MEGJELENÉS 1999. Június 7.
FELVÉTELEK 1998 Július - December
MŰFAJ Pop - Bubblegum pop - Dance-pop
HOSSZ 40:52
ÍRÓK Geri Halliwell - Andy Watkins - Paul Wilson - Tracy Ackerman
HELYEZÉSEK UK # 04 / US # 42
ELADÁS0 $ 3,000,000
KISLEMEZEK Look at Me - Mi Chico Latino - Lift Me Up - Bag it Up
> > > > > Scream If You Wanna Go Faster (2001)

Geri Halliwell brit popénekes debütáló stúdióalbuma. Az album a Spice Girls nevű népszerű lánycsapatból való kiválása után jelent meg. A skizofónia kifejezés a görög schizo ("hasadás", "oszlás") és a phonic ("hang") szavak portékája, valamint látszólag a "skizofrén" szó és a "szkizofónia" zenei kifejezés játéka. Ez volt az első szólóalbum, amelyet egy Spice Girl adott ki.
Négy kislemezt készített, amelyek mindegyike kereskedelmi sikert aratott az Egyesült Királyságban – a "Mi Chico Latino", a "Lift Me Up" és a "Bag It Up" az első helyet érte el, míg az első kislemez, a "Look at Me" a második helyen végzett. Az album több mint kétmillió példányban kelt el világszerte.


"Mindent, amit csináltam, mindig is szenvedélyesen tettem, teljes szívemből és lelkemből. Nem akartam otthagyni a Spice Girlst, és azonnal kiadni egy lemezt. Ezért vártam. Ki akartam deríteni, hogy ki vagyok, felmérni, mit akarok kivetíteni, és struktúrát, játéktervet kapni az egészhez." – Halliwell a Spice Girlsből való távozása és debütáló szólóalbuma kiadása között eltelt időről szól.
1998. május 31-én bejelentették, hogy Halliwell kilépett a Spice Girls lánycsapatból, és az énekesnő azt állította, hogy kimerültségtől szenved, és szeretne egy kis szünetet tartani. A sajtó azonban pletykákat terjesztett arról, hogy Melanie Brown-taggal való viszály indult el távozásának okaként. Halliwell távozása a csoportból az év egyik legnagyobb szórakoztató híradásává vált, és világszerte a hírek címlapjára került. A megmaradt négy tag határozottan ragaszkodott a csoport folytatásához, és 1998 nyarán nélküle folytatták Spiceworld turnéjukat. 2007-ben a BBC One Giving You Everything című dokumentumfilmjében azt nyilatkozta, hogy "mindent, amit csak tudtam, odaadott", és úgy érezte, "már nem tartozik ide. Már nincs szükségük rám, és határozottan nagyon feleslegesnek éreztem magam".
Szólóelőadóként Halliwell három albumra szóló szerződést írt alá az EMI-vel 3 millió USD értékben, amelyre Robbie Williams szólósikerének hatása volt, miután elhagyta a Take Thatet. Ezután elkezdte fejleszteni debütáló albumát, és az Absolute produkciós csapatától – Paul Watsontól és Andy Watkinstól – kért segítséget, akik már készítettek dalokat a Spice Girls számára. Állítólag a Spice Girlsből maradt négy lány azt mondta, hogy ha Halliwell-lel dolgoznának, nem dolgozhatnának újra velük. Végül a duó úgy döntött, hogy az énekesnővel dolgoznak együtt. A következő évben elindította szólókarrierjét, és kiadta debütáló albumát Schizophonic címmel, amelyet "Julie Andrews és Johnny Rotten keresztezéseként" jellemez.


Az album megjelenését egy dokumentumfilm, a Geri népszerűsítette, amelyet Molly Dineen rendezett, és a Channel 4 vetített 1999. május 5-én, Halliwell Spice Girlstől való távozása utáni életét követve. Később Halliwell bevallotta, hogy "utólag visszagondolva ez hiba volt, de nagyon ki voltam akadva, magányos voltam, és úgy éreztem, kiéhezett a barátság és az intellektuális társaság, amit Molly adott nekem, mert olyan teljesen intellektuális." Bár nem bánja meg, hogy elkészítette a dokumentumfilmet, „túlságosan felkavarónak találta a lehetőséget ahhoz, hogy megfontolja, hogy újra megnézze”.


