• MEGJELENÉS 2001. Október 1.
  • FELVÉTELEK 1999 Október - 2001 Július
  • MŰFAJ Pop, R&B
  • HOSSZ 45:55
  • KIADÓ Virgin Records
  • ÍRÓK Victoria Beckham, Steve Kipner, Andrew Frampton, David Frank, Jack Kugell, Matt Prime, Harvey Mason Jr., Damon Thomas, Dane Bowers, J. Valentine, Johan Åberg, Paul Rein, Andrew Frampton, Chris Braide, Carsten Schack, Kenneth Karlin, Peter Biker, Eugene Wilde, Nate Butler, Rhett Lawrence, Ericka Yancey
  • PRODUCEREK Johan Åberg, Peter Biker, Andrew Frampton, David Frank, Anders Hansson, Kenneth Karlin, Steve Kipner - Jack Kugell, Rhett Lawrence, Harvey Mason, Jr., Matt Prime, Soulshock
    • 01: Not Such an Innocent Girl - 2001. Szeptember 17.
    • 02: A Mind of it's Own - 2002. Február 11.

VICTORIA BECKHAM (VB) Victoria Beckham angol énekesnő egyetlen stúdióalbuma, amelyet 2001. október 1-jén adott ki a Virgin Records. Beckham volt a Spice Girls utolsó tagja, aki kiadta debütáló szólóalbumát, csakúgy, mint az utolsó, aki kiadta debütáló szólólemezét. A lemezt számos producer készítette, köztük Johan Åberg, Kenneth Karlin, Steve Kipner, Rhett Lawrence, Harvey Mason Jr. és a Soulshock. Beckham az album standard kiadásának tizenkét számából kilencet társszerzőként írt.
Az album vegyes-negatív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, a kritika pedig Beckham énekhangja, a dalszövegírás és a produkció felé irányult. A Spice Girls szólóalbumairól szóló utólagos kritikákban azonban Victoria Beckham pozitív fogadtatásban részesült, némileg úgy érzi, hogy az albumot nyíltan kritizálták, és a Spice Girl egyik legjobb szólóalbumaként tartják számon. Az album vezető kislemeze, a "Not Such an Innocent Girl" 2001. szeptember 17-én jelent meg, de Beckham akaratlanul is "listacsatába" szállt Kylie Minogue ausztrál énekesnő "Can't Get You Out of My Head" című kislemezével, amely a lemezen jelent meg. pontosan ugyanazon a napon; Beckham korábban a True Steppers-szel és a Dane Bowers-szel együttműködve, az „Out of Your Mind” című slágerlistán is harcban állt a lista első helyén, Spiller és Sophie Ellis-Bextor Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) című kislemeze miatt. ". Kylie kislemeze végül felülmúlta Beckham kislemezét tíz az egyhez, és a "Can't Get You Out of My Head" az első helyen debütált a brit kislemezlistán, míg a "Not Such an Innocent Girl" csak a hatodik helyen debütált, és nemzetközi szinten gyengén teljesített. . A második és egyben utolsó kislemezt, az "A Mind of Its Own"-t kizárólag az Egyesült Királyságban reklámozták, és szintén a hatodik helyen áll. A tervezett harmadik kislemez, az "I Wish", amelyen Robbie Craig is szerepelt, végül Beckham második terhességének bejelentése miatt törölték. Beckhamet később a kislemezek alulteljesítménye miatt állítólag kiadta a kiadója.
Az album a tizedik helyen debütált a UK Albums Chart-on, amely a második legalacsonyabb csúcsot elérő Spice Girl debütáló albuma, csak Mel B Hot (2000) albuma mögött, amely csak a 28. helyen végzett. Mindössze négy hetet töltött a listán, és a mai napig 54 000 példányban kelt el Nagy-Britanniában. Nemzetközi viszonylatban az album kudarcot vallott, csak Írországban került fel az albumlistákra, miközben az ARIA Hitseekers Albums listáján a huszadik helyen végzett.


Az album eredetileg Innocent Girl címet kapta volna, és 2001. augusztus 27-én kellett volna megjelennie, de október 1-jén adták ki. Beckham elárulta, hogy úgy érezte, "sokat kell bizonyítania" az album megjelenésével: "Amikor elkezdtem rögzíteni ezt az albumot, sokat kellett bizonyítanom. Be akarom bizonyítani, hogy tudok énekelni és táncolni, és van vízióm. Nagyon kitárom a lelkem ezen. Remélem tetszik az embereknek. Amikor a többi lánnyal voltam, soha nem énekeltem sokat, szóval ez az első alkalom, hogy meglátnak az emberek, és mire vagyok képes." Hozzátette, reméli, hogy az album jól fog sikerülni, "és sikeres szólókarrierem lehet."
Az album nem tartalmazza a True Steppers "Out of Your Mind" című slágerét, amelyen Beckham és Dane Bowers is szerepel, de két kislemez született, a "Not Such an Innocent Girl" és az "A Mind of Its Own", amelyek mindketten debütáltak és a hatodik helyre került a brit kislemezlistán.


Victoria Beckham vegyes vagy negatív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. Jacqueline Hodges, a BBC Music munkatársa úgy jellemezte az albumot, mint "a tobzódó érzelmek és a kiváncsi RnB összetévesztését", míg az NME "a szégyentelen popsalakóság új mélypontjának" nevezte. A South Wales Echo megjegyezte, hogy Beckham énekhangja jobb volt a vártnál, de nem voltak "kivételes" számok az albumon. Egy pozitívabb kritikában Matthew Chisling az Allmusictól ezt írta: "ez a túlprodukált, de erős dalok gyűjteménye kellemesen élvezetes készlet."


