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Megjelenés | 2001. Május 14. | |||
Felvételek | 2000 Május - 2001 Január | |||
Műfaj | Pop - Dance-pop - Pop rock | |||
Hossz | 46:55 | |||
Kiadó | EMI | |||
Írók | Geri Halliwell - Rick Nowels - Gregg Alexander - Peter-John Vettese - Tracy Ackerman - Andy Watkins - Paul Wilson - Jorgen Elofsson - Stephen Lipson | |||
Producerek | Gregg Alexander - Rick Nowels - Stephen Lipson - Absolute | |||
Kislemezek | It's Raining Men - Scream If You Wanna Go Faster - Calling | |||
<<>> | PASSION (2005) |
Geri Halliwell brit énekesnő második stúdióalbuma, amelyet 2001. május 14-én adott ki az EMI Records. A Schizophonic című szólóalbumának két évvel ezelőtti kereskedelmi sikerét követően az énekesnő olyan producerekkel kezdett el dolgozni, mint Gregg Alexander, Rick Nowels, Stephen Lipson, valamint korábbi munkatársai, az Absolute duó. Az album grafikáját, amely Halliwellt görkorcsolyán, egy autó hátuljába kapaszkodva ábrázolja, bírálták a közlekedésbiztonsági szervezetek, akik szerint az énekes rossz példát mutat a gyerekeknek.
A Scream If Wanna Go Faster általában negatív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik kritizálták az album produkcióját és szövegét, valamint Halliwell hangterjedelmét. Kereskedelmi szempontból mérsékelt sikert ért el, Görögországban, Olaszországban és az Egyesült Királyságban az első tízbe került, míg a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) arany minősítést kapott, és ez utóbbi régióban 2001 127. legkelendőbb albuma lett.
A Scream If You Wanna Go Faster népszerűsítésére Halliwell kiterjedt turnéra indult az Egyesült Királyságban és Európában, fellépett olyan televíziós műsorokban, mint a Top of the Pops, és olyan fesztiválokon, mint a Party in the Park és a Popkomm. Az albumon három kislemez is született. A vezető kislemez, az "It's Raining Men" a 2001-es Bridget Jones's Diary című film filmzenéjének vezető kislemezeként is szerepelt, és sikert aratott, és az első helyet érte el a brit kislemezlistán. A következő kislemezek – a címadó dal és a „Calling” – a nyolcadik, illetve a hetedik helyen értek el az Egyesült Királyságban.
1999-ben, miután kilépett a Spice Girlsből, Halliwell kiadta debütáló szólóalbumát, Schizophonic. Három kislemeze – a „Mi Chico Latino”, a „Lift Me Up” és a „Bag It Up” – elérte az első helyet a brit kislemezlistán. Maga az album is sikeres volt: a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) dupla platina minősítést kapott, az Amerikai Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) pedig arany minősítést kapott. 2000-ben kezdett dolgozni második albumán, együttműködve az előző albumát készítő Absolute produkciós csapattal, valamint olyan új producerekkel, mint Gregg Alexander, Rick Nowels és Stephen Lipson. Ő és Alexander együtt dolgoztak Los Angelesben. Halliwell "ijesztő élménynek" nevezte a Nowelsszel végzett munkát, és elmagyarázta:
"Soha nem találkoztam senkivel, aki még nálam is jobban rámenős lett volna a dolgok elvégzésére a stúdióban, de Rick nagyon motivált volt, és nagyon keményen megdolgozott. A munkanap tízkor kezdődött, és addig folytatódott, amíg elégedett nem lesz, még akkor is, ha az volt. hajnali egy-kettő. A dalszerzési módszere egyszerű volt. Leültetett egy zsámolyra a stúdiójában, és csak azt mondta, hogy énekeljek. Az általam kitalált szavakat és dallamokat arra használja, hogy segítsen megépíteni egy dalt. még mindig nagyon bizonytalan a tehetségemet illetően, de Rick írásstílusa a határaimig feszített. Kemény feladatvezető volt, de mindig hálás leszek neki, ahogy a munka folyt. Nagy barátok lettünk. Nagyon kimerítő volt."
Halliwell elmondta, hogy a Scream If You Wanna Go Faster azért különbözött az előző albumától, mert "sokkal kreatívabb utat járt be, minden részletet megvizsgáltam. Ezen az albumon kezdtem rájönni, hogy hiteles előadó vagyok, aki képes dalokat írni és írni. csináld jól. Az albumot úgy jellemezte, hogy "világos és színes, de mélyebb értelme van alatta, ha törődsz vele, és úgy döntesz, hogy nézel ki. Egy része mély, mint egy tócsa, egy része feneketlen gödör, akár egy kút." Az énekesnő kijelentette, hogy szerinte az album jobb, mint az előző.