A The Independent számára írt kritikájában Nicholas Barber kijelentette, hogy a Schizophonic "sokkal kifinomultabb és nyilvánvalóan tele van slágerekkel, mint a Spice Girls bármelyik albuma." Az emberek az albumot "fordító, szórakoztató habnak egy korábbi Spice-től" nevezték. A magazin azt írta, hogy "régi csoportja önbecsülését, Girl Power szlogenezését itt Halliwell ékes, önbecsmérlő kijelentése váltja fel Geri-empowermentről [...] Kivéve néhány túlcukrozott balladát és két meggondolatlan betörést. külföldi (latin és indiai) műfajok, a Solo Girl valóban jól komponálja magát." [19] Karen Schoemer a Rolling Stone-tól megjegyezte, hogy a Schizophonic "inkább Girl Chutzpah, mint Girl Power, úgy tűnik, minden fűszer: édes, sós, kacér, főnökös [...] Geri hangja lapos és szinkronmentes – a legdurvább helyekre rakja a szótagokat az ütemek közé –, de van egy meglepő, tagadhatatlan varázsa. Olyan, mint egy igazán lelkes megszemélyesítő, aki annyira vágyik, hogy megnyerje magát A Schizophonic nem tár fel rejtett tehetségeket.”
Az AllMusic szerkesztője, Stephen Thomas Erlewine úgy vélte, hogy "sajnos Halliwellnek nincsenek erős munkatársai, akik tudják, hogyan kell kihasználni a bevallottan korlátozott hangját, ezért zeneileg a hangja egy kicsit leesik. A Schizophonic-on azonban vannak megvágások, amelyek csillognak. a pop és a tánc vidám, gátlástalan szeretetével Az album mindig szárnyal, ha jókedvű [...] Ha a Schizophonia bizonyos szinten nem működik, az újonnan független Halliwell célkifejezéseként igen. Chris Charles, a BBC News-nak írója, azt találta, hogy a Schizophonic "olyan sok alteregót lát Geri örökbe fogadni – vagy megkísérli örökbe fogadni –, hogy nehéz meghatározni, melyik az igazi [...] Ez a keveredés és párosítás Geri az egyik pillanatban kiugrik egy szűkös Union jack számból, a másikban pedig a könyvtáros figura, aki az elkényeztetett kutyáját szorongatja." Az NME azt írta, hogy "a női magazinok minden csábítási szabályát megszegve a skizofonikus. a színtiszta kétségbeesés cselekménye. a latin szám; a pengetős showtopper, a maudlin ballada. Olyan ez, mint egy könnyfolyó, amely elszalad mellette, igen, egy olyan magas hegy, de amikor megpróbálsz minden ember számára minden lenni, ez elkerülhetetlen."


01 / LOOK AT ME / 4:31
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson
Producerek Absolute
Kislemez megjelenés 1999. Május 10.
UK Helyezés # 02
Eladás $ 1,500,000
02 / LIFT ME UP / 3:52
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Tracy Ackerman
Producerek Absolute
Kislemez megjelenés 1999. November 1.
UK Helyezés # 01
Eladás $ 800,000
03 / WALKAWAY / 5:03
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Tracy Ackerman
Producerek Absolute
04 / MI CHICO LATINO / 3:16
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson
Producerek Absolute
Kislemez megjelenés 1999. Augusztus 16.
UK Helyezés # 01
Eladás $ 1,000,000
05 / GOODNIGHT KISS / 4:38
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson
Producerek Absolute
06 / BAG IT UP / 3:46
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson
Producerek Absolute
Kislemez megjelenés 2000. Március 13.
UK Helyezés # 01
Eladás $ 600,000
07 / SOMETIME / 4:01
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson
Producerek Absolute
08 / LET ME LOVE YOU / 3:45
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson
Producerek Absolute
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Tracy Ackerman
Producerek Absolute
10 / YOU'RE IN A BUBBLE / 3:27
Írók Geri Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson
Producerek Absolute
G.A.Y. / Kislemez: Mi Chico Latino [1999]
> SUMMERTIME / Kislemez: Mi Chico Latino [1999]
VERY SLOWLY / Kislemez: Lift Me Up [1999]
> LIVE AND LET DIE / Kislemez: Lift Me Up [1999]
> THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING / Kislemez: Bag it Up [2000]
> PERHAPS, PERHAPS, PERHAPS / Kislemez: Bag it Up [2000]