    • Írók Steve Kipner, Andrew Frampton
    • Producerek Steve Kipner
  • 02: A MIND OF IT'S OWN - 3:48
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Steve Kipner, Andrew Frampton
    • Producerek Steve Kipner
  • 03: THAT KIND OF GIRL - 3:48
    • Írók Steve Kipner, David Frank, Jack Kugell
    • Producerek Steve Kipner, David Frank, Jack Kugell
  • 04: LIKE THAT - 4:01
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Matt Prime
    • Producerek Matt Prime
  • 05: GIRLFRIEND - 3:43
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Harvey Mason Jr., Damon Thomas, Dane Bowers, J. Valentine
    • Producerek The Underdogs
  • 06: MIDNIGHT FANTASY - 3:15
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Johan Åberg, Paul Rein
    • Producerek Johan Åberg, Anders Hansson
  • 07: I.O.U. - 3:49
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Andrew Frampton, Chris Braide
    • Producerek Andrew Frampton
  • 08: NO TRIX, NO GAMES - 3:03
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Steve Kipner, Andrew Frampton
    • Producerek Steve Kipner
  • 09: I WISH - 4:10
    • Írók Carsten Schack, Kenneth Karlin, Peter Biker, Eugene Wilde
    • Producerek Soulshock & Karlin
  • 10: WATCHA TALKIN' BOUT - 3:51
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Carsten Schack, Kenneth Karlin, Nate Butler
    • Producerek Soulshock & Karlin
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Rhett Lawrence
    • Producerek Rhett Lawrence
  • 12: EVERY PART OF ME - 5:11
    • Írók Victoria Beckham, Carsten Schack, Kenneth Karlin, Ericka Yancey, Nate Butler
    • Producerek Soulshock & Karlin


  • IN YOUR DREAMS / Kislemez: Not Such an Innocent Girl (2001)
  • ALWAYS BE MY BABY / Kislemez: A Mind of Its Own (2002)
  • FEELS SO GOOD / Kislemez: A Mind of Its Own (2002)
  • OUT OF YOUR MIND / Kislemez
  • BACK TO LIFE / Törölve


BACK TO LIFE Sokáig mindenki azt hitte, hogy a Back to Life az Opoen Your Eyes projekt egyik kiadatlan száma lesz, amely album 2004-ben fog megjelenni. Most azonban, miután megjelent egy promóciós CD-R a Virgin Recordstól, tudjuk, hogy a Back to Life az énekes debütáló albumának dalaival együtt rögzítették, de kimaradt.

OUT OF YOUR MIND True Steppers brit garázsduó dala. Dane Bowers és Victoria Beckham szerepel benne, aki a Spice Girlstől távol lép fel először szólóművészként. A kislemez 2000. augusztus 14-én jelent meg, és a második helyezést érte el az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, amelyet Spiller "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" című dalával vertek a csúcsra egy nagy népszerűségnek örvendő listacsatában.
Beckham Dane Bowersszel való együttműködését magyarázva elmondta, hogy szereti a tánczenét, és "hízelgő" volt, amikor felkérték énekelni a számra.

NOT SUCH AN INNOCENT GIRL Victoria Beckham angol énekesnő debütáló szólólemeze. 2001. szeptember 17-én adták ki saját címet viselő debütáló szólóalbumának vezető kislemezeként. Ez volt az Egyesült Királyság év 163. bestsellerje, és a hatodik helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján. A dalt eredetileg Willa Ford amerikai énekes vette fel. Az ő verzióját azonban csak élőben adták elő, és hivatalosan soha nem adták ki.

A MIND OF IT'S OWN Victoria Beckham brit énekes-dalszerző dala. 2002. február 11-én jelent meg debütáló önálló albumának (2001) második kislemezeként. Csúcsot ért el és a hatodik helyen debütált az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, és 56 570 darabot adtak el, ezzel a 2002-es 173. bestseller lett. Beckham a dal francia nyelvű változatát is felvette, "Mon cœur n'en fait qu'à sa tête".

I WISH Ez lenne a harmadik kislemez a Victoria Beckha albumról, de Victoria és a Virgin lemezkiadó kapcsolati problémái és az énekesnő második terhessége miatt törölték. Az I Wish szerepelt a Bend it Like Beckham című film filmzenéjén, ugyanazzal a verzióval, mint az album. A kislemez az énekes és Robbie Craig partnersége lenne. Egy nagyon ritka CD-R-t küldtek a brit rádióállomásoknak, és a duó csak egyszer adta elő a dalt a tévében. A remixhez Robbie Craig énekét adták hozzá, és a dal szövegének egyes részeit megváltoztatták.
Az I Wish és a Watcha Talkin' Bout a szakkritikusok szerint az album legjobb számai.



Oh-oh baby, hey, oh-whoa, baby
(Girl, not such an innocent, not such an innocent girl)
I'm not such an innocent girl

First impressions can be wrong
So let me clear what's going on, baby I'm not who you think I am
I need to feel some lips on mine, so pulling you across the line
You think I'm the fragile one, one slip, the damage done
I'm not made of china, I'm not made of glass
Would it shatter your illusions if this angel had a past?

If you touch me I won't break
Don't think of me that way, I'm not such an innocent girl
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (come on)
Upon a pedestal, I'm not such an innocent girl
(oh whoa, I'm not such an innocent)

I've got a secret rose tattoo
I'm dying just to show you, I'm not as shy as you think I am, oh baby
It's time to take off those kid gloves, T.K.O me fall in love
Don't be scared you'll break my heart, not gonna fall apart
I'm not made of china, I'm not made of glass (oh)
Would it shatter your illusions if this angel had a past?

If you touch me I won't break (oh-oh)
Don't think of me that way, I'm not such an innocent girl (innocent girl)
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (don't wrap me up, in cotton wool)
Upon a pedestal, I'm not such an innocent girl
(I'm not such an innocent, girl)

If you touch, if you touch me I, if you touch me I won't break
If you touch, if you touch me I, if you touch me I won't

If you touch me I won't break (oh-oh, oh whoa, whoa-yeah)
Don't think of me that way, I'm not such an innocent girl (innocent girl)
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (come on, woo!)
Upon a pedestal, I'm not such an innocent girl (I'm dying just to show you)
If you touch me I won't break (I won't break, don't think of me that way)
Not such an innocent girl
Don't wrap me (no-oh-whoa) I'm not such an innocent girl

If you touch me I won't break (I won't break)
Don't think of me that way, I'm not such an innocent girl
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (don't wrap me up, in cottonwool)
Upon a pedestal, I'm not such an innocent girl (Upon a pedastal)
If you touch me I won't break (If you touch, no I won't fall apart)
Don't think of me that way (No you won't break my heart)
I'm not such a innocent girl


Stop, slow down, take a deep breath (oh yeah, oh)
Stop, slow down, take a deep breath (na na na na, oh)

