SpiceWorld (1997) << FOREVER >> Greatest Hits (2007)
FOREVER Spice Girls angol lánycsapat harmadik stúdióalbuma, amelyet 2000. november 1-jén adott ki a Virgin Records. Ez az egyetlen albumuk Geri Halliwell nélkül, aki később 2007-ben csatlakozott a Greatest Hits albumhoz.
A Forever a második helyen végzett a brit albumlistán, és ezzel a csoport egyetlen stúdióalbumává vált, amely nem került a brit listák élére. Később a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) platina minősítést kapott. Az album szintén csak a 39. helyet érte el az amerikai Billboard 200-on. Világszerte több mint kétmillió példányban kelt el az album, ami kereskedelmi csalódás a két korábbi Spice és Spiceworld albumukhoz képest.
A vezető és egyetlen kislemez, a dupla A-oldalas "Holler" és a "Let Love Lead the Way" az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának első helyén debütált, ezzel a csoport kilencedik első számú kislemeze lett. Közel két évvel korábban megjelent, 1998-as karácsonyi kislemezük, a "Goodbye" is felkerült az albumra, mint a közeli. A "Tell Me Why", a "Weekend Love" és az "If You Wanna Have Some Fun" promóciós kislemezként jelent meg az albumról, utóbbihoz pedig egy montázszenei videót, amelyet kizárólag európai zenei állomásoknak adtak ki.
kezdett, hogy dalokat írjanak és rögzítsenek egy esetleges harmadik albumhoz és egy élő albumhoz.[3] Ennek az albumnak az eredeti koncepciója az volt, hogy szólódalokat, duetteket és feldolgozásokat mutasson be mind az öt taggal, annak érdekében, hogy népszerűsítse azt az elképzelést, hogy a Spice Girls mind egyéniség, de mégis összeállhat. A lányok a dublini Windmill Lane Stúdióba mentek régi munkatársaikkal, Richard Stannarddal és Matt Rowe-val, hogy új albumon dolgozzanak, és mesterfelvételeket készítsenek egy élő albumhoz. Geri Halliwell hirtelen távozásával a projekt nagy fordulatot vett, a már elkészített dalok közül sokat leselejteztek, az élő albumot pedig törölték.
A Spice Girls 1998 júliusában, Spiceworld turnéjuk észak-amerikai szakasza során rögzítette karácsonyi kislemezét, a "Goodbye"-t. A lányok ismét összeálltak Stannarddal és Rowe-val. A következő évben felvették a "My Strongest Suit"-t az Aida musical koncepcióalbumához. A "Goodbye" 1998. decemberi megjelenése és a Forever 2000. novemberi megjelenése közötti két év alatt a csoport, valamint általában a popzenei táj drámaian megváltozott. Abban a reményben, hogy egy érettebb imázst ápolnak, a csapat amerikai producerekkel szövetkezett, hogy a Forevernek R&B hangzást adjon. A kezdeti felvételek azonban megőrizték korábbi műveik pop hangzását.
A Forever vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól.
Az Egyesült Királyságban a Forever ugyanazon a héten jelent meg, mint a Westlife Coast to Coast albuma, és a slágerlisták csatájáról a média széles körben beszámolt, ahol a Westlife megnyerte a csatát, elérve az 1. helyet az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján, így a Spice Girls a 2. helyen áll. A Forever összesen 10 hetet töltött a listán. A British Phonographic Industry (BPI) 2000. november 17-én platina minősítést kapott, ami 300 000 példányt meghaladó szállítmányt jelent. Az Egyesült Államokban az album mérsékelt sikert ért el; a Billboard 200-as listán a 39. helyezést érte el, ami alacsonyabb, mint az előző albumuk, a Spiceworld (1997), amely a harmadik helyen végzett, és 2006 júliusáig 207 000 példányban kelt el belőle. A Forever öt millió példányban kelt el világszerte.
Ausztráliában a kilencedik helyet érte el, és ott arany minősítést kapott. Az album 10. helyezést ért el Ausztriában, és ott is arany minősítést kapott. Kanadában a 6. helyezést érte el, és ott dupla platina minősítést kapott, így ez a Forever legmagasabb minősítése. Az album Németországban is a 6. helyezést érte el, de ott arany minősítést kapott. Írországban a 15. helyen érte el a csúcsot. Az album Új-Zélandon a 25. helyezést érte el, ahol arany minősítést kapott. Svájcban a 11. helyen végzett, és platina minősítést kapott.
A Forever vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. A Metacritic-nél, amely 100-ból normalizált értékelést ad a mainstream kiadványok kritikáihoz, az album 45-ös átlagos pontszámot kapott kilenc értékelés alapján. James Hunter, a Rolling Stone-tól vegyes kritikában kifejtette, hogy "a Forever valószínűleg reakciót vált ki valahol a közepén – egy kivétellel, ez egyszerűen rendben van." A zenekritikusok ambivalens véleményt alkottak a lemez hangzásában bekövetkezett változásról a a csoport korábbi kiadásai. Stephen Thomas Erlewine (AllMusic) azt írta, hogy a Foreveren a Spice Girls "minden megfelelő lépést megtesz, Rodney Jerkins szupersztár producert bízta meg a legtöbb szám irányításával, és próbál érettnek tűnni, de mindez egy olyan lemezt eredményez, amely furcsa módon öntudatos. és lapos." Andrew Lynch, az Entertainment.ie oldalról így vélekedett: "A produkció olyan sima, mint valaha, de úgy tűnik, hogy a régi Girl Power lelkesedés nagy része kimerült és elszállt – és ezzel együtt a szórakozás nagy része is, amely megváltotta alapvető ragacsosságukat. " David Browne, az Entertainment Weekly munkatársa így nyilatkozott: "Minden műfaji klisé, a homogenizált harmóniáktól a finoman pengetős hangszereken át a férfi rapper közbeszólásokig, biztonságosan a helyén van. A zene annyira ízléses, visszafogott és futószalagon jártas, hogy korán megtörténik. az olyan kislemezek, mint a 'Say You'll Be There', úgy hangzanak, mint a legnyersebb punk rock." Betty Clarke, a The Guardian munkatársa negatívan értékelte a Forever-et, és kijelentette, hogy "végső soron vágyakozik azokra a mámorító danokra, amikor a Spice Girls pop volt, és büszke rá.”