LOOK AT ME Geri Halliwell brit énekesnő debütáló szólólemeze a Schizophonic (1999) című debütáló szólóstúdióalbumáról. Halliwell írta Andy Watkinsszal és Paul Wilsonnal, az Absolute produkciós duó tagjaival együttműködve, akik a számot is készítettek. A dalt 1999. május 10-én adta ki az Egyesült Királyságban az EMI Records a Schizophonic vezető kislemezeként. Zeneileg a "Look at Me" egy jazz-pop dal, amely kilenctagú rézfúvós szekciót tartalmaz, míg az önéletrajzi szöveg Halliwellt ábrázolja, aki a körülötte lévők figyelmét igényli.
A „Look at Me” vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, és talált némi hasonlóságot Shirley Bassey munkáival. Kereskedelmileg sikeres volt; az Egyesült Királyságban a kislemez a második helyen debütált a brit kislemezlistán Boyzone „You Needed Me” című száma mögött, 700 példányos különbséggel. Később a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) arany minősítést kapott 400 000 példányban. Ausztráliában, Finnországban, Olaszországban és Spanyolországban világszerte az első tízben, míg Új-Zélandon a toplisták élén végzett.
A hozzá tartozó videoklipet Vaughan Arnell rendezte, és Prágában és Londonban forgatták; a Top of the Pops-on mutatkozott be, és a Halliwell négy változatát tartalmazza: egy vámpírt, egy kurvát, egy szűzet és egy nővért. A látvány az énekes egykori "Ginger Spice" színpadi személyének temetését is ábrázolja. 2012-ben szerepelt a Viva Forever! című zenegép musicalben.

MI CHICHO LATINO Geri Halliwell angol énekesnő dala Schizophonic (1999) debütáló szólóalbumához. Halliwell, Andy Watkins és Paul Wilson írta, míg a producere az utóbbi kettő, akik együttesen Absolute néven ismertek. A "Mi Chico Latino" az album második kislemezeként jelent meg 1999. augusztus 16-án az EMI Records gondozásában. Ez egy latin pop dal, amelynek középpontjában egy elveszett szerelem téma áll. A dalt Halliwell írta, hogy tisztelegjen édesanyja előtt, aki spanyol hátterű, és számos spanyol szöveggel is rendelkezik.
A "Mi Chico Latino" vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, akik megjegyezték, hogy ez hozzájárult az akkori latin pop-jelenséghez, míg mások Halliwell spanyol kiejtését kritizálták. A dal kereskedelmi sikert aratott az Egyesült Királyságban, az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának első helyén debütált, ezzel Halliwell első számú szólókislemeze lett az országban. A dal mérsékelt sikert aratott világszerte. A "Mi Chico Latino" klipjét Doug Nichol rendezte, és Szardínia szigetén forgatták. Fekete bikinit viselő énekesnőt ábrázol, aki félmeztelen férfi táncosokkal táncol egy hajón.

LIFT ME UP Geri Halliwell angol énekesnő dala a Schizophonic (1999) című debütáló szólóalbumához. Halliwell, Andy Watkins és Paul Wilson írta, míg a producere az utóbbi kettő, akik együttesen Absolute néven ismertek. A "Lift Me Up" az album harmadik kislemezeként jelent meg 1999. november 1-jén az EMI Records gondozásában. A brit kislemezlistán az első helyen debütált, és 30 000 példányban megnyerte a listát a Spice Girls tagja, Emma Bunton What I Am című dalával szemben.

THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING/PERHAPS, PERHAPS, PERHAPS Egy promóciós CD-R volt, amelyet 2000. február elején adtak ki, hogy elősegítsék a Bag it Up kislemez népszerűsítését, amelyből a két szám B-Sides néven jelent meg.

BAG IT UP Egy dal, amelyet Geri Halliwell brit énekes és dalszerző vett fel debütáló szólóalbumához, Schizophonic (1999). Írta Halliwell, Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, producere pedig az Absolute. 2000. március 13-án jelent meg a Schizophonic negyedik, egyben utolsó kislemezeként az EMI Records gondozásában, és az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának élére került, ezzel Halliwell harmadik, egymást követő első számú kislemeze lett az Egyesült Királyságban.