I look at you and I know you're trouble, I should run just fast as I can
One smile, game over, here in front of you I stand
I know you're only gonna burst my bubble, trouble is my heart don't care
It's ignoring all the danger signs, stop, Slow down, take a deep breath, beware
I'm not willing to be so fearless, careless, just yet
Once bitten, twice shy, is what you get

My hearts got a mind of it's own, won't listen to a word I say
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
Cos When it breaks I break, I don't know how much more of this I can take
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way

Too many times I've witnessed, my heart make a fool of itself
So sure it's gonna turn out one way, always turns out being somethin' else
My hearts got a real malfunction, always flippin' into over ride
When I tell it to be sensible, it over rules my cynical mind
I'm not willing to be so open, transparent, no not yet
Once bitten twice shy, is what you get
(But here in front of you, there's nothin I can do)

My hearts got a mind of it's own, won't listen to a word I say
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
Cos When it breaks I break, I don't know how much more of this I can take
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way

My hearts got a mind of it's own, won't listen to a word I say (word I say)
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way (hurt too)
Cos When it breaks I break, I don't know how much more of this I can take
(I don't know how much more of this I can take)
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way

Stop, slow down, take a deep breath
Think about what I'm doin', think about once bitten, twice shy
Stop, slow down, take a second
Before you rush right in, it's gonna be my tears you cry

My hearts got a mind of it's own, won't listen to a word I say (of it's own)
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way (when it acts that way)
Cos When it breaks I break
I don't know how much more of this I can take 
(I break, more of this I can take)
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too
When it acts that way 
(get hurt too, when it acts that way)

My hearts got a mind of it's own, won't listen to a word I say (mind of it's own)
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way
(Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way)
Cos When it breaks I break, I don't know how much more of this I can take
(Cos when it breaks I break, more of this I can take)
Doesn't it know that I get hurt too, when it acts that way

(My hearts got a mind of it's own)
I look at you and I know you're trouble, I should run just fast as I can
One smile, game over, here in front of you I stand
(My hearts got a mind of it's own)
I know you're only gonna burst my bubble, trouble is my heart don't care
(But here in front of you, there's nothin I can do)
Stop, slow down, take a deep breath, beware
(My hearts got a mind of it's own)
Na na na na (na na na na) when it acts that way
(My hearts got a mind of it's own)

Hey Du calme, qu'est ce qui te presse? (oh yeah oh)
hey Du calme, qu'est ce qui te presse? (nananana, oh)

I look at you and I know you're in trouble, I should run just as fast as I can
Yeah, one smile, game over, here in front of you I stand
I know you're only going to burst my bubble, trouble is, my heart don't care
It's ignoring all the danger signs, hey du calme qu'est ce qui te presse attends
I'm not willing to be so fearless, careless just yet
'Cos once bitten twice shy, is what you get, what you get

Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête, ecoute au coeur de mes pensées!
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, nais,c'est toujours moi qui paie
Ce sont mes yeux qui pleurent, mes erreurs qui me compromettent trop souvent
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, mais,c'est toujours moi qui paie

Too many times I've witnessed, my heart make a fool of itself
So sure it's gonna turn out one way, always turns out being somethin' else
My heart's got a real malfunction, always flippin' into over ride
When I tell it to be sensible, oh, it overules my cynical mind
I'm not willing to be so open transparent, no not yet
'Cos once bitten twice shy Is what you get
(Chut juste Une deux et trois, ne me laisse pas le choix)

Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête, ecoute au coeur de mes pensées!
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, nais,c'est toujours moi qui paie
Ce sont mes yeux qui pleurent, mes erreurs qui me compromettent trop souvent
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, mais,c'est toujours moi qui paie

Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête, ecoute au coeur de mes pensées!
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, nais,c'est toujours moi qui paie
Ce sont mes yeux qui pleurent, mes erreurs qui me compromettent trop souvent
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, mais,c'est toujours moi qui paie

Hey, du calme, qu'est ce qui te presse
Ne te laisse pas emporter, réfléchi avant de craquer
Hey! Du calme, par faiblesse
Si tu te laisse aller, ce sont mes larmes qui vont couler

Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête, ecoute au coeur de mes pensées!
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, nais,c'est toujours moi qui paie
Ce sont mes yeux qui pleurent, mes erreurs qui me compromettent trop souvent
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, mais,c'est toujours moi qui paie

Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête, ecoute au coeur de mes pensées!
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, nais,c'est toujours moi qui paie
Ce sont mes yeux qui pleurent, mes erreurs qui me compromettent trop souvent
Toutes ces dépenses sans compter, mais,c'est toujours moi qui paie

(Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête)
I look at you and I know you're trouble, I should run just as fast as I can
Yeah, one smile, game over, here in front of you I stand
(Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête)
I know you're only going to burst my bubble, trouble is, my heart don't care
(Chut juste Un deux et trois, ne me laisse pas le choix)
Et du calme , qu'est ce qui te presse, attends
(Mais mon coeur n'en fait qu'à sa tête)
Qu'à sa tête, nanananana


(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Boy, when I first saw you, I knew I could adore you
And it's my nature to be shy, but not tonight, no
So, let me make the first move, I'll make it easy for you
Someone has to break the ice, oh, baby, oh

Don't care 'bout your money or the car that you drive
'Cos my affection is something you can't buy
Got my suspicion lookin' in your eye, that you could be my kind of guy

Do you like watching the sun come up, sippin' champagne in a paper cup
Laughing when you're makin' love, cos I'm that kind of girl (Oh)
Dancing to a sad love song, even when the music's gone
Kisses that go on and on and on, cos I'm that kind of girl

Is this first star wishing, a woman's intuition
Has my arrow found its mark, ooh baby (Yeah-hey)
'Cos all I do is think of you in a fantasy for two
And I've just got to let you know, cos being real is in my heart and soul
Don't care 'bout your money or the car that you drive (I don't care)
'Cos my affection is something you can't buy
Got my suspicion lookin' in your eye (That you could be my kind of guy)

Do you like watching the sun come up (Come up)
Sippin' champagne in a paper cup (Paper cup, yeah)
Laughing when you're makin' love
Cos I'm that kind of girl (Oh, 
I'm that kind of girl)