Az album grafikája Halliwellt görkorcsolyán ábrázolja, aki egy Cadillac hátulján kapaszkodik. A közúti közlekedésbiztonságért küzdők azt állították, hogy a kép rossz példát mutat a gyerekeknek, és kockára teheti az életüket. Jane Eason, a Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents munkatársa szerint ez "nagyon felelőtlen viselkedés" az énekesnőtől. Kifejtette: "Nagyon aggódunk amiatt, hogy a gyerekek görkorcsolyával, mikrorobogóval vagy gördeszkával játszanak bárhol az utak közelében, és ne lógjanak az autók hátulján", kifejtette, hogy jelentős mennyiségű probléma keletkezett, amikor hasonló trükköket használtak egy filmben. a Vissza a jövőbe franchise. Befejezésül azt mondta, hogy tekintettel arra, hogy Halliwellt hónapokkal az album megjelenése előtt eltiltották a vezetéstől, úgy találta, hogy "nagyon helytelennek tartja, hogy ilyesmire ösztönözze". Mary Williams, a Brake közúti biztonsági szervezet munkatársa hasonló érzéseket vallott, és kijelentette, hogy "Geri Halliwell a kisgyermekek ikonja, és attól tartunk, hogy a gyerekek kísértést fognak érezni, hogy lemásolják őt. Reméltem volna, hogy Gerinek és tanácsadóinak jutott volna egy kicsit egy ilyen üzenet lehetséges következményeinek előrelátása”. A Halliwell szóvivője elképesztőnek találta, hogy a borítót ennyire komolyan vették, mivel csak „világos, szórakoztató képnek” szánták. A hátsó borító képén Halliwell megafonon keresztül bömbölte a dalok címét. Az album tokjában minden dalszöveg meghatározza, hogy a dal „a szívnek”, „szexi”, „mozgásra késztet” vagy „az elmének szól”.
A Scream If You Wanna Go Faster általában negatív kritikákat kapott a zenei újságíróktól. Christian Ward az NME-től tízből egy csillagot adott az albumnak, és megjegyezte, hogy a Scream If You Wanna Go Faster a „Crisis Spice visszatért egy popklímába, amelyet a „Schizophonic” után uralnia kellett volna” hangja, Halliwell pedig „soha nem tenné. értsd meg jól, ami egy ideig, akárcsak Sarah Ferguson, része volt szánalmas varázsának. Most már fogalma sincs. Liza Minnelli 21. századi popművésznek próbált lenni, megkerülte az érdekes dolgokat és egyenesen a saját Muppets-ébe ment Manhattanbe." Az Entertainment.ie webhely szintén ötből egy csillagot adott az albumnak, miközben megjegyezte, hogy az album "egyértelmű katasztrófa: Geri kötelességtudóan űzi a rockot, a reggae-t, a diszkót és a rapet, mindezt egyformán felületesen, nem meggyőzően és azonnal felejthetően. Az énekhangja gyengék, a dalok képletesek, és az album egésze unalmas, irritáló káosz. Egy másik negatív kritika érkezett Caroline Sullivantól, a The Guardian újságtól, aki szerint még "elgondolkodtató" pillanataiban is "elsüllyeszti a gyártósor hangzása és Halliwell korlátozott hatótávja".
A birminghami Mail munkatársa, Alison Jones úgy jellemezte az album számait, mint „az unalmastól a nem túl rosszig”, és megjegyezte, hogy „az album elsöprő benyomása az, hogy az összes dalszöveg a kis könyv segítségével íródott. a klisékről, megadva nekik a szerencsesüti tartalmának rezonanciáját és érzelmi mélységét." Ian Sturgess, a Daily Mirror munkatársa megjegyezte, hogy Halliwell "mindent odatett, hogy olyan lemezt készítsen, amely pimasz, tiszteletlen és csupa 'n' piszkos hozzáállás, de végül messze nem a céltól". Lisa Oliver (Dotmusic) vegyes értékelést adott az albumról, miközben azt mondta, hogy a Scream If You Wanna Go Faster "soha nem lesz olyan alaplemez, amely megváltoztatja az életedet, és amelyhez újra és újra visszatérsz. De ez egy olyan album, amelyen boldogan ugrálhatsz és énekelj együtt egy részeg éjszaka alatt. Ennél többet nem is kívánhatsz egy popalbumtól." Jose F. Promis (AllMusic) pozitívabb volt, és megjegyezte, hogy néhány unalmas pillanat ellenére az album „sokszínű, felemelő és végig szórakoztató volt – csak a legkeményebb és legcinikusabb hallgató nem tud olyan dalt találni láb a" A Scream If You Wanna Go Faster később felkerült a Gigwise 2000-es évtized legrosszabb albumainak listájára.