Más kritikák pozitívabbak voltak az album produkciójával kapcsolatban. Michael Paoletta, a Billboard munkatársa pozitívan értékelte az albumot, és kijelentette, hogy "árad az időszerű funk ütemektől és olyan jól kidolgozott dalokból, amelyekből az első számú slágerek készülnek." Pozitív értékelésben Stephanie McGrath a Jam! azt írta, hogy az album a csoport kísérlete volt, hogy "tompítsa korábbi ragyogásukat, és kifinomult csavart adjon fülbemászó popzenéjüknek". Azt írta, hogy a csoport „kényelmesebben” hangzik az album stílusához képest, és úgy jellemezte, hogy „tele van jó popzenével”. Natalie Nichols, a Los Angeles Times munkatársa úgy jellemezte, hogy az album énekhangja előrelépést jelent az albumon lévőkhöz képest. elődje, és azt írta, hogy "a lányok több vokális szenvedélyt és tekintélyt gyűjtenek össze" a Spiceworld-hez képest. A The Sonic Net kritikája azt írta, hogy az album "nagyon profinak" hangzott, de azt is írta, hogy "csak egy kemény rajongó tagadhatja, hogy a virágzás határozottan a rózsáról szól."
GOODBYE Spice Girls brit lánycsapat által rögzített dal. Írta a csoport, Richard Stannard és Matt Rowe, míg a producere az utóbbi kettő. A dal lett a csoport első dala Geri Halliwell éneke nélkül. A Virgin Records adta ki 1998. december 14-én, majd felkerült harmadik stúdióalbumukra, a Foreverre (2000). A "Goodbye" egy popballada, amely szövegileg egy baráttól, konkrétan Halliwelltől való búcsúból áll. A dalszövegeket a média és a rajongók is a csoport végének tekintették, bár az ötletet a tagok elvetették.
A "Goodbye" pozitív kritikákat kapott a zenekommentátoroktól, akik szerint ez a csoport egyik legjobb kislemeze. A dal kereskedelmi sikert aratott, az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának élére került, és a Spice Girls lett az első fellépés, amelynek három egymást követő karácsonyi első számú kislemeze volt az 1965-ös The Beatles óta. Kanadában, Új-Zélandon, Írországban és Olaszországban, és az első öt között csúcsosodott ki a toplistákon Ausztráliában, Dániában, El Salvadorban, Finnországban, Magyarországon, Malajziában, Hollandiában, Svédországban és Tajvanon. Ezenkívül a "Goodbye" a 11. helyet érte el az Egyesült Államok Billboard Hot 100-án.
MY STRONGEST SUIT Ez volt a csoport első száma a Goodbye után, ezért is kapott nagy figyelmet a médiából, és a rádióban is jól játsszák, különösen az Egyesült Királyságban. A szám Elton John és Tim Rice Aida című albumának része. A Spice Girls néhány nagy híresség volt, akik részt vettek a projektben. Az album a Disney Aida „koncepcióalbumának” tekinthető. 2000-ben az album ismét megjelent, de a musical eredeti szereplőivel. 1999-ben felröppent a pletyka, hogy a My Strongest Suit kereskedelmi kislemezként fog megjelenni, de a pletykák soha nem váltak valósággá. Abban az időben Melanie B és Victoria Beckham is szülési szabadságon volt.
HOLLER Spice Girls brit lánycsapat dala harmadik stúdióalbumukról, a Foreverről (2000). A csoport írta, további írók pedig Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins, LaShawn Daniels és Fred Jerkins III, a producerként pedig Darkchild is szolgált. A számot 2000. október 23-án adta ki az Egyesült Királyságban a Virgin Records a Forever vezető kislemezeként, dupla A-oldalas kislemezként a "Let Love Lead the Way"-vel; a csoport korábban, szeptember 11-én bemutatta a dalt hivatalos honlapján. A „Holler” egy R&B és dance dal, amely a csoport korábbi rágógumi pop-műveitől való eltérést ábrázolja. Szöveg szerint ez abból áll, hogy a tagok "come-ons"-t énekelnek egy férfinak.
A "Holler" vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól; míg egyesek dicsérték a dal produkcióját és a Spice Girls énekét, mások túlságosan hasonlítottak a Destiny's Child, a Sister Sledge és a TLC műveihez, és úgy gondolták, hogy túlságosan különbözik a csoport korábbi hangzásaitól. A dal kereskedelmi sikert aratott, az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának élére került, és a banda kilencedik első számú kislemeze lett a régióban. Ezzel a Spice Girls rekordot hozott a legtöbb első számú kislemezzel rendelkező lánycsapatban. Nemzetközileg kereskedelmileg is sikeres volt, és az első tíz közé jutott olyan országokban, mint Kanada, Dánia, Finnország, Írország és Spanyolország. Az Egyesült Államokban nem érte el a Billboard Hot 100-at, de a Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles listán a 12. helyet sikerült elérnie.
A "Holler" klipjét Jake Nava rendezte, és nagyjából egy időben forgatták a "Let Love Lead the Way" videójával. A lányokat ábrázolta, amint egy-egy négy elemet játszanak, és egy üvegpiramisban is együtt jelennek meg.
LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY Spice Girls brit lánycsapat dala harmadik stúdióalbumukról, a Foreverről (2000). A dalt a zenekar tagjai írták, további írók pedig Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins, LaShawn Daniels, Fred Jerkins III és Harvey Mason Jr., míg a gyártást Darkchild és Mason Jr. végezte. A szám dupla A-oldalként jelent meg. 2000. október 23-án az Egyesült Királyságban a Virgin Records által kiadott "Holler"-dal, és a Forever vezető kislemezeként szolgált. A "Let Love Lead the Way" egy R&B ballada, melyben a csapat lírailag bátorító szavakat énekel a jövőre nézve egy lánynak, amelyet egyes kritikusok szerint Geri Halliwellnek, a csoport egykori tagjának szólt. Melanie C, a csoport tagja úgy jellemezte a dal szövegét, hogy "csak arról szól, hogy a szerelem mindent legyőz".
A "Let Love Lead the Way" vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól. Míg néhányan dicsérték a számot, mások úgy gondolták, hogy az R&B-vezérelt produkció nem illett a zenekarhoz. A dal kereskedelmi sikert aratott, a brit kislemezlistán az első helyet érte el, a csoport kilencedik első számú kislemeze lett a régióban, és ezzel a legtöbb kislemezzel rendelkező női csoport a slágerlisták élére került. Nemzetközileg kereskedelmileg is sikeres volt, és az első tízbe tetőzött Dániában, Finnországban, Írországban, Olaszországban és Spanyolországban.
A „Let Love Lead the Way” című klipjét Greg Masuak rendezte, és ugyanazt a koncepciót osztotta ki, mint a „Holler” című videót, amelyben a lányok a négy elem valamelyikét játszák.
TELL ME WHY A brit lánycsapat, a Spice Girls dala, amely harmadik stúdióalbumuk, a Forever (2000) második számaként jelenik meg. A dalt Victoria Beckham, Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Rodney Jerkins, LaShawn Daniels, Fred Jerkins III és Mischke Butler írta. Jerkins és Daniels készítette a dalt. 2000 decemberében adták ki promóciós kislemezként. Eredetileg a Forever második kislemezeként tervezték a kiadást.