Dancing to a sad love song, even when the music's gone
Kisses that go on and on and on, cos I'm that kind of girl

I wanna be kissin' in the rain
Fallin' in love over and over again
(And again, and again, and again, and again)

Oh, 'cos I'm that kind of girl

Do you like watching the sun come up
Slippin' champagne in a paper cup (Oh-oh)
Laughing when you're makin' love
os I'm that kind of girl (oh, I'm that kind of girl)

Dancing to a sad love song (yeah yeah yeah)
Even when the music's gone (music's gone)

Kisses that go on and on and on
Cos I'm that kind of girl 
(On and on and on, oh, 

Do you like watching the sun come up (Don't care 'bout your money or the car that you drive)
Sippin' champagne in a paper cup ('Cos my affection is something you can't buy)
Laughing when you're makin' love, cos I'm that kind of girl
(Got my suspicion lookin' in your eye)
Dancing to a sad love song (yeah yeah yeah)
Even when the music's gone (music's gone)

Kisses that go on and on and on, cos I'm that kind of girl
(On and on and on and on and on and on, oh)

Do you like watching the sun come up (Don't care 'bout your money or the car that you drive)
Sippin' champagne in a paper cup ('Cos my affection is something you can't buy)
Laughing when you're makin' love, cos I'm that kind of girl
(Cos I'm that kind of girl) (Got my suspicion lookin' in your eye)
Dancing to a sad love song (yeah yeah yeah)
Even when the music's gone (music's gone)
Kisses that go on and on and on, cos I'm that kind of girl


(Ah, come on, yeah)
Close your eyes, baby, count to three
And tell me now, do you think of him like it used to be?
It ain't no surprise, cos he's out of love and he's out of luck
Getting lazy now with that attitude
I've had enough, snd it won't be the first time
Remember the lies you denied cause you said so? (Yeah, what got into you?)
Remember the love you discovered that he'd shown (Mmm, what's he trying to prove?)
Remember the pay every day that he let go
Look what he's done to you, and he still he wanted you to run around him, girl

No, it shouldn't be like that, not fooling me
Damn his lovin', damn his lies, you're bugging me
No, it shouldn't be like that, ge's trying to be (Oh, baby)
Trippin' out like all the guys, why can't you see? (Why can't you see, oh, baby)

It's 3 a.m. and he still ain't home
Out with his friends, guess you could have thought, guess you should have known
That he ain't coming back, girl, he's out of line, and he's out of time
'Cause I'm telling you, gotta take him on, and show your mind
And it won't be the last time
Remember the lies you denied cause you said so? (Yeah, what got into you?)
Remember the love you discovered that he'd shown (Mmm, what's he trying to prove?)
Remember the pay every day that he let go
Look what he's done to you, and he still he wanted you to run around him, girl

No, it shouldn't be like that, not fooling me (Like that, not fooling me)
Damn his lovin', damn his lies, you're bugging me (His lies, you're bugging me)
No, it shouldn't be like that, ge's trying to be (Like that, he's trying to be)
Trippin' out like all the guys, why can't you see? (Guys, why can't you see?)

So put away your money (She don't wanna know)
It's too late to say "I'm sorry" (She don't wanna know) (Wanna know)
She's leaving, don't you worry (Boy, let it go)
Had your chance with no advance to take it, and I told you so
Remember the lies you denied cause you said so? (Yeah, what got into you?)
Remember the love you discovered that he'd shown (Mmm, what's he trying to prove?)
Remember the pay every day that he let go
Look what he's done to you, and he still he wanted you to run around him, girl

No, it shouldn't be like that, not fooling me (Like that, not fooling me)
Damn his lovin', damn his lies, you're bugging me (His lies, you're bugging me)
No, it shouldn't be like that, ge's trying to be (Like that, he's trying to be)
Trippin' out like all the guys, why can't you see? (Guys, why can't you see?)
Girl, I'm saying, that his love and his lies keep you waiting
Now he's paying, cause you're no longer his for the taking

No, it shouldn't be like that, not fooling me (Girl, I'm saying)
Damn his lovin', damn his lies, you're bugging me
hat his love and his lies keep you waiting)
No, it shouldn't be like that, ge's trying to be 
(Now he's paying)

Trippin' out like all the guys, why can't you see?
('Cause you're no longer his for the taking)

No, it shouldn't be like that, not fooling me (Girl, I'm saying)
Damn his lovin', damn his lies, you're bugging me
hat his love and his lies keep you waiting)
No, it shouldn't be like that, ge's trying to be 
(Now he's paying)
Trippin' out like all the guys, why can't you see?
('Cause you're no longer his for the taking)


(Oh yeah, yeah yeah)
Phone rings at a quarter to nine, s
ome crazy girl is on the line

Talkin' bout how I better recognise
ound my phone number in his Calvin Klein's, and I'm like

What's that gotta do with me, your man is the one who needs questioning
'Cause there ain't nothing that you're gonna achieve
By calling me and giving me the third degree
And if he's your man then tell me, why was he sweatin' me? (tell me)
All up in the club last night, telling me I'm the type of girl he likes
But you say you don't believe, he was acting that way (don't believe)
Girl I wish you could have seen, how your man was shakin' me

Girlfriend, let me give you somethin'
I know that you love him, but you should have saw him last night
You ain't his girlfriend, anymore than I am
I know you see him, but girl you really should have saw him last night

Oh no, no you didn't say, that I need to back away
I thought you heard when I told you that
It ain't my fault if he wants you back, no
All that's been said to me, it don't really mean a thing
You need to realise that I'm not the one
You should call with an attitude
And if he's your man then tell me, why was he freakin' with me? (tell me, freak with me)
All up on the floor last night, saying things I know you wouldn't like
But you say you don't believe, he was acting that way (can't believe)
Girl I wish you could haveve seen, how your man was shakin' me (oh)

Girlfriend, let me give you somethin' (oh)
I know that you love him, but you should have saw him last night (oh yeah, last night, girl)
You ain't his girlfriend, anymore than I am (anymore)
I know you see him, but girl you really should have saw him last night (Oh oh)

Did you really think your man was down for you?
Did you really think that his love was true?
If you had been loving your man right
He wouldn't have been puttin' it on me all night
You weren't his girl last night, girlfriend, girfriend, baby

