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MEGJELENÉS | 2005. Április 11. | |||
FELVÉTELEK | 2004 Június - Október | |||
MŰFAJ | Pop rock | |||
HOSSZ | 45:26 | |||
KIADÓ | Red Girl Records | |||
ÍRÓK | Melanie Chisholm - Paul Boddy - Dele Ladimeji - Adam Argyle - Peter-John Vettese - Phil Thornalley - Dave Munday - Carsten Kroeyer - Jacob Binzer - Ajelown Owais - Deborah Joshua - Charlie Grant - Peter Woodroffe - Tore Johansson - Greg Hatwell - Marc Lane - Richard Buckton - Mathew William Benbrook - Simmons |
PRODUCEREK | Greg Haver - Guy Chambers - Paul Boddy |
UK HELYEZÉSEK | # 24 | |||
ELADÁS | $ 1,000,000 | |||
KISLEMEZEK | Next Best Superstar - Better Alone - First Day of My Life | |||
LIVE | Beautiful Intentions Tour (2005) | |||
< < < < < | Reason (2003) | |||
> > > > > | This Time (2007) |
Melanie C angol énekesnő harmadik szólóalbuma. Ez az első album kiadása Chisholm saját alapítású kiadójánál, a Red Girl Recordsnál, miután a Virgin Records kihagyta. Az album nagy kereskedelmi sikert aratott Európában, bekerült a top 20-ba Ausztriában, Németországban, Skóciában, Svájcban és Portugáliában. Arany minősítést szerzett Németországban, Ausztriában és Svájcban, Portugáliában pedig Platina minősítést. Az albumon megjelentek a "Next Best Superstar" és a "First Day of My Life" slágerek, amelyek minden idők legtöbbet letöltött dalává váltak Németországban. 2006-ban Melanie C hivatalos weboldalán bejelentette, hogy a Beautiful Intentions túladta előző albumát, a Reasont, és egyes európai országokban arany és platina minősítést kapott.
Előző albuma, a Reason megjelenése után Chisholmot eredeti lemezkiadója, a Virgin Records elbocsátotta. Kihagyásának fő oka második albuma, a „Reason” csalódást keltő eladása volt. Melanie C a The Guardiannek adott interjújában arról beszélt, hogy Virgin kiejtette, és azt nyilatkozta, hogy "[Vegyes érzéseim voltak]. Tudtam, hogy kezdik elveszíteni a belém vetett hitüket, így tulajdonképpen megkönnyebbültem, hogy elmentem. opciók és a saját kiadó megalapítása volt a legizgalmasabb." 2004 tavaszán létrehozta saját független lemezkiadóját, a "Red Girl Records"-t, hogy saját projektjeit rögzítse és kiadja, menedzsere, Nancy Phillips mellett. A nevet a labdarúgó Liverpool F.C. színei ihlették, amelyet Chisholm támogat.
Az album Chisholm szerelmi munkája volt egy évig, és 2004 júniusában Barfly mini-turnéján hat számot nézett meg, mielőtt stúdióba ment volna, hogy rögzítse a számokat. Az első kislemez, a "Next Best Superstar" megjelenését követően az album 2005. április 11-én jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban és néhány más országban. Később az albumot néhány országban újra kiadták (egy új dallal: "First Day of My Life"). Chisholm egy ausztrál interjúban kijelentette, hogy örül annak, hogy a Beautiful Intentions túladta a Reasont. A Beautiful Intentions arany minősítést kapott Németországban és Svájcban. Portugáliában platina lett (9 hét az 1. helyen).
Az AllMusic szerkesztője, Matthew Chisling úgy találta, hogy "az új kreatív irányítás, amellyel Melanie C rendelkezett albuma felett, jelentősen kiszélesítette a látókörét; Melanie szabadabban repülhetett az Intentions-en, és szólózenéjének éles, új külsőt adott. Melanie C a Beautiful Intentionsen fejlesztette ki stílusát egy agresszív pop-szögletű albumba, amely nehéz ütemekkel büszkélkedhet drámai rock lendületekkel, amelyeket zenei energiaciklonok öntöttek el. Más, tehetséges rockdíváktól, például Anastaciától kölcsönzött tulajdonságokat, hogy ezúttal egy bombasztikusabb mintavételt produkáljon." Összegezve: "A végtermék egyszerűen káprázatos; a Beautiful Intentions pedig kétségtelenül a Spice Girls legerősebb szólóalbuma. Az igazat megvallva, előadótól függetlenül ez volt 2005 egyik legerősebb szólópop albuma." Paul Taylor, a Manchester Evening News munkatársa szintén Anastacia 2004-es albumával hasonlította össze a dalokat, és "sokkal szebb albumnak" nevezte, mint amire jogunk volt.
