PASSION | ||||
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Megjelenés | 2005. Június 6. | |||
Felvételek | 2002-2005 | |||
Műfaj | Pop - Jazz - Dance-pop - Electropop | |||
Hossz | 42:39 | |||
Kiadó | Innocent Records | |||
Írók | Geri Halliwell - Peter-John Vettese - - Henrik Korpi - Mathias Wollo - Terry Ronald - Hannah Robinson - Ian Masterson - Andy Watkins - Paul Wilson - Quiz & Larossi - Savan Kotecha - Holweger - Tracy Ackerman - Guy Chambers | |||
Producerek | Peter-John Vettese - Korpi & Blackcell - Ian Masterson - Absolute - Steve Power - Quiz & Larossi | |||
Kislemezek | Ride it - Desire | |||
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Geri Halliwell angol énekesnő harmadik stúdióalbuma. 2005. június 6-án adta ki az Innocent Records. Az albumról két kislemez jelent meg: a "Ride It", amely a brit kislemezlistán a negyedik, a spanyol és a skót listákon pedig a harmadik helyet érte el; és a "Desire", amely a 22. helyen végzett az Egyesült Királyságban.
Az album vegyes kritikákat kapott a kritikusoktól, és kereskedelmi csalódás volt, 5432 eladott példányával a 41. helyen áll, és mindössze egy hétig szerepelt a brit albumlistán. Egy év megjelenés után az eladások elérték a 10 000-et az Egyesült Királyságban.
Halliwell sok dalt írt 2001 és 2004 között számos producerrel. Az ebben az időszakban rögzített dalok, amelyek nem jelentek meg a végső albumon, többek között a "Set Me Off", "Turn It On", "Putting on the Bling", "Disco Sister" és a "100% Pure Love" feldolgozása. Halliwell a "Some Girls" című számot is fel akarta venni az albumhoz (író: Richard X és Hannah Robinson), de a számot Rachel Stevens kapta.
2004 végén az EMI és Halliwell közös megegyezésre jutottak, és az album fókuszát és címét Passionra változtatták, és a táncdalok egy részét balladákkal, jazz- és elektropop dalokkal helyettesítették, köztük az újonnan rögzített "Passion" című dalokat. , "Desire", "Surrender Your Groove", "So I Give Up on Love" és a B-oldal "True Love Never Dies".
Halliwell úgy jellemezte az albumot, mint "utazás szélsőséges érzelmeken keresztül a szenvedélytől és a szerelemtől a félelemig és a reményig". Elmondása szerint a Passion énekesként és dalszerzőként egyaránt feltérképezi fejlődését. Az énekesnek az volt a dolga, hogy "megtudja, ki vagyok nem annyira, mint inkább mi vagyok. Azt hiszem, ez az album egy igazi átmeneti ponton ragad meg dalszerzőként."
2005. május 15-én mutatta be a Channel 5 a Passiont népszerűsítő dokumentumfilmet, amelynek címe: Van valami Geriről. Életéről és karrierjéről szólt, és követte Moszkvától Milánóig és Nagy-Britanniáig, amint énekesi karrierje újraindítására készül. A dokumentumfilm 1,1 millió nézőt vonzott, és az átlag feletti vasárnapi nézettséget érte el a hálózaton. Az értékelési siker ellenére a média bírálta, amiért egy "önmegszállott, fájdalmasan hiú kislányt mutat be, aki állandó mollycodozásra szorul". Megbánta, hogy elkészítette a dokumentumfilmet, és így kommentálta: "Nem kellett volna megcsinálnom! Már ha rágondolok, beleborzongok!"
Egy turnét terveztek az album népszerűsítésére, de azt törölték.
