HOT | |
![]() |
MEGJELENÉS | 2000. Október 9. |
FELVÉTELEK | 1998 Június - 2000 Április |
HOSSZ | 44:35 |
KIADÓ | Virgin Records |
PRODUCEREK | Max Beesley - Henry Binns - The Dynamic Duo - Melissa "Missy" Elliott - James "Jimmy Jam" Harris II - Terry Lewis - Fred Jerkins III - Rich Lightning - Teddy Riley - Screwface - Jimmy Singletary - Al West |
KISLEMEZEK | 01: I Want You Back - 1998. Szeptember 14. 02: Tell Me - 2000. Szeptember 25. 03: Feels so Good - 2000. Február 19. 04: Lullaby - 2001. Június 4. |
> > > > > | L.A. State of Mind (2005) |
Melanie B angol énekesnő debütáló albuma, amelyet 2000. október 9-én adott ki a Virgin. A Spice Girls nevű zenekara szünetében készült, az énekesnő 1999-ben kezdte felvenni szólólemezét. Szólómunkáját tovább vitte a kortárs R&B műfajba az "I Want You Back" után, amely 1998-ban dolgozott Missy Elliott, Melanie B rapperrel. számos amerikai zenészrel konzultált, hogy dolgozzanak vele anyagokon, köztük Sisqóval és Teddy Riley-vel, valamint Freddel Jerkins III, Jimmy Jam és Terry Lewis, akikkel együtt dolgozott a Spice Girls harmadik albumán, a Foreveren (2000).
Az album vegyes kritikusokat kapott, és kereskedelmileg nem volt olyan sikeres, mint a Spice Girls albumai vagy más tagok szólóalbumai, amelyeket ez idő tájt adtak ki. Az Egyesült Királyságban a huszonnyolcadik helyen végzett, és több mint 60 000 példányban kelt el, ezüst minősítést kapott. Az albumon három kislemez született: „Tell Me”, „Feels So Good” és „Lullaby” – az első két kislemez a legjobb 5-be jutott az Egyesült Királyságban. Az „I Want You Back” és a „Word Up”, amelyeket korábban két évvel korábban hangsávokhoz adtak ki, az album különböző verzióiban szerepelt.
Az album 2000. október 9-én jelent meg, kevesebb mint egy hónappal a Forever, a Spice Girls harmadik stúdióalbuma megjelenése előtt; Ez a fő oka annak, hogy a Hot nem volt sikeres: a rajongókat jobban érdekelte a Spice Girls visszatérő albuma, nem pedig Melanie B debütáló albuma. Annak ellenére, hogy csak két héttel adták ki a legjobb öt sláger "Tell Me" után, és benne volt az "I Want You Back" kislemezzel is, a Hot a 28. helyen lépett fel az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, 7500 példányban kelt el, majd gyorsan teljesen leesett a listáról. A Hot 2007. október 30-án jelent meg digitálisan az Egyesült Államokban az iTunes Store-on keresztül.
Négy hónappal az album megjelenése után megjelent a „Feels So Good” című kislemez, amely az 5 legjobb sláger közé került. Ez a kislemez segített az albumnak újra felkerülni a brit albumlistára. Az utolsó kislemez, a "Lullaby" 2001 júniusában jelent meg, de nem tudott nagy hatást gyakorolni az albumeladásokra, így a Hot mindössze egy hétre újra bekerült a Top 200-ba. Az albumból összesen több mint 53 000 példány kelt el. A "Hotter" című számot az album ötödik kislemezének szánták, azonban a "Lullaby" alacsony slágerlistája miatt ezt mellőzték.
I WANT YOU BACK Melanie B brit énekesnő debütáló szóló kislemeze, Missy Elliott amerikai rapperrel. Az 1998-as Why Do Fools Fall in Love című film filmzenéjének kislemezeként jelent meg. Két év után a dal Melanie B debütáló albumára, a Hot-ra (2000) is felkerült. Az „I Want You Back” 1998. szeptember 20-án az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának élére került.
Háttér Melanie B így emlékezett vissza: "Ez volt az első alkalom, hogy arra gondoltam, hogy egyedül csinálok valamit. A Spice Girls turnén voltam, amikor Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott felhívott és azt mondta: "Melanie, van egy dalom neked. , eljössz és felveszed velem?' Megnéztem a lányokkal, és egy hónapon belül kint voltam, egy nap alatt felvettem, megcsináltam a videót, aztán visszatértem.
