× << SPICE >> SpiceWorld (1997)
Spice Girls angol lánycsapat debütáló stúdióalbuma, amelyet 1996. szeptember 19-én Japánban, 1996. november 4-én pedig az Egyesült Királyságban ad ki a Virgin Records. Az albumot 1995 és 1996 között rögzítette a londoni barnesi Olympic Studios és a londoni Shoreditch-i Strongroom Studios, Matt Rowe és Richard Stannard producerek, valamint az Absolute produkciós duó. A Spice egy popalbum, amely olyan stílusokat tartalmaz, mint a dance, az R&B és a hiphop. Úgy tartják, hogy ez az a lemez, amely visszahozta a tinipopot, és megnyitotta a kaput a tinipop előadók hulláma előtt. Koncepcionálisan az album középpontjában a Girl Power ötlete állt, és a csoport körüli felhajtást a Beatlemaniához hasonlították.
Világszerte kereskedelmi sikert aratott, a Spice a világ több mint 17 országában a slágerlisták élére került, és 27 országban Multi-Platina minősítést, 14 országban Platina minősítést és három országban Arany minősítést kapott, köztük az Egyesült Királyságban és Kanadában tízszeres platina minősítést. Európában nyolcszoros platina, az Egyesült Államokban pedig hétszeres platina. 1997-ben a világ legkelendőbb albuma lett, több mint egy év alatt 19 millió példányban kelt el belőle. Az album összesen 23 millió példányban kelt el világszerte, ezzel a zenetörténet legkelendőbb albuma lett egy lánycsapattól és minden idők egyik legkelendőbb albuma.
Az albumról négy kislemez jelent meg. A vezető kislemez, a "Wannabe" 37 országban az első helyet érte el, és 2010-ben minden idők egyik legkelendőbb kislemezévé vált, több mint hatmillió példányban kelt el világszerte. A következő két kislemez, a "Say You'll Be There" és a "2 Become 1" 53 országban érte el az első helyet. A „Who Do You Think You Are” a Comic Relief hivatalos kislemezeként jelent meg az Egyesült Királyságban, dupla A-oldalként a „Mama”-val, és mindkét dal a top 20-ba jutott Európában, Ausztráliában és Új-Zélandon. A banda szülőföldjén, az Egyesült Királyságban mind a négy kislemez az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának első helyére került, a Billboard Hot 100-on pedig az album három első öt kislemezt hozott létre.
1994 februárjában Chris és Bob Herbert, akik Chic Murphy finanszírozóval együtt Heart Management néven kereskedtek, hirdetést adtak el a The Stage magazinban, amelyben feltették a kérdést: "Okos vagy, extrovertált, ambiciózus és képes vagy énekelni és táncolni?". A vezetőség több száz választ kapott, de végül lecsökkentette a keresést az utolsó öt lányból álló csoportra: Victoria Beckham, Mel B, Melanie C, Geri Halliwell és Michelle Stephenson. Az új banda eredeti neve Touch volt, és egy Maidenhead-i házba költöztek. Emma Bunton volt az utolsó, aki csatlakozott, miután Stephenson kiesett, amikor anyja megbetegedett.
A csoport bizonytalannak érezte magát a szerződés hiánya miatt, és frusztrálta őket, hogy a Heart Management milyen irányba terelte őket. 1994 októberében a csoport demók és táncprogramok katalógusával felvértezve turnézni kezdett a menedzserügynökségeken. Producerekkel, zenészekkel és más üzleti vezetőkkel kezdtek találkozni, köztük Tim Hawes zeneszerzővel, valamint Richard Stannard és Matthew Rowe írókkal. Hawes a csoporttal dolgozott, és figyelte az ének- és írói képességeik fejlődését. Együtt komponáltak egy dalt "Sugar and Spice" címmel, amely inspirációként szolgált a csoport nevének "Spice"-re történő megváltoztatásához. Végül a név ismét "Spice Girls"-re változott egy amerikai rapper miatt, aki akkoriban a "Spice" nevet használta. 1995. március 3-án elváltak a Heart Managementtől, mivel a csoport csalódott volt amiatt, hogy vezetésük nem volt hajlandó meghallgatni elképzeléseiket és elképzeléseiket. A csoport ellopta a diszkográfiáik törzsfelvételeit a vezetői irodákból, hogy biztosítsák saját munkájuk teljes ellenőrzését.
A Spice az első helyen debütált az Egyesült Királyság albumlistáján 114 000 példányos első eladással, és 15 nem egymást követő hetet töltött a lista élén. Az album 1997. augusztus 1-jén tízszeres platina minősítést kapott a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) által, és 2016 júliusáig 2 940 000 példányban kelt el belőle az Egyesült Királyságban. Európában ez az album lett 1997 legnagyobb példányszámban eladott albuma, és az IFPI nyolcszoros platinalemez lett, több mint nyolcmillió példányban. Az album első helyet ért el Franciaországban, és a Syndicat National de l’Édition Phonographique (SNEP) Diamond minősítést kapott, Németországban a Bundesverband Musikindustrie (BVMI) tripla arany minősítést, Spanyolországban pedig tízszeres platina minősítést kapott egymillió eladott példányért. Az album az ázsiai országokban is óriási hatást váltott ki: 1997-re kétmillió példányban kelt el Japánban és Délkelet-Ázsiában, Japánban a hetedik helyen áll, és 1997 márciusára 718 432 eladásával négyszeres platinalemez lett. Szingapúrban, Thaiföldön és Tajvanon platina, Malajziában és Szaúd-Arábiában pedig háromszoros platina.
Az Egyesült Államokban a Spice a hatodik helyen debütált a Billboard 200-on, végül öt hétig az első helyen állt, és megjelenésének első 12 hetében 1,46 milliót adtak el. 1997 legnagyobb példányszámban eladott albuma lett, 5 302 000 millió példányban kelt el az év végéig. 1999. május 19-én az album hétszeres platina minősítést kapott az Amerikai Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) által, és 2017 májusáig 7,5 millió példányban kelt el belőle az Egyesült Államokban a Nielsen SoundScan szerint. Kanadában az album az első helyet érte el a kanadai albumlistán. A Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) tízszeres platina (gyémánt) minősítést kapott egymillió példányban. Világszerte az album 10 millió példányban kelt el az első hét hónapban, 19 millió példányban több mint egy év alatt, és több mint 17 országban az első helyen végzett. 27 országban Multi-Platina minősítést, 14 országban Platina minősítést, három országban Arany minősítést kapott. Összességében a Spice 23 millió példányban kelt el világszerte, ezzel a zenetörténelem legnagyobb példányszámban elkelt lánycsapata, és minden idők egyik legsikeresebb albuma lett.