Betty Clarke, a The Guardiannek írója megjegyezte: "A saját, önfinanszírozott Red Girl Records kiadónál jelent meg, az album keserű támadás a régi munkaadói ellen. A sebezhetőség és a bántódás kórusa által vezetett konfekciója, annak tűpróbálási szándéka - "You'll Get Yours" és a "Don't Need This" csak két cím – és az agresszív pop-rock hangzás miatt ez Chisholm eddigi legerősebb albuma." Az Entertainment.ie ír webhely megállapította, hogy "ő minden bizonnyal előadja ezeket a riffeket. tele dalok merész meggyőződéssel, az előzenekar pedig olyan szoros, ahogy jön. De az általános hangzásnak van egy általános, feldolgozott hangulata, és szegény öreg Mel nem tud érdekes dalszöveget írni, hogy megmentse az életét. A Beautiful Intentions minden bizonnyal megőriz nehéz, de végül nem sikerül meggyőzni." Matthias Manthe, a laut.de-től, a Beautiful Intentions-t egy sziklaszilárd albumnak nevezte, amely nem köt kompromisszumot a listákkal való kompatibilitás terén. Ül a rock és a pop székek között anélkül, hogy bárki lábujjára lépne. Mel C kellemes dallamokat énekel a szerelemről és az üzleti élet igazságtalanságairól."
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Paul Boddy, Dele Ladimeji Producerek Greg Haver, Paul Boddy |
Írók Adam Argyle Producerek Greg Haver Kislemez megjelenés 2005. Április 4. UK Helyezés # 10 Eladás $ 20,833 |
03 / BETTER ALONE / 4:35 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Greg Haver Kislemez megjelenés 2005. Augusztus 1. / 2006. Február 26. GER Helyezés # 51 Eladás $ 200,000 |
04 / LAST NIGHT ON EARTH / 3:28 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Phil Thornalley, Dave Munday Producerek Greg Haver |
05 / YOU WILL SEE / 3:29 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Carsten Kroeyer, Jacob Binzer, Ajelown Owais, Deborah Joshua Producerek Greg Haver |
06 / NEVER SAY NEVER / 3:11 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Charlie Grant, Peter Woodroffe Producerek Greg Haver, Charlie Grant, Peter Woodroffe |
07 / GOOD GIRL / 4:07 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Tore Johansson Producerek Greg Haver |
08 / DON'T NEED THIS / 3:50 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Greg Hatwell, Marc Lane Producerek Greg Haver |
09 / LITTLE PIECE OF ME / 3:00 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Richard Buckton, Peter Woodroffe Producerek Greg Haver |
10 / HERE AND NOW / 4:29 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Mathew William Benbrook, Simmons Producerek Greg Haver |
11 / TAKE YOUR PLEASURE / 3:11 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Paul Boddy, Dele Ladimeji Producerek Greg Haver |
12 / YOU'LL GET YOURS / 4:43 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Greg Haver, Peter-John Vettese |
01 / FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE/ 4:04 |
Írók Enrique Iglesias, Guy Chambers Producerek Richard Flack Kislemez megjelenés 2005. Szeptember 30. GER Helyezés # 01 Eladás $ 1,500,000 |
> EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE / Kislemez: Next Best Superstar (2005) |
> RUNAWAY / Kislemez: Better Aloner (2005) |
> WARRIOR / Kislemez: Better Alone (2005) |
NEXT BEAT SUPERSTAR Melanie C angol énekesnő dala. A számot Adam Argyle írta, a producer pedig Greg Haver a Beautiful Intentions (2005) című harmadik szólóalbumához. A dalban dübörgő dobok és újhullámos gitárok szólalnak meg, és a hírnév ingatagságáról beszél, ami olyan műfaji műsorokból ered, mint a Pop Idol zenei verseny.