Írók Geri Halliwell, Rick Nowels Producerek Rick Nowels Kislemez megjelenés 2001. Július 30. |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Rick Nowels, Gregg Alexander Producerek Rick Nowels, Gregg Alexander |
03 / CALLING / 4:25 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Stephen Lipson Kislemez megjelenés 2001. November 26. |
04 / FEELS LIKE SEX / 3:24 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Tracy Ackerman, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson Producerek Absolute |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Tracy Ackerman, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson Producerek Absolute |
06 / LOVE IS THE ONLY LIGHT / 3:26 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Jorgen Elofsson, Stephen Lipson Producerek Stephen Lipson |
07 / STRENGHT OF A WOMAN / 4:03 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Rick Nowels Producerek Rick Nowels |
08 / DON'T CALL ME BABY / 3:42 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson Producerek Absolute |
09 / LOVEY DOVEY STUFF / 3:36 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Tracy Ackerman, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson Producerek Absolute |
10 / IT'S RAINING MEN / 4:18 |
Írók Paul Jabara, Paul Shaffer Producerek Stephen Lipson Kislemez megjelenés 2001. Április 30. |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Jorgen Elofsson, Stephen Lipson Producerek Stephen Lipson |
12 / I WAS MADE THAT WAY / 4:47 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Peter-John Vettese, Stephen Lipson |
13 / BRAVE NEW WORLD / 4:10 |
Írók Geri Halliwell, Peter-John Vettese Producerek Peter-John Vettese, Ian Masterson |
> BRAVE NEW WORLD / Kislemez: It's Raining Men (2001) |
> NEW RELIGION / Kislemez: Scream If You Wanna Go Faster (2001) |
> BREAKING GLASS / Kislemez: Scream If You Wanna Go Faster (2001) |
> DESTINY / Kislemez: Calling (2001) |
> GETTING BETTER / Kislemez: Calling (2001) |
> AU NOM DE L'AOUR / Kislemez: Calling (2001) |
IT'S RAINING MEN 2001. április 30-án jelent meg első kislemezként Geri Halliwell brit énekesnő második szólóalbumáról, a Scream if You Wanna Go Fasterről (2001). A Bridget Jones naplója című 2001-es film filmzenéjének nemzetközileg vezető kislemezeként is szerepelt. A kislemez lett Halliwell egymást követő negyedik első számú slágere a brit kislemezlistán, és az eddigi legsikeresebb szólókislemeze lett.
Háttér: Halliwell így nyilatkozott: "Nagyon furcsa volt, mert készen álltam az új albumommal. Megvolt a kislemez, a videó ötlete, majd a film producerei megkérdezték tőlem: "Akarod felvenni Raining Men a filmzenéhez? Azt hittem, jó móka lesz, és szeretem Bridget Jonest, mert mindkét könyvet elolvastam, és így nagyon gyorsan megcsináltam. Mindannyian szerették, és azt akarták, hogy egy kislemez legyen, és úgy gondoltam, hogy ez egy kis ajándék, szóval kiadtam."
SCREAM IF YOU WANNA GO FASTER A brit énekesnő, Geri Halliwell dala azonos című második albumáról (2001). 2001. július 30-án jelent meg az EMI Records albumának második kislemezeként. Halliwell és Rick Nowels bulimia miatti első gyógyulási találkozója napján írta a dalt, és úgy jellemezte a dalt, mint "azokat a dolgokat, amiket azért tettem, hogy ne maradjak egy helyben, és kezeljem a látszataimat". Ez Halliwell eddigi leginkább rock-alapú dala, és az ihlette, hogy előző nyáron hallgatta a Led Zeppelint, közeli barátja, Robbie Williams ösztönzésére.
A dal pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, dicsérve az énekesnő új stílusát. Kereskedelmi szempontból a 8. helyen végzett az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján, és a legjobb 40 közé jutott Ausztráliában, Belgiumban (Flandria és Vallónia), Írországban és Olaszországban. A videoklipet Jim Canty és Jake-Sebastian Wynne rendezte.
Háttér: Geri Halliwell a "Scream If You Wanna Go Faster"-t "messze a legrock'n'roll dalnak, amit valaha felvettem" jellemezte, "adrenalin-dús" hangulatát a Led Zeppelin hallgatása iránti újonnan felfedezett lelkesedésének tulajdonította, amit közeli személye ösztönzött. barát, Robbie Williams. A dalt részletesen kifejtette: "A szám az album egyik témáján alapul – a benne lévő gyermeken és a kreatív, vidám emberen, aki gyakran kiszabadul belőlünk. Szívemben csak egy nagy gyerek vagyok".
CALLING Geri Halliwell brit énekesnő dala. Halliwell és Peter-John Vettese írta második albumához, a Scream If You Wanna Go Fasterhez (2001), míg a gyártást Stephen Lipson irányította. A dal az album harmadik, egyben utolsó kislemezeként jelent meg. Csakúgy, mint Halliwell előző kislemeze, a "Scream If You Wanna Go Faster", a "Calling" sikere korlátozott volt. Egyes régiókban a dalt francia verzióban adták ki, "Au nom de l'amour" néven.
Háttér: A "Calling"-ot Geri Halliwell írta Peter-John Vettese-vel, míg a produkciót Stephen Lipson irányította. Halliwell kedvenc dalának nevezte az albumon. Miután felvette a dal demóverzióját, Londonba rohant George Michael énekeshez és személyes barátjához, és eljátszotta neki. Megjegyezte, hogy Michael csak akkor dicséri, ha valóban úgy gondolja, hogy ez megérdemelt. Mivel "brutálisan őszinte" volt, és nehéz lehetett elfogadni, annyira magabiztos volt ebben a dalban, hogy hajlandó volt kockára tenni. Amikor a dal véget ért, azt mondta: "Tudod mit, Geri, ez nagyon jó". Halliwell szerint "George Michaeltől ez jelent valamit. Tényleg azt hittem, hogy van győztesem."