A popzene kritikusai általában vegyes értékeléseket kaptak az albumról. Az AllMusic bírálója, Stephen Thomas Erlewine "makulátlanul kidolgozott popnak" nevezte az albumot, amely "fertőző" és "ellenállhatatlan", hozzátéve, hogy "a Spice-nek nem kell eredetinek lennie ahhoz, hogy szórakoztató legyen", és hogy "egyik lánynak sincs nagyszerű hangja, de személyiséget és karizmát sugároznak belőlük." Ken Tucker, az Entertainment Weekly munkatársa "ördögien jó popgyűjteménynek" nevezte az albumot, és azt mondta, hogy a vezető kislemez, a "Wannabe" "pecses, de kemény, fülbemászó, de dallamosan meglepő." Lois Alter Mark ugyanabból a magazinból a Spice Girlst "Go-Gos with Attitűddel" nevezte, és az album tartalmát "PG-besorolású fantáziák és újdonságokként" írta le, hozzátéve, hogy "a lányok nem biztos, hogy ideális példaképek."
A LAUNCHcast munkatársa, Dev Sherlock „tiszta, vidám fülcukornak” nevezte az albumot, és hogy „az év egyik legszórakoztatóbb és legizgalmasabb poplemeze volt”, hozzátéve, hogy Girl Power filozófiájuk „kiegyensúlyozott kiáltvány fiatal nők számára mindenhol, ahol van. sem twee, sem riot grrrl-angry." Spice-t jelölték az 1997-es Mercury-díjra. Azonban veszített a New Forms ellen Roni Size és Reprazenttől. Christina Kelly a Rolling Stone-tól "egy másik rágógumi pop-csoportnak" nevezte a csoportot, amely "hip-hop és sajtos popballada felvizezett keverékét kínálja", hozzátéve, hogy a Girl Power koncepció csak "nőpárti póz", és "A lányokat semmi sem ragadtatja meg mélyebben, mint a promóciós felvételek elragadtatása és a fiúk ágyba ültetéséhez adnak tippeket."
2021. szeptember 1-jén a Spice Girls bejelentette a Spice újrakiadását az album 25. évfordulója alkalmából, Spice25 néven. A deluxe dupla album 2021. október 29-én jelent meg, és remixeket, demókat és kiadatlan számokat tartalmaz. Ezenkívül a 2 Become 1 kislemez verziója az album harmadik számaként szerepelt az eredeti albumverzió helyett. A CD-k A5-ös keménykötésű füzetben érkeznek, ikonikus képek gyűjteményével és hat Spice Girls képeslapkészlettel, míg az eredeti album korlátozott kiadású bakeliten és kazettán is elérhető. A Spice25 újrakiadása során az album ismét az ötödik helyre került a brit albumlista 7798 eladott példányával, miközben a hivatalos bakelitalbumok listáján a harmadik, a hivatalos fizikai albumok listáján pedig a negyedik helyre került.
WANNABE Spice Girls angol lánycsapat debütáló kislemeze, amelyet 1996. június 26-án adtak ki. A Spice Girls, Matt Rowe és Richard "Biff" Stannard írta, a producer pedig Rowe és Stannard volt a csapat bemutatkozó albumához, a Spice-hez. 1996 novemberében. A "Wannabe" egy dance-pop dal, amelyben Mel B és Geri Halliwell rappel. A dalszöveg, amely a női barátság értékét tárgyalja a heteroszexuális kapcsolatokkal szemben, a női felhatalmazás szimbólumává és a csoport Girl power filozófiájának legemblematikusabb dalává vált. Gyorsan megírták és rögzítették. Az eredményt a kiadójuk fakónak ítélte, és Dave Way küldte el keverni. A Spice Girls nem volt elégedett az eredménnyel, és a felvételt ismét Mark "Spike" Stent keverte.
"Wannabe"-t erősen előléptették. Johan Camitz által rendezett videoklipje sikert aratott a brit Box kábelhálózaton, ami felkeltette a sajtó érdeklődését a csoport iránt. Ezt követően a dal intenzív rádióadást kapott Anglia-szerte, míg a Spice Girls a televízióban adta elő, és interjúkat és fotózásokat kezdett tinimagazinoknak.
Az érdeklődési hullámra reagálva a Virgin kiadta a dalt a Spice Girls debütáló kislemezeként Japánban 1996 júniusában, majd a következő hónapban az Egyesült Királyságban, jóval megelőzve a Spice album tervezett megjelenését. "Wannabe" hét hétig vezette a brit kislemezlistát, és négyszeres platina minősítést kapott a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) által. 1997 januárjában jelent meg az Egyesült Államokban, és négy hétig vezette a Billboard Hot 100-at. Ez volt a csoport egyetlen első számú kislemeze az országban. 1996 végére a "Wannabe" 22 országban került a slágerlisták élére, 1997 márciusára pedig ez a szám 37-re emelkedett.
A kritikusok vegyes véleménye ellenére a "Wannabe" elnyerte a legjobb brit íródal járó kislemez díjat az 1997-es Ivor Novello Awards-on és az év brit kislemeze díjat az 1997-es Brit Awards-on. A Wannabe egy lánycsapat legkelendőbb kislemeze lett, az Egyesült Királyságban 2017-re 1 385 211, 2014-re 2 910 000 példányt adtak el az Egyesült Államokban, és világszerte több mint 7 millió példányban adták el. 1997 vége. Egy 2014-es tanulmány szerint ez volt az elmúlt 60 év legismertebb popdala.
2021-ben jelent meg egy EP, a Wannabe 25 a kislemez 25. évfordulója alkalmából.
SAY YOU'LL BE THERE Egy dalt az angol Spice Girls lánycsapat a Spice (1996) debütáló stúdióalbumához rögzített. A Spice Girls a dalt Eliot Kennedyvel közösen írta, miután a csoport 1995-ben elhagyta a Heart Managementet. Később Jonathan Buck is megkapta a dalszerzői elismerést. Az Absolute produkciós duó által készített dal dance-pop és R&B hatások keverékét tartalmazza. Tartalmaz egy szájharmonika szólót is, amelyet Judd Lander játszik. A Virgin Records lemezkiadója egykor a csoport debütáló kislemezének tekintette, 1996. szeptember 26-án a Spice második kislemezeként jelent meg.
A dalszövegek a nők számára elsősorban a kapcsolatokat mutatják be. A dal vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, sokan dicsérték a fülbemászó miatt, míg mások kritikusan értékelték a produkciót. Világszerte kereskedelmi sikert aratott, és a legtöbb listán a legjobb tíz közé jutott. A dal a Spice Girls második első helyezettje lett az Egyesült Királyságban. Az Egyesült Államokban az ötödik helyen debütált a Billboard Hot 100-on, ami akkoriban rekordot döntött egy brit fellépő legmagasabb helyezéséért a listán; később a harmadik helyen tetőzött. A British Phonographic Industry (BPI) dupla platina minősítést kapott az Egyesült Királyságban, platina minősítést Új-Zélandon, és további öt országban arany minősítést kapott.