A "Next Best Superstar" az album vezető kislemezeként jelent meg 2005. április 4-én. A dal a tizedik helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, és a legtöbb listán a legjobb negyven közé jutott, és az első tíz sláger közé került Belgium, Olaszország és Skócia. A kísérő klip a norvég rendező, Ray Kay volt.
BETTER ALONE A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. Ez a második kislemez a Beautiful Intentions című harmadik albumáról. A dal egy zongorával aláfestett ballada, amely olyan témákat fed le, mint a függetlenség és a fojtogató kapcsolatból való emancipáció. Az Egyesült Királyságban megvásárolható volt az iTunes-on és a Melanie C webhelyén található online boltban, amely két fizikai CD-ből és egy DVD kislemezből álló korlátozott példányszámban értékesített. Ausztráliában, Olaszországban, Svédországban és Hollandiában is megjelent. 2006 februárjában, a First Day of My Life sikere után a "Better Alone"-t Németországban, Ausztriában és Svájcban adták ki egy új videoklip kíséretében, több mint 200 000 példányban kelt el világszerte.
FIRST DAY OF MY LIFE Melanie C brit énekesnő dala. 2005. szeptember 30-án jelent meg Németországban, Ausztriában és Svájcban Melanie C harmadik szólóalbumának, a Beautiful Intentions (2005) harmadik és utolsó kislemezeként. A dal Németországban, Spanyolországban és Svájcban az első helyen végzett, Németországban platina, Svájcban pedig arany minősítést kapott. A dal Melanie C legsikeresebb kislemeze a kontinentális Európában, két évet töltött különböző európai slágerlistákon. A kislemez több mint 1,5 millió példányban kelt el világszerte.
Háttér: A dalt Guy Chambers és Enrique Iglesias írta, eredetileg Andrea Bocelli olasz tenor vette fel, az olasz szöveggel "Un Nuovo Giorno" címmel a 2004-es, névadó Andrea albumára, és ki is adta. egyetlen ugyanabban az évben. A dal nem az eredeti Beautiful Intentions kiadásból származott, hanem Németországban, Svájcban, Ausztriában és más európai országokban újrakiadták.
BETTER ALONE Melanie C újabb próbálkozása a "Better Alone"-val. A kislemez meg sem közelítette a "First Day of My Life" sikerét, pedig ugyanazokban az országokban adták ki. Ez az új Better Alone, amely különbözik az elsőtől, egy figyelemfelkeltő videóval érkezett, új borítóval (rejtélyesebb), új számlistával, beleértve a "You'll Get Yours"-t akusztikus változatban. A Better Alone-t választották a Morangos com Açúcar portugál szappanopera filmzenéjének.
DON'T NEED THIS 2006-ban jelent meg promóciós kislemezként.
BEAUTIFUL INTENTIONS TOUR [2005. Április 2. - December 16.] Melanie C angol énekesnő negyedik koncert turnéja volt. A turné 2005. április 2-án kezdődött az Egyesült Királyság Londonjában, a London Astoriában, és 2005. december 16-án ért véget a németországi Karlsruhe-ban, a Festhalle Durlach-ban. Az amszterdami koncerten ugyanazon a napon egy másik, ugyanazon dallista koncert került megrendezésre, ezt a koncertet Ausztriában tartották a Heitere Open Air fesztivál keretében.
I couldn't help but open my big mouth
As I stumbled into you the words fell out
Well you asked me the question and I just couldn't lie
But why did you bother when you knew what you'd find
No no no, I didn't mean to leave you standing in the dark
So blind, that I can't decide
If you knew that I, harboured beautiful intentions for you
So cruel, that I never knew
Truly if you, harboured beautiful intentions for me
When they give you your identity
Tell me will you recognise yourself?