Eredetileg még 2004-ben jelent volna meg a Ride it kislemez utáni hetekben. De a lemezcég nem volt megelégelve ezért törölnie kellett: Disco Sister, Set Me Off, Pure Love, Turn It On és Gimme Your Love. Helyettük került fel a végleges albumra: Passion, Desire, Surrender Your Groove, There's Always Tomorrow és So I Give Up on Love dalok. 'Pure Love' eredetileg a Ride it helyett jelent volna meg de Geri nem akarta, hogy megint olyan dal legyen amit fel dolgozott mint It's Raining Men még 2001-ben. A kiadónak se tetszett a dal így törölnie kellett az albumról is. De 2006 nyarán internetre kerül.
John Lucas az AllMusic-tól ötből három csillagra értékelte, és a "Love Never Loved Me" című számot karrierje legjobbjának szavazta meg, mióta elhagyta a Spice Girls-t. Úgy vélte, hogy néhány szám téves volt, mint például a "Passion" és a "So I Give Up on Love", amelyekben az énekes úgy tűnt, hogy Eartha Kittet és Marilyn Monroe-t akarja utánozni, elmondása szerint Halliwellnek nincs vokális készüléke ahhoz, hogy ilyen stílusban énekeljen. Összességében jobbnak tartotta, mint elődjét, és hogy "elég szép pályái vannak ahhoz, hogy kárpótolják a maroknyi katasztrófát".
A BBC Music munkatársa, Talia Kraines a "Love Never Loved Me"-t és a "Let Me Love You More"-t nevezte meg a legjobb táncdalnak és a legjobb balladának. Az albumot elavultnak tartotta, és kijelentette, hogy ha öt évvel korábban jelent volna meg, sláger lett volna.
Az oldal kritikusa azt entertainment.ie írta, hogy "a Passion nem mestermű, és lehet, hogy nem vezeti be a slágerlistákat, de könnyű, nyárias poplemezként nagyon jól elvégzi a munkát."
01 / PASSION / 2:56 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Peter-John Vettese |
02 / DESIRE / 3:22 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Henrik Korpi, Mathias Wollo, Terry Ronald Producerek Korpi & Blackcell Kislemez megjelenés 2005. Május 30. |
03 / LOVE NEVER LOVED ME / 4:04 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Hannah Robinson, Ian Masterson Producerek Ian Masterson |
04 / FEEL THE FEAR / 4:15 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson Producerek Absolute |
05 / SUPERSTAR / 3:29 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Guy Chambers Producerek Steve Power |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Henrik Korpi, Mathias Wollo, Terry Ronald Producerek Korpi & Blackcell |
07 / RIDE IT / 3:46 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Quiz & Larossi, Savan Kotecha Producerek Quiz & Larossi, Ian Masterson Kislemez megjelenés 2004. November 22. |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Hannah Robinson, Ian Masterson, Holweger Producerek Ian Masterson |
09 / LET ME LOVE YOU MORE / 4:06 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Hannah Robinson, Ian Masterson Producerek Ian Masterson |
10 / DON'T GET ANY BETTER / 3:23 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Tracy Ackerman Producerek Absolute |
11 / LOVING ME BACK TO LIFE / 3:24 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Guy Chambers Producerek Steve Power |
12 / SO I GIVE UP ON LOVE / 3:12 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Peter-John Vettese |
02 / SET ME OFF / 2:58 |
03 / LOVE NEVER LOVED ME / 4:04 |
04 / LOVING ME BACK TO LIFE / 3:24 |
05 / SUPERSTAR / 3:29 |
06 / 100% PURE LOVE / 3:48 |
07 / FEEL THE FEAR / 4:15 |
08 / RIDE IT / 3:46 |
09 / TURN IT ON |
10 / LET ME LOVE YOU MORE / 4:06 |
11 / DON'T GET ANY BETTER / 3:23 |
> TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES / Kislemez: Desire [2005] |
> DISCO SISTER / Törölve |
> SET ME OFF / Törölve |
> 100% PURE LOVE / Törölve |
> TURN IT ON / Törölve |
> GIMME YOUR LOVE / Törölve |
> SOME GIRLS / Törölve |
RIDE IT Egy dal, amelyet Geri Halliwell angol énekesnő vett fel harmadik stúdióalbumához, a Passionhoz (2005). 2004. november 22-én adta ki az Innocent Records az album első kislemezeként. A "Ride It" kereskedelmileg sikeres volt Európában; a negyedik helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyságban, a spanyol és skót slágerlistákon pedig a harmadik helyet érte el.