A videoklipet a Faster, Pussycat! című filmek ihlették. Megöl! Megöl! (1965) és Pulp Fiction (1994), és a csoport női techno-harcosokból álló bandaként szerepel, akik harcművészeteket és csúcstechnológiás nindzsa hatású fegyvereket használnak egy szerencsétlen férfi elfogására. Tartalmazza a férfiak elhatalmasodásának szimbólumait, és a szolidaritás és a csoport kötődésének példájaként szolgál. Pozitív reakciókat kapott, és számos díjra jelölték, köztük az 1996-os Smash Hits Poll Winners Party-ra, az 1997-es MTV Video Music Awards-ra és az 1997-es Brit Awards-ra.
2 BECOME 1 Spice Girls brit lánycsapat dala. A csoporttagok írták, Matt Rowe-val és Richard Stannarddal együtt a csoport első professzionális dalszerzői munkamenete során, és Rowe és Stannard készítette a csoport debütáló albumához, a Spice-hez (1996). A „2 Become 1” egy R&B ihletésű popballada, amely egy gitár, egy elektronikus billentyűs és vonós hangszerek hangszerelését tartalmazza. A dalszöveg két szerelmes kötődésére fókuszál, és a fogamzásgátlás fontosságára is kitér. A Big TV! által rendezett klipjét, amelyben a csapat a New York-i Times Square time-lapse felvételei ellen lép fel, teljesen egy kék képernyő előtt forgatták egy londoni stúdióban. A hátteret később rárakták.
A Virgin által 1996. december 16-án a csoport harmadik kislemezeként megjelent, a zenekritikusok általában jól fogadták, és kereskedelmi sikert aratott. Három hétig vezette a brit kislemezlistát, ezzel a csoport harmadik egymást követő listavezetője lett, a második milliós számuk, valamint az első karácsonyi kislemezük az Egyesült Királyságban. 1997 júliusában a dalt kiadták az Egyesült Államokban, a Billboard Hot 100 lista negyedik helyére ért el, és az Amerikai Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) arany minősítést kapott. Hasonlóan teljesített nemzetközi szinten is, a legtöbb listán, amelyre bekerült, az első tízben volt. A dal az "Év dala" címet kapta az 1998-as ASCAP London Music Awardson.
2019-ben Emma Bunton duettként dolgozta fel a dalt Robbie Williamsszel negyedik szólóalbumán, a My Happy Place-en.
SLEIGH RIDE Spice album szekciói alatt készült, de nem sikerült felvenni az album listájára. Ehelyett a „2 Become 1” kislemez b-oldali számaként szerepelt. Karácsonykor megjelent egy promóciós CD.
A dal a kislemez mellett megjelent a Sounds of the Season ’98 karácsonyi válogatásalbumon és a Jack Frost Movie Soundtrack-en.
1996-ban a Spice Girls feldolgozta a dalt a „2 Become 1” című karácsonyi kislemezükhöz. A dalnak két változata van: a szerkesztetlen verzió a „2 Become 1” UK CD2 Limited Edition kislemezen (3'18), a szerkesztett változat pedig (a lányok beszélése nélkül) elérhető a Sounds of the című válogatás CD-n. A '98-as évad (2'38”), amely karácsonyi dalokat tartalmazott több különböző pop és rock fellépéstől (többek között a Backstreet Boystól, a Madonnától és az Evercleartől). A szerkesztett változatot karácsonykor játsszák/játsszák a rádióállomások világszerte, és megjelent a Jack Frost Movie Soundtrackben is.
MAMA Spice Girls brit lánycsapat dala. Írta a Spice Girls, Matt Rowe és Richard Stannard, a producer pedig Rowe és Stannard volt a csapat debütáló albumához, a Spice-hez, amely 1996 novemberében jelent meg. A „Mama” egy popballada, amely billentyűs hangszerelést, ritmusgitárt, cselló, hegedű, dalszövegei pedig az anyák és lányok kapcsolatának gyermekkorukban jelentkező nehézségeit dolgozzák fel.
A "Who Do You Think You Are" dupla A-oldalán jelent meg, és az 1997-es Comic Relief hivatalos kislemeze lett. A nagy TV! videoklipet rendezett, a csoport a gyerekekből és saját édesanyjukból álló közönségnek énekelt. Annak ellenére, hogy vegyes kritikákat kapott a zenekritikusoktól, a "Mama" kereskedelmileg sikeres volt. Az album negyedik kislemezeként 1997 márciusában jelent meg, és ez lett a negyedik egymást követő első számú kislemezük az Egyesült Királyságban, így a Spice Girls az első fellépő a brit listák történetében, amelynek első négy kislemeze elérte az első helyet. A British Phonographic Industry (BPI) platina minősítést kapott. A kislemez nemzetközi szinten jól teljesített, számos európai országban és Új-Zélandon az első tízbe, Ausztráliában pedig a legjobb tizenötbe jutott.
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE Egy dal a brit Spice Girls popcsoport előadásában. A csoport tagjai Paul Wilsonnal és Andy Watkinsszal – más néven Absolute – írták a csoport debütáló albumához, a Spice-hez, amely 1996 novemberében jelent meg. A dalt erősen befolyásolta az 1990-es évek eleji dance-pop, és van egy nu-disco. stílusú ütem, amely az 1970-es évek végének zenéjére emlékeztet. Dalszövegei a szupersztár életéről szólnak, és arról, hogyan kerülhet valaki a hírnév világába.
1997 februárjában a csoport a "Who Do You Think You Are"-val nyitotta meg a Brit Awards díjátadót. Az Union Jack ruha, amelyet Geri Halliwell az előadás alatt viselt, számos újság címlapjára került, és ma a Cool Britannia egyik legikonikusabb szimbólumaként emlékeznek rá. A „Who Do You Think You Are” lett az 1997-es Comic Relief hivatalos kislemeze. Kiadtak egy videót a Sugar Lumps-szal – a csoport szatirikus változatával –, hogy segítsenek pénzt gyűjteni jótékony célokra, és felajánlották a kislemez összes bevételét.
A „Who Do You Think You Are” kereskedelmi és kritikai sikert aratott, Melanie Chisholm énekhangját a popzene kritikusai dicsérték. 1997 márciusában a "Mama"-val dupla A-oldalas kislemezként adták ki, és ez lett a csoport zsinórban negyedik kislemeze, amely az Egyesült Királyság kislemezlistájának élére került, így ez az első fellépő a brit listák történetében, amelynek első négy kislemeze elérte az első helyet. Ezenkívül a British Phonographic Industry (BPI) platina minősítést kapott, és nemzetközi szinten is jól teljesített, számos európai országban és Új-Zélandon az első tízbe, Ausztráliában, Franciaországban és Norvégiában pedig az első húsz közé jutott.