CIRCLES ROUND THE MOON Ez lenne az utolsó kislemez, amely Geri második szólóalbumáról, a Scream If You Wanna Go Faster-ről jelent meg. A Calling megjelenése után azonban Geri inkább nem kockáztatta meg, hogy olyan kislemezt adjon ki, amely esetleg nem kerül fel a listára. Amúgy Geri még az album megjelenésekor is előadta a dalt, és az Almighty remixeket is megrendelték. A dal remixeinek népszerűsítésére egy 12"-es bakelit került kiadásra. Ezeket a verziókat nagyon könnyű megtalálni az interneten. A remixek közül azonban csak egyet lehet hivatalosan megvásárolni egy 2002-es Almighty válogatáson, amely gyűjtemény mára ritka.
Lonely hearts are welcome here
Take my hand let's disappear, serenity is almost here oh Lord
Don't let life pass you by, jump on in, get ready to fly
Gimme some, gimme some gasoline, tell me what you want, know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster baby (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Leave behind the walk of shame, take my hand, you're not to blame
Surrender to what you can't change oh God
Don't let love pass you by, let it in, don't ask why
Gimme some, gimme some gasoline, tell me what you want, know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster baby (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Gimme some, gimme some sweet F.A., have a nice day as American's say
And scream if you wanna go faster baby (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster (Scream if you wanna go faster)
(Scream if you wanna go faster, scream if you wanna go faster)
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
Gimme some, gimme some gasoline, tell me what you want, know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster baby (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Gimme some, gimme some sweet F.A., have a nice day as American's say
And scream if you wanna go faster baby (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster baby (Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster (Scream if you wanna go faster)
(Scream if you wanna go faster, scream if you wanna go faster)
(Shake Your Bootie Cutie) Hello Daddy Baby, hello Sexy Mama's
Hello is anybody there, come on! Bring your bad-ass self downhere
Get out of your head and into your body!
(Shake Your Bootie Cutie) I wanna see you do your thing, remember to cut me in
You walk the walk, you talk the talk
We met by chance, shut up and dance
Conversation's fine, but I haven't got the time
Coffee and small talk is the last thing on my mind
We're doin' it baby, we're out here on the floor tonight, yeah
No worries baby, forget about the problems in your life
Shake your bootie cutie, you are dancing king (Uh huh, uh huh)
Sexy daddy baby, you really make my thing sing
(Sexy mama, come on! shut your mouth, ow!)
I'm a girl who likes to be kissed
I'm a sentimental freak who just loves to get frisked
I'm not in the mood to analyze
It's the way that you shake it, not the shape or the size
We're doin' it baby, we're out here on the floor tonight, my love
No worries baby, forget about the problems in your life (Shake it cutie)
Shake your bootie cutie, you are dancing king (Uh huh, uh huh)
Sexy daddy baby, you really make my thing sing (yeah)
Shake your bootie cutie, and show me you can dance (I'm Mr. Big, baby can you dig)
Sexy daddy baby, I wanna see you swing your pants (oh oh oh)
Shake your bootie cutie, you are dancing king (Uh huh, uh huh)
Sexy daddy baby, you really make my thing sing
Shake your bootie cutie, and show me you can dance (I'm Mr. Big, baby can you dig)
Sexy daddy baby, I wanna see you swing your pants (oh oh oh)
Lizard man, I know you can, so don't you ever stop
Get out of the kitchen, and quit your bitchin' girl (Shake Your Bootie Cutie)
So live your life shack as an act, cool cat flash gotta let you know
Your bootie's gotta get it, I believe in soul
I'm just a bad mother Daddy-O! (Shake Your Bootie Cutie)
Lizard man, I know you can, so don't you ever stop (Shake Your Bootie Cutie)
Get out of the kitchen, and quit your bitchin' girl
So live your life shack as an act, cool cat flash gotta let you know
(Shake Your Bootie Cutie)
Your bootie's gotta get it, I believe in soul
You're hurting me baby, I believe in soul (Shake Your Bootie Cutie)
I ain't mad at ya, I believe in soul, work it, I believe in soul
Cos you're worth it, I believe in soul (Shake Your Bootie Cutie)
The sun is going down on me, as she surrenders to the sea
So steal the night and fly with me, I'm calling, I'm calling
The moon is high on me and you, is my message breaking through
Darkened skies that once were blue, are falling (So hear me now)
Calling out your name, burning on the flame
Playing the waiting game, in my calling, in my calling (Forever and ever)
Through distant lands, through mountain streams, my river's running through your dreams
There's an ocean in between, forever and ever
Chasing shadows through the years, I whisper softly to my dear
Be sure to know that I am here, forever (So hear me now)
Calling out your name (A wish that could come true)
Burning on the flame (I'm reaching out to you)
Playing the waiting game, in my calling, in my calling
Whispers in the air (I dream you into life)
Hear a lover's prayer (I pray for you tonight)
I can feel you there, in my calling, in my calling
No man is an island, that's an empty sin
Discovery is a journey, just have to let me in
Calling out your name (A wish that could come true)
Burning on the flame (I'm reaching out to you)
Playing the waiting game, in my calling, in my calling
Whispers in the air (I dream you into life)
Hear a lover's prayer (I pray for you tonight)
I can feel you there, in my calling, in my calling
No man is an island (A wish that could come true)
That's an empty sin (I'm reaching out to you)