WORD UP Melanie "Mel B" Brown, a Spice Girls brit énekesnője dolgozta fel – akkoriban Melanie G néven volt ismert (és az egyetlen kislemeze ezen a néven), mivel feleségül vette a Spice Girls egyik „Spice Boy” táncosát, Jimmyt. Gulzar – az Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me filmzenéjének részeként. A Rodney Jerkins producere által készített dalt 1999. június 28-án adták ki az Egyesült Királyságban és Európában, és a 13. helyet érte el a brit kislemezlistán. A kislemez felkerült Melanie Hot című albumának japán kiadására is. A Static nem hiteles háttérénekeket énekel a számon. Brown bandatársa, Emma Bunton háttéréneket énekel a B-oldali "Sophisticated Lady"-ben, Dexter nem hiteles rappel.
A Verne Troyert (az Austin Powers-filmek Mini-Me színészét) szereplő videoklipet túlnyomórészt zöld képernyővel forgatták, és egy fekete-fehér, rendkívül animált és összetett világban játszódik. Melanie karaktere részben gonosz királynő, részben domina, stílusa Grace Joneshoz hasonlít. A videó egyes képei azonban túl sötétnek és szexuális szuggesztívnek, valamint ijesztőnek bizonyultak ahhoz, hogy kiskorúaknak legyen kitéve; [ki által?] az egyik jelenet például Melanie-t meztelenül fekve ábrázolta egy szívét, amely a magánterületét borítja. Egy másikon Verne Troyer látható, amint ablaktisztítóként "fényesíti" a fenekét. A videó vége felé egy gyerek látható, aki egy "Phagocyte" feliratú ruhát visel. Összességében a nehéz és potenciálisan ijesztő fantáziaképek gyűjtötték össze a második változatot, mellyel Melanie kék-metál környezetben, csillogó, drágakőhöz hasonló ruhákban szerepel. Az eredeti videót ezután csak éjfél után lehetett lejátszani az MTV Europe-on és az MTV UK-n, többek között más hálózatokon.
HOTTER A tervek szerint a Hot második kislemezeként jelent meg. Egy promóciós CD, de hivatalosan soha nem adták ki. Ehelyett a Virgin Records kiadta a „Feels So Good” című számot második kislemezként. Később az ötödik kislemezként tervezte megjelentetni, de a Lullaby, illetve az album bukása után, törölve lett.
Háttér A dal, amely az album nevét inspirálta, a szexről és a párkapcsolatról szól, arról, hogy egy férfinak hogyan kell elégedettnek lennie egy nővel szexuálisan, fizikailag és érzelmileg.
A számot a Hot második kislemezeként akarták kiadni. Egy promóciós CD-t terjesztettek az Egyesült Államokban, és egy Hot UK sampler CD számlistáján is szerepelt, valamint az album többi kislemeze, a „Tell Me” és a „Feels So Good”, valamint az „I Believe”. A Hot European Promo Interview CD-jén Mel B új kislemezeként mutatja be a dalt: „Szia, ez Mel B, és ez az új kislemezem, a „Hotter”, remélem, dögös leszel!”, az Interjú CD-n. 46, ezt 2000 augusztusában rögzítették.
A „Hotter” és a „Hell No” voltak az egyetlen számok az albumon, amelyeket Sisqó írt és Al West produkált.
TELL ME Melanie B angol énekesnő dala Hot (2000) debütáló szólóalbumáról. Melanie B írta LaShawn Daniels-szel és Fred Jerkins III-mal együttműködve, a producer pedig utóbbi. 2000. szeptember 25-én jelent meg az album vezető kislemezeként az Egyesült Királyságban, a Virgin Records gondozásában. A "Tell Me" egy R&B dal, melynek szövege az énekesnő egykori férjéhez, Jimmy Gulzarhoz szól. A szám általában pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik dicsérték a produkciót.
A "Tell Me" kereskedelmileg sikeres volt, a negyedik helyen debütált a brit kislemezlistán, miközben vezette a brit Hip Hop/R&B toplistát; 2017 júniusáig összesen 109 000 példányban kelt el a régióban, ezzel az énekesnő harmadik legnagyobb példányszámban eladott szólókislemeze lett. A „Tell Me” Skóciában is a hetedik helyen végzett, Belgium flamand és vallon régióiban pedig a legjobb 20-ba jutott. Nigel Dick egy videoklipet rendezett, amely Melanie B-t táncosai kíséretében ábrázolja. A "Tell Me" népszerűsítése érdekében televíziós műsorokban és eseményeken adta elő a számot.