WALKAWAY Egy promóciós CD-R kislemez volt, amelyet csak Franciaországban adtak ki 2000-ben, a Schizophonic hivatalos promóciójának vége után. A Geri távozásáról szóló ballada nagyon népszerűvé vált a rajongók körében. Az ezeken a CD-R-ken található verziók rendkívül ritkák, mivel nem szivárogtak ki az interneten, és a CD-R-k egyetlen értékesítési webhelyen sem találhatók meg. Eredetileg ötödik kislemezként jelent volna meg, de Geri elkezdett a második albumján dolgozni, ezért törölték.



Good-lookin', bad-tastin', full-bodied, butt wasted
Loose livin', tight-fitting, what you see ain't what you are getting
Big make-up, little break-up, she wants it, he's got it
Cold-blooded, hot gossip, superficial expectations

Look at me, you can take it all because this
Face is free, maybe next time, use your eyes and
Look at me, I'm a drama queen if that's your
Thing, baby, I can even do reality (Ah-ah-ah-ah)

Fake honey, real plastic, stupid cupid, fantastic
Queer thinking, straight talkin', what you see ain't what you are getting
Fast-loving, slow-movin', no rhythm, but I'm groovin'
Old-feeling, new beginning, superficial expectations

Look at me, you can take it all because this
Face is free, maybe next time, use your eyes and
Look at me, I'm a drama queen if that's your
Thing, baby, I can even do reality 
(That's me, haha)

Sometimes, I don't recognise my own face
I look inside my eyes and find disgrace
My little white lies tell a story
I see it all, it has no glory (Huh, haha)

Look at me, you can take it all because this
Face is free, maybe next time, use your eyes and
Look at me, I'm a drama queen if that's your
Thing, baby, I can even do reality

Come on and look at me, this face is free
I'm your fantasy, so who'd you wanna be?
Not what you see, I'm a drama queen
If that's your thing, come on and look at me (Look at me)
I'm your fantasy, this face is free (Face is free)
Come on and look at me, so who'd you wanna be? (Look at me)
This face is free, come on and look at me (Thing, baby)
I'm your fantasy, come on and look at me (Look at me)
Not what you see, I'm a drama queen (Face is free)
If that's your thing, come on and look at me (Look at me)
So who'd you wanna be, this face is free


Watch the first light kiss the new world
It's a wonder, baby, like you and I
All the colours (All the colours) of the rainbow (Of the rainbow)
Going somewhere (Going somewhere), baby, like you and I
It's gonna be alright (Gonna be alright) but when my sky clouds over

Lift me up when the day is over
(Take me up) When the sun is going down
(Show me love) 
I will be your angel now
Lift me up when the lights are fading
(Talk me down) 
When I'm flying way up high
(Show me love) 
And I'll be your angel for life, your angel for life

Like the seasons (Like the seasons) ever changing (Ever changing)
Everlasting (Everlasting), baby, like you and I
It's gonna be alright (Gonna be alright) but when my sky clouds over

Lift me up when the day is over
(Take me up) When the sun is going down
(Show me love) I will be your angel now
Lift me up when the lights are fading
(Talk me down) When I'm flying way up high
(Show me love) And I'll be your angel for life, your angel for life

No matter where we run, who knows what we will become?
Is there a world we know, where life will naturally?

Lift me up when the day is over
(Take me up) When the sun is going down
(Show me love) I will be your angel now
Lift me up when the lights are fading
(Talk me down) When I'm flying way up high
(Show me love) And I'll be your angel for life, your angel for life


(Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah)
There's a river of tears I need to cry, been holding back for years
There's a mountain so high I need to climb, to wipe away the fears
Solitude and loneliness have been a friend of mine
As I'm turning my back on emptiness, I leave them all behind
Who knows just where I'm going, does tomorrow belong to me?

Walk away, this time with my head up high
Walk away, just me and myself
Walk away with pride, nothing left to hide
But it just feels right to be one, and just walk away

I could never forget how hard I tried, when we were, oh, so young
Just one tender moment I cannot find, well, maybe, I had none
Strength will be by my side, although I feel afraid
But I know it's too late for this goodbye, there's nothing left to say
Who knows just where I'm going, does tomorrow belong to me?