Girlfriend, let me give you somethin' (let me give you)
I know that you love him, but you should have saw him last night
(I know that you love him yeah)

You ain't his girlfriend, anymore than I am (girlfriend yeah)
I know you see him, but girl you really should have saw him last night (oh oh)

Girl I really wish you saw him, girlfriend, I know that you love him
But but you should've saw him last, saw him last night-ght-ght
Anymore than I, girlfriend-friend, I know you see him, girlfriend saw him (saw him)
Saw him last, saw him last night-ight girlfriend

Girlfriend, let me give you somethin' (Girlfriend)
I know that you love him, but you should have saw him last night
(I know that you love him, saw your guy last night)
You ain't his girlfriend, anymore than I am (last night)
I know you see him, but girl you really should have saw him last night


(Come on, come on, I'll give you what you need
Come on, come on, I'll be your midnight fantasy
Come on, come on, I'll give you what you need
Come on, come on, I'll be your midnight fantasy)

It's half-past twelve and I'm on my own
Putting on some music, turn the lights down low
Temperature is rising and I'm in the mood
I'm feeling you, what you make me do

I wonder baby, do you ever think of me?
Would you go for whatever comes naturally?
I'm lying here, I'm waiting all alone in my bed
Thinking of a way to get into your head

I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before
I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need
Go deeper with me baby, I'm your midnight fantasy
I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before 
(Never been before)

I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more (I'll make you beg for more)
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need
Go deeper with me baby, I'm your midnight fantasy

Anything you wanna try, I just might
I'll wake you from your sleep and we'll go on all night
The things I wanna do when you look me in the eyes
You're taking me higher 'till the early light

I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before
I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more (I'll make you beg for more)
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need
Go deeper with me baby, I'm your midnight fantasy
I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before (oh)

I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more (Oh-woah, I'll make you beg for more)
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need (Give you what you need)
Go deeper with me baby, I'm your midnight fantasy

Oh, holding you close would be nice
But you can't be here tonight, so I'm gonna play with your mind

I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before
(Come on, come on, I'll give you what you need)
I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more
(Come on, come on, I'll be your midnight fantasy)
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need
(Come on, come on, I'll give you what you need)
Go deeper with me baby (Come on, come on, I'll be your midnight fantasy, oh)
I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before
I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more (I'll make you beg for more)
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need
Go deeper with me baby, I'm your midnight fantasy

I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before
I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more (Oh, I'll make you beg for more)
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need (oh yeah)
Go deeper with me baby, I'm your midnight fantasy
I'm gonna take you places that you've never been before

I come in to your dreams, make you beg for more (Oh, I'll make you beg for more)
I'll hold on to your body, I'll give you what you need
Go deeper with me baby, I'm your midnight fantasy


Love is such a precious gift, one thing in my life I know is true, and I.O.U
Deeper than the ocean bed, you touch me like no one could ever do, I.O.U
And I never could repay that look that's in your eyes
I could save up all my kisses 'til the end of time
All my love in my life 'til it's through, I.O.U

Love is such a precious gift, the currency of life I never knew, now I.O.U
Keep it for eternity, the vow I made the day I said "I do", I.O.U
And I never could repay that look that's in your eyes
So, to pledge myself to you would be no sacrifice
All my love in my life 'til it's through, I.O.U

You lay me down on hallowed ground with one touch of your hand
Hold me like a baby, that's when suddenly I understand
All that you do, I owe it to you
All my love in my life 'til it's through, I.O.U
All my love in my life 'til it's through, I.O.U
All my love in my life 'til it's through, I.O.U

And I never could repay that look that's in your eyes
I could save up all my kisses 'til the end of time
All my love in my life 'til it's through, I.O.U
(Baby, baby I.O.U, one thing I know is true, baby, baby I.O.U, I.O.U., I.O.U.)
All my love in my life 'til it's through, I.O.U


I know what buttons to push to turn a man on (Yeah, uh)

I can make you blush, I can make you sweat
Make you come over all possessive, like I'm your angel to protect
Make your heart beat at 134 beats a minute, think your life's empty without me in it
But what you don't know, won't hurt you, so, I keep it to myself that I'm crazy about you
"Treat them mean, to keep them keen" (An expression, a hard lesson that I had to learn)
'Cos when I give my heart too easily (That's when I get burned)

I know what buttons to push to turn a man on
Doesn't mean I'm gonna push 'em with you, that would be wrong
Gonna strip away my make-up, what you get is what you see
No trix, no games, just me (No trix, no games, just me)

I can make you beg, make you lose your breath (Yeah)
I can get you feelin' all embarassed, like you standin' there undressed
When I turn it on I can be magnetic, and make you think that you're not gonna get it
Pull your strings, make you do anything, but you never know that I'm crazy about you
"Treat them mean, to keep them keen" (An expression, a hard lesson that I had to learn)
'Cos when I give my heart too easily (That's when I get burned)

I know what buttons to push to turn a man on (To turn a man on)
Doesn't mean I'm gonna push 'em with you, that would be wrong (So wrong)
Gonna strip away my make-up, what you get is what you see
No trix, no games, just me (No trix, no games, just me)

Behind the smoke and mirrors, there's a girl you never see
(No trix, no games, no illusions, no fantasy)
And I want you to know her, cos she's the real me (No tricks, no games)
That's the way that it's gotta be

I know what buttons to push to turn a man on (Buttons to push, to turn a man on)
Doesn't mean I'm gonna push 'em with you, that would be wrong (That would be wrong)
Gonna strip away my make-up, what you get is what you see
(Yeah, w
hat you see is what you gonna get)

No trix, no games, just me (No trix, no games, just me)

I know what buttons to push to turn a man on (To turn a man on)
Doesn't mean I'm gonna push 'em with you, that would be wrong (No, no-no, so wrong)
Gonna strip away my make-up, what you get is what you see
(What you get is what you see, boy)

No trix, no games, just me (No trix, no games, just me)


(Ah, come on, oh, oh yeah, come on, ah)
I saw you outside, getting out your ride, a CLK 430, you got style
You're smooth, I checked you out, a ladies' man no doubt
From head to toe, you're all class and I like it
How 'bout you buy me a rose 'cos I think
This is gonna get a little interesting (Come on)
Let's see where this conversation goes
I'm not sure that I want you to know