100% PURE LOVE Az eredeti harmadik stúdióalbum koncepciójának gyártása során Geri felvette Crystal Waters borítóját a „100% Pure Love”-hoz, és a pletykák szerint a Disco Sister albumának vezető kislemezeként adják ki. Azt is pletykálták, hogy Geri úgy döntött, hogy lemondja a kislemezt és törli a dalt, mert félt, hogy csak nem eredeti dalokkal lesz sikeres, ami korábban az „It’s Raining Men” című számmal is megtörtént.
A „100% Pure Love” egy dance-pop/house szám. A dalból három remix jelent meg a The Almighty Collection albumon, amelyet 2008. december 22-én adtak ki. A demó és az amerikai rádió szerkesztése pedig korábban kiszivárgott 2006-ban.
DESIRE Geri Halliwell angol énekesnő dala harmadik szólóstúdióalbumáról, a Passionról (2005). A dalt Henrik Korpi, Mathias Wollo, Terry Ronald és Halliwell írta, a producer pedig a Korpi & Blackcell. A „Desire” metaforikusan a személyt szexuális vágyakkal rendelkező macskaként írja le.
A dal 2005. május 30-án jelent meg az album második és egyben utolsó kislemezeként. A brit kislemezlistán a 22. helyet érte el, ezzel Halliwell szólókarrierjének eddigi legalacsonyabb csúcsát elérő kislemezévé vált.
LOVE NEVER LOVED ME A Desire megjelenése előtt azt hitték, kislemezként adják ki, de Geri félt kislemezként kiadni, mert nagyon személyes dal. A dal valakiről szól, akit megbántott a szerelem, de még mindig van remény, hogy megtalálja.
2005 TOUR 2004. December 15-én Geri Halliwell bejelentette a turnját, a 2005-ös turnét, amely 2005. Május 3-án kezdődözz Dublinban, az Egyesült Királyságban, és Május 29-én ért véget Cardiffban.
A tuné Geri Halliwell új albumának dalait tartalmazta, amelynek akkor még nem volt neve. Az új album mellett énekesnő olyan slágereket is hozzáadott a turnéjához, mint a Mi Chico Latino, Bag it Up, és a klasszikus It's Raining Men.
A turné egy kis részletét a G.A.Y. élő show-ján adták elő 2004. November 12-én. A műsort az ókori görög téma ihlette. 2005-ös turnét törölték, mielőtt elkezdődött volna, a lemez kiadó által a Passion album kiadásához választott dátum miatt.