Walk away, this time with my head up high
Walk away, just me and myself
Walk away with pride, nothing left to hide
But it just feels right to be one, and just walk away

This time, one day you'll realise
That the tears you saw in my eyes, till be there forever

Walk away, this time with my head up high
Walk away, just me and myself
Walk away with pride, nothing left to hide
But it just feels right to be one (And just walk away)

Walk away, this time with my head up high (And just walk away)
Walk away, just me and myself (And just walk away)
Walk away with pride, nothing left to hide (And just walk away)
But it just feels right to be one (And just walk away)

Walk away, this time with my head up high (And just walk away)
Walk away, just me and myself
Walk away with pride, nothing left to hide
But it just feels right to be one (And just walk away)


(Dónde está el hombre con fuego en la sangre)
I've got a secret, I cannot keep it, i
t's just a whisper of a distant memory

Just a dream, or so it seems, take me back to the place I'd rather be
You left a fire in my eyes, that lightens up the darkest skies
I'm giving up, I'm letting go, I'll find my way so

Take me back to my sweet la vida
Find my love, my dolce vita
Show me where I need to go
Dónde está mi chico latino
(La-la-la-la, ay-ay-ay-ay, la-la-la)

Stolen moments time has broken, my eyes are open to this lifelong mystery
And so I'll go with what I know, take my chances and run with destiny
Now there's fire in my eyes, I break away and say goodbye
I'm free to be, I'm letting go, I'll find my way so

Take me back to my sweet la vida
Find my love, my dolce vita
Show me where I need to go
Dónde está mi chico latino

Ay, que sueño, dulce y pequeño, yo no sé, yo no sé
Pero no es un cuento, mi corazón con tormento
Chico latino te quiero, o simplemente deseo
Yo lo sé el camino, es un sueño latino

Take me back to my sweet la vida
Find my love, my dolce vita
Show me where I need to go
Dónde está mi chico latino

Take me back to my sweet la vida (Take me back)
Find my love, my dolce vita (Find my, find my, find my love, my dolce vita)
Show me where I need to go
Dónde está mi chico latino


I ain't sleepin', too much in my head
I've been thinkin', somethin's left unsaid
And in the mornin', feelin' just the same, boy, it's killin' me
I ain't cryin', don't wanna be alone
Just need liftin', from my melancholy tone
Make no mistake, a little too late, is just too long
Don't ask me why, this is goodbye, if you do me wrong

So baby, tonight, I might let you in
No need to fight, I'm yours, so let's begin
But baby, I know, when you go, your touch I'll miss
But startin' tonight, if you don't treat me right
Then it's just gonna end as a goodnight kiss

Boy, you're dreamin', you don't know what to do
Don't be shy, stop, I'm coming through
And in the meantime, if you have a little doubt
Make no mistake, it's never too late, what's done can be undone
Don't be afraid to do what I say, the best is yet to come

So baby, tonight, I might let you in
No need to fight, I'm yours, so let's begin
But baby, I know, when you go, your touch I'll miss
But startin' tonight, if you don't treat me right
Then it's just gonna end as a goodnight kiss

I'd rather be lonely than be with a phoney
If I'm not the girl in your head
I'd rather be wrong if it doesn't feel right
'Cause, boy, you're killin' me tonight

So baby, tonight, I might let you in
No need to fight, I'm yours, so let's begin
But baby, I know, when you go, your touch I'll miss
But startin' tonight, if you don't treat me right
Then it's just gonna end as a goodnight kiss

Baby, tonight, I might let you in (A goodnight kiss)
No need to fight, I'm yours, so let's begin (A goodnight kiss)
But baby, I know, when you go, your touch I'll miss (A goodnight kiss)
But startin' tonight, if you don't treat me right
Then it's just gonna end as a goodnight kiss (A goodnight kiss)

Baby, tonight, I might let you in (A goodnight kiss)
No need to fight, I'm yours, so let's begin (A goodnight kiss)
But baby, I know, when you go, your touch I'll miss (A goodnight kiss)
But startin' tonight, if you don't treat me right
Then it's just gonna end as a goodnight kiss (A goodnight kiss)


(Treat him like a lady) Uh-huh, uh-huh
I like chocolate and controversy

He likes fridays and bad company
I like midnight, it's when I'm in the mood
But he likes the morning, that's when he's rude
Just a bad case of opposite sex, have to look to the stars
All we need is a little respect, cause men are from Venus, and girls are from Mars

Bag it up, don't drop the baby, boot him out, no "buts" or "maybe"
Wind him up and make him crazy, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Take him back, don't drop the baby, spit him out, no "buts" or "maybe"
Do your thing, come on lady, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, lady