Miután a Spice Girls 1998-ban kiadta a "Goodbye"-t első kislemezként Geri Halliwell nélkül, a csoport szünetet tartott. 1999 közepén elkezdtek dolgozni harmadik stúdióalbumukon, és először dolgoztak együtt Rodney Jerkins producerrel. Jerkins azt mondta, reméli, hogy "városi, táncos" hangulatot hoz a projektbe: "Még mindig lesz pop vonzereje, de az ütemek kicsit keményebbek lesznek."
IF YOU WANNA HAVE SOME FUN Ez lesz a második brit kislemez a Forevertől. Harmadik a világ többi részén. A kislemez Európa-szerte, az Egyesült Királyságban, Ausztráliában és Kanadában kiszivárgott klubokba. Sikeres volt a Fülöp-szigeteken, ahol a 20. helyezést érte el. Promóciós kislemezként adták ki. A dal a régi popstílust mutatta be R&B helyett, mint a Forever album többi része.
Az album törlése miatt a kislemez hivatalosan soha nem jelent meg. A dal azonban az MTV-hez került, a Virgin által készített promóciós videóval, melyben különböző videoklipp-összeállításokat mutattak be karrierje során. Geri Halliwellt sem zárták ki az összes klipből, két klip is van abban a promóciós videóban, amiben feltűnt.
WEEKEND LOVE Ez lesz a második kislemez a Spice Girls Forever című albumáról Ázsiában. Mivel azonban az Egyesült Királyságban működő Virgin lemezkiadó, valamint Melanie B, Emma Bunton, Victoria Beckham és Melanie C úgy döntöttek, hogy lemondanak az album promóciós terveiről, az ázsiai Virgin kiadó kiadta a "Weekend Love" promóciós kislemezt. ".
A dal egyben a Forever utolsó kislemeze is volt Európában, Ausztráliában, Kanadában, az Egyesült Királyságban és Amerikában. A kislemez törlése miatt a Virgin Records/EMI eltávolította az elkészített promóciós kislemezeket. Néhány promóciós kislemez azonban kiszivárgott.
Melanie B egy interjúban megjegyezte, hogy érdekli a Weekend Love remixelése. Azt mondta, gondolt arra, hogy felhívja Lil' Kimet, Trinát vagy Foxy Brownt barátainak, hátha érdekli őket egy remix készítése a lányokkal. Ez a terv azonban a lemondás miatt meghiúsult. A remix egy teljesen új dal lett volna, és a Forever ötödik kislemezeként adták volna ki.
CHRISTMAS IN SPICEWORLD TOUR [1999. December 4-15.] Spice Girls angol lányegyüttes második koncertturnéja. A nyolc előadásból álló turné „egyéni projektek, házasságok, anyaság és a sajtóban való újabb csúszás után” indult, a lányok találkozásaként. A nyolc előadásból álló turnén több mint 153 ezren vettek részt, 5,7 millió dolláros jegybevétellel. Az első négy előadás során a csoport a Manchester Evening News Arénában játszott több mint 72 400 rajongó előtt, 2,6 millió dollár bevétellel; a turné második részében a csoport további négy fellépést játszott az Earls Court Arénában 81 300 rajongó előtt, 3,1 millió dollár bevétellel.
I wanna make you holler
Imagine us together
Don't be afraid to play my game
Boy, don't you hesitate, I won't keep waiting for you
To come and let me take, you to my fantasy room
You're gonna like it there, and all the things that I do
I'll treat you right all through the night
We can do anything
I'll take you all the places you wanna be (I'll take you there, I'll take you there)
I'll be your fantasy
Everything you want you will find in me, if you play my game, yeah
I wanna make you holler, and hear you scream my name (scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow, so you can play my game (oh, play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (together, driving you insane, yeah)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (into me, just play my game)
So, what you gonna do, now that I've got you with me?
You've gotta show me, boy, cause nothing comes for free
Start from the bottom and, work your way up slowly
Don't be afraid to play my game
We can go all night long
Doing things you thought you would never do (and I won't tell no one)
I won't tell anyone
What we do, it's just for me and you, so come and play my game
I wanna make you holler, and hear you scream my name (oh, scream my name, yeah-yeah)
I'll give you rules to follow, so you can play my game (you can play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (imagine us, driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (into me, yeah)
I wanna make you holler (holler, holler)
And hear you scream my name (make you scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow (follow, follow)
So you can play my game (you can play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (imagine us, driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (ah, yeah)
I wanna make you holler, I wanna make you holler ah-ah-ah-oller
I wanna make you holler, I wanna make you holler ah-ah-ah-oller
We can go all night long
Doing things you thought you would never do (And I won't tell them)
I won't tell anyone
'Cause everything is just between me and you, but you gotta play my game, yeah
I wanna make you holler, and hear you scream my name (all night, all night long)
I'll give you rules to follow, so you can play my game (follow me, you can play my game)
Imagine us together, me driving you insane (me driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game (give into me)
I wanna make you holler, and hear you scream my name
I'll give you rules to follow, so you can play my game
Imagine us together, me driving you insane
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game
I wanna make you holler (and hear you scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow (so you can play my game)
Imagine us together (me driving you insane)
You will give into me, don't be afraid to play my game
I wanna make you holler
I'll give you rules to follow
Imagine us together (me driving you insane)
You will give into me
[Spice Girls, Darkchild, let's dance]
Oh-oh, we could have had it all, but you turned your back
We started with dreams, we started a team
But you weren't as true as you always seemed
You promised to love, no matter what
Yet you turned your back and walked out on me
What made you think that without me (That without me)
Your life would be so much better but now you see (oh, but now you see)
That without me your hopes and dreams (Your hopes, and your dreams)
Will never be as good as what you had with me
Tell me why (oh why) did we end up this way (So tell me why, did we end up this way?)
When we tried (we tried) to make everything okay (We tried, oh)
Tell me why (oh why) did you feel you couldn't stay (Did you feel you couldn't stay?)
When we could have stayed together, but you wanted it this way (But you wanted it this way)
You never thought that I would find out
Aall of the things you said about us
When you're the one who, decided to
Erase all our plans and say you approve
What made you think that without me (that without me)
Your life would be much better but now you see (So much better, but now you see)
That without me your hopes and dreams (They will never)
it will never be as good as what you had with me (Had with me)
Tell me why (oh why) did we end up this way (Tell me why, did we end up this way?)
When we tried (we tried) to make everything okay (When we tried, yes we did)
Tell me why (oh why) did you feel you couldn't stay (Did you feel you couldn't stay?)
