REASON | ||||
![]() |
MEGJELENÉS | 2003. Március 10. | |||
FELVÉTELEK | 2001 November - 2002 December | |||
MŰFAJ | Pop rock | |||
HOSSZ | 48:28 | |||
KIADÓ | Virgin Records | |||
ÍRÓK | Melanie Chisholm - Marius De Vries - Robert Howard - Peter-John Vettese - Matte Rowe - Stefan Skarbek - Gregg Alexander - Rick Nowels - Colin Campsie - Phil Thornalley - Guy Chambers - Dave Munday - Tore Johansson - David Arnold - Rhett Lawrence |
PRODUCEREK | Marius De Vries - Peter-John Vettese - Gregg Alexander - Rick Nowels - Guy Chambers - Rhett Lawrence - Damian LeGassick- Rhett Lawrence - Damian LeGassick - Patrick McCarthy - Rick Nowels - William Orbit - Rick Rubin |
UK HELYEZÉSEK | # 05 | |||
ELADÁS | $ 500,000 | |||
KISLEMEZEK | Here it Comes Again - On the Horizon - Melt/Yeh Yeh Yeh | |||
LIVE | Reason Tour (2003) | |||
< < < < < | Northern Star (1999) | |||
> > > > > | Beautiful Intentions (2005) |
Melanie C angol énekesnő második szólóalbuma, amelyet 2003. március 10-én adott ki a Virgin Records. Ez volt a Northern Star folytatása, és az ötödik helyet érte el a brit albumlistán, 30 876 példányban kelt el az első héten. Bár nem teljesített olyan jól, mint a Northern Star, a Reason arany minősítést kapott az Egyesült Királyságban, 101 889 eladott példányával. Az album 500 000 példányban kelt el világszerte. Az album néhány régióban Copy Control védelmi rendszerrel jelent meg. Az albumról szóló kritikák többsége vegyes volt.
Northern Star sikere után Melanie C-t tekintették a Spice Girls egyetlen olyan tagjának, aki szólóművészként állandóan sikeres karriert futott be. Ekkoriban ő volt a Spice Girls egyetlen tagja, akinek még szerződése volt a Virgin Records-szal, mivel a többi Spice Girls szólóelőadóként távozott a Virgin-től.
Chisholm 2000 és 2001 nagy részét világkörüli turnézással töltötte a Northern Star népszerűsítésével, és azt tervezte, hogy 2001 végén stúdióba vonul, hogy megkezdje következő albumának felvételét. Ezalatt az idő alatt Chisholm dolgai nehéznek bizonyultak, mivel 1999-ben depressziót diagnosztizáltak nála. Később elárulta, hogy nehezen viselte a nyilvánosságot és a kemény munkát a Spice Girls napjai alatt, és néhány napon ő is evett. keveset és a kimerülésig gyakorolni. 1999 végén Chisholm depressziója súlyosbodott, és napokat töltött ágyban, és képtelen volt megbirkózni a mindennapi rutinjával. Miután diagnosztizálták a depressziót, 18 hónapig antidepresszánsokat írtak fel neki, emellett étkezési zavarokkal és ellenséges médiareakciókkal is küzdött, amelyek a súlyától a szexualitásáig különböző témákat kérdőjeleztek meg.
A Reason felvételeinek korai szakaszában 2001 novemberében a Virgin Records vezetői aggódtak az album zenei stílusa miatt, mivel Chisholm debütáló albumának legnagyobb slágerei egy R&B kislemez ("Never Be the Same Again") és egy táncos kislemez volt. ("I Turn to You"), és Chisholm ragaszkodott hozzá, hogy továbbra is pop rock albumokat szeretne készíteni. A The Sun szerint egy lemeztársaság forrása kijelentette, hogy "Mel és a Virgin is egyetértettek abban, hogy ragaszkodnia kell ahhoz a rockos hangulathoz, amely hozzájárult ahhoz, hogy 1999-es Northern Star című albuma ilyen jól teljesítsen. De a megállapodásuk itt véget is ér". Chisholm már kijelentette, hogy szeretne új producerekkel dolgozni, miközben megtart néhány producert, akik debütáló albumán dolgoztak. Az album eredeti megjelenési dátumát 2002 októberére tűzték ki, de 2003 márciusáig halasztották, aminek eredményeként számos újság jelent meg, amelyek megkérdőjelezték a lemezkiadóval való kapcsolatát, és arról számoltak be, hogy nyomás nehezedik rá, hogy fogyjon. Az oldalán közzétett hivatalos közleményben Chisholm kijelentette, hogy kapcsolata Virginnel "fantasztikus volt", a felvételek jól haladtak, és nem kényszerítették az album megjelenésének elhalasztására vagy fogyásra. Az album felvételei során összesen 40 dalt rögzítettek. 2002. november 12-én az album címét nyilvánosságra hozták a hivatalos honlapján.