So steal the night and fly with me, I'm calling, hear my calling
Have you ever felt too hot to go to bed
Touched yourself instead and watch your body talk, just let your body talk
Have you ever felt just too hungry for love
The more you get you find that it's just not enough, but you really can't give it up
All you people out there put your hands up in the air
Are you feeling you know what, or do you really care
If it feels like love, then give it, baby that's a rush
If it feels like pain, pain, pain, pain, it's really just the same
If the mood is rude, then you got the right attitude
And you better get down
You don't have to get undressed, just because it feels like sex
Have you ever had a mind too dirty to read
Kinky freaks why don't you get down on your knees, I'm getting hard to please
Have you ever whipped love and left it to cry
Ask yourself the question, does the cherry pie leave you satisfied
All you people out there put your hands up in the air
Have we got the right to funk, or do we really care
If it feels like love, then give it, baby that's a rush
If it feels like pain, pain, pain, pain, it's really just the same
If the mood is rude, then you got the right attitude
And you better get down
You don't have to get undressed, just because it feels like sex
Turn out the light, so I can feel what you're thinking
Do you think we'd get it passed the watershed
Let's take it slow, cos you know, I know you know, sex is in your head
Baby I want you to know you're not the only one
I'm on my way to sexual healing, do you wanna come
If it feels like love, then give it, baby that's a rush (Feels like love, that's a rush)
If it feels like pain, pain, pain, pain (Mmm)
It's really just the same (It's really just the same)
If the mood is rude, then you got the right attitude (If the mood is, if the mood is rude)
And you better get down
You don't have to get undressed
Just because it feels like sex (Just because it feels like sex)
If it feels like love, then give it, baby that's a rush (Gottta feel like love)
If it feels like pain, pain, pain, pain, it's really just the same (Gottta feel like love)
If the mood is rude, then you got the right attitude
And you better get down
You don't have to get undressed, just because it feels like sex
I get a feeling, morning and evening, baby when you get home
I got a vision, my superstition's gone
Baby I'm shining, you got me flying, throw me a silver line
Pull me down slowly, kiss me and hold me tight
We can't hide it, we can't fight it, just feel as you believe
I put a spell on my heart for ya´
Wishin' on a little star for ya´, kinda magic in everything we do
I´d live and I´d die for ya´, get a little bit high for ya´
Forever couldn't come too soon, running circles 'round the moon
I'm moving over, you're getting closer, Heaven is in your eyes
Mystical wonder, flowing into our lives
Spirits are wakin´, to love that we're makin', angels are on our side
Watchin' and waitin', catching the joy we cry
We can't hide it, we can't fight it, just feel as you believe
I put a spell on my heart for ya´
Wishin' on a little star for ya´, kinda magic in everything we do
I´d live and I´d die for ya´, get a little bit high for ya´
Forever couldn't come too soon, running circles 'round the moon
Out of my mind, chasin' circles of love
Just to find every lifetime, it's always you
I got a spell on my heart for ya´
Wishin' on a little star for ya´, kinda magic in everything we do
I´d live and I'd die for ya', get a little bit high for ya'
Forever couldn't come too soon, running circles 'round the moon
Spell on my heart for ya (Circles 'round the moon)
Wishin' on a little star for ya´ (circles 'round the moon)
Kinda magic in everything we do (circles 'round the moon)
I´d live and I´d die for ya´, get a little bit high for ya´
Forever couldn't come too soon, running circles 'round the moon
When the lights go down on me, when the truth is hard to see
When hope is fading out of sight, love is the only light
When my world becomes unreal, and the pain is all I feel
When I can't find the love I knew, it's sad but true
We find ourselves crying, cos we can't make it last
We hope for the future, then reach for the past
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me, love is the only light
When I find no reasons why, and it's time to say goodbye
When there's nothing left to say or do, it's sad, sad but true
We find ourselves crying, cos we can't make it last
We hope for the future, then reach for the past
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me, love is the only light
Burn my fingers, feel the pain
Kiss the flame and start again (start again)
And again (and again) and again, and again, and again, and again
We find ourselves crying, cos we can't make it last (we find ourselves)
We hope for the future, then reach for the past (we hope for love)
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me, love is the only light, love is the only light
When you find yourself alone tonight
Please believe me, love is the only light
Hey you, remember me, we've got a date with destiny
Been falling down my human race, been searching for amazing grace
When the cup is half empty, make it half full
There's an underground river, shaping us all
Step by step (step by step) hour by hour (hour by hour)
What we've got is a woman's power
Day by day (day by day) believe in you (believe in you)
In what you want and what you do
It's the strength of a woman, it's the strength of a woman
It's the strength of a woman
Hey girl, I remember you, you're not alone, cos I feel it too
Been searching hard for a better man, but he won't save you, only you can
We're running out of heroes, good guys I find
Mr. Perfect Wonderful, is not on my mind
Step by step (step by step) hour by hour (hour by hour)