Ha-ha, yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah)
I wanna really, really, really wanna "zig-a-zig", ah
If you want my future, forget my past
If you wanna get with me, better make it fast
Now, don't go wasting, my precious time
Get your act together, we could be just fine
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah)
I wanna really, really, really wanna "zig-a-zig", ah
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
Oh, what you think about that, (now you know how I feel (Harmony))
Say you could handle my love, are you for real? (Are you for real? (Harmony))
I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try
If you really bug me, then I'll say goodbye
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, shat I really, really want
So tell me what you want, shat you really, really want
I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah) I wanna (ah)
I wanna really, really, really wanna "zig-a-zig", ah
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give (You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
So here's a story from A to Z
You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully
We got Em in the place who likes it in your face
We got G like MC who likes it on an-
Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady - and as for me, ha-ha, you'll see
(Slam your body down and wind it all around (Harmony))
Slam your body down and wind it all around
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give (You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is
If you wanna be my lover (You gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta)
Make it last forever (Slam, slam, slam, slam)
Slam your body down and wind it all around
Slam your body down and wind it all around (ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
Slam your body down and wind it all around (Slam your body down and "zig-a-zig", ah)
If you wanna be my lover
(Ah, say you'll be there)
I'm giving you everything, all that joy can bring, this I swear
Last time that we had this conversation, I decided we should be friends, hey
But now we're going 'round in circles, tell me, will this déjà vu never end, oh
And now you tell me that you've fallen in love
Well I never ever thought that would (be (Harmony)) ay
This time you gotta take it easy, throwing (far too much emotions at me (Harmony))
But any (fool can see they're falling, I gotta make you understand (Harmony)) (oh-oh)
I'm giving you everything
All that joy can bring, this I swear (I'll give you everything)
And all that I want from you
Is a promise you will be there (Say you will be there)
Ow, say you will be there, oh, won't you sing it with me?
If you put two and two together, you will (see what our friendship is for (Harmony)) oh
If you can't work this equation, then I (guess I'll have to show you the door (Harmony))
There is (no need to say you love me, it would be better left unsaid (Harmony)) (oh-oh)
I'm giving you everything (I'm, I'll give you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (And, all I want from you)
Is a promise you will be there (Is a promise you)
Yeah, I want you
Any (fool can see they're falling, I gotta make you understand (Harmony)) (oh-oh)
I'll give you everything, on this I swear
Just promise you'll always be there
I'm giving you everything (I'm giving you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (All that I want from you)
Is a promise you, will be there (Want you to promise to, always be there)
I'm giving you everything (I'm giving you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (All that I want from you)
Is a promise you, will be there (Want you to promise to, always be there)
I'm giving you everything (I'm giving you everything)
All that joy can bring, this I swear (All that joy can bring, yes, I swear)
And all that I want from you (All that I want from you)
Is a promise you, will be there (Want you to promise to, always be there)
Candle light and soul forever
A dream of you and me together, say you believe it, say you believe it
Free your mind of doubt and danger
Be for real, don't be a stranger, we can achieve it, we can achieve it
Come a little bit closer, baby, (get it on, get it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
Silly games that you were playing
Empty words we both were saying, let's work it out, boy, let's work it out, boy
Any deal that we endeavour
Boys and girls feel good together, take it or leave it, take it or leave it
Are you as good as I remember, baby, (get it on, get it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be (Ah woah, ah woah)
Be a little bit wiser, baby, (put it on, put it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one (Ah woah, ah woah)
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
It's the only way to be, it's the only way to be
Candle light and soul forever
A dream of you and me together, say you believe it, say you believe it
Free your mind of doubt and danger
Be for real, don't be a stranger, we can achieve it, we can achieve it
Come a little bit closer, baby (get it on, get it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
Silly games that you were playing
Empty words we both were saying, let's work it out, boy, let's work it out, boy
Once again if we endeavour
Love will bring us back together, take it or leave it, take it or leave it
Are you as good as I remember, baby (get it on, get it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
Be a little bit wiser, baby (put it on, put it on (Harmony))
'Cause tonight is the night, when two become one (Ah woah, ah woah)
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I need some love like I never needed love before (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
(I had a little love, now I'm back for more (Harmony)) (Ah woah, ah woah)
(Wanna make love to ya, baby (Harmony))
Set your spirit free, it's the only way to be
It's the only way to be, it's the only way to be
Ow, you know I don't wanna know
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Give me what I'm needing, you know what I'm dreaming of
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Been broken-hearted before, oh, but that's the last time it happens to me, yeah
I keep on giving, still you're asking for more, too much emotion, baby, why can't you see?
I'm not afraid of your love (Not afraid of your love)
Why can't you see I've had my share of that?
You're what I want, boy, you know you got, boy
You gotta want me, just what I need, I'm not that easy as a (matter of fact (Harmony))
There's no room for lovin', stop that push and shovin', yeah
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Give me what I'm needing, you know what I'm dreaming of
Don't wanna know about that love thing (Here we go, here we go, here we go)
Now, don't go wasting my time, no (Wasting my time)
You're not the only thing I've got on my mind
My friends are with me when you ain't been around
Your precious words and promises ain't bringin' me down
I've got some living to do (Got some living to do)
But don't assume I'm gonna be with you
You're what I want, boy, you know you got, boy
You gotta want me, just what I need, I'm not that easy as a (matter of fact (Harmony))
There's no room for lovin', stop that push and shovin', yeah
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Give me what I'm needing, you know what I'm dreaming of
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Stop pushin', you're rushin', you're losing my lovin'
I hope it, I see it, just play it, you feel it, gotta be bold, bold and oh-so strong
Get with this and you got it goin' on
On and on with the girls named Spice
You wanna get with us, (then you'd better think twice (Harmony))
God help the mister, yeah, God help the mister
(That comes between me and my sisters (Harmony))
I'm not afraid of your love (Not afraid of your love)
Why can't you see I've had my share of that?