I wish I could right now
Wish that I could show you how I'm feeling you (I'm feeling you)
Boy, I tried, I can't hide
How badly I want you tonight, 
I've gotta fight it (Come on)

If you take me home, get me all alone
Nothing could happen, it's just too soon (Just too soon)
I'm just being upfront, telling you from the jump (Yeah)
Not tonight, I'm not that type of girl, sorry (I'm so sorry)

If I gave you the wrong impression
I apologize from the bottom of my heart (Yeah, yeah)
If talking out my head probably misled you
I'm confused and I'm a little scared

I wish I could right now (I, could right now)
Wish that I could show you how I'm feeling you
Boy, I tried, I can't hide
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it (Gotta fight it, baby)

I wish I could right now
Wish that I could show you how I'm feeling you (Wish that I could show you how)
Boy, I tried, I can't hide (I can't hide)
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it

My mind is playing tricks on me, I'm just not thinking clearly
This has happened too quickly, I've got to slow down
Tomorrow is another day, this I'll promise if you say
That it doesn't matter, everything is gonna be okay (So, pal, okay, come on)

I wish I could right now (I wish, oh, we)
Wish that I could show you how I'm feeling you
Boy, I tried, I can't hide
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it (Oh-oh, yeah, baby, I want you tonight)

I wish I could right now (Oh-oh-oh)
Wish that I could show you how I'm feeling you (If you only knew)
Boy, I tried, I can't hide
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it

I wish I could right now (Come on)
Wish that I could show you how I'm feeling you (Show you how, I'm feeling you)
Boy, I tried, I can't hide
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it 
(Come on)
(I wish I, crush on you, boy, I tried)

(Ah, come on, oh, who me, come on, uh)

I saw you outside, Getting out your ride, A CLK 430, you've got style
And baby there's no doubt, I've been known to mess around
Until the day you came along, Tell me where could we go wrong?
How bout you buy me a rose cos I think
This is gonna get a little interesting (yeah, hey)
Let's see where this conversation goes
I'm not sure that I want you to know

I wish I could right now
Wish that I could show you how, I'm feeling you
 (yeah, yeah - I'm feelin' you)
Boy I try I can't hide (can't hide)
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it

If you take me home, get me all alone, nothing could happen it's just too soon
If you could read my mind, would you slap my face
Look at what's been said and done, baby I think you're the one
If I gave you the wrong impression I
Apologise from the bottom of my heart
I'm talkin' out my head, probably misled you
You're confused, are you a little scared?

I wish I could right now (could right now)
Wish that I could show you how, I'm feeling you (show me how)
Boy I try I can't hide (boy I try, I can't hide)
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it (want you tonight)

My bodies playin' tricks on me, I'm just not thinkin' clearly
This has happened too quickly, I've got to slow down
Tomorrow is another day, this I promise if you say
That it doesn't matter, everything is gonna be okay
Soul Power (okay, hmm, okay) come on (I wish)

I wish I could right now (I wish I, I wish)
Wish that I could show you how, I'm feeling you
Boy I try I can't hide (oh, yeah, I can't hide it baby)
How badly I want you tonight, I've gotta fight it (I want you tonight, want you, yeah)

I wish I could right now
Wish that I could show you how, I'm feeling you (if you only knew, yeah, yeah, tell me baby)
Boy I try I can't hide
How badly I want you tonight, 
I've gotta fight it (I wish I, could show you)

Wish upon the stars, baby there you are
If you could only see, baby you were made for me
(Boy I try, I want you)


What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout
What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout (Oh, oh)
What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout (Oh, oh)
What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout (What, what, what)

I remember talking to you constantly
'Cause we were cool like that, playing silly games with you, we had a ball
Going to the movies or just hangin' out, watching a DVD
But now it's "Let's do lunch", then limo's pickin' you up around three
(Sayin') "Hit me on my mobile", "I'm a little busy"
"Got a lot a people to call" (Oh-whoa, you)

What you talkin' bout
I don't really hear it, cos you keep on fadin' out
You're not comin' through, what you gon' do (What you gon' do?)
What you talkin' bout
Who you think you're fooling, there's no way I'm hangin' out (Oh)
With someone like you, what you gon' do

It started when the fame and fans kept coming in
And then you changed on us, then you told us you were cool and we were wrong
When I call you on the phone
ou act like you ain't home, you checkin' your caller ID
ow I've seen it all, why you getting fake on me?
Know you gotta lot of problems, and you need to solve them
But it's not gonna be with me around (With me around, no-oh)

What you talkin' bout
I don't really hear it, cos you keep on fadin' out (No, oh, fadin' out)
You're not comin' through, what you gon' do (Oh)
What you talkin' bout
Who you think you're fooling, there's no way I'm hangin' out
(Oh, ho, tell me, what you're sayin' to me?)
With someone like you, what you gon' do

What you talkin' bout (What, what, what, what?)
I don't really hear it, cos you keep on fadin' out

You're not comin' through, what you gon' do (Whoa)
What you talkin' bout (No, ho)
Who you think you're fooling, there's no way I'm hangin' out
With someone like you, what you gon' do

Wish it be the same, but I doubt that you could change
'Cos you're caught up in your me, myself and I don't give a
Cos I know it, we're not the ones to blame
But we had it goin' on till you started doin' us wrong
I'm not trying to be a hater but your words are stuck
I'm fed up and I had enough, oh-oh
What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout (Oh)
What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout (Oh, tell me)

What you talkin' bout (What you talkin' bout?)
I don't really hear it, cos you keep on fadin' out (Keep on fadin' out, no, no, no)
You're not comin' through, what you gon' do?
What you talkin' bout (Ah, ah)
Who you think you're fooling, there's no way I'm hangin' out
(Who you think you're fooling, l
ike you)

With someone like you, what you gon' do (What you gon' do?)