What we've got is a woman's power
Day by day (day by day) believe in you (believe in you)
In what you want and what you do
It's the strength of a woman, it's the strength of a woman
It's the strength of a woman, it's the strength of a woman
So come on, speak out, be strong, no doubt, cos we dream, we hope, we run
Step by step (step by step) hour by hour (hour by hour)
What we've got is a woman's power
Day by day (day by day) believe in you (believe in you)
In what you want and what you do
Step by step (step by step) hour by hour (hour by hour)
What we've got is a woman's power
Day by day (day by day) believe in you (believe in you)
In what you want and what you do
It's the strength of a woman, it's the strength of a woman
It's the strength of a woman, it's the strength of a woman
It's the strength of a woman, it's the strength of a woman
It's the strength of a woman, it's the strength of a woman
Do you think about me, like I think about you, as these nights grow colder
Do you think about us, all the love that was lost, looking back as we grow older
Would you cry if I die, either way nothing changes, and just remember
Don't call me baby, baby, just because you can
Don't call me lady, boy, you ain't that kind of man
Don't call me sugar, honey, you've never done before
It's just to little to late, this baby's at the door
Do you wish that you cared, maybe you were too scared, ro show me what you're feeling
Did you run out of time, with me on your mind, didn¹t we have no meaning
Would you bleed if I leave, either way nothing changes, and just remember
Don't call me baby, baby, just because you can
Don't call me lady, boy, you ain't that kind of man
Don't call me sugar, honey, you've never done before
It's just to little to late, this baby's at the door
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, don't you cry no more
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, get up off the floor
Don't call me baby, baby, just because you can
Don't call me lady, boy, you ain't that kind of man
Don't call me sugar, honey, you've never done before
It's just to little to late, this baby's at the door
Don't call me baby, baby, just because you can (Don't call me baby)
Don't call me lady, boy, you ain't that kind of man (Don't call me lady)
Don't call me sugar, honey, you've never done before (Don't call me sugar)
It's just to little to late, this baby's at the door
Don't call me baby, baby, just because you can (Don't call me baby)
Don't call me lady, boy, you ain't that kind of man (Don't call me lady)
Don't call me sugar, honey, you've never done before (Don't call me sugar)
It's just to little to late, this baby's at the door
I know how you take your morning tea, you know how I take my time
And you try to steal my recipe, for making blue love flow like time
I tick and you tock, I go when you stop, in ever decreasing circles
Ready or not, baby my groove will get ya
When I talk about love, you just play games
And you tie yourself up, with lust in shackles and chains
When I talk about us, I feel no shame
And I'm never giving up, till we talk about, lovey dovey, dovey stuff
I do smooth and you do rough, I used to think that you were tough
But you're scared, say that you're not
You're so good at making fun of me, I can always make your day
I read my books about philosophy, then we fight before we play
I tick and you tock, I go when you stop, in ever decreasing circles
Ready or not, baby my groove will get ya
When I talk about love, you just play games
And you tie yourself up, with lust in shackles and chains
When I talk about us, I feel no shame
And I'm never giving up, till we talk about, lovey dovey, dovey stuff
When little boys come out to play
They kiss all the girls and run away from love
When good little girls are feeling hot
He comes and he goes but he doesn't stop for love
When I talk about love, you just play games
And you tie yourself up, with lust in shackles and chains
When I talk about us, I feel no shame
And I'm never giving up, till we talk about, lovey dovey, dovey stuff
Lovey dovey, dovey stuff, I do smooth and you do rough
I used to think that you were tough, but you're scared
Lovey dovey, dovey stuff, I do smooth and you do rough
I used to think that you were tough, but you're not (Say that you're not)
Lovey dovey, dovey stuff, I do smooth and you do rough (Say that you're not)
I used to think that you were tough, but you're scared (Say that you're not)
Lovey dovey, dovey stuff, I do smooth and you do rough (Say that you're not)
I used to think that you were tough, but you're not
Humidity’s rising, barometer's getting low
According to all sources, the street's the place to go
Cause tonight for the first time, just about half past ten
For the first time in history, it's gonna start raining men
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, amen
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, amen (ow)
Humidity’s rising, barometer's getting low
According to all sources, the street's the place to go
Cause tonight for the first time, just about half past ten
For the first time in history, it's gonna start raining men
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, amen
I'm gonna go out, I’m gonna let myself get,, absolutely soaking wet!
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, every specimen
Tall, blonde, dark and lean, rough and tough and strong and mean
God bless Mother Nature, she's a single woman too
She took on the heaven's and she did what she had to do
She fought every angel, and rearranged the sky
So that each and every woman could find the perfect guy
It's raining men (Go get yourself wet girl, I know you want to)
I feel stormy weather moving in, about to begin
Feel the thunder don’t you loose your head, rip off the roof and stay in bed!