Háttér 1998 márciusában Melanie B kapcsolatba kezdett Jimmy Gulzar holland táncosnővel, és hat hónappal később feleségül vette Little Marlow-ban, Buckinghamshire-ben. Egy párként született egy lányuk, Phoenix Chi, aki 1999. február 19-én született. Végül 2000-ben beadta a válókeresetet, és a válást még abban az évben véglegesítették. Az énekesnő megszerezte a felügyeleti jogot, és állítólag 1,25 millió fontot fizetett Gulzarnak. Eközben Melanie B dolgozott a Hot című debütáló szólómunkáján, amelyet úgy jellemez, mint egy dokumentumfilm mindazokról a dolgokról, amin keresztülmentem az elmúlt két évben. A "Tell Me" volt az utolsó dal, amelyet az albumhoz írtak és rögzítettek 2000 márciusában. Az énekesnő ezt választotta vezető kislemeznek, mivel "nagyon naprakész számomra személy szerint most is nagyon aktuális" volt. Az Egyesült Királyságban 2000. szeptember 25-én adták ki a Virgin Records gondozásában. David Sinclair szerint a Spice Girls Revisited: How The Spice Girls Reinvented Pop című könyvében a kiadást a lemezcége "végzetes hibának" tekintette, mivel a Spice Girls harmadik stúdióalbuma, a Forever a következő hónapban jelent meg.
STEP INSIDE Az egyetlen promóciós kislemez, amelyet a Hot népszerűsítésére adtak ki. Ez egy kevéssé ismert és nagyon ritka promóciós kislemez. 2000 karácsonyán jelent meg a hivatalos kislemezcsomagban, a Spice Girls Weekend Love-jával és a Virgin Records előadóinak más dalaival együtt. A kislemeznek nincs borítója, a számkiadás pedig teljesen megegyezik az albuméval. A Step Inside társírója és producere Max Beesley, Mel B pasija volt a Hot megjelenése alatt.
MelanieB: "99 őszén a Spice Girls kiadta negyedik könyvünket, a Forever Spice-t, amely Dean Freeman, a turnén velünk együtt dolgozó fotós fotógyűjteménye. Meghívtam Max-ot (Beesley) a könyvbemutatóra. Imagination Gallery, Londonban – Írtam neked egy dalt – mondta, amint megláttuk. – Elküldhetem neked. Elküldte a számot a Spice Office-nak, és várt. Egy héttel később Nancy felhívta, hogy tetszett a dal neve , egy kimerítő fotózás után Lorenzo Aggiusszal 'Minden rendben van holnapra?' – kérdezte – Igen, találkozunk! Izgatottan válaszoltam."
FEELS SO GOOD Melanie B angol énekesnő dala Hot (2000) debütáló szóló stúdióalbumáról. Az énekes a számot is készítő Jimmy Jam és Terry Lewis duóval együttműködve írta. A dalt az album második kislemezeként adta ki 2001. február 19-én az egyesült királyságbeli Virgin Records. Megjelenését az album csökkenő eladásainak növelésére tett kísérletnek tekintették. A „Feels So Good” egy pop és R&B dal, amely szövegesen a szerelemmel való elégedettséggel foglalkozik.
A „Feels So Good” pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. Kereskedelmileg is jól teljesített az Egyesült Királyságban, az ötödik helyet érte el a brit kislemezlistán, végül Melanie B második legkelendőbb kislemezévé vált a régióban; a kislemez közepes sikereket ért el Európában. A dal klipjét Martin Weisz rendezte, és Los Angelesben forgatták. A „Feels So Good” című dalt néhány televíziós műsorban adták elő a kislemez promóciójának részeként.
LULLABY Melanie B angol énekesnő dala, amely a Hot (2000) című debütáló szólóalbumának utolsó kislemezeként jelent meg. 2001. június 4-én adták ki, és a 13. helyet érte el az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistáján. A klipben és a kislemez borítóján lánya, Phoenix Chi Gulzar szerepel. A dalt Melanie Brown, Richard Stannard, Julian Gallagher és Richard Norris közösen írták.
I was gonna get all soft and smoochy
(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah)
(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah)
(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah) yipee
Oh yeah, feels so good, I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels, letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good, I never thought that it could
My feelings are deep inside, this love I found won't ever hide
Let's go from the very start, when we met you and I were inseperable
All at once we swapped our hearts, knowing that we had it right
People got involved with us, I should have pushed them all away
Now I know what went wrong, why did it take me so long?