You're what I want, boy, you know you got, boy
You gotta want me, just what I need, I'm not that easy as a (matter of fact (Harmony))
There's no room for lovin', stop that push and shovin', yeah
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Give me what I'm needing, you know what I'm dreaming of
Don't wanna know about that love thing
There's no room for lovin', stop that push and shovin', yeah
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Give me what I'm needing, you know what I'm dreaming of
(Love thing, about that love thing, love thing)
Don't wanna know about that love thing
There's no room for lovin', stop that push and shovin', yeah
(Love thing, about that love thing, love thing)
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Give me what I'm needing, you know what I'm dreaming of
(Love thing, about that love thing, love thing)
Don't wanna know about that love thing
Treat me right, all night, makes me feel good, like you should
Listen up, I gotta tell ya, about the ins and outs and goings-on
I wouldn't tell just anybody, about the fox that I've been chasing
He's resistant, I'm persistent, he didn't stop me from honing in
'Cause I'm a choosy not a floozy, I get my hit and then I run with it
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you think I'm really cool and sexy
And I know you wanna get with me (Harmony))
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you wanna be my last time, baby
Could it be your first time maybe? (Harmony))
We got up and down to it, like the dirty bass in the music (oh yeah)
I got my major chords strumming, took some time and then we're really buzzing
First bite whet my appetite, second helping's always better, started gettin' burning hot
I found my pride not easy, slowed it down, (I said stop (Harmony))
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you think I'm really cool and sexy
And I know you wanna get with me (Harmony))
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you wanna be my last time, baby
Could it be your first time maybe? (Harmony))
Last time lover (Treat me right) lovin' undercover (All night)
Last time lover (Makes me feel good) lovin' undercover (Like you should)
Last time lover
Last time lover (Treat me right) lovin' undercover (All night)
Cool, sexy, ever ready, someone fine, always steady
Gentle hands, dirty mind, use your head and don't be blind
Words of love, they don't wash with me
What's the hard rush, no urgency you see
Crazy boy, potential lover, first and last lover, brother, ain't no other
Crazy, sweetie, cool but racy, steady, ready, go, yes
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you think I'm really cool and sexy
And I know you wanna get with me (Harmony))
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you wanna be my last time, baby
Could it be your first time maybe? (Harmony))
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you think I'm really cool and sexy
And I know you wanna get with me (Harmony))
Last time lover (Lover)
(Do you wanna be my last time, baby
Could it be your first time maybe? (Harmony))
Last time lover (Last time lover (Treat me right) lovin' undercover (All night))
(Do you think I'm really cool and sexy
And I know you wanna get with me (Harmony))
Last time lover (Last time lover (Makes me feel good) lovin' undercover (Like you should))
(Do you wanna be my last time, baby
Could it be your first time maybe? (Harmony))
Last time lover (Last time lover (Treat me right) lovin' undercover (All night))
(Do you think I'm really cool and sexy
And I know you wanna get with me (Harmony))
Last time lover (Last time lover (Makes me feel good) lovin' undercover (Like you should))
(Do you wanna be my last time, baby
Could it be your first time maybe? (Harmony))
She used to be my only enemy and never let me be free
Catching me in places that I knew I shouldn't be
Every other day I crossed the line, (I didn't mean to be so bad (Harmony))
I never thought you would become the friend I never had
(Back then I didn't know why, why you were misunderstood (Mama)
So now I see through your eyes, all that you did was love (Harmony))
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (You're my friend)
I didn't want to hear it then, but I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I've had a lot of time to think about, (about the way I used to be (Harmony))
Never had a sense of my responsibility
(Back then I didn't know why, why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes, all that you did was love (Harmony))
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (You're my friend, you're my friend)
But now I'm sure I know why, why you were (misunderstood (I know why)
So now I see through your eyes (See through your eyes)
All that you did was love (Harmony)) (All I can give you is love)
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend
Mama I love you, Mama I care
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (You're my friend, you're my friend)
(Oh-oh, mama my love, oh-oh, mama my love)
Mama I love you, Mama I care (Oh-oh, mama my love)
(Me loving you, you loving me, a love that's true, and guaranteed)
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
Mama I love you, Mama I care (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
Mama I love you, Mama I care (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
Mama I love you, Mama my friend (Oh-oh, mama my love)
((Me loving you (Me loving you) you loving me (You loving me)
A love that's true (A love that's true) and guaranteed (So true))
The race is on to get out of the bottom
The top is high so your roots are forgotten
Giving is good, as long as you're getting
What's driving you is ambition I'm betting
(I said-a) Who do you think you are? (Do you think you are?) oh, oh
(I said-a) Who, some kind of superstar? (You have got to) oh, oh, oh
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show how good you are
You're swelling out in the wrong direction
You've got the bug, superstar you've been bitten
Your trumpet's blowing for far too long
Climbing the snake up the ladder, but you're wrong
(I said-a) Who do you think you are? (Do you think you are?) oh, oh
(I said-a) Who, some kind of superstar? (You have got to) oh, oh, oh
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
You have got to reach on up, never lose your soul
You have got to reach on up, never lose control
(I said-a) Who do you think you are? (Do you think you are?) oh, oh
(I said-a) Who, some kind of superstar? (You have got to) oh, oh, oh
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it, show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
Swing it, shake it, move it, make it (Swing it, shake it, move it, make it)
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it (Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it)
Show me how good you are
(Ah-ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah yeah)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We got it, yeah hey)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on
Wherever you're going, high or low
Remember to sure enjoy the show
(So climb (Harmony)) aboard my journey deep inside
(Better late (Harmony)) than dead on time
(Oh, it's you I know that I have got to feed, yeah, yeah
Oh, don't take from me more than you really need, more than you really need (Harmony))
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We got it)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We got it, oh)
Happiness is just a state of your mind
Keep searching, who knows what you may find
Rules are for fools, and fool's paradise is hard to find
Play my game or get left behind
(Oh, it's you I know that I have got to feed, yeah, yeah
Oh, take from me what you feel that you need, you feel that you need (Harmony))
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We got it)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We got it, oh)
You've got it, you've got it, hey yeah, yeah, hey yeah, yeah
(You've got it, you've got it (Harmony)) hey yeah, yeah, yeah
You've got it, you've got it
Hey yeah, yeah eh eh, hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, eh eh eh eh (Ah-ah)
(Feelin' kinda funny, feelin' kinda queezy I ain't that easy (Harmony))
(Eh, hey-yay-yay, hey-yay-yay, eh eh eh eh)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We've got it, we've got it, oh)
(That kinda funny)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We've got it, we've got it, oh)
(Oh, yeah-ah, oh yeah-ah)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We've got it, we've got it, oh)
(Something kinda funny!)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We've got it, we've got it)
(Oh, oh, yeah-ah, there's something kinda funny)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We've got it, we've got it, oh)
(There's something kinda funny-ay ay) (We've got it goin' on)
We've got something kinda funny goin' on (We've got it, we've got it, oh)
(Ooh, yeah-ah, oh yeah yeah) (I've got it, you've got it, we've got it goin' on)
Naïvety and childlike left behind
Deprived of the goodness of mankind
Past encounters have made her strong
Strong enough to carry on and on
(Undress you with her eyes
Uncover the truth from the lies
Strip you down don't need to care
Lights are low exposed and bare (Harmony))
Naked - Nothing but a smile upon her face
Naked - She wants to play seek and hide, no one to hide behind (ah-ah)
Naked - This child has fallen from grace
Naked - Don't be afraid to stare she's only (naked (Harmony)) (ah-ah)
She knows exactly what to do with men like you
Inside out in her mind, there's no doubt where you're coming from
The mystery will turn you on
(Undress you with her eyes
Uncover the truth from the lies
Strip you down don't need to care
Lights are low exposed and bare (Harmony))
Naked - Nothing but a smile upon her face
Naked - She wants to play seek and hide, no one to hide behind (ah-ah)
Naked - This child has fallen from grace
Naked - Don't be afraid to stare she's only (naked (Harmony)) (ah-ah)
Hello, it's me, I, I thought you'd understand
Well maybe I should have kept my big mouth shut
I guess it ain't such a pretty picture, I'd rather be hated than pitied
Maybe I should have left it to your imagination, I just want to be me
This angel's dirty face is soft, holding on to what she had before
Not sharing secrets with any old fool, now she's gonna keep her cool
She wants to get naked, she wants to get naked
Naked - Nothing but a smile upon her face
Naked - She wants to play seek and hide, no one to hide behind (ah-ah)
Naked - This child has fallen from grace
Naked - Don't be afraid to stare she's only naked (ah-ah)
Naked - Nothing but a smile upon her face
Naked - She wants to play seek and hide, no one to hide behind (ah-ah)
Naked - This child has fallen from grace
Naked - Don't be afraid to stare she's only naked (ah-ah)
Naked - Nothing but a smile upon her face
Naked - She wants to play seek and hide, no one to hide behind (ah-ah)
Naked - This child has fallen from grace
Naked - Don't be afraid to stare she's only naked (ah-ah)
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
Now we got the flavour, the bad behaviour
The rhythm, the melody, the juice for you to savour
We're rockin' and vibin' but somebody is jivin'
You need to take a tip, sort it out, get a grip
Whenever I go out, wherever it may be
Never is there a Keanu, but a dweeb lookin' at me
But then even if I do score, he's a loser in the dance floor
Take a deep breath count one, two, three
(Even when his eyes met mine
His slamming moves were out of time
Can't you just feel the groove? (feel the groove)
Why don't you move?