You're so influenced by the things that you hear
Down with the smoke screen to make everything clear
Oh oh oh, you gotta learn to live and take it in your stride
So blind, that I can't decide
If you knew that I, harboured beautiful intentions for you
So cruel, that I never knew
Truly if you, harboured beautiful intentions for me
So blind, so blind, so blind, so blind
Jaded with exhausting pressure, will I feel like this forever?
Faded inconsistent pleasure, wear me down wear me out
Jaded with exhausting pressure, will I feel like this forever?
Faded inconsistent pleasure, wear me down wear me out
So blind, that I can't decide
If you knew that I, harboured beautiful intentions for you
So cruel, that I never knew
Truly if you, harboured beautiful intentions for me
(So blind, can't decide) I wanna know, did I disappoint you?
(Knew that I) It still hurts to mention the words that were spoken now
(So cruel, never knew) I wanna know, are you contemplating?
(If you) The beautifully intended yet tainted impression of me
So blind, can't decide (so blind, I can't decide)
Knew that I, harboured beautiful intentions for you
So cruel, never knew (so cruel, that I never knew)
If you, harboured beautiful intentions for me
Sign a name, sign away every hour, every day
You're living your dream
Play the game; take the blame for the power and the fame
You're living your dream
Sell your life; sell your soul telling everyone you know
You're living your dream
And you know that you're good, cause they told you could be
The next best superstar
And you know you can sing, and you'll do anything to be
The next best superstar (you're the next best superstar)
Make a joke; do the show, where does all the money go?
You're living your dream
Crack a smile in denial; throw your morals on the fire
You're living your dream
Sell your life; sell your soul telling everyone you know
You're living your dream
And you know that you're good, cause they told you could be
The next best superstar
And you know you can sing, and you'll do anything to be
The next best superstar (you're the next best superstar)
Now you're broken
And how they brought you down
So now you're crawling out
And you know that you're good, cause they told you could be
The next best superstar
And you know you can sing, and you'll do anything to be
The next best superstar
And you know that you're good, cause they told you could be (You know, you're gonna be)
The next best superstar (yeah)
And you know you can sing, and you'll do anything to be (You know, you're gonna be)
The next best superstar (yeah)
The next best superstar, the next best superstar
I understand your point of view, letting me go, but I thought you had more faith
Everything I've done for you, you made the mistake, so now you throw this in my face
And I have worked so hard for you
All of this time and you pass me aside, I understand your point of view
But I can't seem to get my head around
All the things that I feel good about always seem to disappear
And every time I think I've got this all worked out
Something chews me up and spits me out
But there's nothing left to fear, I'm better alone my dear
You couldn't pick a better time, to give me the news
Why don't you kick me when I'm down, I always believed in you
Defended your name, but you have not been true
I gave you so much of my life
I come from miles and you tell me goodbye, you couldn't pick a better time
And I can't seem to get my head around
All the things that I feel good about always seem to disappear
And every time I think I've got this all worked out
Something chews me up and spits me out
But there's nothing left to fear, I'm better alone my dear
I know, I really should thank you for setting me free
It's really amazing the changes I'm starting to feel
It's not gonna be long till I'm feeling strong
Deliverance helped me heal
Still I wonder if you ever wish you still had me
Will I ever get my head around
All the things that I feel good about that always seem to disappear
When every time I think I've got this all worked out
Something chews me up and spits me out
But there's nothing left to fear (no, no, no)
I can't seem to get my head around
All the things that I feel good about that always seem to disappear (no, no)
And every time I think I've got this figured out
Something screws me up and drags me down
But there's nothing left to fear, I'm better alone my dear
Hey sugar hey, you think I'd ever let you go, get away
Ain't gonna happen, you know what I mean
Hard as it seems, everybody's gotta dream a little dream
Chill baby chill, I wish I could but I can't stop until
Need a shoot of you to my brian, here we go again
Keep on moving baby like a runaway train
Like it's the last night on earth, like it's the only chance we get to live
Let's give it all away, give it all we got, 'cos my love won't wait for tomorrow
Like it's the last dance at the disco, like it's the only song we get to sing
Let's give it all away, give it all we got, till the sun comes up sugar, don't stop
Shake baby shake, we know we have it
I don't wanna break, you're sending a shiver down my spine
Playing with my mind, accelerate cos we're running out of time
Feel baby feel, I want you from your head to your heals
Like I want you from your heart to your soul