Loving you, loving you, is the easy part
Now I know, now I know, what to do with it
Me and you, me and you, keeping it tight
'Cause two of a kind makes us so right
Oh yeah, feels so good, I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels, letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good, I never thought that it could
My feelings are deep inside, this love I found won't ever hide
Partnerships have ups and downs, understand you and I are not alone
Feeling real normality, come on put your trust in me
Believe in me when I say, everyone can keep away
Now I know what went wrong, why did it take me so long?
Loving you, loving you, is the easy part
Now I know, now I know, what to do with it
Me and you, me and you, keeping it tight
'Cause two of a kind makes us so right
Oh yeah, feels so good, I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels, letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good, I never thought that it could
My feelings are deep inside, this love I found won't ever hide
I know how I want you (oh yeah) I know how I need you (oh yeah)
Together we'll always be, ever after happily
Feeling free (oh yeah) you and me (oh yeah)
No one can touch us now, that is how it's got to be
Each passing day, we grow stronger still
Like the after taste of a bitter pill
Keep the hurt and pain far away from me
Warm me in your glow of the ecstacy
Ladies holler if you hear me (oh yeah)
Fellas holler if you feel me (oh yeah)
Everybody can you see me (oh yeah)
'Cause two of a kind makes us so right
Oh yeah, feels so good, I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels, letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good, I never thought that it could
My feelings are deep inside, this love I found won't ever hide
Oh yeah, feels so good, I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels, letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good, I never thought that it could
My feelings are deep inside, this love I found won't ever hide
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I love you baby (oh yeah) I need you baby (oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah)
Oh yeah, feels so good, I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels, letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good, I never thought that it could
My feelings are deep inside, this love I found won't ever hide
What made you, think I would be a fool?
I now see through you, and you're the fool, tell me
How do you, feel when you see me
And I disregard you, there's someone new, and they're true
I can't believe, I was so blind I didn't see
That you couldn't be, the type of man to meet my needs
The strangest thing
Is everyone tried to tell me, but I did what they told me not to
You nearly had my everything, by running game on me
You told me all I had to hear, I thought love was finally here
But then one day, the truth I'd see, your game was incomplete
'Cause when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man, now get from under my roof, I don't want you!
What made you, think I would be a fool? (Made you, be a fool)
I now see through you, and you're the fool, tell me (Yes, I do)
How do you, feel when you see me (How do you, when you see me)
And I disregard you, there's someone new, and they're true (Disregard you)
It was the saddest thing, I thought there was no help for me
'Cause you made me think, I wasn't worth anything
Now I see
You didn't have no self-esteem, and all you loved was Mel B's money
You nearly had my everything, by running game on me
You told me all I had to hear, I thought love was finally here
But then one day, the truth I'd see, your game was incomplete
'Cause when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man, now get from under my roof, I don't want you!
What made you, think I would be a fool? (What made you, think I would be a fool?)
I now see through you, and you're the fool, tell me
(I can see through you, you're the fool, baby, you're the fool)
How do you, feel when you see me (Oh)
And I disregard you (And I turned my head around
There's someone new, and they're true (there's someone new, and they're so true)
What made you, think I would be a fool? (Made you, think I would be a fool)
I now see through you, and you're the fool, tell me (I can, you liar, you liar)
How do you, feel when you see me (When you see me)
And I disregard you, there's someone new, and they're true (Oh)
You nearly had my everything, by running game on me
You lied to me, why did you lie to me?
But then one day, the truth I'd see, your game was incomplete
I found out the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man, now get from under my roof, I don't want you!
What made you, think I would be a fool? (What made you, think that way of me?)
I now see through you, and you're the fool (I'm glad I saw through you)
Tell me (tell me, tell me)
How do you, feel when you see me (Why, do when you see)
And I disregard you
There's someone new, and they're true (Disregard you, one new, and they're so true)
What made you, think I would be a fool?
I now see through you, and you're the fool, tell me
How do you, feel when you see me
And I disregard you, there's someone new, and they're true
Wait, before you leave I've got something to say, so listen to me
I know you wanted to hate me, when you found out that I lied, yeah
I wanna spend eternity, but you say you've been decieved
Now you say you wanna leave, but I say
Hell no, hell no, I won't let you leave me this time, no (no, whoa)
Hell no, hell no, don't act like you never lied to me (don't act like you never lied to me)
Hell no, hell no, my actions are not justified (are not justified)
Remember the many nights I cried, so hell no you can't leave me this time
Now under the circumstances, do you remember what you did to me (to me)
When I found that other hooches pictures, had 'em hid inside a Dru Hill CD...