2003 januárjában Chisholm hivatalos számonkénti áttekintést adott a sajtónak, felfedve az album számlistáját, amely egészen más, mint a végleges számlistától. Chisholm kijelentette, hogy örül annak, hogy a Northern Star zeneszerzői és producerei a Reasonban szerepelnek, valamint újakkal dolgozhat együtt, mint David Arnold, Tore Johansson és Peter Vettese. Eredetileg az album 11 számot tartalmazott a következő sorrendben: "Here It Comes Again", "On the Horizon", "Reason", "Lose Myself in You", "Let's Love", "Home", "Soul Boy", " Do I, „Water”, „Positively Somewhere” és „Wonderland”. A "Melt" és a "Yeh, Yeh, Yeh" az utolsó pillanatban egészítették ki az album dallistáját, míg a "Wonderland"-t eltávolították, és az "On the Horizon" DVD-kislemez B-oldalaként adták ki. 2003. január 23-án újságírók egy csoportja kapott meghívást az album meghallgatására és egy interjúra. A Virgin vezetői kijelentették, hogy reményeik szerint "ez lesz az a rekord, amely megdönti az Egyesült Államokat, és vetekszik a világ Avril Lavignesével". Az is kiderült, hogy az albumnak hat változata volt, amely minden érintett lemezcég embere rendelkezett, hogy eldöntsék, melyik a legjobb. A „Here It Comes Again”, amely tulajdonképpen az egyik első dal volt az albumon, amit felvettek, az első kislemezként szolgált.
Az album és a kislemez borítóihoz a Chishom és a Virgin Sean Ellist bízta meg hivatalos fotósnak.[
Miközben az albumon dolgozott, Chisholm felvette a "Independence Day"-t a Bend It Like Beckham című film filmzenéjéhez; a dal később felkerült a Reason japán kiadására. Ő írta a „Help Me Help You” című dalt is Holly Valance számára, amely felkerült Valance Footprints debütáló albumára.
A Reason 2003. március 10-én jelent meg. Az album megjelenése előtt Chisholm olyan tévéműsorokban szerepelt, mint a CD:UK és a V Graham Norton, miközben interjút adott olyan magazinoknak, mint a Times Magazine, az Attitude és a Marie Claire. Egy négy dalból álló szettet is előadott a HMV Londonban. A szett listán szerepelt korábbi első számú kislemeze, a "Never Be the Same Again" és az "I Turn to You", valamint a Reason első kislemeze, a "Here It Comes Again" és a Positively Somewhere című albumszám. A promóció része volt egy exkluzív webcast is 2003. február 24-én, amelyben négy dalt adtak elő, amelyek megegyeztek a HMV setlistével, azzal a kivétellel, hogy az „I Turn to You” helyett a „Goin' Down” . A webcast során Chisholm egy 30 perces interjút készített, ahol a világ minden tájáról érkezett rajongók kérdéseire válaszolt. Kijelentette, hogy fontolóra vette az "On the Horizon", a "Positively Somewhere", a "Reason" és a "Melt" kislemezként való kiadását. Azt is kijelentette, hogy az utolsó pillanatban úgy döntött, hogy lehagyja a "Wonderland"-t az albumról, mert szerinte ez egy sötét dal, ami ellentmond az album pozitív hangulatának. Chisholm 2003. április 24-én indult el a Reason Tour-ra, hogy népszerűsítse az albumot, és 25 európai fellépéssel.
2003 szeptemberében Chisholm részt vett a The Games című brit valóságos sportjáték-show-ban, amelyet a Channel 4-en sugároztak az album promóciója érdekében, ahol súlyosan megsérült. Sérülése megváltoztatta a harmadik kislemeznek választott dalt: eredetileg a "Yeh Yeh Yeh"-t tervezték, de sérülése után a "Melt"-t választották a "Yeh Yeh Yeh"-vel együtt dupla A-oldalként, mert kevés fellépést tudott felmutatni, és a "Melt" balladaként, minimális mozgást igényelve könnyebben népszerűsíthető volt. Sérülése miatt nem tudta teljes mértékben reklámozni utolsó kislemezét és az albumot.
A Reason vegyes kritikákat kapott. Az AllMusic ötből kettő és fél csillagot adott az albumnak, Stephen Thomas Erlewine pedig kijelentette, hogy "[a dalok] színtelenek és karaktertelenek, úgy hangzik, mintha a fő céljuk a poprádióba kerülés lenne." Az albumot "igazi csalódásnak nevezte a nagyon jó, nagyon ígéretes Northern Star után." Johnny Dee, a The Times-nak író, megjegyezte, hogy a Reason dalai "gyakran roppant unalmasak (a címe ellenére a bombasztikusak). A "Here It Comes Again" még csak meg sem érkezik); és keltezett (a "Soul Boy" érzéki ballada megengedhetetlenül Lisa Stansfield-szerű)." A The Guardian öt csillagból kettőt adott a Reasonnak, Alexis Petridis szerint az album "rááll egy irányra, magabiztosan és hatékonyan hangzik, és kicsavarja az eredetiség utolsó cseppjeit is Melanie C-ből." A Drown in Sound úgy jellemezte az albumot, hogy "csak a végletekig nyájas. Melnek nincs meg a hangterjedelme, amit el lehetne húzni." mit próbál csinálni."