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, amen
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, amen
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, amen
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining men, amen
(It's raining men, it's raining men, it's raining men, it's raining men
It's raining men, it's raining men, it's raining men, it's raining men)
Fame costs - and right here's where you start paying
Have a drink - alcoholic, grab a coat - shopaholic
Grab a bite - anorexic, intellectual? I'm dyslexic, feeling happy - could be gay
Maybe but not today, right or wrong - either way, whatever
So you think you want to be famous, so you think you want to drive my car
Don't you know you've gotta be shameless, baby if you want to be a star, ah ah, ah ah
But I'm just a girl I wanna live for ever, I gonna to learn how to fly
(Newsflash) Fifteen minutes to show me what you're made of
Fifteen minutes what are you afraid of
I've seen it done it you wanna know the trade-off
It's heaven - it's hell - being Geri Halliwell
Get a job get a car, get a life get a face, get get a god get a man
Get some love and lose some weight, extra extra read all about it
So you know you wanna be famous, you keep on knocking but you can't get in
And once you get it how you gonna keep it, don’t you know its not enough to win
(Newsflash) Fifteen minutes to show me what you're made of
Fifteen minutes what are you afraid of
I've seen it done it you wanna know the trade-off
It's heaven - it's hell - being Geri Halliwell
Fifteen minutes show em you can do it
Fifteen minutes are you gonna screw it
Seen it done it is there nothing to it
It's heaven - it's hell - being Geri Halliwell
I just want to be loved by you
I'm just a girl I wanna live for ever, I gonna to learn how to fly
Fifteen minutes to show me what you're made of
Fifteen minutes what are you afraid of
I've seen it done it you wanna know the trade-off
It's heaven - it's hell - being Geri Halliwell
Fifteen minutes show em you can do it
Fifteen minutes are you gonna screw it
Seen it done it is there nothing to it
It's heaven - it's hellThe only difference between you and I (It's heaven, it's hell, yeah)
Is you get deadlines and I get headlines (It's heaven, it's hell, yeah)
And you know what, you're so hip it hurts (Being Geri Halliwell)
You like me, you really really like me
Get the job, get the car, get the money
Get the looks, get the scale, get the right weight
Except when I've got PMS which is like today!
Why don't I just shut the fuck up
Does my bum look fat, no just don't mention the fat word
You know I just want someone to kiss me
Without selling it to the paper, extra extra read all about it
I guess I'm a bad girl, I've learned to make you cry
I'm hanging my guilty conscience, drying on the line
Love's hangover is driftin' away
I'm good and ready for love, cos I know it's a saturday
Heaven should help me, you are my weekend lover
Just my play thing, when it's raining
I'm just like the weather, never the same
I can't help it, I was made that way
I guess you're a bad boy, you fooled around for years
I'm making my mind up baby, a change is good my dear
Love's hangover is driftin' away
I'm good and ready for love, cos I know it's a saturday
Heaven should help me, you are my weekend lover
Just my play thing, when it's raining
I'm just like the weather, never the same
I can't help it, I was made that way
Heaven should help you, you better run for cover
I'm sunshine and thunder, it's a wonder
And when I say goodbye, I want you to stay
I can't help it, I was made that way
Heaven should help me, you are my weekend lover
Just my play thing, when it's raining
I'm just like the weather, never the same
I can't help it, I was made that way
Heaven should help you, you better run for cover
I'm sunshine and thunder, it's a wonder
And when I say goodbye, I want you to stay
I can't help it, I was made that way
I was made that way, and I'm here to stay baby
I was made that way, and I'm here to stay baby
Welcome (world) welcome (world)
Open your mind to come with me, we're just about to begin
Take a deeper breath now baby, stretch and breath me in
Feel your way, feel your way, feel your way
Searching for a healing hand, that moves instinctively
Open up my secret thought, and float up consciously
Far away, far away, far away
Don't insult your inner child, I'm innocently wild, to welcome
Brave new world, gotta believe I wanna be, giving you energy
Brave new girl, gotta believe in what I do, taking me back to you
Going deeper for a brave new world
Catch me when I'm falling, as I climb the wall of sound
Break on through to the other side, now reach for higher ground
Breath me in, breath me in, breath me in
Meditate and levitate, upon the human being, to welcome
Brave new world, gotta believe I wanna be, giving you energy
Brave new girl, gotta believe in what I do, taking me back to you
Going deeper for a brave new world
Relax generally energy, virtual sexuality, ego bliss (World)
Super enlightment, deeper (World)
A physical, sexual environment, breath in
Don't insult your inner child, I'm innocently wild, to welcome
Brave new world, gotta believe I wanna be giving you energy
Brave new girl, gotta believe in what I do is taking me back to you
Brave new world, gotta believe I wanna be giving you energy
Brave new girl, gotta believe in what I do is taking me back to you
Brave new world giving you energy (Relax, generally)
Brave new girl giving you energy (Breath in)
Brand new girl is in her brave new world
Don't blame me, I'm crazy, pmt and I'm young
Don't hate me, that's lazy, plenty more work to be done
I'm cravin', I'm ravin', mad about the thing that you do
Oh baby, just save me, I'm giving it up for you
You can't stop me, I can't help it
Playing with my new philosophy, livin' it up with my intuition
Getting on down is my new therapy, working you out is my new religion
Ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba-ba-ah, is my new religion
Ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba-ba-ah, is my new religion
Not crazy, well maybe, insanity's been a friend
Unruley, so sue me, you're driving me down the bend
Don't choke me, provoke me, I'm looking for something new
Oh baby, just save me, give me that thing that you do
You can't stop me, I can't help it
Playing with my new philosophy, livin' it up with my intuition
Getting on down is my new therapy, working you out is my new religion
Ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba-ba-ah, is my new religion
Ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba-ba-ah, is my new religion
(I get on down, get on down, I get on down) Uh, uh, uh, I get on down
(I get on down, get on down, I get on down) Uh, uh, uh, I get on down
(I get on down, get on down, I get on down) Uh, uh, uh, I get on down
(I get on down, get on down, I get on down) Uh, uh, uh, I get on down!