Baby, now ya know, move a little closer am I gonna lose control
Like it's the last night on earth, like it's the only chance we get to live
Let's give it all away, give it all we got, 'cos my love won't wait for tomorrow
Like it's the last dance at the disco, like it's the only song we get to sing
Let's give it all away, give it all we got, till the sun comes up sugar, don't stop
Don't stop (don't stop) oh-oh, don't stop (don't stop) oh-oh
Don't stop (don't stop) oh-oh, don't stop (don't stop)
Shake baby shake, shake baby shake
The only habit I don't wanna break, shake baby shake
Like it's the last night on earth, like it's the only chance we get to live
Let's give it all away, give it all we got, 'cos my love won't wait for tomorrow
Like it's the last dance at the disco, like it's the only song we get to sing
Let's give it all away, give it all we got, till the sun comes up sugar, don't stop
Like it's the last night on earth, like it's the only chance we get to live
Let's give it all away, give it all we got, till the sun comes up sugar, don't stop
I'm caught up in a mystery way, I'm in a constant distant state
I pray for this to always be, the path that has been chosen for me
Cos it's got me spinning round and round, round and round
So high I can't touch the ground anymore, and it's all that I'm praying
So let it rain, let it pour, call me names it won't phase me
I don't care what they say, no denouncement could change me
Cos it's only a matter of time 'til it finds you
Try to run for your life, you'll still feel it behind you
You will see, you will, you will see, you will, you will see
Everybody starts with a clean slate, only altered by unnecessary hate
I pray that I will never be, affected by how you portray me
Cos it's got me spinning round and round, round and round
But I'm not scared of being down any more, now there's no one controlling me
So let it rain, let it pour, call me names it won't phase me
I don't care what they say, no denouncement could change me
Cos it's only a matter of time 'til it finds you
Try to run for your life, you'll still feel it behind you
You will see, you will, you will see, you will see, you will, you will see
(Let ir rain) I'm not a slave to your attention
(Let it pour) Fuck your lies I'll never be a victim
(Let it rain) I Fell from the sky, a perfect landing
(Let it pour) Sheltered from the storm and all the rain, you will see
So let it rain, let it pour, call me names it won't phase me
I don't care what they say, no denouncement could change me
Cos it's only a matter of time 'til it finds you
Try to run for your life, you'll still feel it behind you
Let it rain, let it pour, call me names it won't phase me
I don't care what they say, no denouncement could change me
Cos it's only a matter of time 'til it finds you
Try to run for your life, you'll still feel it behind you
You will see, you will, you will see, you will see, you will, you will see
You say never say never baby, does it make you feel like everything's alright?
I say why all of your fantasising
Who am I to burst your bubble, if it's all ya got to get you through another night
It's hard moving on, you gotta draw the line
The feeling never comes back when it's gone
That was then, this is now
No turning back, no second time around, you're like a
Stuck record going round, round, round, you turn me off just gotta turn you down
So try to get it into your brain, don't you ever say, never say never again
Now you're beginning to patronise me, acting like there's nothing you don't know
But wild horses couldn't drag me back and make me
Live the life I left behind, cos the fact is that I'm so much better on my own
It's hard moving on, you gotta draw the line
The feeling never comes back when it's gone
That was then, this is now
No turning back, no second time around, you're like a
Stuck record going round, round, round, you turn me off just gotta turn you down
So try to get it into your brain, don't you ever say, never say never again, like a
Stuck record going round, round, round, you turn me off just gotta turn you down
So tired and it's always the same, don't you ever say never say never say never again
I never thought that I would overcome the pain
I'd have to be a fool to go back there again, you're like a
Stuck record going round, round, round, you turn me off just gotta turn you down
So try to get it into your brain, don't you ever say, never say never again, like a
Stuck record going round, round, round, you turn me off just gotta turn you down
So tired and it's always the same, don't you ever say never say never say never again
I feel so bad
Never felt like this 'bout anything I never have
No, please don't tell me that
What's lost is lost it's never gonna come back home
I walk in circles when there's no one around, try to find my own direction
I test the water but it burns my hand, as I disfigure my reflection
I've been a good girl but you let me down
I feel so bad
Never felt like this 'bout anything I never have
No, please don't tell me that
What's lost is lost it's never gonna come back home
I lie in silence and I just can't sleep, how I long for your affection
My eyes are tired and my body is weak, I can't handle this rejection