Alexis Kirke, a MusicOMH-tól pozitív kritikaként az albumot "tökéletesen csomagolt pop-darabnak" nevezte. Melanie C gondosan megszabott új arculatával és sajtódiplomáciájával együtt igazán sportszerű esélyt ad neki, hogy egyszer és mindenkorra megmeneküljön a Planet Spice gravitációs vonzereje elől. Ennek az albumnak az érettebb természete új tween tömeget vonz, és ezek – Mel korábbi rajongótáborával kombinálva – alapot adnak Miss Chisholmnak egy sikeres szólópop karrierhez az elkövetkező néhány évben."[ Az Albumism című retrospektív recenziójában Quentin Harrison ezt írta: "Második nagylemezének átfogó hangulata egy világosabb, feszesebb hangzást kezdett magában foglalni, mint a Northern Star lazább, mágneses zűrzavara. Lefelé fordította saját személyes démonait és egy akkori démon jelenlétét. -a bimbózó kapcsolatnak szerepe volt a Reason megformálásában. A dalszerzés, amely végig kiváló, a legnagyobb mutatója Melanie C felfrissült gondolkodásmódjának." A The Guardiannek adott 2009-es interjúban Chisholm kijelentette, hogy szerinte a Reason dalai "lehetne erősebbek voltak."
01 / HERE IT COMES AGAIN / 4:17 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Marius De Vries, Robert Howard Producerek Marius De Vries Kislemez megjelenés 2003. Február 24. UK Helyezés # 07 Eladás $ 500,000 |
02 / REASON / 4:20 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Peter-John Vettese |
03 / LOSE MYSELF IN YOU / 4:12 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Matt Rowe, Stefan Skarbek Producerek Damian LeGassick |
04 / ON THE HORIZON / 3:36 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Gregg Alexander, Rick Nowels Producerek Gregg Alexander, Rick Nowels Kislemez megjelenés 2003. Június 2. UK Helyezés # 14 Eladás $ 200,000 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Colin Campsie, Phil Thornalley Producerek Damian LeGassick |
06 / MELT / 3:44 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Guy Chambers Producerek Guy Chambers, Richard Flack Kislemez megjelenés November 10. UK Helyezés # 27 Eladás $ 150,000 |
07 / DO I / 3:34 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Dave Munday, Phil Thornalley Producerek Patrick McCarthy |
08 / SOUL BOY / 4:27 |
Írók Paul Buchanan Producerek Gary Clark |
09 / WATER / 3:37 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Tore Johansson Producerek Patrick McCarthy, Tore Johansson |
10 / HOME / 4:38 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, David Arnold Producerek Damian LeGassick |
11 / LET'S LOVE / 3:23 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Dave Munday, Phil Thornalley Producerek Patrick McCarthy, Phil Thornalley Kislemez megjelenés 2003. Augusztus 6. |
12 / YEH YEH YEH / 4:20 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Rhett Lawrence Producerek Rhett Lawrence Kislemez megjelenés 2003. November 10. UK Helyezés # 27 Eladás $ 150,000 |
13 / INDEPENDENCE DAY / 4:20 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Eliot Kennedy Producerek Eliot Kennedy |
14 / LOVE TO YOU / 4:36 |
Írók Melanie Chisholm, Gary Clark Producerek Gary Clark |
> LOVE TO YOU / Kislemez: Here it Comes Again (2003) |
> LIKE THAT / Kislemez: Here it Comes Again (2003) |
> LIVING WITHOUT YOU / Kislemez: Here it Comes Again (2003) |
> I LOVE YOU WITHOUT TRYING / Kislemez: On the Horizon (2003) |
> WONDERLAND / Kislemez: On the Horizon (2003) |
> KNOCKED OUT / Kislemez: Melt/Yeh Yeh Yeh (2003) |
> I WISH / Kislemez: Melt/Yeh Yeh Yeh (2003) |
> FULL OF FIRE / Törölve |
> HELP ME HELP YOU / Törölve |
HERE IT COMES AGAIN Melanie C brit énekesnő dala. Második albumának, a Reasonnak (2003) vezető kislemezeként jelent meg 2003. február 24-én. A kislemezt viszonylag jól népszerűsítették a rádiókban, tévéműsorokban és magazininterjúkban, miközben szintén Európába, hogy promóciót tegyen. A kislemez eleinte a hét közepén a 4. helyet érte el, de a hét folyamán leesett a listáról, és a 7. helyen végzett. "Here It Comes Again" 2003-ban a 191. legtöbbet eladott kislemez lett az Egyesült Királyságban.
ON THE HORIZON Egy dal, amelyet a brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C adott ki. Ő írta Rick Nowelsszel, Gregg Alexanderrel, és Nowels és Alexander készítette második stúdióalbumához, a Reasonhoz (2003). Az album második kislemezeként kiválasztott dal a 14. helyet érte el a brit kislemezlistán.
LET'S LOVE Melanie C angol énekesnő dala második stúdióalbumáról, a Reasonról. Kislemezként kizárólag Japánban adták ki 2003. augusztus 6-án, miután a "Let's Love"-t engedélyezték egy Toyota TV-reklámhoz, amely hat hónapig futott 2003-ban.