There's something in my heart, that I'm burning to say
Lovin you ain't easy cos, my pride gets in the way
Words are like butter, rolling off my lips
Cut like a knife, and now I'm sinking battleships
(You know who you are, mm-hmm)
Give me a reason to take you back, give me a reason to share
Give me a reason, cos love is in season, but give me a reason to care
I life my freedom, yeah that's my style, my manifesto lullaby
Give me a reason, cos love is in season, but give me no reason to cry
There's something in your kiss, that I can't let you go
My heart says yes, my head says no
Passion so cruel, when it's hard to resist
I'm fashionably cool, but it's you that I miss
Give me a reason to take you back, give me a reason to try
Give me a reason, cos love is in season, but give me no reason
My passion's in season, but give me no reason to cry
I’m a sure-fire pussy cat, I ain’t gunna tell you that
I’m giving myself away
You’re a real catch that’s a fact, I ain’t gunna tell you that
Baby I want you to stay
My fever’s high your tide is low, just don’t forget to love me, no no no no
Whatever you sold me, whatever you feed me
It’s taking me over and over
I’m the cat that can fight it, whenever I need it
Your kiss kills me with desire
Young gun you’re the one, lift me up and take me on
Just like you did in my dream
Sweet man I know you can, but I would never tell you that
Baby I’m diggin’ your scene
My fever’s high let’s roll the dice, but don’t forget I love you, no no no no
Whatever you sold me, whatever you feed me
It’s taking me over and over
I’m the cat that can fight it, whenever I need it
Your kiss kills me with
You’re contagious, I’m confusing, we can take this anywhere we like it
You’re amazing, so amusing, your kiss kills me with desire
Whatever you sold me, whatever you feed me
It’s taking me over and over
I’m the cat that can fight it, whenever I need it
Your kiss kills me with desire
(Tout l'heure mon amour)
I live for love, and all it brings, the heart it heals the song it sings
The sweetest kiss, the warm embrace, will melt the ice before it breaks
No matter what I do, no matter what I say
What can I do when nothing stays the same
It's written in the stars, the story ends the same, everything changes
Love never loved me, love left me out in the cold
Love never loved me, love gave up on me after all
I've taken chances, set them free, I've taken back virginity
I've been adored, I've been the one, I've broken hearts, I've had my fun
No matter what I do, no matter what I say
What can I do when nothing stays the same
It's written in the stars, the story ends the same, everything changes
Love never loved me, love left me out in the cold
Love never loved me, love gave up on me after all
You can't break a heart that's already broken
You can't steal a heart that's already stolen
And what doesn't kill me is making me strong
I'm ready for love (Love never loved me)
You can't break a heart that's already broken
You can't steal a heart that's already stolen
My greatest desire is to love and be loved
Cos I'm a believer I'm not giving up
And what doesn't kill me is making me strong
I'm waiting, I'm willing, I'm ready for love
Love never loved me, love left me out in the cold
Love never loved me, love gave up on me after all
Love never loved me, love left me out in the cold (love never loved me)
Love never loved me, love gave up on me after all (love never loved me)
Love never loved me (love never loved me)
The sky is gonna cry tonight, flowing like a river it softly slips away
The sun won't shine so bright, cos she knows it'll never start another day
Nothing lasts forever, it comes as no surprise
We were strong together, now I realize, oh please just
Give me one more day, I've got to have my say
I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway
No I'm never giving up, cos I haven't had enough
Of all of the love, feel the fear and do it anyway (Anyway)
Gonna say hello to my soul today, sitting on a mountain saying goodbye to the sun
Before you throw it all away, I'd like to say sorry for all the things I've done
Nothing lasts forever, it comes as no surprise
We were strong together, now I realize, oh please just
Give me one more day, I've got to have my say
I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway
No I'm never giving up, cos I haven't had enough
Of all of the love, feel the fear and do it anyway (Do it anyway)
Found the line that I like in my book of life, when I'm searching for the truth
There's a time and a place for sacrifice, but I don't want to
Just give me one more day, I've got to have my say
I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway
No I'm not giving up, cos I haven't had enough
Of all of the love, feel the fear and do it anyway
Just give me one more day, I've got to have my say
I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway
No I'm not giving up, cos I haven't had enough
Of all of the love, feel the fear, do it anyway (Do it anyway, do it anyway)
A little bit of something on a bad-ass day, can help me please my my mind
Cos a big bit of nothing don't take blues away, it's just like killing time
I just wanna rock your celebrity
A little bit of jammin' live on on saturday night, that's my ecstacy