When we could have stayed together, but you wanted it this way (We could have, oh)
Tell me why (oh why) did we end up this way (Did we end up this way, I thought it was okay)
When we tried (we tried) to make everything okay (We tried and tried, tried so hard)
Tell me why (oh why) did you feel you couldn't stay (But you wanted to leave)
When we could have stayed together,
But you wanted it this way (Thought you wanted it this way)
Now tell me was ityour plan all along (oh)
To try and use me, and then let go
Now where is the trust we had between us
I guess that you never played by the rules
(Can you tell me)
Tell me why (oh why) did we end up this way (did we end up this way babe?)
When we tried (we tried) to make everything okay (We tried, and tried again, yes we did)
Tell me why (oh why) did you feel you couldn't stay
When we could have stayed together (Thought you couldn't stay)
But you wanted it this way (But you wanted it this way)
Tell me why (oh why) did we end up this way (Oh tell me why, did we end up this way?)
When we tried (we tried) (We always tried again)
To make everything okay (we always tried again)
Tell me why (oh why) did you feel you couldn't stay (Somebody tell me why)
When we could have stayed together (When we could have stayed together)
But you wanted it this way (You wanted it this way)
Tell me why (oh why) did we end up this way (Oh tell me why)
When we tried (we tried) to make everything okay (Yeah yeah yeah, o make everything okay)
Tell me why (oh why) did you feel you couldn't stay (Did you feel you couldn't stay)
When we could have stayed together, but you wanted it this way
What makes this world go round
Will the answer let her down
She is so sweet and young
And her life has just begun
What does her future hold,
That's the story left unknown
Will she make it through her days
Let our love lead the way
(Part of me laughs, part of me cries (oh)
Part of me wants to question why (Question why)
Why is there joy, and why is there pain
Why is there sunshine and the rain
One day you're here, next you are gone (One day, you are gone)
No matter what we must go on
Just keep the faith, and let love lead the way (Harmony))
Everthing will work out fine, if you let love (love lead the way (Harmony))
Sitting there all alone
In the window of her room
Watching the world go by
Brings tears to her eyes
All she sees is hurt and pain
She wants to break the chain
She'll keep pressing everyday
And she'll find her own sweet way
(Part of me laughs, part of me cries (Me laughs, I cry)
Part of me wants to question why (Wants to question why)
Why is there joy, and why is there pain (So much pain)
Why is there sunshine and the rain? (Why is there sunshine then the rain)
One day you're here, next you are gone (You're here, you're gone)
No matter what we must go on (I will go on)
Just keep the faith, and let love lead the way (Harmony))
(Keep your faith, I know, i know, i know, oh)
You can be all that and still can be who you are
You gotta know for sure that it isn't make believe
You may feel weak but you are strong, don't you give up girl
If you keep holding on, you'll never be wrong
Just close your eyes cause it lies deep in your heart, yeah
(Part of me laughs, part of me cries (I cry)
Part of me wants to question why (I do, i do)
Why is there joy, and why is there pain (Yeah, yeah, oh)
Why is there sunshine then the rain? (Why is there, why is there sunshine and the rain?)
One day you're here, next you are gone (You're here ,I gone)
No matter what we must go on (We most)
Just keep the faith, and let love lead the way (Harmony))
(Keep the faith, love lead the way)
(Part of me laughs, part of me cries (I love ya, I cry)
Part of me wants to question why (Question why)
Why is there joy, and why is there pain (So much joy, so much pain)
Why is there sunshine then the rain (Sunshine then the rain)
One day you're here, next you are gone (You're here, you're gone)
No matter what we must go on (I will)
Just keep the faith, and let love lead the way (Harmony)) (Lead the way)
Everthing will work out fine, if you let love
(Love lead the way, love lead the way, love lead the way (Harmony))
(Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh (Harmony))
We're comin' right back atcha, come on
This party begun, jump to it
It's a brand new day
And I'm feeling things are goin' my way, cos the girls are back in town
So don't look down
'Cos the grove won't let your feet touch the ground yeah, yeah
(No lookin' back (Harmony))
And you thought we wouldn't make it this far, (so proved you wrong again (Harmony))
Now's the time (time)
We're coming right back with a brand new design (feelin fine (Harmony))
There's been tears along the way, but we're still the best of friends (oh-oh)
Never needed to pretend, cos real friendship never ends (oh-oh)
We're comin right back atcha, come on (Back atcha, come on)
This party's begun (Party's begun)
Jump to it cos the girls are coming back again (Cos the girls are coming back at you again)
Right back atcha this time (At you this time)
We're changing the vibe
Get with it cos the girls are coming back again (Get with it, girls are coming back again)
(Right, whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh (Harmony)) (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
Cos the girls are coming back again (Coming back again)
Now (now)
We've had a taste of what we all can achieve, but we're coming back for more
To show you how (how)
To turn your dreams into our reality, stronger than before
There's been tears along the way, but we never cried alone (oh-oh)
The four of us have grown, and our friendship never ends (oh-oh)
We're comin right back atcha, come on (Back atcha, come on)
This party's begun (Party's begun)
Jump to it cos the girls are coming back again (Cos the girls are coming back at you again)
Right back atcha this time (At you this time)
We're changing the vibe
Get with it cos the girls are coming back again (Get with it, girls are coming back again)
We're coming right back atcha, no R.I.P., not forgetting the days
When we were all wannabes, spice it up through and through
Through and through to the limit, they all try and diss us
But there ain't nothing in it, we started a trend now they all imitated
(Right, whoa oh oh oh (Harmony))
A new generation of spice we created, you all know who you are
(Whoa oh oh oh (Harmony))
We couldn't have done it without ya, so once again we're coming right back atcha
There's been tears along the way, but we're still the best of friends (oh-oh)
Never needed to pretend, cos real friendship never ends (oh-oh)
We're comin right back atcha, come on (We're coming right back, at you come on)
This party's begun (Party's begun)
Jump to it cos the girls are coming back again (Girls are coming back again)
Right back atcha this time (Yeah, yeah)
We're changing the vibe (Yeah)
Get with it cos the girls are coming back again (Get with it, we're coming right back at you)
Right back atcha, come on (This party's only just begun)
This party's begun
Jump to it cos the girls are coming back again (Cos the girls are coming back again)
Right back atcha this time (Right, whoa oh oh oh (Harmony)) (Tell me do you like it)
We're changing the vibe (Whoa oh oh oh (Harmony)) (Changing the vibe)
Get with it cos the girls are coming back again (Girls are coming back again)
Right back atcha, come on (Atcha come on)
This party's begun (Party's begun)
Jump to it cos the girls are coming back again (Coming around again)
Right back atcha this time (Atcha this time)
We're changing the vibe (Changing the vibe)
Get with it cos the girls are coming back again (Girls are coming back again)
Let me tell ya, bout the night I wanna have, gonna show ya
How you're gonna make it last, are you ready?