YEH YEH YEH A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. Ez volt a harmadik és egyben utolsó kislemez Chisolm második szólóalbumáról, a Reasonról (2003). A dalt dupla A-oldalként adták ki az Egyesült Királyságban a "Melt"-vel. Európa többi részén a "Yeh Yeh Yeh" egyedül adták ki utolsó kislemezként. A dalt az indiai énekesnő, Shaan "Tanha Dil" című dalának remixéhez is mintázták.
MELT A brit énekes-dalszerző, Melanie C dala. A harmadik és egyben utolsó kislemezként adták ki második szólóalbumáról, a Reasonról (2003). A dal dupla A-oldalként jelent meg a "Yeh Yeh Yeh"-vel az Egyesült Királyságban. Más országokban a „Yeh Yeh Yeh” egyedüliként szolgált utolsó kislemezként. A Jamie Vickery által rendezett fekete-fehér videoklip a Reason Tour kulisszák mögötti felvételeit tartalmazza.
Háttér és kiadás: A "Melt" mellett a "Yeh Yeh Yeh" az utolsó pillanatban került a Reason számlistájára. Eredetileg az volt a terv, hogy 2003. szeptember 22-én adják ki a "Yeh Yeh Yeh"-t harmadik kislemezként, de röviddel azelőtt, hogy ez megtörténhetett volna, Chisolm megsérült a térdében a The Games tévéműsorban, az Azra Akınnal vívott judo meccsen.] Mivel Chisolm mozgása korlátozott volt, sérülés miatt nem tudott teljes mértékben népszerűsíteni egy vidám dalt, ami miatt az eredeti megjelenési dátum eltolódott. Ennek ellenére korlátozottan adta elő a dalt sérült térdével. A "Melt"-et, amely egy sérülés miatt könnyebben népszerűsíthető dal, hozzáadták a mixhez, így megszületett a dupla kislemez.
A kislemez 2003. november 10-én jelent meg, de számos probléma adódott. A készlet legtöbb CD1-jén a számlistát véletlenül felcserélték, így a "Yeh Yeh Yeh" volt az első szám a CD-n. Ennek a nyomdahibának, valamint az erős versenynek, a megfelelő promóció hiányának és a terjesztési problémáknak köszönhetően a kislemez a huszonhetedik helyre került az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, megpecsételve Chisholm sorsát a Virgin Recordsnál, és tovább hátráltatva az album sikeréhez fűződő reményeket. A kislemez mindössze 8313 példányban kelt el az Egyesült Királyságban, de Spanyolországban a 13. helyen végzett.
REASON TOUR [2003. Április 24. - December 17.] Melanie C angol énekes-dalszerző harmadik koncertje volt. A turné 2003. április 24-től december 17-ig tartott.
2003. május 9-én a Shepherd's Bush Empire koncertjét internetes közvetítéssel a MelanieC.net webhelyen közvetítették, és azóta feltöltötte a YouTube-csatornájára. 2003 novemberében az Avo Session Basel koncertjét a 3sat közvetítette.
Hey, don't you worry, everything's alright you know, we're gonna be just fine
If the rain crashes down over you, I will love you dry
There is nobody in this world that could ever take me away from you
I am always by your side
If you need someone to guide you dear, I'd like to try
Don't give up on something you've never had before
(Never could but we would together)
I promise you this, you're the one I adore
Here it comes again, filling my soul, never want to let go
Here it comes again, be at one with your love as below so above
(Here it comes again)
My love is flowing freer than a waterfall, beyond the edge of time
Surrender to the emotion now we can fly, we can fly
And you know there's a reason, that we are who we are (who we are)
I can not resist, you're the one I adore
Here it comes again, filling my soul, never want to let go
Here it comes again, be at one with your love as below so above
(Here it comes again)
Just like there's always gonna be
A place for you and me, a ship that we can sail on
Just like if one and one were three
And everything was free, at the end of some rainbow
Just like a needle and a gun
A circle in a sun, and a knock upon a hidden door, it is you I adore
Here it comes again, filling my soul, never want to let go
Here it comes again, be at one with your love as below so above
Feel it coming again, filling my soul, never want to let go
Here it comes again, be at one with your love as below so above (Yeah yeah)
So you put your cards on the table, you're here, you're willing and able
Do you really understand the challenge you've set yourself
You know I want to adore you, can't believe how life was before you
I must apologize, please understand I'm so demanding
Don't need to be cruel, I never felt that with you
Trouble is I'm a danger to myself
Don't want to push you away, I really want you to stay
Until I figure this out, won't you
Please, come take me over, let me leave me for awhile
Maybe when I'm older, I'll understand the reason why
Understand the reason why
Every day is here to remind me, that the past is always behind me
Something I can never change but I won't let it hold me back
You arrived just in time, now I know I'll be fine
I'm not ashamed to say you truly are my inspiration
Don't need to be cruel, I never felt that with you
Trouble is I'm a danger to myself
Don't want to push you away, I really want you to stay
Until I figure this out, won't you
Please, come take me over, let me leave me for awhile
Maybe when I'm older, I'll understand the reason why
Understand the reason why
Might not be forever, baby whatever, we've got today, won't you
Please, come take me over, let me leave me for awhile
Maybe when I'm older, I'll understand the reason why
Please, come take me over, let me leave me for awhile
Maybe when I'm older, I'll understand the reasons why
Understand the reason why
So many times, I can hear you by my side, but you seem so far away
In my mind, in my heart, if I could only find the words to say
Little voices, whispering choices, telling me where I went wrong
I can see easily, come on baby, come on, come on
Find a better way, to communicate
Stay a little while, stop and listen to me
Anything you want, I will do for you