It's easy, can't you see? (can't you see?)
Take my hands and dance with me (Harmony)) (dance with me)
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
Hey macho, te ví el otro día, me dio mucha, mucha alegría
Escucha la música, ay madre mía!, hey chico, tu no tienes nada
Que susto, que sueco, que polla, que tieso, oh, no me toques, ay que pero, feo
Venga, venga, marcha salida, toma esa música me cantas deprisa
Cuidado, cuidado, que chico, que loco, toma mi ritmo, me voy contigo
Hey macho, te quiero, quiero un hombre, necesito si
Pero no tú, un hombre, hey macho
Hey macho, si no bailas esto no puedes nada conmigo
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
(Can't do nothing for me, baby)
(Oh-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa) Nothing, baby
(Oh-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa) The rhythm, you can't do nothing for me, baby
(Even when his eyes met mine (Oh-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa)
His slamming moves were out of time
Can't you just feel the groove? (feel the groove)
Why don't you move? (Oh-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa-oh whoa)
It's easy, can't you see? (can't you see?)
Take my hands and dance with me (Harmony)) (dance with me)
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
(Can't do nothing for me baby)
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
(You can't do nothing for me baby)
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
(Can't do nothing for me baby)
If you can't dance, if you can't dance
(If you can't dance, if you can't dance (Harmony))
If you can't dance to this, (you can't do nothing for me, baby (Harmony))
Juntos tu y en el sueno
Luz de velas, sol eterno, di que es posible, di que es posible
Ya no dudes mas conmigo
No hay peligro, no hay motivo, puedes hacerlo, puedes hacerlo
Ven un poco mas cerca de mi, (un poco mas, un poco mas (Harmony))
Ya veras, como hoy, seremos uno los dos
(Esta noche necesito mucho mas de ti (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
(Aquello no basto, ahora estoy aqui (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
Dejate llevar, (solo asi podras llegar (Harmony))
Juegos tontos y palabras
Tu me hablabas, yo te hablaba, donde tu vas voy, por donde tu vas voy
No importa que asunto
Ellos, ellas siempre juntos, todo o nada, todo o nada
Si eres bueno como siempre fuiste, (un poco mas, un poco mas (Harmony))
Ya veras, como hoy, seremos uno los dos
(Esta noche necesito mucho mas de ti (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
(Aquello no basto, ahora estoy aqui (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
Dejate llevar, (solo asi podras llegar (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
Cuidate y se inteligente, (un loco mas, un loco mas (Harmony))
Ya veras como hoy, seremos uno los dos (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Esta noche necesito mucho mas de ti (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
(Aquello no basto, ahora estoy aqui (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
(Esta noche necesito mucho mas de ti (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
(Aquello no basto, ahora estoy aqui (Harmony)) (Oh whoa, oh whoa)
(Wanna make love to ya baby (Harmony))
Dejate llevar, (solo asi podras llegar
Solo asi podras llegar, solo asi podras llegar (Harmony))
(I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Give way I'm comin' through
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Give way I'm comin' through (Harmony))
(Drivin' through the city, dirty, nitty gritty, lookin' for a place to go
Girls are feelin' risky, feelin' kinda frisky, come on baby, let me know (Harmony))
Pull over, pull over, you're drivin' me reckless, over the limit, alright, you're gonna get this
Bumper to bumper, bumper to bumper
I want to drive your body (All night) I want a back seat lover (All right) (You know that)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Give way I'm comin' through (Bumper to bumper)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Can't take my eyes off you (Bumper to)
(Looking but no stoppin', only window shoppin', less you've got some goods to show
Don't tell us that we're dirty, only bein' flirty, top's off and down and here we go (Harmony))
Pull over, pull over, you're drivin' me reckless, over the limit, alright, you're gonna get this
Bumper to bumper, bumper to bumper
I want to drive your body (All night) I want a back seat lover (All right) (You know that)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Give way I'm comin' through (Bumper to bumper)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Can't take my eyes off you (Bumper to bumper)
(Lazy hazy summer days (Harmony)) (Bump, bump)
(Lazy hazy summer days (Harmony)) lazy hazy summer days (Bumper to bumper)
(Drivin' in the sunshine (Harmony)) (Lazy hazy summer days (Harmony))
(Drivin' in the sunshine (Harmony)) (Lazy hazy summer days (Harmony)) (Bump, bump)
(Lazy hazy summer days, lazy hazy summer days (Harmony))
(Drivin' in the sunshine, drivin' in the sunshine (Ah-ah)
Drivin' in the sunshine (Harmony)) (Ah-ah) (You know that)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Give way I'm comin' through (Bumper to bumper)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Can't take my eyes off you (Bumper to bumper)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Give way I'm comin' through (Bumper to bumper)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Can't take my eyes off you (Bumper to bumper)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Give way I'm comin' through (Bumper to bumper)
I'll beep my horn for you (Bumper to bumper)
Can't take my eyes off you (Bumper to bumper)
There's no place I call height, there's no mainstream (ah-ah)
There's no happy medium, there's no in between (ah-ah)
So do your searchin' until you're down, then realize you're on home ground (ah-ah)
Sittin' in a white room dreaming of a life
You have got me thinkin' what is paradise?
Should I take an ocean drive, coolin' from the sun?
Silver screen got me thinking this is how it should be done
Take me home, there's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Take me home, there's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Stand together alone, not knowin' who you are
Friendly stranger, strangely friendly, would you keep me warm?
Would you keep me warm, you know, you can be your paradise
And I can keep me warm, you can have your own dream life
Step into your (comfort zone (Harmony)) comfort zone
Take me home, there's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Take me home, there's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
(Ain't nobody to take me home, cause I'm here, yes where I belong
I may leave 'cause I'm on my way, but my home it will always stay
Ain't nobody to take me home, cause I'm here, yes where I belong
I may leave 'cause I'm on my way, but my home it will always stay (Harmony))
Ain't nobody to take me home (So we're all just free-falling fools, huh?)
