterdays, not when there's tomorrows
I'm not wasting time on used-to-bes, not if it means sorrow
I won't shed a tear on should-of-beens, would-of-beens, could-of-beens
No no no, no no no,, oh no no no, no no no
Oh I'm not crying over yesterdays, not when there's tomorrows
I'm not wasting time on used-to-bes, not if it means sorrow
I won't shed a tear on should-of-beens, would-of-beens, could-of-beens
No no no, no no no,, oh no no no, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Autumn leaves turn to brown, just like dreams get swept away
But spring always comes around, until the first summer's day
And I hope there never comes a time
When life seems to pass you by, cos you must realize
Cos everything in life will change
With every rainbow there is rain, nothing stays the same
Years will pass and we will grow, one thing you'll always know
That I love you now for all the things you are, and all that you'll be
Even if we don't have it all, we have all that we need
You know I'll catch you when you fall, you start to doubt but you believe
The future is impossible to see
And no matter what we become, you'll be apart of me
Cos everything in life will change
With every rainbow there is rain, nothing stays the same
Years will pass and we will grow, one thing you'll always know
That I love you now for all the things you are, and all that you'll be
You don't have to worry about a thing, we move in different ways
But we're still the same, and I will love all that you'll be
Cos everything in life will change
With every rainbow there is rain, nothing stays the same
Years will pass and we will grow, one thing you'll always know
That I love you now for all the things you are
And for everything you'll become, cos I love who you are, and all that you'll be
When you're alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go - downtown
When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry, seems to help, I know - downtown
Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty, how can you lose?
The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown - no finer place, for sure, downtown - everything's waiting for you
Don't hang around and let your problems surround you, there are movie shows - downtown
Maybe you know some little places to go to, where they never close - downtown
Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with him too before the night is over, happy again
The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, where all the lights are bright
Downtown - waiting for you tonight, downtown - you're gonna be all right now
Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown
And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to, guide them along
So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown - don't wait a minute more, downtown - everything's waiting for you
Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown...
Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight
I read in the papers that gemini people will make it tonight
Stars will be shining my sign is aligning with love
So come on and make it, let's take everything that we've been dreaming of
Oh baby, something tells me, something's gonna happen to you
The smile on my face is the smile you'll wear in a moment or two
So get it together, you see it's gonna be alright
Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight
Oh I woke up this morning, with sunshine through my window
Everything has happened, so far has turned out right
And I got every reason to feel it's getting better
It's getting better every minute, waiting till we meet tonight
Oh baby, something tells me, something's gonna happen to you
The smile on my face is the smile you'll wear in a moment or two
So get it together, you see it's gonna be alright
Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight
Oh I woke up this morning, with sunshine through my window
Everything has happened, so far has turned out right
And I got every reason to feel it's getting better
It's getting better every minute, waiting till we meet tonight
(Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight)
(Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight)
Oh baby, something tells me, something's gonna happen to you
The smile on my face is the smile you'll wear in a moment or two
So get it together, you see it's gonna be alright
Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight
Oh baby, something tells me, something's gonna happen to you
The smile on my face is the smile you'll wear in a moment or two
So get it together, you see it's gonna be alright
Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight
You won't admit you love me
And so how am I ever to know, you always tell me, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
A million times I have asked you
And then I ask you over again, you only answer, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
If you can't make your mind up, we'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up, being parted broken-hearted
So if you really love me
Say yes, but if you don't dear confess, but please don't tell me, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
If you can't make your mind up, we'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up, being parted broken-hearted
So if you really love me
Say yes, but if you don't dear confess, but please don't tell me, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Por favor, I need the magic touch of your amour
So while your tempting lips are here before me, please adore me, por favor
Besame, before the Cha-cha tempo steals away
While other dancers do their fancy swayin', we'll keep sayin', besame
Dance with me, you're so appealing please romance with me
You've got me reeling, take a chance with me
I have a feeling that our lips will still be blended
Even when the dance has ended
Por favor, I need the magic touch of your amour
So when there's no more Cha-cha to enchant me
Say you'll grant me as before, your love forever, por favor
Dance with me
I have a feeling that our lips will still be blended
Even when the dance has ended
Por favor, I need the magic touch of your amour
So when there's no more Cha-Cha to enchant me
Say you'll grant me as before, your love forever, por favor
Your love forever, por favor, your love forever, por favor
Your love forever, por favor
(La da, la da...)