Playing with my new philosophy, livin' it up with my intuition
Getting on down is my new therapy, working you out is my new religion
Ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba-ba-ah, is my new religion
Ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba, ba-ba-ah, is my new religion
(Geri Halliwell has left the building)
Someone told me "you're never gonna win"
Fool's paradise is where I've always been
So I told myself "I've got a heart of stone"
Not that strong I said, can't do it all alone
Tell me your dreams and I'll tell you what they mean
Cause we live, we love, we learn
You can't touch me and you can't hold me
Loving me through your window pains
But I can reach you, I can see you
Trying to hide your love away, we can be breaking glass together
Someone told me "you gotta let it go"
Little weakness's strenght, don't you know
So I tell myself "feeling left today"
I won't lose to the pain of yesterday
Tell me your dreams and I'll tell you what they mean
'Cause we live, we love, we learn ('Cause we live, we love, we learn)
You can't touch me and you can't hold me
Loving me through your window pains
But I can reach you, I can see you
Trying to hide your love away, we can be breaking glass together
I love the sound of breaking glass (I love the sound of breakingglass)
I love the sound of breaking glass (I love the sound of breakingglass)
I love the sound of breaking glass (I love the sound of breakingglass)
You can't touch me, you can't hold me
I can reach you, I can see you
Got a twisted hungry feeling, it's a hunger for you
There's a midnight train that keeps on runnin', keeps on runnin' trough
These empty hours I should be sleeping, swimming in my dreams
But tonight my mind is dancing, I'm tearing at the seams
What we had, what we lost, we gave to yesterday
A kiss and a smile, for a little while, but heaven's blew away
I believe in Destiny, one more time for you and me
So let it out and let me in, we can fly so let's begin
I believe in Destiny, tonight is ours eternally
So give it up and make it true, set me free cause I want you
Gotta keep this moment movin', it's a 'Deja Vû'
Your memory keeps rolling in, but life keeps spinnin' through
And though we've both been far away, we've never been apart
Time and space can't erase, the love that's in my heart
I believe in Destiny, one more time for you and me
So let it out and let me in, we can fly so let's begin
I believe in Destiny, tonight is ours eternally
So give it up and make it true, set me free cause I want you
I believe, I believe , I believe
I believe in Destiny, one more time for you and me
So let it out and let me in, we can fly so let's begin
I believe in Destiny, tonight is ours eternally
So give it up and make it true, set me free cause I want you
Are you ready, c'mon, cut it out
You need a little therapy, c'mon lets go!
Do you feel like something's missing, treading water in the sea of life
Can do deal with what you really feel, coz we all need some peace of mind
I need connection, keep back reflection,
I need to find some inspiration,, so help me if you can
Let's keep it together, you're making me better, now
I'm taking forever, to get you off my mind
You're making me crazy, are you looking to save me, now!
I'm ready, yeah, baby, coz were getting better all of the time
Do you feel so disconnected, that you're life is lost in soul
Racing round, your mind on a spinning wheel, so lets brake out and loose control
I want attention, but not correction
You can be my inspiration, so help me if you can
Let's keep it together, you're making me better, now
I'm taking forever, to get you off my mind
You're making me crazy, are you looking to save me, now!
I'm ready, yeah, baby, coz were getting better all of the time
You're making me crazy, are you looking to save me, now!
I'm ready, yeah, baby, cCoz were getting better all of the time
I need a cure now baby, I need a remedy
I'm getting better, you could be my therapy
I need a cure now baby, I need a remedy
I'm getting better (getting better all of the time
Let's keep it together, you're making me better, now
I'm taking forever, to get you off my mind
You're making me crazy, are you looking to save me, now!
I'm ready, yeah, baby, coz were getting better all of the time
Got you a deal, looks are right, diet, straight, get a life
Sex, money, lives for car, friends, nights, Ill be your star
Love, light, but not some hate, money matters, big mistake
Got you a deal, looks are right (Getting better all of the time)
Sex, money, lives for car, friends, nights, Ill be your star
Love, light, but not some hate, money matters, big mistake
Got you a deal, looks are right, diet, straight, get a life
Sex, money, lives for car
(Im ready yeah baby, cos were getting better all of the time)
The sun is going down on me, as she surrenders to the sea
So steal the night and fly with me, I'm calling, I'm calling
C' était autrefois et ailleurs, une éternité dans nos coeurs
A présent trop loin de toi je t'appelle (écoutes - moi)
Au nom de l'amour, je t'appelle au secours
Pour que tu reviennes, juste un seul jour, juste un seul jour
(une journée pour toujours)
Through distant lands and mountain streams, my river's running through your dreams
There's an ocean in between, forever and ever
Même si la nature s'y oppose, je changerai le cours des choses
Pour te parler un seul instant comme avant (écoutes - moi)
Au nom de l'amour, je t'appelle au secours
Pour que tu reviennes, juste un seul jour, juste un seul jour
Au nom de l'amour, je t'appelle au secours
Qu'importe où tu sois, entend ma voix, entend ma voix
Et malgré le silence, je respire ta présence
L'amour est fini, ne connait pas l'oubli
Au nom de l'amour, je t'appelle au secours
Pour que tu reviennes, juste un seul jour, juste un seul jour
Au nom de l'amour, je t'appelle au secours
Qu'importe ou tu sois, entend ma voix, entend ma voix
Et malgré le silence, je respire ta présence
L'amour est toujours le plus fort, je t'aime encore, je t'aime encore