I'm not trying to go back and forth, I'm just trying to let you know
I've fogiven you a hundred times, so, baby, I'm not gonna let you go, so
Hell no, hell no, I won't let you leave me this time, no (hell no, hell no, don't leave me)
Hell no, hell no, don't act like you never lied to me (don't act like you never lied)
Hell no, hell no, my actions are not justified (oh no, I'm so sorry baby)
Remember the many nights I cried, hell no you can't leave, this time (this time)
Don't leave me now, I'll be here if you stay (I'll stay right here)
Hell no, hell no, I won't let you leave me this time, no (oh no, don't leave me)
Hell no, hell no, don't act like you never lied to me (oh don't you go away)
Hell no, hell no, my actions are not justified (I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry baby)
I forgave you baby when you left, hell no you can't leave me this time
Hell no, hell no, I won't let you leave me this time, no
(what do you think, do you think I can be all alone?)
Hell no, hell no, don't act like you never lied to me
(but you lied to me before, yes you have)
Hell no, hell no, my actions are not justified
(can you forgive me, can you forgive me baby?)
(Hell no) Hell no you can't leave me this time
Don't leave me, no, stay right here
Sometimes I think about, what life was like before
Was it full of old remedies, that kept me reaching for the door
But I know this love is unconditional, deep inside you're my living joy
I'm gonna sing you a lullaby, a thousand times or more
You're as sweet as a butterfly, baby, all I need and more
Gonna sing you my song, cause I think the world about you
You're the only one that matters now, since the day you were born
The first time I looked at you, on that Friday afternoon
Your eyes were all a wondering, who am I and who are you
But I know our love is unconditional (yes, it is)
Deep inside you're my living joy
I'm gonna sing you a lullaby, a thousand times or more (all night, all night long, yeah)
You're as sweet as a butterfly, baby, all I need and more (butterfly, all I need and more)
Gonna sing you my song, cause I think the world about you
You're the only one that matters now, since the day you were born
Oh-oh, a thousand times and more, oh-oh, all I need and more
Sing you my song, think the world about you, day you were born
But I know this love is unconditional (yes, it is)
Deep inside you're my living joy
I'm gonna sing you a lullaby, a thousand times or more
You're as sweet as a butterfly, baby, all I need and more
Gonna sing you my song, cause I think the world about you
You're the only one that matters now, since the day you were born
I'm gonna sing you a lullaby, a thousand times or more
You're as sweet as a butterfly, baby, all I need and more
Gonna sing you my song, cause I think the world about you
You're the only one that matters now, since the day you were born
"Girl, picture this, come with me, baby, and we can floss in the whip"
But he didn't know I wasn't on that money shit
Bum real tight, up top mad thick, independent chick
But if you were me, you (gotta, gotta)
Boy, you gotta make me (hotter, hotter)
Baby, can you make me (hotter, hotter)
Make me (hotter, hotter) make me (hotter, hotter) baby?
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Make me)
Baby, can you make, (make me hotter) (I wanna know, tell me)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Can you make me hot, baby?)
Baby, can you make, (make me hotter) (I wanna know, I need to know)
Now, baby (you need to just stop)
I don't care (how much money you've got)
I wonder if you can (make me hot)
You can (make me hot) you can (make me hot)
Not just physically, emotionally, mentally, baby, that's my fantasy (oh yeah)
Give me something good to see, I want you, baby (Oh please, baby)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Can you make me?)
Baby, can you make, (make me hotter) (Oh-whoa)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Gotta tell me, gotta tell me)
Baby, can you make, (make me hotter) (I need to know, oh)
Ballers don't impress me, so you know (You need to just stop)
I don't care (how much money you've got)
Do you want my body to be yours, all yours?
I need a simple man, knows how to treat me right (I need, treat me)
To keep me satisfied, make love all through the night
Someone to make me (hotter) oh-oh, (hotter)
Baby, can't you make me hotter, yeah?
(Can you make me?)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Tell me)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Oh-oh)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Can you make me hotter?)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (I gotta know, I gotta know)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Yeah-yeah, don't you lie to me)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Tell me the truth, tell me what you wanna do)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (It's all up to you, tell me what you wanna do)
Baby, can you make, (make, make me hotter) (Make me hot for you, baby, ow!)