I don't take sugar on my colour TV
Yet he likes it loaded with eye candy
I need some space, and he needs a room
But then he keeps me waiting, by leaving too soon
Just a bad case of opposite sex, have to look to the stars
All we need is a little respect, cause men are from Venus, and girls are from Mars

Bag it up, don't drop the baby, boot him out, no "buts" or "maybe"
Wind him up and make him crazy, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Take him back, don't drop the baby, spit him out, no "buts" or "maybe"
Do your thing, come on lady, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, lady

Treat him like a lady, treat him like a lady, tease him, please me, chase me, yeah
Just a bad case of opposite sex, have to look to the stars
All we need is a little respect, cause men are from Venus, and girls are from Mars

Bag it up, don't drop the baby, boot him out, no "buts" or "maybe"
Wind him up and make him crazy, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Take him back, don't drop the baby, spit him out, no "buts" or "maybe"
Do your thing, come on lady, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, lady

Treat him like a lady (bag it up) treat him like a lady (boot him out)
Treat him like a lady (wind him up) whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Treat him like a lady (take him back) treat him like a lady (spit him out)
Treat him like a lady (do your thing) whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

You know what to do now, you're in control (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
Who's wearing the trousers now? (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
Treat him like a lady and spit him out, make him crazy (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)


Treat me kind, keep me safe, show me love, I'll embrace
If you take me home, where I was born, I'll find peace of mind, somehow

Give me love, show me gracem give me time and a little space
If you take me back, where I belong, I'll find peace of mind, somehow
Look for light for your conception, lay me down for your inspection

Somehow we'll find a way, sometime but not today
There's somthin' I need to say, sometimes
Somehow we'll find a a way, I wish this was yesterday
And maybe tomorrow I'll remember (Sometimes, sometimes)

Give me hope, in life I pray, it's good when I'm bad, I'm sorry to say
When I feel you inside, deep within me, I'll find peace of mind, somehow

I'm a living breathing contradiction, can't go through this crucifixion
Sacrifice love for affection, there's pain in pleasures resurrection

Somehow we'll find a way, sometime but not today
There's somthin' I need to say, sometimes
Somehow we'll find a a way, I wish this was yesterday
And maybe tomorrow I'll remember (Sometimes, sometimes)

After the rain (After the rain)
Then comes the sun (Then comes the sun)
We will be one (Be one), again
An aphrodisiac rejection, immaculate is our conception

Somehow we'll find a way, sometime but not today
There's somthin' I need to say, sometimes
Somehow we'll find a a way, I wish this was yesterday
And maybe tomorrow I'll remember

Somehow we'll find a way, sometime but not today (Sometimes, sometimes)
There's somthin' I need to say, sometimes (Sometimes)
Somehow we'll find a a way, I wish this was yesterday (Treat me kind, keep me safe)
And maybe tomorrow I'll remember (Show me love, sometimes)


Aapni bahon mai laike, mujhai pyaar karne do
Dilo jan se, pyaar ka, izhaar karne do

Hey, little boy with those big brown eyes, you don't know what you do to me
I'm just a girl and I'm in disguise, just trying to be a woman
It doesn't matter how we get there, can do this if we try
Sometimes I just sit and wonder, if this is good and why

Let me love you, I know that I can
If you take on me then you'll understand
So let me love you, I'll hold on tight
If not for tomorrow then maybe tonight

Hey, little girl with those big blue eyes, you know what you're doin'
You're so grown up, I watch you grind, the little nut you're screwin'
It doesn't matter if you mean it, maybe I'm not your kind
Sometimes I just sit and wonder, if love is hard to find

Let me love you, I know that I can
If you take on me then you'll understand
So let me love you, I'll hold on tight
If not for tomorrow then maybe tonight

Dilo jan se, pyaar ka, izhaar karne do

If a girl loves a boy, and she loves a girl, what can you do?
At the end of the day, there's nothin' left to say, but "I love you" (But "I love you")

Let me love you, I know that I can
If you take on me then you'll understand
So let me love you, I'll hold on tight
If not for tomorrow then maybe tonight

Let me love you, I know that I can
If you take on me then you'll understand
So let me love you, I'll hold on tight
If not for tomorrow then maybe tonight

Let me love you, I know that I can
If you take on me then you'll understand
So let me love you, I'll hold on tight
If not for tomorrow then maybe tonight