Oh baby, I want your hot action, oh baby, I love who you are
Oh baby, I want some reaction, come on shine on, be my superstar
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby be my superstar)
Gotta go and get me some V.I.P., to road is long and high
We're running through a red, I'm playin with fire, I won't get out alive
Trash your room and smash a big TV
Feeling kinda flashy, do you wanna play God, let's play celebrity
Oh baby, I want your hot action, oh baby, I love who you are
Oh baby, I want some reaction, come on shine on, be my superstar
When your light shines on, so bright it burns my eyes
I need commercial waves, my soul is gonna fly
A little bit of you, just lick me up
You really blew my mind, cos baby, you make my shine
Oh baby, I want your hot action, oh baby, I love who you are
Oh baby, I want some reaction, come on shine on, be my superstar
Oh baby, I want your hot action, oh baby, I love who you are
Oh baby, I want some reaction, come on shine on, be my superstar
(Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby be my superstar
Come on baby, come on baby, ooh come on baby be my superstar)
Baby, I can feel your thunder, butterflies on your shoulder
Don't cry, I'll show you what love is, sideways and under
Twist it just a little more, cos baby we are heading for paradise
Soak it up and move it all, tell me are you ready
Keep the beat rock steady, baby set your heart on the vine
Surrender your groove, surrender your heart
Surrender the super love that you've got
I'm making it better, I'm keeping it pure, I guess, my covers off the hook
You light me up like a firefly, I'm dancing out on the high wire
Sweet thing drink me like a fine wine, we're star-crossed and so sublime
Twist it just a little more, cos baby we are heading for paradise
Soak it up and move it all, tell me are you ready
Keep the beat rock steady, baby set your heart on the vine
Surrender your groove, surrender your heart
Surrender the super love that you've got
I'm making it better, I'm keeping it pure, I guess, my covers off the hook
Surrender your soul, surrender your mind
Surrender electric baby come shine
I'm taking you good, I'm taking you bad, I guess your star is rising now
I say a little prayer for you, breathing in time with you, for life
Surrender your groove, surrender your heart
Surrender the super love that you've got
I'm making it better, I'm keeping it pure, I guess, my covers off the hook
Surrender your soul, surrender your mind
Surrender electric baby come shine
I'm taking you good, I'm taking you bad, I guess your star is rising now
(I'll be riding it, I'll be riding it)
Wanna make some music, to take me in and out of my head
Get into my groove, in time with my body instead
And when the bass kicks in, I can feel my song beginning
Boy your lovin' gets me high, cCause you're the only one
Who can pump it loud the way I like
You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on, let yourself go (Ah you're riding it)
Chicas bumping to the beat, from the side and underneath
Yeah my body's where this party's at (I'll be riding it)
Oh-oh (When you're spinning in, I'll be riding it)
He's a little rude and nasty, his tempo is an overload
He gets jiggy with it here, but all I wanna do is vogue
And when the bass kicks in, I can dance like no one's watching
It's a funny kind of feeling, cause you're the only one
Who can pump it loud the way I like
You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on, let yourself go (Ah you're riding it)
Chicas bumping to the beat, from the side and underneath
Yeah my body's where this party's at (I'll be riding it)
Oh-oh (When you're spinning in, I'll be riding it)
Oh-oh (When you're spinning in, I'll be riding it)
And when the bass kicks in, I can dance like no one's watching
It's a funny kind of feeling, cause you're the only one
Who can pump it loud the way I like
You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on, let yourself go (Ah you're riding it)
Chicas bumping to the beat, from the side and underneath
Yeah my body's where this party's at (I'll be riding it)
You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on (When you're spinning in, I'll be riding it)
Chicas bumping to the beat
From the side and underneath (Turn me on) (When you're spinning in, I'll be riding it)
Oh-oh (When you're spinning in, I'll be riding it)
Oh-oh (When you're spinning in, I'll be riding it) oh-oh (I'll be riding it)
Sometimes I feel so blue inside, so when I'm lonely, I drive to ST Tropez
I leave the world behind that's gray, into sunshine, I know i'll be okay i say
Life is short, too beautiful for you to worry
Don't give up, when love is unkind, there's always tomorrow
Don't let them bring you that down that way, the view is golden, believe the old cliché
I need a little time to play, so kiss the moonlight, the night is young at heart they say
La vie est courte, too beautiful for you to worry
Tellement courte, when love is unkind, there's always tomorrow
Just let your imagination take a chance, it'll get you far
Step by step, the road is long, but at the end you can touch a star
I don't care where I came from
It's where i'm going that gets me through, it's all I need to get me through