When I'm takin' it too fast, just for me what I need, and release a part of me
(So tonight, gonna take you on a ride (Harmony)) (all night)
And you better make it right
(Cos tonight, there's only one thing on my mind (Harmony)) (all night)
And you'll find out just in time
(If you knew (If you really knew)
Just what plan I has got in store for you (You wouldn't leave)
You wouldn't leave the room until I am through (I'm tired of being under)
I'm tired of being undercover (It's time)
It's time to be your lover, so get down with me (Harmony)) (So get down with me)
Let me know, what is going through your mind, does it show
How I'm feeling deep inside, hold me close
Now that you know how it goes, we can do it again, and this night will never end
(So tonight, gonna take you on a ride (Harmony)) (all night)
Take you on a ride, oh, you're gonna make it right)
(Cos tonight, there's only one thing on my mind (Harmony)) (oh)
And you're gonna find out tonight)
(If you knew (If you knew)
Just what plan I has got in store for you (You wouldn't wanna leave)
You wouldn't leave the room until I am through
(Until I was done with you and we were through)
I'm tired of being undercover (It's time)
It's time to be your lover, so get down with me (Harmony)) (So get down with me yeah)
Now that we have been together for a night (Now that, together for a night)
It's time that you and I to say goodbye (It's Time, say goodbye)
Don't try to hold on to this moment (To hold on to this moment)
(Cos when you wake up I'll be gone, yeah, yeah-yeah)
(If you knew (If you knew)
Just what plan I has got in store for you (Ah, just what the night has got in store)
You wouldn't leave the room until I am through (Till I am through, no-no, no)
I'm tired of being undercover (I don't wanna be)
It's time to be your lover, so get down with me (Harmony)) (Now it's time to be)
(If you knew (Now it's time to get down with me, now it's time to get down with me)
Just what plan I has got in store for you
(Now it's time to get down with me, now it's time to get down with me)
You wouldn't leave the room until I am through
(Now it's time to get down with me, now it's time to get down with me)
I'm tired of being undercover
(Now it's time to get down with me, now it's time to get down with me)
It's time to be your lover, so get down with me (Harmony))
(Now it's time to get down with me, now it's time to get down with me)
Baby who, was the one that treated you so bad that you
Felt that you, had to do to me what she had done to you
Now you prove, everything that my friends had told me about you
Was true, now it's over and we're through
You thought that you'd play me, and have things your way
So can you blame me, for walking away
What did I do to, be treated so bad (Treated so bad)
Now you have lost me (and I was the best thing you'd ever had)
Now you think that I don't know what's going on (What's going on)
But I know with you I just keep wasting my time
I can't keep holding on
Cause I know with you I just keep wasting my time (Cause i know with you)
Can't you see, that the things you said and did never had me
Make believe, that you saw something special inside of me
Now you seem, tTo think that you can't live your life without me
Sorry, baby you can't do this to me
You thought that you'd play me, and have things your way (And have things your way)
So can you blame me, for walking away (So can you blame me, walking away)
What did I do to, be treated so bad (So bad)
Now you have lost me (and I was the best thing you'd ever had)
And you think I don't know, what's going on (I, what's going on)
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
(But I know with you, I'd just be wasting my time)
I can't keep, holding on (no no, just holding on)
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
(But I know with you I'd just, I can't restore my time)
I don't know, what's going on (I don't know, what's going on)
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time (You I'd just, wasting my time)
I can't keep, holding on (oh I do, yeah)
'Cause I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
Now you know that, I can live without you
You should see that, it's not all about you, this time
You played too many games
Now it's time to see that I won't waste my life, no not me
You think I don't know, what's going on
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
I can't keep holding on
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
I don't know, what's going on (what's going on)
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time (wasting my time on you)
I can't keep holding on
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
(But I know with you I'd just, I can't restore my time)
I don't know, what's going on (I don't know, what's going on)
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
(But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time)
I can't keep holding on (oh no)
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
('Cause I know with you I, I can't restore my time)
I don't know, what's going on
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time (I can't restore my time)
I can't keep holding on ('cause I know with you I)
But I know with you I'd just be wasting my time
I don't know
La la la la la la la la la la
You thought that this was love
But my plan wasn't that for us
I thought that you would understand
I didn't want you for my full time man
I like the way you made me feel that night, it's something that I can't deny
But I've been hurt before, I can't take it no more, that's why, that's why
A weekend love is all it was (All it was)
Nothing serious because
We're playing games we're only young (Oh)
Get with it, it was just a weekend love (Just a Weekend Love)
You thought you break the rules
You thought that I would be a fool
But now that the tables have turned
This is a lesson you didn't want to learn, learn
I like the way you made me feel inside, it's something I just had to try
But I've been hurt before, I can't take it no more, that's why, that's why
A weekend love is all it was (That's all it was for me)
Nothing serious because (Serious, just because)
We're playing games we're only young (Games we're only young)
Get with it, it was just a weekend love (Just a weekend love)
A weekend love is all it was (Just a weekend love, that's all, it was)
Nothing serious because (Nothing serious because)
We're playing games we're only young (We're only young, oh, na, na, na)
Get with it, it was just a weekend love (A weekend love, oh)
Don't try to make me believe that you'd never hurt someone
Now that pain has come back to you
And if the (love you had was true (Harmony))
And now you (don't know what to do (Harmony)) ah
Everytime I turn around you're standing right there
I really don't want you and I really don't care
I can't think about you no not forever
What we had was good but there's much more better
You try to blame me, I'll put the blame on you
You play the game baby, I can play the game too
You say you want me back it's a simple fact
Darkchild and all my girls got my back like that, yeah (Spice girls, dark child)
Love is all it was (Love)
Nothing serious because (Serious because)
We're playing games we're only young (Games we're only young)
Get with it, it was just a weekend love (Uh-oh, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah)
A weekend love is all it was (Love is all it was)
Nothing serious because (Serious because)
We're playing games we're only young (Games we're only young)
Get with it, it was just a weekend love (Just a weekend, a little weekend love)
la la la la la la la la la la
I've never had a feeling so right, like I have with you
Can't explain the things you do
But boy when you tell me softly you love me too
It's like I know we were meant to be
So for eternity you will have a part of me
And all I need is for you to stay right here with me yeah
(Time goes by but we stand still (I know it does, I know it does)
Love you for eternity I will (I will)
I know that we were meant to be (We were meant to be, my love)
That's how I feel when you're with me (Harmony)) (When you're with me)
You are the reason that my heart beats
And no I never thought, I would ever fall so deep
But now I see that the love that we share, is oh so sweet
What if I told you that I believe (Believe)
That you are my soul, my destiny (My destiny, yeah)
What if I was to say, in every way, deep in my heart is where you'll be (Time)
(Time goes by but we stand still (I'm still right here)
Love you for eternity I will (I'll never go)
I know that we were meant to be (We were meant to be)
That's how I feel when you're with me (Harmony)) (How I feel, when you're with me)
(Time goes by but we stand still (Oh time, oh time)
Love you for eternity I will (Eternity I will)
I know that we were meant to be (We were meant, baby love)
That's how I feel when you're with me (Harmony))
As you hold me close so tenderly, and watch you fall to sleep (oh-oh)
I see in you the one, who now completes (You the one)
The half of me I used to be (Me, I used to be)
(Time goes by but we stand still (Yeah)
Love you for eternity I will (Eternity I will)
I know that we were meant to be (Were meant to be)
That's how I feel when you're with me (Harmony)) (Feel when you're, when you're with me baby)
(Time goes by but we stand still (But we always stand still, babe)
Love you for eternity I will (Stand still, babe, and I know)
I know that we were meant to be (Yes we were)
That's how I feel when you're with me (Harmony))
Time goes by but we stand still
Love you forever, yes I will
I know we're meant to be
That's how I feel baby
At the party after the show
I see a face I wanna get to know
(Wink wink, nudge nudge. Tell me do you like the rudest stuff?)