Words are meaningless, when I lose myself in you
(When I lose myself) When I lose myself in you
(When I lose myself) When I lose myself in you
I'd rather leave, the past behind, don't wanna talk about it no more
Put it down, to history, what we did, we said before
When I gaze, into your eyes, will I see my future there
Shining bright, harbor light, come on baby, I'll take you there
Find a better way, to communicate
Stay a little while, stop and listen to me
Anything you want, I will do for you
Words are meaningless, when I lose myself in you
(When I lose myself) When I lose myself in you
(When I lose myself) When I lose myself in you, when I lose myself in you
Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da
Find a better way, to communicate
Stay a little while, stop and listen to me
Anything you want, I will do for you
Words are meaningless, when I lose myself in you
Find a better way, to communicate
Stay a little while, stop and listen to me
Anything you want, I will do for you
Words are meaningless, when I lose myself in you
People see different things, when they look on the horizon
Do you see dark clouds rolling in fast, cos baby they ain't gonna last
And I can't see anybody else, I can't stop looking at you
Take this dream and make it true
All I see is love, sweet love, on the horizon, oh yeah
Just one look in your deep brown eyes, and baby I'm flyin
This world could be so hard to take, before I found you, I almost stopped trying
To see the good instead of the bad, but your hearts so true, that baby I'm cryin
And every single time we meet, I learn what love is for
It's taking less and giving more
All I see is love, sweet love, on the horizon, oh yeah
Just one look in your deep brown eyes, and baby I'm flyin
And baby I don't wanna see pain in your eyes
Cos you're the one that sets me free
There's nothing in this world that can hurt us
If it's you and me, hey-yeah-yeah
All I see is love, sweet love, on the horizon, oh yeah
Just one look in your deep brown eyes, and baby I'm flyin
All I see is love, sweet love, on the horizon, oh yeah (All i see is love on the horizon)
Just one look in your deep brown eyes, and baby I'm flyin
I-I'm, flyin baby (All I see is love on the horizon) I-I'm, flyin baby
All I see is love, sweet love, on the horizon, oh yeah
Just one look in your deep brown eyes, and baby I'm flyin
I'm here going nowhere, and that's how I want it to stay
Nobody beside me, and I wouldn't want it any other way
I've tried to be someone, somebody they want me to be
I'm back in my own skin now, and I wouldn't want it any other way
I'm positively somewhere, I'm absolutely right now
Here inside of me, I'm who I wanna be, it's a beautiful day
I'm falling down the freeway, definately sunshine
The state of mind I'm in, like the feeling when you win, it's a beautiful day
Too long I've been searching, for something that I'll never find
But that's all behind me now, and I wouldn't want it any other way
I wouldn't want it any other way
I'm positively somewhere, I'm absolutely right now
Here inside of me, I'm who I wanna be, it's a beautiful day
I'm falling down the freeway, definately sunshine
The state of mind I'm in, like the feeling when you win, it's a beautiful day
It's a beautiful day (Beautiful day)
I wouldn't want it any other way, I wouldn't want it any other way
I'm positively somewhere, I'm absolutely right now
Here inside of me, I'm who I wanna be, it's a beautiful day
I'm falling down the freeway, definately sunshine
The state of mind I'm in, like the feeling when you win, it's a beautiful day
State of mind I'm in, like the feeling when you win, it's a beautiful day
Caught in the eye of a storm, where we are born, no truth is spoken
Seems so long ago, and you really don't know, how you got broken, feel me
Give a little bit of love for your people, but save a little bit of love for yourself
Have a little bit of trust in the way you feel, and see your heart melt
Send a little bit of hope down the airwaves, find a little bit of gold, it might help
You've got to have a little bit of faith in everything you know, then let your heart melt
Now is your time to rise, the one you can fly, I know why you sent me, feel me
Give a little bit of love for your people, but save a little bit of love for yourself
Have a little bit of trust in the way you feel, and see your heart melt
Send a little bit of hope down the airwaves, find a little bit of gold, it might help
You've got to have a little bit of faith in everything you do
Then watch you heart, feel your heart melt
Send a little bit of hope down the airwaves, find a little bit of gold, it might help
You've got to have a little bit of faith in everything you know
Then let your heart, feel your heart melt
Someone said in the book I read, love turns on like a light in your head
When it does, you can't see why, just hold on tight, go for a ride
Life can change in a second or two, that's how it felt when I saw you
All I need is honesty, tell me baby
Do I, do I, do I feel like someone you could love, yeah
Do I, do I, do I feel like someone you could hold on to
Am I the one, the one who makes you come undone, do I, do I
Like a planet spinning around the sun, something cosmic has begun
We won't swim against the tide, well just hold on tight, go for a ride
Lightning strikes in a second or two, that's how it felt when I saw you
I can't hold it back no more, tell me baby
Do I, do I, do I feel like someone you could love, yeah
Do I, do I, do I feel like someone you could hold on to
Am I the one, the one who makes you come undone, do I, do I
Do I, do I (Do I, do, do I) Do I, do I
Something happened when I met you, I can see in your eyes, you felt it too
I don't wanna talk anymore, be my baby