There's always tomorrow (Quelque fois je suis triste)
There's always tomorrow (Il y a toujours demain, Il y a toujours de l'amour)
Life is short, too beautiful for you to worry
Don't give up, when love is unkind, there's always tomorrow
It's when I look at you, suddenly life, it all makes sense
Feel so beautiful, completely natural, it's love I guess
It's the closest thing, I've imagined it to be
With one kiss, one touch, I'm in heaven, we can make it last baby
Feel my love tonight, knowing it's not goodbye
Leaving my heart at the door (heart at the door)
Keep it warm and true, giving it all to you
I'm coming back for more, so let me love you more
It's when you look at me, I feel like I'm at home, it all works out
It's quite a miracle, so free and wonderful, it's what it's all about
It's the closest thing, I've imagined it to be
With one kiss, one touch, I'm in heaven, we can make it last, baby
Feel my love tonight, knowing it's not goodbye
Leaving my heart at the door (heart at the door)
Keep it warm and true, giving it all to you, I'm coming back for more
Why is it so confunsing, I always thought
I couldn't love you any more than I do, but I do
Feel my love tonight, knowing it's not goodbye
Leaving my heart at the door (heart at the door)
Keep it warm and true, giving it all to you, I'm coming back for more
Feel my love tonight, knowing it's not goodbye
Leaving my heart at the door (heart at the door)
Keep it warm and true, giving it all to you, I'm coming back for more
Take a road where imperfection's
Never where you feel the pinch around the middle
Makes you lose the beat, and then you're stepping out of time
Underneath my clothes there lies a riddle
Fix my tits, my ass or live a little
Got me thinking twice, a girl's allowed to change her mind
What I got is what I need, and I know it's good enough for me
And what I got, take it from me, don't get any better
This is it, this is me, I'm exactly where I wanna be
This is life, take it from me, it don't get any better
Under pressure, older, free, and single
If you want to fit, you better mingle
Don't go losing sleep, you know it's gonna be alright
What I got is what I need, and I know it's good enough for me
And what I got, take it from me, don't get any better
This is it, this is me, I'm exactly where I wanna be
This is life, take it from me, it don't get any better
It don't get any better, I'm flying for free
It don't get any better, ah baby take it from me
What I got is what I need, and I know it's good enough for me
And what I got, take it from me, don't get any better
This is it, this is me, I'm exactly where I wanna be
This is life, take it from me, it don't get any better
What I got is what I need (what I got, what I need)
And I know it's good enough for me
And what I got, take it from me, don't get any better (what I got)
This is it, this is me, I'm exactly where I wanna be (this is it, this is me)
This is life, take it from me, it don't get any better
I've been looking for love in all the wrong places
Different names, familiar faces
I've watched the moon go through its phases
But now I love myself enough to say
It's time to let you go, gotta let my feelings show
Don't wanna say goodbye, I wanna thank you, for loving me back to life
Do you keep yourself warm with the bridges you're burning
Another day gone but what are we learning
Thank God for the young, they keep the world turning
To win the war is not to play the game
It's time to let you go, gotta let my feelings show
Don't wanna say goodbye, I wanna thank you, for loving me back to life
Love to live, live to love, let it go
Learn to live, just forgive and we can grow
Love to live, live to love, let it show
Love to live, just forgive and now I know
There's no gold beyond the rainbow, but everybody needs to dream
It's time to let you go, gotta let my feelings show
Don't wanna say goodbye, I wanna thank you
It's time to let you go, gotta let my feelings show
Don't wanna say goodbye, I wanna thank you, for loving me back to life
For loving me back to life
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and boys you better listen
Names have been changed to protect the innocent, just in case it's about you
I guess I'm in a little predicament, what else can this little girl do
There was Peter, he was a cheater, who couldn't keep his hands to himself
There was Richie, well he got bitchy, so I left him there on the shelf
So I give up on love, I guess I've had enough
And I don't give a... what can I do
Just when I've found the one, and I think loves begun, it's falling through
So I will dry my eyes, and I'll just fantasize
And I'll get moisture eyes and think of you
I'm lookin for the best, and I'll take nothing less, baby what about you
A meeting of minds is so hard to find, is there no such a thing as the one
They say love is blind cos the truth is unkind, I'm just a hot-loaded gun
There was Henry, now he got friendly, while dancing in my pink underwear
And there was David, when he got naked, he didn't have much up - or downstairs
I make a wish every morning
I say a prayer that you're right here with me, being alone is so boring
But it takes one to know one, I think I know you
I guess I'm just asking, do wishes come true?