'Cause I'm here, yes where I belong (Out of time)
I may leave 'cause I'm on my way (You got yours, I got mine)
But my home it will always stay (Should all this be so precious?)
Ain't nobody to take me home (Maybe I should be a little humble?)
'Cause I'm here, yes where I belong (Slave to fear, 'cause I could stumble)
I may leave 'cause I'm on my way (So do your searching until you're down)
But my home it will always stay ('Cause you're on home ground)
Take me home (Take, take, take, take me home, take, take, take me home)
There's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Take me home (Take, take, take, take me home, take, take, take me home)
There's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Take me home (Take, take, take, take me home, take, take, take me home)
There's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Take me home (Take, take, take, take me home, take, take, take me home)
There's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Take me home (Take, take, take, take me home, take, take, take me home)
There's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Take me home (Take, take, take, take me home, take, take, take me home)
There's no place I'd rather be now, yeah (ah-ah)
Just hear those sleigh bells jing-a-ling, ring-ting-a-ling-a-ling-ting
Come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling yoo-hoo
Come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
(Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding, ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding
Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding, ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding)
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy, and cozy are we
Let's snuggle up together like birds of a feather would be
Let's take the road before us and sing a chorus or two
Come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
(Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding, ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding
Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding, ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding)
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy, and cozy are we
Let's snuggle up together like birds of a feather would be
Let's take the road before us and sing a chorus or two
Come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
(Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding, ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding
Ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding, ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-ding)
(Happy Christmas, ha-ha)
(Ow) One of these girls is doin' their own thing
(Oh oh) One of these girls is just not the same
We think she's sweet and pretty in pink
But you better beware, 'cause I ain't what you think
I'm always searchin' for a good time, night and day
She gets down in unusual ways
Gettin' my kicks, bein' naughty and cheeky
(Dream on, babe you're just freaky (Harmony))
(But when we got together, we just come as one
Doin' mmm, mmm, and a-whoa yeah (Harmony))
One of these girls is doin' their own thing
One of these girls is just not the same
(I said ah-) Even though we're all doin' our own thing
Can't you see we're all playin' a game (Oh oh)
Takin' pride in myself and the clothes that I wear
She's only teasin' to make you stare
She likes to do what the boys do
Getting dirty on the pitch, chanting with the cup crew
(But when we got together, we just come as one
Doin' mmm, mmm, and a-whoa yeah (Harmony))
One of these girls is doin' their own thing
One of these girls is just not the same
(I said ah-) Even though we're all doin' our own thing
Can't you see we're all playin' a game (Oh oh)
Pushin' in the clubs, queue jumpin', givin' all the boys a grief
Givin' lots of cheek and attitude, keepin' our lovin' brief
Pushin' in the clubs, queue jumpin', givin' all the boys a grief
Givin' lots of cheek and attitude, keepin' our lovin' brief
Do you think they've got it, well I've got it
You've always had it, no way, they won't get it, ah, come on, oh
(But when we got together, we just come as one
Doin' mmm, mmm, and a-whoa yeah (Harmony))
One of these girls is doin' their own thing
One of these girls is just not the same
(I said ah-) Even though we're all doin' our own thing
Can't you see we're all playin' a game (Playin' that, oh, playin' that, oh)
One of these girls is doin' their own thing
One of these girls is just not the same (Playin' that, oh, playin' that, oh)
(I said ah-) Even though we're all doin' our own thing
Can't you see we're all playin' a game (Playin' that, oh, playin' that, oh)
One of these girls is doin' their own thing
One of these girls is just not the same
(I said ah-) Even though we're all doin' our own thing
Can't you see we're all playin' a game
Hey come round and remember, how it started up, oh-oh
Cause no one wants to be a one hit wonder, why can't we, work it out? (ah-ah)
Who called who, I before you, who made the move? (ah-ah)
You know it takes two, bumpin' in to you, was it all down to me? (ah-ah)
Time for you to come around
So baby come round, come round come round, to my way of lovin' (oh-whoa-oh)
So baby come round, come round come round, to my way of lovin' (oh-whoa-oh)
Butterflies have passed us by, gotta get the feeling back, oh
(Taking each other for granted (Harmony)) (hey-hey-eh)
I know that we can, work it out, I wind you up like a brand new toy
I've had enough, I'm over wound
Got to give it up, I know your game, time for you to come around
So baby come round, come round come round, to my way of lovin' (oh-whoa-oh)
So baby come round, come round come round, to my way of lovin' (oh-whoa-oh)
(So baby come round, come round) Come round, come round
(So baby come round, come round) Come round, come round
(So baby come round, come round) Come round, come round
(So baby come round, come round) Oh-whoa-oh
(So baby come round, come round) Come round, come round
(So baby come round, come round) Come round, come round
(So baby come round, come round) Come round, come round
(So baby come round, come round) To my way of lovin'
So baby come round, round, I'll show you what your missin'
Now or never, I hung around forever, I'm a fly by the seat of my pants girl, see
I got better thing to do than waste my time looking for you
It's like this, I'll take you nice and slow
Unless you don't wanna know then maybe I'll just let you go
It takes two to get it on and on, come round and round
So baby come round, come round come round, to my way of lovin' (oh-whoa-oh)
So baby come round, come round come round (oh-whoa, come round, to my way of lovin')
(So baby come round, come round) (da da da da da da da da)
Come round come round, to my way, to my way (da da da da da da da da)
(So baby come round, come round) (da da da da da da da da)
Come round, oh oh oh (da da da da da da da da)
Come round, oh oh oh (da da da da da da da da)
Come round, oh oh oh (da da da da da da da da)
(Oh) Promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you
Promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you
I get a rush when I look at you, there's a burning inside of me
I know just what I wanna do, for the rest of my life
Seems like the situation's stretching in front of me
It's tempt of a kind, it feels so right
Feed your love to me
(Promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you, promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you)
'Cause I need to know that you care (I need to know that you care)
Feed your love to me (to me, baby)
'Cause I really, really, really wanna share my secrets with you
I think I found what I'm looking for, and I made my discovery (Made my discovery (Harmony))
I'm not afraid of it anymore, cause you hold me so tight (Hold me so tight (Harmony))
And I've got the man I love, he's gracious and good to me
Do just what you wanna do for the rest of the night
Feed your love to me (Feed it to me, boy (Harmony))
'Cause I need to know that you care (I need to know that you care)
Feed your love to me (to me, baby)
'Cause I really, really, really wanna share my secrets with you
(I really wanna share my secrets with you)
(Feedback) Wanna share my secret, promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you
Baby, do anything you want me to (Hungry) more than that (Feedback)
Take a piece of my cherry pie, let me discover you
I got a cherry pie inside of me, always yearning for desire
Never tired, you take me higher
Feed your love to me (Feed it to me, boy (Harmony))
'Cause I need to know that you care (I need to know that you care)
Feed your love to me (to me, baby)
'Cause I really, really, really wanna share my secrets with you
(I really wanna share my secrets with you)
Feed your love to me (Feed it to me, boy (Harmony))
(Promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you)