Step inside and steal some time
Hide and seek is on your mind
Think you'll find your destiny
Shallow grave is all you'll see
There's raindrops around, all darkness, no sound
Your lips wet and fine I'll let you in my mind
A kiss for the night, the black widow's now inside
I now know your dreams ain't what they seem
Better watch out when you close your eyes, cos I can see your lies
Little lady try to sleep tonight, the devils got your eyes
Step inside and steal some time (steal some time)
Hide and seek is on your mind
Think you'll find your destiny (destiny)
Shallow grave is all you'll see
Step inside and steal some time (steal some time)
Hide and seek is on your mind
Think you'll find your destiny (destiny)
Shallow grave is all you'll see
There's no phone talk today, baby you're out to play
Hungry for the next to play your game
Better watch out when you close your eyes, cos I can see your lies
Little lady try to sleep tonight, the devils got your eyes
Step inside and steal some time (steal some time)
Hide and seek is on your mind
Think you'll find your destiny (destiny)
Shallow grave is all you'll see
Step inside and steal some time
Hide and seek is on your mind (hide and seek is on your mind)
Think you'll find your destiny
Shallow grave is all you'll see
(One day you'll find, I'll come for your mind)
Better watch out when you close your eyes, cos I can see your lies
Little lady try to sleep tonight, the devils got your eyes
Step inside and steal some time (steal some time)
Hide and seek is on your mind
Think you'll find your destiny (destiny)
Shallow grave is all you'll see
Step inside and steal some time (steal some time)
Hide and seek is on your mind
Think you'll find your destiny (destiny)
Shallow grave is all you'll see
Step inside and steal some time (steal some time)
Hide and seek is on your mind (hide and seek is on your mind)
Think you'll find your destiny (destiny)
Shallow grave is all you'll see
Step inside and steal some time (steal some time)
Hide and seek is on your mind (hide and seek is on your mind)
Think you'll find your destiny (destiny)
Shallow grave is all you'll see
ABC 123
(You'll let me take you to the next level, let your mind be free)
Let your mind be free, if you wanna get with me
Simple as 123, talkin bout abc
Like it real nasty, if you wanna play with me
Oh boy, don't waste my time
You can keep me on a chain
But I don't think you can take the pain
And all the things that I put you through
It just drove you crazy cos I'm so crazy
You took control and set me free (set me free)
Between the pain of you and me (you and me)
And even though I had it all (had it all) I'd still reach out for more
Let your mind be free, if you wanna get with me (get with me)
Simple as 123, talkin bout abc (abc)
Like it real nasty, if you wanna play with me (play with me)
Oh boy, don't waste my time
I like your way without knowin how
But there's some things that still get me down
The same old way of making love
It's not quite enough, I need some more
You took control and set me free (set me free)
Between the pain of you and me (you and me)
And even though I had it all (had it all) I'd still reach out for more
Let your mind be free, if you wanna get with me (if you wanna get with me)
Simple as 123, talkin bout abc (talkin bout abc)
Like it real nasty, if you wanna play with me (if you wanna play with me)
Oh boy, don't waste my time
- Screwface rap -
Let your mind be free, yeah
Let your mind be free, if you wanna get with me
Simple as 123, talkin bout abc (123, abc)
Like it real nasty, if you wanna play with me (if you wanna play with me)
Oh boy, don't waste my time
Let your mind be free, if you wanna get with me (get with me)
Simple as 123, talkin bout abc (abc)
Like it real nasty, if you wanna play with me (play with me)
Oh boy, don't waste my time
Let your mind be free, if you wanna get with me (if you wanna get with me)
Simple as 123, talkin bout abc (talkin bout abc)
Like it real nasty, if you wanna play with me (if you wanna play with me)
Oh boy, don't waste my time
Let your mind be free, if you wanna get with me
Oh boy, don't waste my time
I believe in my baby, our love will always be (I believe in my baby)
I believe in my baby (ah yeah)
Our love will always be, yeah yeah yeah (say it, say it, say it again)
Now here come to me
Just when I thought, that no one had no kind of love for me
My achin heart was restless, hopelessly decieved
You came along and made it, wasy to believe, in love again
I believe in my baby, our love will always be (ah yeah, say it again)
I believe in my baby
Arms of an angel
Shield me with protection, and you show me that you care
I say it loud and proud, that I ain't going nowhere
You made my house a home, and now I do believe, in love again
I believe in my baby, our love will always be
I believe in my baby, our love will always be, yeah yeah yeah (I do)
Secrets all unfold
There's nothing left unspoken, from the heart you and I know
Everything about each other, we just let it show
To be or not to be
Thats what you said to me, we're gonna get it started now
We're living out our fantasy, fantasy (repeat to fade)
Cos I believe
I believe in my baby, our love will always be (my baby, say it, say it, say it again)
I believe in my baby, our love will always be, yeah yeah yeah (I do, I believe in my baby)
Ah yeah, say it, say it, say it again
I believe in my baby, our love will always be (I believe in my baby)
I believe in my baby
Our love will always be, yeah yeah yeah (ah yeah, say it, say it, say it again)
Cos I believe
I believe in my baby, our love will always be (my baby, say it, say it, say it again)
I believe in my baby, our love will always be, yeah yeah yeah (I do)
I believe in my baby, our love will always be
I believe in my baby, our love will always be, yeah yeah yeah
I'm the M to the E-L, B, you know me?