You said I'd always be your little girl, thought that would last forever
But you left me in this grown up world, I had to pull myself together
At the end of the day, you showed me the way (Showed me the way)
I'm never in doubt

Someone's watching over me
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me
Always watching over me
Though it's not perfect, it can't be any other way for me

You said to me that time would never wait, so I ran a little faster
I was always there, but just too late, so fate became a father
At the end of the day, you showed me the way (Showed me the way)
I'm never in doubt

Someone's watching over me
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me
Always watching over me
Though it's not perfect, it can't be any other way for me

You left a girl with a hungry mind
I'm still learning and I'm still waiting
All of my answers I need to find

Someone's watching over me
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me
Always watching over me
Though it's not perfect, it can't be any other way for me

Someone's watching over me (I hope that you can see me now)
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me
(I'll try my best to make you proud)

Always watching over me (I'll always be my daddy's girl)
Though it's not perfect, it can't be any other way for me
(I'll see you in another world)

Someone's watching over me (I hope that you can see me now)
Though sometimes I wish that you would look away from me
(I'll try my best to make you proud)

Always watching over me (I'll always be my daddy's girl)
Though it's not perfect, it can't be any other way for me
(I'll see you in another world)


(It's important to learn to laugh at ourselves, don't take life too seriously)
You're in a bubble, the money's just doubled
So call the police, cause your karma's in trouble
You're in a bubble, give baby a cuddle
You're losing control, and you're sellin' your soul

Big mouth, big money, you bitch, you ain't that funny
Got somethin' to burn and love to waste, it's a social climb, to big bad taste

Rich bitch, sugar daddy, whizz kids, city boy
Jet setting, go getting, grown-up toys
Heart breakin', money makin', earth-quaking, love fakin'
Where's your heart, did you sell that too?

You're in a bubble, the money's just doubled
So call the police, cause your karma's in trouble
You're in a bubble, give baby a cuddle
You're losing control, and you're sellin' your soul

Paranoid, star lover, you talk rich and that's your cover
The more you get, the more you chase, wipe that Prada smile from that rada face

Dressed up, messed up, green-eyed sycophant
Pushy mother, lost brother in real hot pants
Heart breakin', money makin', hot-head fool
To get your own way, divide and rule

You're in a bubble, the money's just doubled
So call the police, cause your karma's in trouble
You're in a bubble, give baby a cuddle
You're losing control, and you're sellin' your soul
(You talk rich, you bitch, and that's your cover, star lover)

You're in a bubble, the money's just doubled
So call the police, cause your karma's in trouble
You're in a bubble, give baby a cuddle
You're losing control, and you're sellin' your soul (I'm only joking!)

You're in a bubble, the money's just doubled
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)

So call the police, cause your karma's in trouble
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)

You're in a bubble, give baby a cuddle
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)

You're losing control, and you're sellin' your soul
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)

You're in a bubble, the money's just doubled
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)

So call the police, cause your karma's in trouble
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)

You're in a bubble, give baby a cuddle
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)

You're losing control, and you're sellin' your soul
(Narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic)


What would I do if I was you
I'd come out and say what I wanted to

I'll be all the man you'd never be
o why don't you get up and groove with me
Give it up, give it out, let it burn, let it shout, stay'n alive to survive, bein' pretty
Feelin' chic, like Le Freak, you will jump to the beat, let your young hearts run free

Everybody come on let's get G.A.Y., G.A.Y
Throw out bad times, kiss yourself and say goodbye, G.A.Y (G.A.Y.)

What would you do if you were me
re you ready to face what you wanna be?

And nothin's enough when it's just too long
o get up and go wild and get it on
Give it up, give it out, let it burn, let it shout, stay'n alive to survive, bein' pretty
Feelin' chic, like Le Freak, you will jump to the beat, let your young hearts run free

Everybody, come on let's get G.A.Y, G.A.Y
Throw out bad times, kiss yourself and say goodbye, G.A.Y (G.A.Y.)