Do I, do I, do I feel like someone you could love, yeah
Do I, do I, do I feel like someone you could hold on to
Am I the one, the one who makes you come undone, do I, do I
Do I, do I, do I, do I
Won't you be my soul boy, won't you be my soul
There's been no one like you, trusted and true
I just wanna be loved by you (Is that so wrong)
Just wanna be really loved by you, like a soul boy
Won't you be my soul boy (In the darkness) take me as I am
I've had enough of bad dreams, and one night stands, baby
I just wanna be loved by you (And we'll be strong)
Wanna be really loved by you, like a soul boy
Take me as I am, boy, hold me while you can, boy
There's not a woman in the world, love you better than I do
So take me as I am, be like a soul boy, soul boy
I don't wanna be with no one else (And we belong)
I don't wanna kiss no one else, won't you be my soul boy
No more fighting and no more leaving (Get along)
It ain't exciting, I quit believing, that you're my soul boy, soul
I've been waiting all my life to fly so high
Unbeliable, now the sun is shining in my life
Every day I want you more, we will endure
Anything they say, anything they throw away
Stronger now than yesterday
Feel like I could walk across the water
Heavenly, there's not a cloud up in the sky
And I know for you there'll never be another
So the rain can fall but I would still be dry
I am basking in the light, so wonderful
I wanna celebrate everything that brought me here today
As the ocean hits the shore, forever more
I am by your side, never cross the borderline
Love you till the end of the time
Feel like I could walk across the water
Heavenly, there's not a cloud up in the sky
And I know for you there'll never be another
So the rain can fall but I would still be dry
And baby when I think of you my heart is open
And I do believe that things will never change
Even though our words of love remain unspoken
I look in your eyes and know you feel the same
I wanna stay here forever, your love is making me better
I wanna stay here forever, and love you today
I wanna stay here forever, your love is making me better
I wanna stay here forever (Yeah-yeah)
I wanna stay here forever (I wanna stay here with you)
Your love is making me better (Wanna love you everyday)
I wanna stay here forever (Whoa-yea-yeah)
I wanna stay here forever (I wanna stay here with you)
Your love is making me better (I wanna love you everyday)
I wanna stay here forever (Whoa-yea-yeah)
Once upon a time, before all this mess began
I never felt alone, all now stolen
Simple and surreal, was it a world of make-believe
You could take by the hand, and I'd follow
Hear my voice, did you see me coming
I made the choice, now I'm running
Turn me round, let me go, take me home
Never thought I'd see the day, when my life was not my own
I will throw it all away, without sorrow
But it wouldn't change a thing, wouldn't change the way I feel,
For today is the price I pay, for tomorrow
Hear my voice, did you see me coming
I made the choice, now I'm running
Turn me round, let me go, take me home
Somehow suddenly, it slipped away from me, I reach out, hopelessly, you're gone
Hear my voice, did you see me coming
I made the choice, now I'm running
Turn me round, let me go, take me home
Hear my voice, did you see me coming
I made the choice, now I'm running
So turn me round, let me go, take me home
Now that we're here, we're on our own, tell me your secrets, cut to the bone
Baby you're vicious but baby you're mine, golden delicious, two of a kind
All roads lead, all roads lead, all roads lead to one thing
My heart bleeds, your heart needs, my heart bleeds for one thing
Sugar let's go, let's roll out of control, baby, let's love, let's love
Plane's on the runway, ready to fly, said it was over, baby I lied
Nobody loves you, loves you like I do, nobody could 'cos baby you're mine
All roads lead, all roads lead, all roads lead to one thing
My heart bleeds, your heart needs, my heart bleeds for one thing
Sugar let's go, let's roll out of control, baby, let's love, let's love
Let's go, let's roll out of control, baby, let's love, baby, let's love, love
Let's go, let's roll out of control, baby, let's love, let's love
Let's go, let's roll out of control, baby, let's love, let's love
Na-na-na-na-na (nah-ah-ah-ah) na-na-na-na-na (nah-ah-ah-ah)
Na-na-na-na-na (nah-ah-ah-ah) na-na-na-na-na (nah-ah-ah-ah)
Na-na-na-na-na (nah-ah-ah-ah)
Easier to let go
Give in to yourself tonight, get on with the show
Expect me not to be so pure
Give me one for the road, got a fever for sure
Yeah yeah yeah - I'm on a mission
Yeah yeah yeah - If you're with me raise your hands
Yeah yeah yeah - Got no inhibitions
It's our decision, we're gonna have a good time
Yeah yeah yeah - Got a new religion
Yeah yeah yeah - Gotta take me as I am
Yeah yeah yeah - I've got expectations
With gradification, we're gonna have a good time
So when this thing is through
If you wanna be with me, I'll be lookin for you
Feel the energy tonight
Feelin' the groove, I feel it spinnin around, yeah
Yeah yeah yeah - I'm on a mission
Yeah yeah yeah - If you're with me raise your hands
Yeah yeah yeah - Got no inhibitions
It's our decision, we're gonna have a good time
Yeah yeah yeah - Got a new religion
Yeah yeah yeah - Gotta take me as I am
Yeah yeah yeah - I've got expectations
With gradification, we're gonna have a good time (Gonna have a good time)
I got desire, I feel inspired
I wanna go much higher, and baby I don't wanna come down
All I want is to be excited, so come on, get united
No more need, to hide it
If you're really with me than come on and raise your hands
Yeah yeah yeah - I'm on a mission
Yeah yeah yeah - If you're with me raise your hands
Yeah yeah yeah - Got no inhibitions