Sunlight in my eyes, break away to a paradise
That I find, every time I think of you
Clear view, night to day, shadows fading into grey
Easily, when I feel you come to me
I wanna ride on the bliss of this high, before the dream gets old
And run away to a place yours and mine, that nobody knows, all it really takes is
Midnight and martinis, with a twist and shake of you
A little breeze on my bikini, ocean blue
I wanna drift until the edge, where the beach meets sunset
So give me midnight and martinis, here with you (La da, la da...)
Delicate to the touch, meeting you like a velvet rush
Moving close, take me in, don't let me go
Cause I wanna ride on the bliss of this high, before the dream gets old (dream gets old)
And run away to a place yours and mine, that nobody knows, all it really takes is
Midnight and martinis, with a twist and shake of you (twist and shake of you)
A little breeze on my bikini, ocean blue (ocean blue)
I wanna drift until the edge, where the beach meets sunset (sunset)
So give me midnight and martinis, here with you (here with you)
Red skies glowing, feels like floating
Just wanting you is not enough, so won't you fill me up
Midnight and martinis, with a twist and shake of you (twist and shake of you)
A little breeze on my bikini, ocean blue (oh, ocean blue)
I wanna drift until the edge, where the beach meets sunset
(drift until the edge, beach meets sunset)
So give me midnight and martinis, here with you (here with you)
I wanna drift until the edge, where the beach meets sunset
(drift until the edge, beach meets sunset)
So give me midnight and martinis, here with you
Did our spirits meet on a different stream?
Any ancient town is now, those familiar eyes have lived a thousand lives
And when I've reached a higher plane, a new face, but I know it's you
If I had known you then, would I have known it then?
If you loved me before, now will you love me more?
Any day in history regardless of the place and time
Did I make you mine in another life?
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba) In another life
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba)
You always come to me like we're meant to be
I see you in the friend of mine, my undercover man keeps finding me again
And we've taken on a secret nature, but I know it's you (Ba-ba-da-da-ba)
If I had known you then, would I have known it then?
If you loved me before, now will you love me more?
Any day in history regardless of the place and time
Did I make you mine in another life, in another life
Oh, any day in history I would make you mine
Any day in history regardless of the place and time, did I make you mine?
If I had known you then, would I have known it then?
If you loved me before, now will you love me more?
Any day in history regardless of the place and time
Did I make you mine in another life?
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba) In another life yeah, yeah
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba) Any day
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba) Any day in history
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba)
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba) In another life
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba) I would make you mine
(Ba-ba-da-da, ba-ba, ba-da-da, ba-ba-da-da-ba) I would make you…
If you could have anything, any wish in world, what would it have to be?
Is there a song that you sing from the heart, if you could only find the melody?
Is there one thing every night, you're dreaming, that never can come true?
That's how I feel about you
That's why it hurts, you don't understand
How my heart works, though it's in your hands
Don't make things worse, by saying you love me, you don't know what it means
(That's why it hurts, that's why it hurts)
If you could touch anyone, in that way that you do, who would that someone be?
Is there a story you've known from the start, but you just can't make the endings meet?
Is there one thing you're dying to believe in, but you won't allow yourself to?
That's how I feel about you
That's why it hurts, you don't understand
How my heart works, though it's in your hands
Don't make things worse, by saying you love me, you don't know what it means
That's why it hurts, you're oblivious
All out of words, when it comes to us
Don't make me cry, by saying you love me, you don't know what it means
I can't keep going over and over
The same old lines, but there's no way I...
That's why it hurts, you don't understand
How my heart works, though it's in your hands
Don't make things worse, by saying you love me, you don't know what it means
That's why it hurts, you're oblivious
All out of words, when it comes to us
Don't make me cry, by saying you love me, you don't know what it means
(That's why it hurts, that's why it hurts, that's why it hurts)