Show me how you're gonna make your move
Boy you know you got a lot to prove
(Wink wink, nudge nudge. Are you man enough?)
You got the message, you felt my stare, and now you're walking from over there
I ain't that easy, I'll make it hard for you (Oh sugar)
If you wanna have some fun
Track me down, and get my number, you could be the one (Something on your mind)
If you wanna have some fun
Track me down, and get my number, you could be the one (Something on your mind)
Now you're standin' real close to me
I feel your heat, you wanna get with me
(Wink wink, nudge nudge. Tell me do you like the rudest stuff?)
I love the feeling wanna make it right
Babe, I'm gonna keep you up all night
(Wink wink, nudge nudge. Are you man enough?)
Why don't you tell me how you unwind, and if you're open I'll blow your mind (oh-oh)
I'll take you places you've never been before (oh-oh) (Do you wanna go, oh)
If you wanna have some fun
Track me down, and get my number, you could be the one (Something on your mind)
If you wanna have some fun
Track me down, and get my number, you could be the one (Something on your mind)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number, you could be the one (Something on your mind)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun, have some fun)
Track me down and get my number, you could be the one (Something on your mind)
Come and get some fun, cause you know I’ll give you some
Just you and me crazy, you know I’ll be the one
(Wink wink nudge nudge, tell me do you like the rudest stuff)
You’re feeling me and dealing me, in every single way
It’s a rub a dub style, you know we’re gonna play
(Wink wink nudge nudge, are you man enough)
(Come on and tell me how you unwind, and if you’re open I’ll blow your mind (oh-oh)
I’ll take you places you’ve never been before (Harmony)) (oh-oh)
(If you want to have some fun (Harmony)) (Something on your mind)
(If you want to have some fun, have some fun (Harmony)) (Something on your mind)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)fun (Harmony))
Track me down and get my number (Is that something on your mind?)
You could be the one (Something on your mind) (You could be the one, you could be the one)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number (fun, track me down and get my number)
You could be the one (Something on your mind)
(You could be the one, you could be the one, you could be the one, you could be the one)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number (fun, track me down and get my number)
You could be the one (Something on your mind) (Are you having fun, are you having fun)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number (Track me down and get my number)
You could be the one (Something on your mind) (Are you having fun, are you having fun)
If you wanna have some fun
Track me down and get my number
You could be the one (Something on your mind) (Are you having fun, are you having fun)
If you wanna have some fun
Track me down and get my number
You could be the one (Are you having fun, are you having fun)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number (Is that something on your mind?)
You could be the one (Something on your mind) (Are you having fun, are you having fun)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number (Track me down and get my number)
(Are you having fun, are you having fun)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number (oh yeah)
You could be the one (Something on your mind) (Are you having fun, are you having fun)
If you wanna have some fun (Want to have some fun)
Track me down and get my number (Track me down)
You could be the one (Something on your mind) (Are you having fun, are you having fun)
There will come a time, I know I'm gonna need
Someone I can trust, someone who'll fight for me, that's the way I love
This is my time to work things out, what I want from this life
There will be someone out there for me, that's the way I love
It doesn't really matter whoever you are - don't matter where you go
Just make sure you're there to answer when love comes around
Don't be surprised (when love knocks at your door (Harmony))
You're the breath that I take, you're the smile on my face
Every time I breathe in, brings me warmth from within
When you touch me I start believing, loving is like oxygen
Even when we're so far apart, I still feel you in my heart
Cos you've given me the greatest gift of all, that's the way I love
The way I love is easy, but could it ever be for me, this situation seems so insane
It's all about feeling without insecurities, that's the way I love
It doesn't really matter who ever you are - don't matter where you go
Just make sure you're there to answer when love comes around
Don't be surprised (when love knocks at your door (Harmony))
You're the breath that I take, you're the smile on my face
Every time I breathe in, brings me warmth from within
When you touch me I start believing, loving is like oxygen (You're in every breath I take)
Imagine a life without love, I'd be so afraid (So afraid)
Cos the love that we share, would be hard to replace
Baby hold me and never leave me, this love is my oxygen (This love is my oxygen)
Open your heart, take a deep breath (Open your heart, take a deep breath)
Stop searching and start believing (Start believing)
(Make sure you're there to answer when love comes around (Harmony))
Don't be surprised (Don't be surprised) when true love knocks at your door
You're the breath that I take, you're the smile on my face (You're the breath that I take)
Every time I breathe in (Every time I breathe in)
Brings me warmth from within (brings me warmth from within)
When you touch me I start believing (I start believing)
Loving is like oxygen (you're in every breath I take)
Imagine a life without love, I'd be so afraid
Cos the love that we share (Cos the love that we share)
Would be hard to replace (would be hard)
Baby hold me and never leave me, this love is my oxygen (This love is my oxygen)
(No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
Listen little child, there will come a day, when you will be able, able to say
Never mind the pain, all the aggravation
You know there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm, fly like an angel, heaven sent to me
(Goodbye my friend (Harmony))
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here (Harmony))
(It's not the end (Harmony))
(Gotta keep it strong, before the pain turns into fear (Harmony))
So glad we made it, time will never change it, no, no, no (No, no, no, no)
Just a little girl, big imagination, never letting no one (take it away (Harmony))
Went into the world, what a revelation (into the world)
She found there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm, find out for certain
Loves gonna be there for you, you'll always be someone's baby
(Goodbye my friend (Harmony))
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here (Harmony))
(It's not the end (Harmony))
(Gotta keep it strong, before the pain turns into fear (Harmony))
So glad we made it, time will never change it, no, no, no (No, no, no, no)
You know its time to say goodbye (No, no, no, no)
(The times when we would play about, the way we used to scream and shout
We never dreamt you'd go your own sweet way (Harmony))
Look for the rainbow in every storm, find out for certain
Loves gonna be there for you, you'll always be someone's baby
(Goodbye my friend (Harmony))
(I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here (Harmony))
(It's not the end (Harmony))
(Gotta keep it strong, before the pain turns into fear (Harmony))
So glad we made it, time will never, never, ever change it (No, no, no, no)
You know it's time to say goodbye (No, no, no, no)
And don't forget you can rely (No, no, no, no)
You know it's time to say goodbye, and don't forget on me, you can rely (No, no, no, no)
I will help you, help you on your way, I will be with you everyday (No, no, no, no)
I will be with you everyday (No, no, no, no) I will be with you everyday
"Bah!" humbug, no, that's too strong, cause it's my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur, don't think I have the energy
To add to my already mad rush, just because it is the season
The perfect gift for me would be, completions and connections left from
Last year, world tour, aeroplanes and babies
We met some guys but never the time, most of '98 passed along those lines
So deck the halls and trim those trees, raise up the cups of Christmas cheer
I just need to catch my breath, Christmas with my mates this year
Calendar picture, frozen landscape, chilled this room for twenty-four days
Evergreens, sparkling snow, get this winter over with!