And I think it's mean how you let me down
I feel so bad
Never felt like this 'bout anything I never have
No, please don't tell me that
What's meant to be is meant to be it's no consolation
I'll carry on proving everyone wrong, I will succeed
I feel so bad
Never felt like this 'bout anything I never have
No, please don't tell me that
What's lost is lost it's never gonna come back home
I feel so bad (I lie in silence and I just can't sleep)
Never felt like this 'bout anything I never have, no
No, please don't tell me that (My eyes are tired and my body is weak)
What's meant to be is meant to be it's no consolation
City limits never change, whispers keep me hunted
Though I challenge everything I remain captivated
Trying to leave this life behind, I have become the hunter
Now I'm planning my attack and I will surely rise again
Running from yourself isn't gonna save you
I don't need this I don't need you, I'm hitting back for what you put me through
I'm over this I'm over you, I'm taking back what I have given you
I don't need this I don't need you, I'm taking back what I have given you
I'm over this I'm over you, I'm hitting back for what you put me through
I don't need this I don't need you, I don't need this don't need you
Time has rediscovered me and everything I wanted
Now I'm standing here alone, your presence haunts me
I had the strength to overcome, and introduce the fighter
No longer hidden in my self-inflicted pain and misery
Running from yourself isn't gonna save you
I don't need this I don't need you, I'm hitting back for what you put me through
I'm over this I'm over you, I'm taking back what I have given you
I don't need this I don't need you, I'm taking back what I have given you
I'm over this I'm over you, I'm hitting back for what you put me through
Am I lying to myself, is it wrong, is it right?
Trying too hard to impress, I wanna belong, feel alright
Am I lying to myself, am I wrong, am I right?
Running from yourself is never gonna save you
I don't need this I don't need you, I'm hitting back for what you put me through
I'm over this I'm over you, I'm taking back what I have given you
I don't need this I don't need you, I'm taking back what I have given you
I'm over this I'm over you, I'm hitting back for what you put me through
I don't need this I don't need you, I don't need this, don't need you
I can see you think that you're the one
I could fall for you but I wouldn't waste my time
I should be less cynical but I've heard it all before
I know exactly what's on your mind
All you want me to be is a little souvenir
Of a night that you won't even remember
It's not because I'm worth it, not 'cause I deserve it
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me
It's not because you feel it, not because you really mean it
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me
Don't think that I'm unapproachable
Playing games with you 'cause I wouldn't waste my time
I could be less cynical but I've heard it all before
Every single word of every line
All you want me to be is a little souvenir
Of a night that you won't even remember
It's not because I'm worth it, not 'cause I deserve it
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me
It's not because you feel it, not because you really mean it
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me (But I don't wanna be)
Something you can talk about
That's something I could do without, I'm not like you
I can't fake it the way you do
You say you want me, well if it's true
It's not because I'm worth it, not 'cause I deserve it
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me
It's not because you feel it, not because you really mean it
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me (Yeah yeah)
Not because I'm worth it, not 'cause I deserve it (All you want me to be is a little souvenir)
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me
(Of a night that you won't even remember)
It's not because you feel it, not because you really mean it
(All you want me to be is a little souvenir)
You just wanna get your hands on a little piece of me
(Of a night that you won't even remember) (Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I walked the line so carefully, I took my time, I wondered
The here and now, what matters now, no looking back, that's over
I don't know what tomorrow brings, the sun may shine, the world come tumbling down
I don't care what went on before, but I'm sure of the here and now
I stood alone, the only one, I didn't know I was waiting
For liberty to feel like me, and now I'm here I'm not willing to change
I don't know what tomorrow brings, the sun may shine, the world come tumbling down
I don't care what went on before, but I'm sure of the here and now
The here and now, the here and now
If you choose we won't move, I'm here with you, the air is calm, no more to do
I don't know what tomorrow brings, the sun may shine, the world come tumbling down
I don't care what went on before, but I'm sure of the here and now, the here and now
I don't know what tomorrow brings, the sun may shine, the world come tumbling down
I don't care what went on before, but I'm sure of the here and now
The here and now, the here and now
Do you feel I should say goodbye?