G.A.Y, good as you, G.A.Y, good as you

Everybody come on let's get G.A.Y., G.A.Y
Throw out bad times, kiss yourself and say goodbye, G.A.Y

Everybody come on let's get G.A.Y., G.A.Y
Throw out bad times, kiss yourself and say goodbye, G.A.Y

Everybody come on let's get G.A.Y., G.A.Y
(Come on everybody, come on everybody)
Throw out bad times, kiss yourself and say goodbye, G.A.Y (Kiss yourself goodbye)

Everybody come on let's get G.A.Y., G.A.Y
(Come on everybody, come on everybody)
Throw out bad times, kiss yourself and say goodbye, G.A.Y (Kiss yourself goodbye)


Sometimes I, tiptoe by, I look for telly love
I understand, there's no such plan, that fits just like a glove
Feel a little high, feel a little shy, you're the reason why I know

It's summer time, with sleepy eyes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Gotta dream in mind, just in time, don't worry, don't worry (no no no)

So dry that tear, in the sun, burn your skin we've just begun
A summer dream, yes my dear, chilling shadows disappear
Feel a little high, feel a little shy, you're the reason why I know

It's summer time, with sleepy eyes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Gotta dream in mind, just in time, don't worry, don't worry (no no no)

Dive on in to this foolish ocean, it's so full of love
Swim, swim with me, don't wanna drowm, hold me baby, we're going down

It's summer time, with sleepy eyes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Gotta dream in mind, just in time, don't worry, don't worry

It's summer time, with sleepy eyes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Gotta dream in mind, just in time, don't worry, don't worry
It's summer time


Tick tock, the moonlight's hummin'
My finger's on the button and my hormones' drummin'
Slow down we're moving too fast
Better wait a minute make the good times last
I've learned somethin' bout livin'
You don't get nothing if you don't stop givin'
We both know that we got so much
But there ain't no rush

Wanna love you slowly, when you slide on down
Wanna love you slowly, and turn that body round
You won't be able to control me, when the light's low down
Wanna love you slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly

Hold tight, love is all I need
I guess it's sweeter when it's more than just a tease
Let me hold you close enough to stick
Love is an illusion lets play that trick
Slow hand moving down my back
If you get the chance you feel my heart attack
Real love's never been a crime
Wanna take my time

Wanna love you slowly, when you slide on down
Wanna love you slowly, and turn that body round
You won't be able to control me, when the light's low down
Wanna love you slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly

(Ah-ah, oh-oh, oh-oh) Slowly
(Ah-ah, oh-oh, oh-oh) 
 Slowly yeah

(Ah-ah, oh-oh, oh-oh) (real love)
If you get the chance you feel my heart attack
(Ah-ah, oh-oh, oh-oh) (real love)
Real love's never been a crime

Wanna love you slowly, when you slide on down
Wanna love you slowly, and turn that body round
You won't be able to control me, when the light's low down
Wanna love you slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly
(Ah-ah, oh-oh, oh-oh) 

(Ah-ah, oh-oh, oh-oh) Slowly yeah (Ah-ah, oh-oh, oh-oh)


When you were young, and your heart was an open book
You used to say live and let live
(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did)
But if this ever-changing world, in which we live in, makes you give in and cry

Say live and let die, live and let die, live and let die, live and let die

What does it matter to ya, when you got a job to do
You gotta do it well, you gotta give the other fella hell
You used to say live and let live

(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did)
But if this ever-changing world, in which we live in, makes you give in and cry

Say live and let die, live and let die, live and let die, live and let die
Say live and let die, say live and let die, live and let, live and let, say live and let die


You keep saying you've got something for me
Something you call love, but confess
You've been messing where you shouldn't have been messing
Now someone else is getting all your best

These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots, are gonna walk all over you (Yeah)

You keep lying when you outta be truthing
You keep losing when you outta not bet
And you keep saming when you outta be changing
Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right, yet

These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots, are gonna walk all over you

You keep playing where you shouldn't be playing
And you keep thinking that you'll never get burnt, ah!
I've just found me a brand new box of matches
And what it knows, you ain't had time to learn

These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots, are gonna walk all over you
(Are you ready, boots, start walking)


Ba da, ba da, ba da da da, ba da, ba da, ba da da da
You won't admit you love me, and so

How am I ever to know, you always tell me, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
A million times I've asked you, and then
I ask you over again, you only answer, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

If you can't make your mind up, we'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up, being parted, broken-hearted

So if you really love me, say yes
But if you don't dear, confess, and please don't tell me, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

If you can't make your mind up, we'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up, being parted, broken-hearted

So if you really love me, say yes
But if you don't dear, confess, and please don't tell me, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps


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