It's our decision, we're gonna have a good time
Yeah yeah yeah - Got a new religion
Yeah yeah yeah - Gotta take me as I am
Yeah yeah yeah - I've got expectations
With gradification, we're gonna have a good time
Gonna have a good time, gonna have a good time (yeah yeah yeah)
I know I make mistakes, I will have to live and learn
Sometimes you play with fire, and sometimes you get burned
I have my dream to live, following that star
It doesn't matter how long it takes, it doesn't matter how far
No time for make believing
And it's too late to turn back now, yeah, yeah, yeah
I've been dreaming about it
I can't live without it, I've got to find my own way
I'm not changing my mind now
Or looking behind now, this is my independence day
My independence day
I know it will take some time, but I won't give up the fight
Cause sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but that's all right, oh yeah
I've got to spread my wings, and learn how to fly
Cause this feeling drives me on, it's something I cannot deny
No time to make excuses
Cause it's too late to turn back now, yeah, yeah yeah
I've been dreaming about it
I can't live without it, I've got to find my own way
I'm not changing my mind now
Or looking behind now, this is my independence day
My independence day, hey, my independence day ah
No matter what comes my way
I'm gonna live for today yeah yeah
This is my, this is my independence day
I'm gonna live for today
I've been dreaming about it
I can't live without it, I've got to find my own way
I'm not changing my mind now
Or looking behind now, this is my independence
I've been dreaming about it
I can't live without it, I've got to find my own way
I'm not changing my mind now
Or looking behind now, this is my independence day
My independence day (independence day)
Day, my independence day (independence day)
Wishing on that same bright star
I shouldn't wish my life away, wish my life away
They say it's a small small world
They say it's a small small small small world
Love to me, is beautiful, beautiful, and cruel
Love to you, is dangerous, and dangerous, is cool
When there's nothing else to do
And there's nothing on TV, if that's love to you
Well it isn't love to me, and if there's nothing left to say
Then there's nothing we can do, if that's love to you
Love to me, should be glamorous, adventurous, and sometimes sad
Love to you, is curious
But it's nothing more (nothing more) to you than there (nothing there)
When there's nothing else to do
And there's nothing on TV, if that's love to you
Well it isn't love to me, and if there's nothing left to say
Then there's nothing we can do, if that's love to you
If that's love to you, if that's love to you, oh-whoa
Love to me, is history, cos the mystery, leaves you cold
When there's nothing else to do
And there's nothing on TV, if that's love to you
Well it isn't love to me, and if there's nothing left to say
Then there's nothing we can do, if that's love to you
If that's love to you, is that love to you-oh-whoa
Call me anytime you want, call me don't you ever stop
A silver sun, an empty gun, whatever
And everyone is having fun, whoa-whoa-whoa
I like that, when it comes easily, to me, and everything I couldn't see
I like you, even though I shouldn't do, I like that, I wonder if you like it to
And I like it, and I like it, and I like it, there's nothing like this
Velvet sky the night-time falls, losing sight I start to crawl
And if you claim, a spinning train, whatever
And everyday, I'm gonna play, yeah-yeah-yeah
I like that, when it comes easily, to me, and everything I couldn't see
I like you, even though I shouldn't do, I like that, I wonder if you like it to
I like that, when it comes easily, to me, and everything I couldn't see
I like you, even though I shouldn't do
And I like it, and I like it, and I like it, there's nothing like this
And I like it, and I like it
I like that, when it comes easily, to me, and everything I couldn't see
I like you, even though I shouldn't do, I like that, I wonder if you like it to
I like that, when it comes easily, to me, and everything I couldn't see
I like you, even though I shouldn't do
And I like it, and I like it, and I like it, there's nothing like this
Where will you go, is there something I could say to make you stay
I don't know, but I know I'll never feel this way again
This moment in time, has got me thinking
After everything you said, I'm so easily mislead, oh-oh-oh
When you leave me I'll be empty, I'll wander down a lonely road
Living without you, nothing I can do, oh-oh
Where have you gone, was it something that I said that made you go
All alone, it was you that made the plan that led me on
This moment in time, has got me thinking
After everything you said, I'm so easily mislead, oh-oh-oh
When you leave me I'll be empty, I'll wander down a lonely road
Living without you, nothing I can do, oh-oh
And when you go it won't be easy, my love will burn and fade away
Living without you, how will I get through
How will I get through (How will I get through)
This moment in time, has got me thinking
After everything you said, I'm so easily mislead, oh-oh-oh
When you leave me I'll be empty, I'll wander down a lonely road
Living without you, nothing I can do, oh-oh
And when you go it won't be easy, my love will burn and fade away
Living without you, how will I get through (How will I, how will I)
When you leave me I'll be empty, I'll wander down a lonely road
Living without you, nothing I can do, oh-oh
(I love you without trying)
Driving along in a storm, but we're together
Mountains could fall to the ground, we don't hear a sound
I hear your voice, simply divine, I have no choice, I'll tell you why
I love you without trying, it's always been that way