I'm the M-I-S-S-Y to the E
And I got many flows from overseas
Well, how can you BEEP BEEP with no keys?
I got spice, I'm tight with my flows
And all my flows been known to throw blows
Well, let me hit this one before I go
Well, I'ma let ya go if you say so, ow!
Boy, I'm sick of you
Who, me, yes, me, yeah, you know I'm a fool, fool, I'm a fool for you
'Cause I keep taking you back, as though I'm stupid like that
Yeah yeah, you know we're through
But I can't say no, and I never said no, I can't say no to you
Because you treat me whack, in fact, I want you back, uh
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you back, want you
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you, want you back
Boy, I'm tired of you
Running over me, telling me what to do, now, what have I done to you
To make you sex a lot, I thought I made you hot?
Now, don't make me act a fool
I know I talk mad junk, but I know what I want, what I truly want is you
And even though you're a mack, true that, I want you back, uh
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you back, want you
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you, want you back
You got me losing my mind, my mind, you can't keep breaking my heart
You got me drinking the liquor in the morning, sitting all night at the bar
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you back, want you
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you, want you back
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you back, want you
I think I want you back, your love has made a deep impact
I know it might sound whack, but damn, I think I want you, want you back
Pack your shit, and get the hell out
Don't come back around here no more
Boy, you gotta pack your shit, and get the hell out
Don't come back around here no more
Can't you see now, baby, with the tears in my eyes, I don't feel right
But you don't feel the same way, how can we live this way?
Got your girls on the telephone, talkin' 'bout this and that, that and this
So pack your shit, go on your merry little way
I've got no time for you today, no way
You said you hooked up, but you never fucked up (Fucked up)
So what the hell is this shit on my covers? (Cover)
You say you love me, every time you fuck me (Every time you fuck me)
How could you do this to me?
Pack your shit, and get the hell out (Pack that shit)
Don't come back around here no more
Boy, you gotta pack your shit, and get the hell out (Pack that shit)
Don't come back around here no more
Now, wait a minute now, baby girl, you say the pain in your life is because of me
Then you go fucking up my clothes, my cars, did all I have to do for you, baby
So check your best friend walkin' 'round the house
With those tight mini skirts and no drawers on
"Baby you're a man in me" she said, "and I'll fulfill your every fantasy, yeah"
That's when I hopped up, but I never fucked up
You never found no shit up on no covers
I said I loved you every time I kissed you
(How could you do this to me, baby? (Harmony))
Pack your shit, and get the hell out (Pack that shit)
Don't come back around here no more
Boy, you gotta pack your shit, and get the hell out (Pack that shit)
Don't come back around here no more (How could you do this to me?)
You said you hopped up, but you never fucked up
So what the hell is this shit on my covers? (What's that shit on the cover)
You say you love me every time you fuck me
How could you do this to me, oh
Boy, you gotta pack your shit, and get the hell out
Don't come back around here no more (No, no)
Boy, you gotta pack your shit, and get the hell out (Pack that shit)
Don't come back around here no more (oh)
Boy, you gotta pack your shit, and get the hell out (Pack that shit)
Don't come back around here no more (oh)
Boy, you gotta pack your shit, and get the hell out (Pack that shit)
Don't come back around here no more (oh)
I like it when we do it this way, remember this, listen...
Feel me now (Feel me now, this is your chance to show me)
What you're about (What your about, I'm yours for now, I'll show you)
Feel me now (Feel me now, come play with me, don't be afraid)
All I want is what you need (All I want is what you need)
When I get wanted, I give you what you want
It's all about the different layers of my body, alright
Just explore me, don't let me move
Please go down, if you take the lead I won't mind
Cos I'm a woman, and a woman needs to feel pleasure
And the pleasure is all mine
You're the chosen one to fulfill my every need, you've got that touch indeed
And I could've had anyone, but you're the one (but you’re the one)
Feel me now, this is your chance to show me (it just feels so good)
What your about, I'm yours for now, I'll show you (I wanna feel everything)
Feel me now, come play with with me, don't be afraid (feel me now, just give me everything)
All I want is what you need (just close your eyes, you'll feel it)
Yeah, this feels really good, really good, just tickle me
Torment all my tastes, just make it go faster please, please...