That will not be necessary, here's the reason why
Because your dreams, of my premature demise
Will be overshadowed, by the truth you cannot hide
It seems simple to me that revenge ain't so sweet, twisted turned you so ugly
You take your pleasure from my pain. inflict your damage
I expect your delusion is part of you hating yourself
So take your pleasure from my pain
Your desire to obliterate my world
Isn't gonna happen, that's not what I deserve
With the belief that you bullied out of me
Did it satisfy you? Did it make you feel complete?
I would rather be free, keep my integrity, there's no price that's the bottom line
You take your pleasure from my pain. inflict your damage
I expect your delusion is part of you hating yourself
So take your pleasure from my pain, inflict your damage
I expect your delusion is part of you hating yourself
So take your pleasure from my pain
Say what you want, it's all in vain
It will be falling on deaf ears again
Say what you like this is my life
You don't understand what I need to survive
You take your pleasure from my pain, inflict your damage
I expect your delusion is part of you hating yourself
So take your pleasure from my pain
You take your pleasure from my pain, inflict your damage
I expect your delusion is part of you hating yourself
So take your pleasure from my pain, so take your pleasure from my pain
So take your pleasure from my pain, so take your pleasure from my pain
Should have trusted my own feelings, but I silenced intuition
When you sacrificed your honesty, I believed that you would be there
To protect me and help me with all I'm going through
There's a joy to being free
That you could have taken from me, but I found the strength to walk away
If you turn the pages and you look inside
There is nothing of me I feel that I have to hide
If you turn the tables and look at yourself
Is there something you fear that you would have to confess?
Many things will come to pass (I can live with that)
I can't help but wonder when you'll get yours
I'm so happy I have moved on, I heard you are regretful
But you sacrificed your dignity, with the power you have abused
You disgust me and trust me I'm not the only one
Haven't I already proved
That I'm better off without you, I'm so glad I walked away
If you turn the pages and you look inside
There is nothing of me I feel that I have to hide
If you turn the tables and look at yourself
Is there something you fear that you would have to confess?
Many things will come to pass (I can live with that)
I can't help but wonder when you'll get yours
For all the lies and your manipulation
For all the times I never felt good enough
You pushed me round, and put me down, to satisfy your childish ego
For all the times you made me feel worthless
The power struggles now I couldn't care less
It's after you, there's nothing you can do, what goes round comes round
If you turn the pages and you look inside
There is nothing of me I feel that I have to hide
If you turn the tables and look at yourself
Is there something you fear that you would have to confess?
Many things will come to pass (I can live with that)
I can't help but wonder when you'll get yours
So I found a reason to stay alive
Try a little harder, see the other side
Talking to myself, too many sleepless nights
Trying to find a meaning to this stupid life
I don’t want your sympathy, sometimes I don’t know who to be
Hey, what you´re looking for?
No one has the answer, they just want more
Hey, who’s gonna make it right?
This could be the first day of my life
So I found a reason, to let it go
Tell you that I’m smiling, but I still need to grow
Will I find salvation in the arms of love?
Will it stop me searching, will it be enough ?
I don’t want your sympathy, sometimes I don’t know who to be
Hey, what you´re looking for?
No one has the answer, they just want more
Hey, who’s gonna make it right?
This could be the first day of my life
The first time to really feel alive, the first time to break the chain
The first time to walk away from pain
Hey, what you´re looking for?
No one has the answer, they just want more
Hey, who’s gonna make it right?
This could be the first day of my life
Hey, what you´re looking for?
No one has the answer, they just want more (oh yeah)
Hey, who’s gonna make it right?