Flashback to springtime, saw him again, would've been good to go for lunch
Couldn't agree we were both free, we tried, we said we'd keep in touch
We didn't, of course, 'til the summertime, out to the beach to his boat, could I join him?
No, this time it was me, sunburn in the third degree
Now the calendar's just one page, and, of course, I am excited
Tonight's the night, but I've set my mind, not to do too much about it
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Hardly dashing through the snow, cause I bundled up too tight
Last minute have-to-do's, a few cards a few calls
Because it's R-S-V-P, no thanks, no party lights
It's Christmas Eve, gonna relax, turned down all of my invites
Last fall I had a night to myself, same guy called, Halloween party
Waited all night for him to show, this time his car wouldn't go
Forget it, it's cold, it's getting late, trudge on home to celebrate
In a quiet way, unwind, doing Christmas right this time
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Tesco has provided me, with the world's smallest turkey
Already in the oven, nice and hot, oh damn! Guess what I forgot?
So it's on with the boots, back out in the snow, to the only all-night garage
But when to my wondering eyes should appear
In the line that guy I've been chasing all year
"I'm spending this one alone," he said., "need a break; this year's been crazy."
I said, "Me too, but why are you, you mean you forgot potatoes too?"
Then suddenly we laughed and laughed, caught on to what was happening
Christmas magic's brought this tale, to a very happy e-ending
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, but I think I'll miss this one this year
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me (Come on, get up and party!)
We are family, get up everybody and sing!
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me
We are family, get up everybody and sing!
Everyone can see we're together, as we walk on by
And we fly just like birds of a feather, and we'll tell no lie
All of the people around us they say, can they be that close
Just let me state for the record, we're givin' lovin' a family dose
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me (Hey yeah)
We are family, get up everybody and sing
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me (Hey yeah)
We are family, get up everybody and sing
Living life is fun and we've just begun to get our share, of this world's delights
(High) High hopes we had for the future, and our goals in sight
No we don't get depressed here's what we call our golden rule
Have faith in you and the things you do
You won't go wrong (oh no) this is our family jewel
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me (Hey yeah)
We are family, get up everybody and sing
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me
We are family, get up everybody and sing (Yeah)
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me (All my sisters with me)
We are family, get up everybody and sing (Yeah)
We are family, I've got all my sisters with me (Hey yeah - All my sisters with me)
We are family, get up everybody and sing (Yeah)
Now there was a time, when we used to say
That behind every great man, there has to be a great woman
Well, in these times of change, you know that it is no longer true
So we're coming out of the kitchen, cause theres something we forgot to say to you
We know sisters are doing it for themselves
Standing on their own two feet, ringing on their own bells
Sisters are doing it for themselves
Now this is a song to celebrate
The conscious liberation of the female state
Mother daughters and their daughters too will know
Woman to woman we'll sing it with you
Now the inferior sex has got a new exterior, yeah
We've got doctors, lawyers politicians too
Oh yeah, everybody take a look around
Can you see, can you see, can you see?
Theres a woman right next to you, woa yeah!
Sisters are doing it for themselves
Standing on their own two feet, ringing on their own bells
Sisters are doing it for themselves
Oh, we ain't makin stories, no, we ain't makin plans
Don't you know that a man still loves a woman
And a woman still loves a man, just to say to you
Now there was a time (there was a time) when we used to say (when we used to say)
That behind every great man there has to be a great woman
Well, in these times of change, you know that it is no longer true
So we're coming out of the kitchen, cause theres something we forgot to say to you
Sisters are doing it for themselves
Standing on their own two feet, ringing on their own bells
Sisters are doing it for themselves
Sisters are doing it for themselves (We're doing it, doing it, doing it, doing it)
Sisters are doign it for themselves (All of my sisters, all of my sisters)
Sisters are doing it for themselves
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Now I believe in looking, like my time on earth is cooking
Whether polka dotted, striped or even checked
With some glamour guaranteeing, every fibre of my being
Is displayed to quite remarkable effect
From your cradle via trousseau, to your death bed you're on view, so
Never compromise, accept no substitute
I would rather wear a barrel, than conservative apparel
Because dress has always been my strongest suit
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Staying in or hitting townwards, from the top and working downwards
I ensure that every stitch is stitched in time
Whether wig or hat or turban, whether clad boudoir or urban
Not to strut your stuff outrageously's a crime
And the few who are invited, to my wardrobe are delighted
As they wander through my things to find en route
That in negligee or formal, I am anything but normal
Because dress has always been my strongest suit
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Now you don't need a recital, of the reasons why it's vital
That tonight my trappings will not be subdued
That from coronet to sandal, no one else is worth a candle
That I couldn't make more impact in the nude
So bring me all my finest, most audacious, mi divine-ist
Most revealing, most expensive and taboo
Most arresting, most heart-stopping, most free flowing, most eye popping
Because dress has always been my strongest suit
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
(A dress has always been, a dress has always been)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (A dress has always been, my strongest suit)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh) (Strongest suit, strongest suit)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh) (Strongest suit, strongest suit)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (Dress has always been my strongest suit)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (A dress has always been, my strongest suit)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere (oh)
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere
(Can you truly love a woman?)