I know you know what you are doing
Just do it good and don't let me down, close your eyes, feel it, feel it all
You're the chosen one to fulfill my every need, you've got that touch indeed
And I could've had anyone, but you're the one (but you're the one)
Feel me now, this is your chance to show me (it just feels so good)
What your about, I'm yours for now, I'll show you (I wanna feel everything)
Feel me now, come play with with me, don't be afraid (feel me now, just give me everything)
All I want is what you need (just close your eyes, you'll feel it, you'll feel it)
Chosen one (just give me everything)
Everything (cos I wanna feel your everything)
And I could've had anyone
But you're the one (yeah, you know what I'm saying)
Feel me now (Feel me now, this is your chance to show me)
What you're about (What your about, I'm yours for now, I'll show you)
Feel me now (Feel me now, come play with me, don't be afraid)
All I want is what you need (All I want is what you need)
Feel me now, this is your chance to show me (it just feels so good)
What your about, I'm yours for now, I'll show you (I wanna feel everything)
Feel me now, come play with with me, don't be afraid (feel me now, don't be afraid)
All I want is what you need (all I want is what you need)
Listen, listen can you hear it, I can feel it and hear it
Just close your eyes, just feel it, feel it one time
Do I need to say anymore, no, I don't think so
One thing, I think we should do this more often, don't you?
Alright, let's just go for it
C'mon baby (Eh-hey, yeah, ow, eh-hey, yeah)
All pretty ladies around the world
Got a weird thing to show you, so tell all the boys and girls
Tell your brother, your sister and your mama too
'Cause we're about to go down and you know just what to do
Wave your hands in the air like you don't care
Glide by the people as they stop to look and stare
Do your dance, do your dance, do your dance quick, mama
C'mon baby, tell me, what's the word?
Uh, word up, everybody say
When you hear their call you've got to get it underway
Uh, word up, it's the code word
No matter where you say it, you know that you'll be heard (word up)
Eh-hey, yeah (come on baby) eh-hey, yeah (word up)
Eh-hey, yeah, eh-hey, yeah
Now all you sucka DJ's who think you're fly
There's got to be a reason and we know the reason why
You try to put on those airs and act real cool
But you got to realize that you're actin' like fools
If there's music, we can use it, we're free to dance
We don't have no time for psychological romance
No romance, no romance, no romance for me, mama
C'mon baby, tell me, what's the word?
Uh, word up, everybody say
When you hear their call you've got to get it underway
Uh, word up, it's the code word
No matter where you say it, you know that you'll be heard (word up)
Word up, everybody say
When you hear their call you've got to get it underway
Uh, word up, it's the code word
No matter where you say it, you know that you'll be heard (word up)
Eh-hey, yeah (c'mon baby) eh-hey, yeah (word up) eh-hey, yeah
Word up, everybody say
Word up, it's the code word, word up, word up
I got this feeling baby
Inside it's driving me crazy, I just don't know what to do
Why don't you get this started
Body language so inviting, there ain't nothing that we won't do
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Come and get my lovin', never get enough of the push and shovin'
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Change my name from the B to the G, so my hubby can get with me
I know that we can make it
Never ever gonna get it on and fake it, that style don't suit me or you
There are so many reasons
Why our love is so in season, thought like this keep me straight with you
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Come and get my lovin', never get enough of the push and shovin'
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Change my name from the B to the G, so my hubby can get with me
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Have we got sound, go Dexter, go Dexter, Dexter (shit, my bit now?)
Ay yo Mel, you know ride this beat so well
Late at night lay some tracks by the midnight bell
For we don't sweat it no cos the three of us are strong
With the energy you give babe we can't go wrong
Paris was the city in the heat of the summer time
When J took the heart of a friend of mine (go dexter)
Then you gave rings and the vows were done
And you'll always be together because two become one
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Come and get my lovin', never get enough of the push and shovin'
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Change my name from the B to the G, so my hubby can get with me
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Come and get my lovin', never get enough of the push and shovin'
(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh sophisticated lady (Harmony))
Change my name from the B to the G, so my hubby can get with me