What you talkin' bout (What you talkin' bout?)
I don't really hear it, cos you keep on fadin' out (Keep on fadin' out)
With someone like you, what you gon' do
What you talkin' bout (What you talkin' bout?)
Who you think you're fooling, there's no way I'm hangin' out (Keep on fadin' out, no, no)
With someone like you, what you gon' do

What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout?
What you talkin' bout, what you talkin' bout?
(What you talkin' bout, talkin' bout)


You could give me diamonds, you could give me pearls
Give me all the fast cars, in the World
But there is only one thing, and its bigger than the sea
The only thing that matters, is what you've given me

When I see the bright lights in your eyes
Feel like a bird that's just learned to fly
From now until the end of time, I'm glad you came into my life
My gift sent from above, unconditional love

You take me as I am, not who I'm dressed up to be
Looking at you tells me, the best things in life are free
You're the blessing that I treasure, with a heart so true
Noone ever touched me, the way that you do

When I see the bright lights in your eyes
Feel like a bird that's just learned to fly
From now until the end of time, I'm glad you came into my life
My gift sent from above, unconditional love

With your innocence you opened up my heart
I knew that I would love you right from the very start
You turned my life around showed me a better way
Thoughts of you will always make me have a brighter day
When I'm by your side it helps to see me through
Can't express all the happiness when I'm with you
A gift from up above the one I'm dreaming of
I'll always cherish you my unconditional love

When I see the bright lights in your eyes
Feel like a bird that's just learned to fly
From now until the end of time, I'm glad you came into my life (glad you came into my life)
My gift sent from above, unconditional love
My gift sent from above, unconditional love
My gift sent from above, unconditional love


(When I look into your eyes)
People always talkin' bout, people always run their mouth
But when I hold you, there's no doubt, my love for you is true
Before, my life was ups and downs, and happiness, I used to chase around
That's why I'm glad you came, cos now there's no substitute
And I don't care whatever may come our way
It's you and me forever and ever to be 'cos

When I look at you, I see me, from my head to your toes, every part of me
And everything you do, I did too, cos I'll always be a part of you (Always be a part of you)
When I look at you, I see me, from my heart to your soul, I'll always love you so
And everything I do, you'll do too, cos your every little part of me

I've seen how easy things can change, and people never stay the same
But, baby, ever since you came, you made me feel secure
Yes, I think you should know, that people gonna come and go
Be assured of this one thing, I will still remain
And I don't care whatever may come our way
It's you and me forever and ever to be 'cos

When I look at you, I see me (When I, everything)
From my head to your toes, every part of me

And everything you do, I did too (I did too)
Cos I'll always be a part of you

When I look at you, I see me
From my heart to your soul, I'll always love you so (Oh, I'll love you so)

And everything I do, you'll do too
Cos your every little part of me (Every little part of me)

I know that there will come a day, when you have to go away
But you have no reason to fear, I promise I'll be here
If someone ever breaks your heart, and you feel your world is torn apart
My love for you will bring you through hard times, I'll help you be strong

When I look at you, I see me
From my head to your toes, every part of me (Oh, when I look at you, h
ead to toes)

And everything you do, I did too
Cos I'll always be a part of you (Everything you do, o
h, a part of you)

When I look at you, I see me
rom my heart to your soul, I'll always love you so (Oh, yeah, 
I'll always love you so)

And everything I do, you'll do too (You'll do it too)
Cos your every little part of me

When I look at you, I see me (I see me)
From my head to your toes, every part of me

And everything you do, I did too
Cos I'll always be a part of you 
(Everything you do, y
ou'll be always a part of me)

When I look at you, I see me, from my heart to your soul, I'll always love you so (Oh)
And everything I do, you'll do too
Cos your every little part of me (Oh, yeah, e
very little part of me)

Every little part of me (You're every little part of me)
Oh, whoa, you'll always be my baby (You're every little part of me)
Yes, you will, ah, every little part of me, oh, you're every little part of me


I take one look in your eyes, I can’t believe how perfect you are
I fall in love every time, you take a breath as you lay in my arms
I’ll always keep you from harm, I promise

In your dreams I’ll walk with you
To the edges of heaven I’ll be there for you
In my heart you'll see the truth
Close your eyes till you’ll find me in your dreams (I’ll walk with you, oh yeah)

To hear you call my name, a single word that turns to a song
Brings me joy so hard to explain, a simple truth, this is where I belong
And that’s all because of you, my precious love

In your dreams I’ll walk with you (In you dreams, I'll walk with you)
To the edges of heaven I’ll be there for you (be there for you)
In my heart you'll see the truth (In my heart, the truth)
Close your eyes till you’ll find me in your dreams

From the moment that you came into my life
I knew the world was right
Angels must have sent you down to me
Take my hand and you'll see things in your dreams (I'll end my dreams too)

In your dreams I’ll walk with you (oh yeah)
To the edges of heaven I’ll be there for you (edges of heaven, bethere for you)
In my heart you'll see the truth (the truth, oh yeah)
Close your eyes till you’ll find me in your dreams (I'll walk with you)

In your dreams I’ll walk with you (I'll walk with you)
To the edges of heaven I’ll be there for you (oh yeah, gonna be there for you)
In my heart you'll see the truth (the truth, oh yeah)
Close your eyes till you’ll find me in your dreams (I'll walk with you)


You will always be my baby
There's a thousand reasons why, you will always be my baby

The minute I got with you, my happiness doubled too
You and I got it real bad, and it feels real good
So if this is a crime, I confess, I'm giving you love, not something else (else)
Ain't nobody can erase this, we're permanently it, baby
You're the one I'm thinking of, so this is what I'm gonna do
Tell the world I'm so in love with you

There's a thousand reasons why, you will always be my baby
Boy I can't deny, you sure know how to make them
There's a thousand things you do, even when you drive me crazy
All you gotta know is you'll always be, always be my baby

Make me happy when I wanna cry, we're as crystal as black and white
We can never say never, how'd you get the next line
But forever and now is not enough, and you can never give me too much
I'll never get enough of your love, it's always on my mind
You're the one I'm thinking of, so this is what I'm gonna do (tell the world (oh yeah)
Tell the world I'm so in love with you (I'm so in love withyou)

There's a thousand reasons why, you will always be my baby
Boy I can't deny, you sure know how to make them
There's a thousand things you do, even when you drive me crazy (things you do)
All you gotta know is you'll always be, always be my baby

So tell me how it is, to know the love is real
You're all the man I need, you got a hold of me
Your love is heavenly, you bring me to my knees
I can't get enough, of your love, yeah