W-O-M-A-N, W-O-M-A-N, W-O-M-A-N
Can you truly love a woman, madly, deeply
No longer are we teenagers
No longer hanging round the corner playing games with our friends
Sometimes we all get outrageous
We can be dirty, can be crazy, can be flirty and cool
Truly, madly, deeply (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, can you truly love a woman? (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, be independent like a woman
The early years were a lesson
Now we know what's goin' on, we're standing strong on our feet
And now we're industry players
We're wearing G-strings, taking meetings, fitting music to beats
Truly, madly, deeply (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, can you truly love a woman? (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, be independent like a woman (deeply, yeah)
So happy now (So happy)
Living in a fantasy we built for us today (So very happy now)
So happy now
Being every woman that we wanted to be, louder baby
W-O-M-A-N, can you truly love a woman? (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, be independent like a woman (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, can you truly love a woman? (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, be independent like a woman
W-O-M-A-N, can you truly love a woman? (Hey)
W-O-M-A-N, be independent like a woman (Madly, deeply)
W-O-M-A-N, can you truly love a woman? (Can you love a woman)
W-O-M-A-N, be independent like a woman
W-O-M-A-N, can you truly love a woman? (Louder baby, louder baby)
W-O-M-A-N, be independent like a woman, W-O-M-A-N
Woah oh, remember, woah oh, aand treasure, woah oh
The world can be so cold and such a lonely place, when you're out there on your own
In a crowd it seems you're just another face, and you're feeling so alone
You've got the live for the moment, yeah, before the moment is gone
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching you
And you've gotta love like you've never been hurt
And everytime that someone tries to bring you down
Remember, it's a day in your life (Yeah) so treasure every day in your life
You've gotta live beyond your limitations, yeah, and keep your dreams alive
Even though you're feeling this frustration, yeah, you've gotta push it all aside
You've got to look to the future, yeah, before the future is here
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching you
And you've gotta love like you've never been hurt
And everytime that someone tries to bring you down
Remember, it's a day in your life (Oh Yeah) so treasure every day in your life
Oh, when the odds are stacked against you, hold on tight, we'll weather the storm
Oh, when you're feeling under pressure, we'll pull together, like never before
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching you
And you've gotta love like you've never been hurt
And everytime that someone tries to bring you down
Remember, it's a day in your life (Woah Yeah) so treasure every day in your life
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching you
And you've gotta love like you've never been hurt
And everytime that someone tries to bring you down
Remember, it's a day in your life (Oh Yeah) so treasure every day in your life
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching you
(You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching you)
And you've gotta love like you've never been hurt (No one can hurt you)
And everytime that someone tries to bring you down (You've gotta dance)
Remember, it's a day in your life, so treasure every day in your life
I can give you what you want (I got what you want, babe)
I can tell you what you want (Tell your secrets to me)
If it's lovin' on your mind I got a little time
But that don't mean it's a lifetime thing
Just because I kept your pager number
Doesn't mean I wanted to go on, don't you know, that is just the way I am boy
Baby I'm not trying to be cool
I just believe that love's a waste of time, don't you know, I'm not tryin' to press you over
Mamma said it I could play it cool, I'll have and coming back for more
I can give you what you want (My dear)
I can tell you what you want (To hear)
If it's lovin' on your mind I got a little time
But that don't mean it's a lifetime thing
(I can give you what you want, yeah, I can give you what you want)
Honestly I love the way you send me
But a love ain't playin' on my mind, don't you know, that I do not have the time boy
Daddy said that playin' hard to get, won't have them beggin' me for more
I can give you what you want (My dear)
I can tell you what you want (To hear)
If it's lovin' on your mind I got a little time
But that don't mean it's a lifetime thing (I can give you what you want)
I can give you what you want (My dear) (I got what you want, babe)
I can tell you what you want (To hear) (Tell your secrets to me)
If it's lovin' on your mind I got a little time
But that don't mean it's a lifetime thing (I can give you what you want)
I know the things your dreamin' of, a part of me can feel them too
Give me a little time and I will make, all your dreams come true
I can give you what you want (Oh)
I can tell you what you want (To hear)
If it's lovin' on your mind I got a little time
But that don't mean it's a lifetime thing (I can give you what you want)
I can give you what you want (My dear) (I got what you want, babe)
I can tell you what you want (To hear) (Tell your secrets to me)
If it's lovin' on your mind I got a little time
But that don't mean it's a lifetime thing (I can give you what you want)
I can give you what you want (I got what you want, babe)
I can tell you what you want (Tell your secrets to me)
If it's lovin' on your mind I got a little time
But that don't mean it's a lifetime thing
Been around the world a time or two
Forgotten more than you ever knew, yay
We can taste all this, make your hair turn white
Make no apologies, for the good life, yay
Sticks and stones, they'll break our bones, but baby the names don't hurt
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
Nothing you do can touch us, so take a shot, baby, that's all right
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
I guess we must be used to the worst you can do, we're pain proof
I was talking 'bout the way we look
Better face the facts, cause you know you're hurt, yay
Sit in your car, right outside my door
Why the sudden interest, I've never seen you before, no
You can twist our words to suit your twisted views
It ain't our damn choice to always be in the news
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
Nothing you do can touch us, so take a shot, baby, that's all right
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
I guess we must be used to the worst you can do, we're pain proof (Pain proof)
It's like a hide and seek in every part of our life, but you'll never get inside
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
Nothing you do can touch us, so take a shot, baby, that's all right
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
I guess we must be used to the worst you can do
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
Nothing you do can touch us
So take a shot, baby, that's all right (No, alright, it's all right)
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
I guess we must be used to the worst you can do (Yeah hahahaha)
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
Nothing you do can touch us (You can't touch us, no)
So take a shot, baby, that's all right (That's all right)
We're pain proof (Pain proof)
I guess we must be used to the worst you can do (We must be, oh)
Cos’ I got another lover, sophiscated brother
And he is treating me right
Now I got another lover, we are stronger
And boy you’re way out of sign
(Go, go, go) If you’re lucky you’ll find another
(So, so, so) Don’t bother me no more
(Cos’ I know, know, know) All about your misbehaving
(Baby go, go, go) Turn around and shut the door
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Too hot, too hot, too hot, baby
You better run for shelter, better run for —
Cause you’re too hot, too hot, hot like fire
Now you now you can’t do without, my love and desire
Too hot, too hot, too hot, baby
You better run for shelter, better run for —
Cause you’re too hot, too hot, hot like fire
Now you now you can’t do without, my love and desire
Too hot, too hot, too hot, baby
You better run for shelter, better run for —
Cause you’re too hot, too hot, hot like fire
Now you now you can’t do without, my love and desire
Too hot, too hot, too hot, baby
You better run for shelter, better run for — (No, no, no, no, no, no)
Cause you’re too hot, too hot, hot like fire (No, no, no)
Now you now you can’t do without, my love and desire (No, no, no, no, no, no)
Too hot, too hot, too hot, baby (No, no, no)