This could be the first day of my life
I'm beginning to get a little tired
Of the misconceived idea, of who you seem to think I am
Although it looks that this come easy (easy)
You know for well I've had my problems, and I've cried
Don't be so quick to criticize me, don't dismiss me out of hand
It's not over, simply changing, and no one is to blame
I believe in what I'm feeling, and nothing stays the same
Everything must change
Could anything I say provoke you
Take a chance, go ahead try something new
Can you truly (truly) hand in heart admit you feel good
About everything you say or do
I don't mean to criticize you, you just need to understand (no oh)
It's not over, simply changing, and no one is to blame
Just believe in, what you're feeling, cos nothing stays the same
No don't fight it, don't deny it, you'll find yourself again
Just believe in what you're feeling, cos nothing stays the same
Everything must change (Are we so different after all?)
Everything must change
It's not over, simply changing, and no one is to blame
Just believe in what you're feeling, cos nothing stays the same
No don't fight it, don't deny it, you'll find yourself again
Just believe in what you're feeling, cos nothing stays the same
It's not over, simply changing, no don't fight it, don't deny it
Everything must change
Continuously question, where this road is leading to
Disregard my intention, there's something I feel I need to do
Gotta run baby run baby run, gotta run baby run baby run
Gotta run baby run baby run baby run
I wanna runaway, I wanna change my name oh
I wanna shed this skin, a new life to begin
The world is spinnin' faster, feel like I'm caught in a hurricane
Underrating this disaster, and there is only myself to blame
Gotta run baby run baby run, gotta run baby run baby run
Gotta run baby run baby run baby runaway
I wanna runaway, I wanna change my name oh
I wanna shed this skin, a new life to begin
I wanna runaway, I wanna change my name oh
I wanna shed this skin, a new life to begin
Gotta run baby run baby run, gotta run baby run baby run
Gotta run baby run baby run baby runaway
I wanna runaway, I wanna runaway
I wanna take a chance and never come back again
I wanna getaway, I wanna getaway
I wanna leave this mess behind I wanna start again
I wanna run I wanna run I wanna runaway
I wanna run I wanna run I wanna runaway
I wanna run I wanna run I gonna runaway
I want to feel like a warrior, with an army at my side
Cause no harm, only protect me, I want to feel like a conquer
Anything that'd dare to stand in my way
And I'm sure I could change for the better, everything would be ok
I am a little older, I still need you to take me over
With a little help, the help you give to me
With a little faith, the faith you have in me
With a little love, give me the strength that I need
I want to feel I'm ascending, so much higher than I've ever climbed
And do not be afraid of the danger, I want to feel I'm worthy
Of everything I have ever achieved, I do not want to bask in the glory
Of something that I don't believe
This life is full of fear, let me know that you are here
With a little help, the help you give to me
With a little faith, the faith you have in me
With a little love, give me the strength that I need
With a little help, the help you give to me
With a little faith, the faith you have in me
With a little love, give me the strength that I need
With a little help, the help you give to me
With a little faith, the faith you have in me
With a little love, give me the strength that I need
Quand mes nuits déraisonnent, trop blanches et noires
Comment aller de l'autre côté du miroir?
Qui arrête mes gestes? Et qui glace mes pas?
Ce n'est peut-être personne ou peut-être toi
Je vois sur cette rive comme une déraison de survivre
Même si je cherche encore
Une lueur d'histoire quand je m'endors
Hey, j'ose m'avouer tout bas
Quitte à mourir de peur, je suis née pour toi
Quand le silence résonne et griffe ma peau
Le matin j'imagine la douceur de tes mots
Ton regard me frissonne, tes rêves m'effleurent
Mais comment te le dire? A l'encre du cœur
Sans savoir ils me délivrent toute une déraison de survivre
Même si je cherche encore
Une lueur d'histoire quand je m'endors
Hey, j'ose m'avouer tout bas
Quitte à mourir de peur, je suis née pour toi
Cette fois je ne m'enfuirai pas, cette fois je f'rai mon ciel
Cette fois il brille pour moi le soleil
Même si je cherche encore
Une lueur d'histoire quand je m'endors
Hey, j'ose m'avouer tout bas
Quitte à mourir de peur, je suis née pour toi
Même si je cherche encore
Une lueur d'histoire quand je m'endors (oh yeah)
Hey, j'ose m'avouer tout bas
Quitte à mourir de peur, je suis née pour toi