There's a thousand reasons why, you will always be my baby
(yeah, yeah, always be my baby)
Boy I can't deny, you sure know how to make them (how to makethem)
There's a thousand things you do, even when you drive me crazy (baby, oh, you do)
All you gotta know is you'll always be, always be my baby
(Always be my baby, yes you will, yes you'll always be my baby)

There's a thousand reasons why, you will always be my baby (yeah)
Boy I can't deny, you sure know how to make them (oh, you do)
There's a thousand things you do, even when you drive me crazy
All you gotta know is you'll always be, always be my baby (is you'll always be mybaby)

You will always be my baby (Always be my baby, always be my baby)
Boy I can't deny, you sure know how to make them
There's a thousand things you do, even when you drive me crazy
(You'll always be my baby, always be my baby)
All you gotta know is you'll always be, always be my baby


Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop (oh yeah)
Don't stop rockin' baby, don't stop

I've been waiting all week long, to dance and have some fun
I can't wait to see, my girls out with me
Hit the spot around eight, you know we cant be late
Cos all the guys are ready, for all the girls to start shakin'
The weekend's here, we gotta get it right (get it right)
We gotta keep it going all night (all night long)
Bring it on baby till the break of dawn
Cos it's time to set it off, throw em off, it's on

So don't stop rockin' me tonight
You know you make it feel so good, like you know it should
Do it baby anyway you like
Cos you know you make it feel so good, you make it feel so good

There's a hot one on the floor, work it baby give me more
Eye to eye with me, no place I'd rather be comin' round
Get partner and get down, gonna have a good time
Come with me and we'll be fine
The weekend's here, we gotta get it right (get it right)
We gotta keep it going all night (all night long)
Bring it on baby till the break of dawn (bring it on baby, oh)
Cos it's time to set it off, throw em off, it's on, yeah

Don't stop rockin' me tonight (rockin' me tonight)
You know you make it feel so good, like you know it should (make it feel)
Do it baby anyway you like (do it)
Cos you know you make it feel so good, you make it feel so good (feel so good)

Don't stop rockin' me tonight (oh)
You know you make it feel so good, like you know it should
(you know you make it, itfeels, so good, you know it should)
Do it baby anyway you like
Cos you know you make it feel so good, you make it feel so good

Make it feel so good, like I know it should
Make it feel, make it feel so good
You know you make me feel, like I know it should (You make it feel so good)

Don't stop rockin' me tonight
You know you make it feel so good, like you know it should (oh yeah, yeah)
Do it baby anyway you like (oh, yeah)
Cos you know you make it feel so good, you make it feel so good (oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah)

Don't stop (oh yeah, yeah) don't stop
Don't stop rockin' me (oh yeah)
Don't stop, don't stop (oh yeah, yeah)
Don't stop (oh yeah) don't stop (oh yeah, yeah)


(Back to life)
Fallin’ in love again, u
sed to say, baby not me

Broken hearts, torn apart, all you get, I’d rather be free
Thank my lucky stars, that you came along
Took me in your arms, till you made me strong
Made me see that love don’t always do me wrong

You brought me back to life
You showed me who I am, is worthy of a real good love, back to life
nd now I’m gonna share my love with you, you brought me back to life

Never thought, I could walk, through the fire for anyone
But never doubt, I’m about loving you, whatever comes
You took time to know, there was more to me
Now there’s even more, that you couldn’t see
Fall into these arms you’ve opened up baby

You brought me back to life
You showed me who I am, is worthy of a real good love, back to life
nd now I’m gonna share my love with you, you brought me back to life

You turned my world around, and made me feel a love for real, back to life
And now i’m gonna share my love with you, because you brought me back to life

Back to life, back to life, you brought me back to life, back to life, back to life
Thank my lucky stars, that You came along
Took me in your arms, till you made me strong
Made me see that love ain’t out to do me wrong, back to life, back to life

And now I’m gonna share it all with you, oh you brought me back to life
ou showed me who I am, is worthy of a real good love, back to life

And now I’m gonna share my love with you, oh you brought me back to life
You showed me who I am, is worthy of a real good love, back to life
And now I’m gonna share it all with you, you brought me back to life


Who do you think you are
Tellin' me I've gone too far, you must be outta your mind
Telling your friends I was buggin' you
But you weren't bein true, Stepping outta your mind
Open your eyes while you trouble me
Expensive lies but you're playing for free
I gave you what you want, what you need
My time is wasting but for you it's a breeze

You're out of your mind
onna make this really easy for you (I'm not out of my mind)
Gonna show you I'm not crazy
oy, you're wasting my time (I'm not wasting your time) (They say that I'm chasing you)
You're out of your mind (You're out of your mind) (it's strange)
Out of your mind

Keep thinking you were someone special
Time has shown and now I know, how wrong I have been
I was feeling that you're using me
Confusing me, two-timing me, I can't remember how long has it been?
Open your eyes while you trouble me
Expensive lies but you're playing for free
I gave you what you want what you need
My time is wasting but for you it's a breeze

You're out of your mind
onna make this really easy for you (I'm not out of my mind)
Gonna show you I'm not crazy
oy, you're wasting my time (I'm not wasting your time) (They say that I'm chasing you)
You're out of your mind (You're out of your mind) (it's strange)
Out of your mind

You sing a song and people jump on you
What this guy is sayin' can't be true
All I'm sayin's that some girls who trip
Stop buggin' and buggin' him if they wanna flip, I like the Spice
Open your eyes, girl you trouble me
Expensive lies but you play it for free
I gave you what you want what you need
My time is wasting but for you it's a breeze

You're out of your mind
onna make this really easy for you (I'm not out of my mind)
Gonna show you I'm not crazy
oy, you're wasting my time (I'm not wasting your time) (They say that I'm chasing you)
You're out of your mind (You're out of your mind) (it's strange)
Out of your mind

You're out of your mind
onna make this really easy for you (I'm not out of my mind)
Gonna show you I'm not crazy
oy, you're wasting my time (I'm not wasting your time) (They say that I'm chasing you)
You're out of your mind (You're out of your mind) (it's strange)
Out of your mind

True Steppers, you're outta your mind
I scream, you're outta your mind
Ten below, you're outta of your mind
Dane, you're out of your mind
This tune's gonna punish you


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