I love you without trying, and in your arms I stay
Even when we are apart, I'm never lonely
You are a space in my heart no one could fill
Millions of stars, are lighting the sky, feeling the sparks, I'll tell you why
I love you without trying, it's always been that way
When my heart was dying, you took my pain away
Even when the sun is gone
You're the light to guide me home, and be the best in everything I do
You are every part of me
You make me who I want to be, a higher love is what I feel for you
I love you without trying, it's always been that way
When my heart was dying, you took my pain away
I can't remember yesterday
It isn't fair, there is no other way
Still I walk on, and I walk on
With a blade against my back for me, to fall on
Time is not a friend to me, draging waves me down, pulling me in danger
Used to be the wonderland
Stable as a castle made of sand
And I reclaim, mistakes that I made
And it scratches on my back, that without your name
Time is not a friend to me, draging waves me down, pulling me in danger
Time will never heal the pain
Blameless you are not the same
Shameless you are not a friend of mine
Time is not a friend to me, draging waves me down, pulling me in danger
Time is not a friend to me, draging waves me down, pulling me in danger
(Ba-dap, ba-dap, ba-dap, ba-dap, ba-dap, ba-dap)
Time is not a friend to me, seems so hard to understand
I can't escape, escape the memories
Hope me spin back through the years, to find a place
That I want you as wonderland, wonderland, wonderland, wonderland
Knocked out, I can't get up, again
Knocked out, can't find my feet, to stand
Thought I'd learn my lesson, didn't learn it so well
Slap my face i've fallen again
I'm knocked out, I can't get up, again
Find my feet to stand, need a helping hand
You've got me begging on my knees, oh baby please, come back to me
Oh baby hold me now I'm begging you, so please
There is nothing I wouldn't do, anything for you
Oh baby hold me now, I'm begging you so please
Knocked out, I don't who, I am
Knocked out, I don't where, I stand
Thought I'd learn my lesson, didn't learn it so well
Slap my face I've fallen again
I'm knocked out, by another man
I don't know where I stand, don't know who I am
You've got me begging on my knees, oh baby please, come back to me
Oh baby hold me now I'm begging you, so please
There is nothing I wouldn't do, anything for you
Oh baby hold me now, I'm begging you so please
Could you turn this way, come back to me
Come back where you're meant to me
Could you come back baby, I am begging please, come back to me
You've got me begging on my knees, oh baby please, come back to me
Oh baby hold me now I'm begging you, so please
There is nothing I wouldn't do, anything for you
Oh baby hold me now, I'm begging you so please
Lookin' back on when I, was a little nappy-headed boy
Then my only worry, was for Christmas what would be my toy
Even though we sometimes, would not get a thing
We were happy with the, joy the day would bring
Sneaking out the back door, to hangout with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door, boy, thought I told you not to go outside
Trying the best to bring the water to your eyes
Thinking it might stop her from whoopin' your behind
I wish these days could come back once more, why did those days ever have to go
I wish these days could come back once more, why did those days ever have to go
'Cause I loved them so
Do-do, do-do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do-do, do-do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Brother says he's tellin', about you playin' doctor with that girl
Just don't tell, I'll give you, anything you want in this whole wide world
Mama gives you money for Sunday school
You trade yours for candy after church is through
Smoking cigarettes and, writing something nasty on the wall (you nasty girl)
Teacher sends you to the, principal's office down the hall
You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right
But while you were doin' it, it sure felt outta sight
I wish these days could come back once more, why did those days ever have to go
I wish these days could come back once more, why did those days ever have to go
'Cause I loved them so
Do-do, do-do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do-do, do-do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Tell me how it feels, what you're going though
It's like a little too real, a little too real
Take another breath, take another day
Get a little sad, let it fade away
Help me heal, the way you feel, everything you conceal, let me see
How it feels, like a waterfall, you know you can have it all, take my hand
Help me help you, help me help you
Help me help you, help me, wouldn't that be cool
Make another plan, feel a different sun
Set another sea, and make it start again
Take another look, play a different game
Fly a different flag, and throw the past away
Help me heal, the way you feel, everthing you conceal, let me see
How it feels, like a waterfall, you know you can have it all, take my hand
Help me help you, help me help you
Help me help you, help me, wouldn't that be cool
Help me help you, help me help you
Help me help you, help me, wouldn't that be cool
You will be free someday
The pain will go away, just leave it in the past
You're already on your way
You know you can have it all, take my hand
Help me (When you wanna be turned around)
Help you (When you wanna be turned around)
Help me (When you wanna talk some more) help you
Help me (When you wanna be turned around)
Help you (When you wanna be turned around)
Help me (When you wanna talk some more) wouldn't that be cool
Help me help you, help me help you
Help me help you, help me, wouldn't that be cool