Cos' now I found my heart I can feel for you
Now I found my wings - I can fly
Now I found my heaven falling from the sky
Just like the music, true love never dies
I'm kinda shy but revealing
So lets do spins and roll around in my bed, but I can't help this stupid feeling
I just want to know you, I think you know me
Wished on a star so the angels could see
Cos' now I found my heart I can feel for you
Now I found my wings - I can fly
Now I found my heaven falling from the sky
Just like the music, true love never dies
Love never dies, no it don't, no it don't
I guess I just know now, when I look at you
Prayers do get answered, wishes come true (oh yes, they do)
Cos' now I found my heart I can feel for you
Now I found my wings - I can fly
Now I found my heaven falling from the sky
Just like the music, true love never dies
Just like the music, true love never dies
No it don't, oh no, and it feels so real
(Only you can set me off, only you can set me off)
No other man has the style or the vibe you do, so cool
There when I need you but not when I don't, you've learnt the rules
Give me the lick that makes me feel sexy from my hip to my feet
You got the bass and you got the treble
Hot like the devil, only you can set me off
You got the love. Je ne sais quoi
Oh la la la, only you can set me off (Only you can set me off)
I'm like a switch, you can turn me on by just one touch
Feeding me, teasing me, you are the sweet I crave so much
Give me that thing that is making me high. You know up my G is alright
You got the bass and you got the treble
Hot like the devil, only you can set me off
You got the love. Je ne sais quoi
Oh la la la, only you can set me off
Une, deux, trois, dancez avec moi, une, deux, trois, je ne sais quoi
Une, deux, trois, dancez avec moi, une, deux, trois
You got the bass and you got the treble
Hot like the devil, only you can set me off
You got the love. Je ne sais quoi
Oh la la la, only you can set me off
You got the bass and you got the treble
Hot like the devil, only you can set me off
You got the love. Je ne sais quoi
Oh la la la, only you can set me off
(Back to the middle, back to the middle and around again) 100% Pure Love
Yes I’m back to life, your super girl
You might as well, come on and ring my bell
I’ve come to take you there, show you how to care
Just be aware, that you’ll have to share
I want your love, I want it tonight
I’m taking your heart, so don’t you fight
I’ll be your answer, I’ll be your wish
I’ll be your fantasy, your favorite dish
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love (100% Pure Love)
You’re my brand new toy, you’re my lover boy
So don’t you cry, come on let’s go outside
Just call my name again, no I’m not a sin
I’ll show you how to win, and where I’ve been
I want your love, I want it tonight
I’m taking your heart, so don’t you fight
I’ll be your answer, I’ll be your wish
I’ll be your fantasy, your favorite dish
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
You’ll never have to run away
You’ll always have a friend to play
You’ll never go out on your own
In me you will find a home, home
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
Don’t you know it, don’t you want it?
Don’t you know it, don’t you want it?
Don’t you know it, don’t you want it?
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
From the back to the middle and around again
I’m gonna be there till the end, one hundred percent, pure love
I want my cape
The night is young, but is getting late
Let it rock, let it rock, let it go (Turn it on!)