'Cause I need to know that you care (I need to know that you care) (Promise you can keep it)
Feed your love to me (to me, baby)
'Cause I really, really, really wanna share my secrets with you
(I really wanna share my secrets with you)
Feed your love to me (Promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you)
'Cause I need to know that you care (I need to know that you care) (Promise you can keep it)
Feed your love to me (to me, baby)
'Cause I really, really, really wanna share my secrets with you
(I really wanna share my secrets with you)
Feed your love to me (Promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you)
'Cause I need to know that you care (I need to know that you care)
Feed your love to me (to me, baby) (Promise you can keep it, I'll be good to you)
'Cause I really, really, really wanna share my secrets with you
(I really wanna share my secrets with you)
I’ve been checking you out, for so very long
Maybe you should tell me, what’s been going on
First you say you need me, but then you disappear
I should not be taking this, not a minute, not a day, not a year
C U Next Tuesday (C U Next Tuesday) (Ain’t gonna listen to your likely stories)
You made me do this (C U Next Tuesday)
You can go my way (You can go my way) (I ain’t gonna listen to your likely stories)
Or take the highway (C U Next Tuesday)
Likely stories - Don’t wanna listen to your
Likely stories - I know the truth about your
Indiscretion - Let it be your lesson
You know where the door is (Likely stories) go on, go on, go on
Smooth operator, don’t take me for a fool
I’ve had enough of you, but I ain’t gonna loose my cool
You make so many promises, you know you just can’t keep
Shadow eye I can see through you, you sweet and sexy creep
C U Next Tuesday (C U Next Tuesday) (Ain’t gonna listen to your likely stories)
You made me do this (C U Next Tuesday)
You can go my way (You can go my way) (I ain’t gonna listen to your likely stories)
Or take the highway (C U Next Tuesday)
Likely stories - Don’t wanna listen to your
Likely stories - I know the truth about your
Indiscretion - Let it be your lesson
You know where the door is (Likely stories) go on, go on, go on
C U Next Tuesday (C U Next Tuesday) (Ain’t gonna listen to your likely stories)
You made me do this (C U Next Tuesday)
You can go my way (You can go my way) (I ain’t gonna listen to your likely stories)
Or take the highway (C U Next Tuesday)
Likely stories - Don’t wanna listen to your
Likely stories - I know the truth about your
Indiscretion - Let it be your lesson
You know where the door is (Likely stories) go on, go on, go on
(Likely stories) Go on, go on, go on
(Likely stories) Go on, go on, go on
(Indiscretion) (Likely stories)
(Why don't ya) step to me, take you for a ride
Step to me, I can tell you don't know what to do
I can't believe what I heard yesterday, about your boastin' and lyin'
Whispering words you had no right to say, and now there's no use denying
Big words and small promises, you're living in your dreams, oh
Smell the coffee 'cause it's time to wake up, sometimes the truth can be mean, yeah
Now it's time, come prove your words to me
If you think you've got what it takes
There's no time for your insecuritiеs
(I'm gonna wipe that smile off your face (Harmony))
Why don't ya stеp to me, let me take you for a ride (Take you for a ride)
I'll take where you can run but you can't hide
Come on and step to me, shame the devil, tell the truth
I can tell you don't know what to do
I'm tired of hearing from your cheap talkin' friends, just how you run me around, ha
I know you boys ain't nothing better to do, than try to keep your girl down
Small town, big attitude, is more than just a state of your mind, yeah
But you and me belongs to me and you, cause honesty's so hard to find, yeah
Now it's time, come prove your words to me
If you think you've got what it takes
There's no time for your insecurities
(I'm gonna wipe that smile off your face (Harmony))
Why don't ya step to me, let me take you for a ride (Take you for a ride)
I'll take where you can run but you can't hide
Come on and step to me, shame the devil, tell the truth
I can tell you don't know what to do
Why don't ya step to me, let me take you for a ride (Take you for a ride)
I'll take where you can run but you can't hide
Come on and step to me, shame the devil, tell the truth
Fooling yourself makes a fool outta you
Why don't you step to me, if you think you got what it takes
I heard the rumour (What rumour?) about your loving, well it's fake
Checkity-check yourself, if you think I'm gonna stand for that
What do you think I am, some kind of pussycat?
Chit-chat to the girls and the boys you call your friends
Tell them that you've never been to the place where lovin' ends
You never graduated from the school of love, you see
So come on, boy, why don't ya step to me?
Now it's time, come prove your words to me
So you think you've got what it takes
There's no time for your insecurities
(I'm gonna wipe that smile off your face (Harmony))
Why don't ya step to me, let me take you for a ride (Take you for a ride)
I'll take where you can run but you can't hide
Come on and step to me, shame the devil, tell the truth
I can tell you don't know what to do
Why don't ya step to me, let me take you for a ride (Take you for a ride)
I'll take where you can run but you can't hide
Come on and step to me, shame the devil, tell the truth
Fooling yourself makes a fool outta you
Why don't ya step to me, let me take you for a ride (Take you for a ride)
(Why don't you step to me, if you think you got what it takes
I heard the rumour, about your loving, well it's fake)
I'll take where you can run but you can't hide
(Checkity-check yourself, if you think I'm gonna stand for that
What do you think I am, some kind of pussycat?)
Come on and step to me, shame the devil, tell the truth
(Chit-chat to the girls and the boys you call your friends
Tell them that you've never been to the place where lovin' ends)
I can tell you don't know what to do
(You never graduated from the school of love, you see
So come on, boy, why don't ya step to me, yeah)
(She says, she says, she says)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (She says)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough
From an early age I was told what to do, but now I'm changing my ways, all right
No one listen to a word that i said, seems all work and no play
Now you’re out on your own, nothing to hide behind, you feel all alone and scared
You're a little girl, in a big and rocky world, you've got your own way at last
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (To get by)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Control your life)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (When times are rough)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Strong Enough)
All those opinions have been left far behind, and they ain't never coming back (She says)
Shaking up with responsibilities, some understand is what they lack
Now you’re out on your own, nothing to hide behind, you feel all alone and scared
You're a little girl, in a big and rocky world, you've got your own way at last
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (To get by)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Control your life)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (When times are rough)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Strong Enough)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (To get by)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Control your life)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (When times are rough)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Strong Enough)
People listen what we say, doesn’t have to be this way (You can find your own way yeah)
Time to open up your eyes, time is come to realise (Are you Strong Enough?)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (To get by)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Control your life)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (When times are rough)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Strong Enough)
Are you strong enough (To get by)
Are you strong enough (Control your life)
Are you strong enough (When times are rough)
Are you strong enough (Strong Enough)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (To get by)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Control your life)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (When times are rough)
Are you strong enough, strong enough, strong enough (Strong Enough)
Sugar and spice (I think you know the score)
Sugar and spice (Here we go with flow, you know)
Here I go, gotta go, with the flow, you know, you never take place with —
If you wanna get with me better go dancing, what us — will do?